• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 1,803 Views, 135 Comments

Valley Of Rainbows: Seeking Solutions - Sparx

Rainbow Dash must seek out the lost Elements of harmony to aid in the potential threat of coming war, with the aid of some strange allies

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Shadow Of The Beast

Shadow Of the Beast

Spitfire flew through the night sky, observing Canterlot as it passed beneath her. She let out a sigh into the air, tired from the stress that had begun building upon the city. Gallows showed no sign of submitting any time soon to whatever precautions they took to prevent him from expanding around their borders; he seemed to beat them to wherever they went. If she could only see the guy and put a face to him, she’d be able to think of him as something physical, something mortal. That would be better than simply having a name and reputation; he could be a god for all she knew.

As she landed, she felt relief that her day was ending. “Tired, Captain?” Soarin’s voice called out from behind Spitfire, causing her to jump. “Jumpy too, apparently.”

“Oh stuff it,” Spitfire said. She turned around and saw Soarin’ standing there, out of uniform but with a collar around his neck, bearing the sapphire he had been given from the dogs dangling from it. “Tired is right though. We’ve never had to keep a war at bay before. Takes a lot more out of you than you’d think,” she groaned.

“Can’t disagree with you there, everypony seems to be on edge without really knowing why. They know something is stirring.” Soarin’ tilted his neck from side to side, letting out a series of cracking noises before letting out a satisfied moan. “If we get any time off, we should definitely hit the spa I hear about down in Ponyville.”

Spitfire gave a small scoff and grin. “I doubt it would do us much good, at least not for long anyway. If all of this ever blows over, perhaps then we could. Hell, you could go and get your dogs washed too,” she laughed.

“Of course! And in the next room you and Rainbow could get nice and cuddly and clean. Together. Close. Dripping wet.” Soarin’ gave a scheming chuckle.

“Should I recommend the keepers drill a peephole, or would you simply search for one on your own?” Spitfire returned. “You can bet all you got we’d do that too! Fuck, I could record it for later!” Soarin’ made to speak before Spitfire interrupted with “You couldn’t even afford to rent the reel, buddy.”

“I’ll start saving up then!” he returned.

“You got a whole lifetime of saving to do then. ‘Course if you got that tape you’d have to miss out on the tongue bath edition,” Spitfire continued to tease.

“You say that as if there is a spot on that mare I wouldn’t put my mouth!” Spitfire countered in mock insult. “Or should I say haven’t?

Soarin’ turned a bright red shade as he laughed, trying hard to catch his breath. “Oh Luna. Alright, you win this round Spitfire,” he gasped between breathing.

“Damn right I win. There’s nowhere I’m not willing to go,” Spitfire chuckled. “Think about that before you try to get me red in the face. It won’t happen. Next time we’ll play a penalty game. I’m talking bits out of your pocket and into mine,” she snickered. “Use it to pay our way into that spa perhaps.”

Soarin’ wiped a tear away from his cheek as he was still giggling. “Alright, Captain, I get your point. I won’t try again until I have some A material.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” Spitfire said. She couldn’t help but let out a few giggles herself. It seemed that whenever she felt down she could count on her friend to cheer her back up.

Soarin’ collected himself and shook his head. “How’s the week been treating you otherwise?”

Spitfire gave a smirk. “Pretty well actually. There are times I feel as if she’s watching me. It has helped tremendously.”

Soarin’ smiled in return. “Perhaps she is. Stranger things have happened.”

Spitfire nodded. “True enough.” She gave a muddled look towards Soarin’. “I don’t get how a nincompoop like you can read a situation and know the right thing to say.”

Soarin’ shrugged. “I don’t friggin’ know either! Dunno what you hope to learn from lookin’ at me funny either.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes and sat down. “Nor do I, buddy.” She let her gaze wander the skies and the moon, taking in the beauty of the starlight. “Dash is probably looking at the same stars right now… wherever she’s gotten to.”

Soarin’ watched her wonder. She hadn’t acted this way since the first time Rainbow Dash had left. Perhaps their recent encounter had reignited a dormant passion within his friend, reminded her of the love she felt for the mare. This time though, he could relate. Looking down at his collar, he remembered as well. He was now a part of a brotherhood, a group of friends that offered to call him a member of their family after only a few hours. He had heard of the loyalty and bonding of the diamond dogs, but after experiencing it first hoof, he realized that those stories did little justice. They were quick to look past the separation of species and bonded quickly with him, acting as if they were old friends. He greatly anticipated the return of his brothers, almost as much as Spitfire hoped for the return of Rainbow Dash.

“Yo, Soarin’. Do you see that?” Spitfire pointed a hoof to the sky. A shadow flew in front of the moon, almost eclipsing it. It looked as if lightning was striking around the silhouette and they could hear the low rumble of distant thunder. “What in Tartarus is that?”

