• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 1,629 Views, 37 Comments

A New Life - Trivium

Hi. I'm Trivium, and I don't do intros. I guess I should tell you a bit about myself before we jump into this story... I am 17 years old, pegasus male, about half a foot smaller then average size for ponies, oh and I have no home or family.

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Chapter 1: Doing the World a Favor

Chapter 1: Doing the World a Favor

I don't know how I am supposed to start this off. Ummm. Hi, my name is Trivium, and I'm about to kill myself! Yeah, that seems good. Anyway, before I plunge to my death, I'll explain a little bit. I have no friends, family, job, house, money, or self-esteem. My parents? Oh yeah, they disowned me. Why? That's beyond me, as I expect it to stay. Oh also, I am 17 years of age, not quite old enough for a nice plunge into an alcoholic life, but hey, a few more weeks and I could have drank my life away if I felt like it. For now, it stayed with me stealing what little I could to force myself asleep. Hangovers every morning, vodka every night. Who knows, maybe one day I can do something with myself? Yeah, funny, right?

Anyway, I know that this is no way to get the girl of my dreams, but I already know that all hopes of me even meeting her are all gone already. So, anyway, now that you know enough, it's time for me to jump. I know, why am I so calm? Because I've waited far too long for the world to kill me, and I recently got the message, that was my job.

So, gracefully I folded my wings back and tipped backwards, falling off of a ledge, plummeting towards the ground. I decided that the last thing I wanted to see was the great big sky, which I flew in far too often. The sun glared in my eyes, causing my vision to whiten. I could only hear the loud rushing of wind as it went past my ears at speeds unbelievable. My vision soon was just whiteness. The loud wind rush faded.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned in pain, hearing the steady beeping of a heart monitor. Fuck. "You're..... Alive?" I heard a voice, and it sounded like something straight out of a dream. Yup, I did die. "Are..... You okay?" Dammit, go away! Let me be dead in peace you bitch. I know, harsh words, but I wanna be dead, so let me go in peace! "Hey...." THE HELL DO YOU WANT?! Let me die already!


Am I really dead? I opened my eyes to see for myself. I saw the bight light, yep dead. Wait, no. That's a pony-made light. I was in a hospital. Dammit I didn't die! "Hey, say something!" I heard that voice again. I looked to the source of the sound and couldn't believe my eyes.

There sat Rainbow Dash, the love of my life. I must be dead if SHE'S here, and TALKING to me. "What...." I said, un-intentionally. "Long story." Rainbow Dash said. Shit. I just tried to end my life infront of my crush. Now I must seem like a poor, un-desirable pony of the streets, that had gotten too drunk and jumped. She blew casually at part of her mane that had fallen over one of her eyes. Amazing. "What.... What happened?" I managed to ask.

"Well, I was just flying about, minding my own business, when I saw you standing at the edge of that cliff. I landed and watched from a distance, considering the worst. I watched you stand there for a while, then fold your wings and fall. I saw this and dove to catch you. I didn't manage to stop you from hitting the floor entirely, but I managed to slow you down enough so you could live, because I barely managed to get underneath you," Rainbow Dash explained.

She saved my life.

I felt my cheeks growing hot. Dammit, not now!

"Hey, it's no problem, don't worry about it, I understand that we all have our hard times." She said in a comforting tone.

"Thank.... You...." I managed, feeling fatigue overcoming