“No way it’s a rogue storm cloud. It’s massive,” Soarin’ answered.

“No duh! The thing looks alive.” Spitfire wiped at her brow. “Did it get hotter, or am I hallucinating?”

Soarin’ shook his head. “Not unless we both are.”

Spitfire squinted, trying to get a better look at the passing shadow. “We could send somepony to investigate, but something about it… it’s overwhelming.”

“It only seems to be passing by,” Soarin’ whispered, his voice wavering. “At least, let’s hope so.”

The two of them watched as the shadow passed over the moon and stars. It flew over Canterlot and they watched as it continued to make its way westward.

“Get some guards to keep an eye on it. Tell them to keep their distance and not engage unless it proves to be hostile towards civilians,” Spitfire spoke carefully as she gave her order. “If this thing is only looking to pass by, let it. We don’t want to piss it off.”

Soarin’ nodded. “You got it, Captain. I can get Fleetfoot to lead a squad and keep us informed.” He turned and made his way inside the castle.

Spitfire watched the shadow continue on its way. As distance grew between it and her, she could feel the heat returning to normal and the sounds of thunder began to quiet. “A living storm?” She turned her head towards the direction it seemed to come from. “The south. From the desert.” She remembered Rainbow Dash telling her about her travels through the desert as they had lay together. “Rainbow… I hope this isn’t what I believe it to be.” She shook her head; worry wouldn’t help anypony right now. She had to let the princess know about this potential threat.

“Captain Spitfire!” She turned to the voice of a guard. “We have news from Appaloosa. The group guarding the town took in a sand rat who claims to have important information for the princess and guard. He was put aboard the next train to Canterlot with a selection of our number watching over him. He speaks of a danger to Equestria and beyond.”

Spitfire’s brow furrowed. I think I know what he’s talking about. “I will welcome him when he arrives and we will hold audience as soon as possible. I have some questions as well, and I think he might know the answers.”

Nickel sat quietly in his seat aboard the train. He had survived, and gotten this far. If he wished to continue his survival though he would have to make amends and seek allies. He had fled to his tribe’s closest neighbors, the ponies of Appaloosa, and beseeched them for refuge in exchange for warning. Upon arrival, he surrendered his dagger and allowed himself to be shackled; gladly accepting capture over death. Now he was making his way to the pony capitol, to warn them of the danger that had awakened, the rage of his master.

His guards kept their eyes on him at all times. There were two of them, both unicorns from Canterlot that had been guarding the town from sand rats like him. He wasn’t surprised that they eyed him with suspicion. His people were notorious thieves and liars to outsiders. What these ponies didn’t know, however, was that Nickel and his tribe only stole to appease their wrathful master. He took no offense however, for he was a scholar among his kin and had long learned never to upset those in power. He simply sat there, ambivalent about whether to despair or keep hope.

A door opened to his left, welcoming a new pony into the car. Nickel looked upon him. An earth pony with a buttery coat and light tan mane, a single rosy apple on his flank with a brown hat and vest. “It’s alright gang. Ah’m here to speak a few words with the critter,” he spoke in the pony language, though in a way much different than the one that Nickel had learned to speak. He walked over in front of Nickel and gave a friendly smile. “Well howdy there neighbor. Ah hear that you came into town lookin’ like you’d seen a ghost! Started spoutin’ somethin’ ‘bout warnin’ us all?” Nickel had to take a moment to piece together what the pony was saying. “Oh! Pardon mah manners, friend. Name’s Braeburn!” He offered his hoof to Nickel and smiled wider.

Nickel looked back at Braeburn and then down at his hoof. “I am named Nickel,” he said as he motioned towards Braeburn’s hoof. “I… do not understand.” He spoke the tongue of the ponies for the first time since the years ago he had learned it, but he felt it was clear.

Braeburn looked down at his hoof. “Oh, well yer supposed ta shake it. It’s a welcome.”

Nickel nodded and held out his own paw. Braeburn took hold and gave a shake. Nickel pulled his hand back and stared at it, unsure if there was anything more. “Uh… warning… yes.” He took a moment to collect his thoughts. “I have come to speak of my former master… he has… augh, the pony word escapes me…” he began to snap his fingers as he searched his memory. “Madness! Yes, that was the word, brilliant word. Yes, my former master has been lost to madness!”

Braeburn drew a look of confusion on his face. “Ah’m afraid ah don’t quite understand partner. Let’s start at th’ beginnin’. Who exactly is yer ‘master’?”

Nickel’s face seemed to drop all at once, giving a look of dread and misery. His breathing increased to a quicker pace. His voice came out quietly, almost as if he feared the word would kill him once uttered. “Owayix…

Author's Note:

Welcome to the first in a number of Spitfire chapters, titled after a song by my favorite band.

On a side note, I'm wondering what you folk are thinking, so if you could comment either what you think will happen or what you would like to see more of that'd be amazing!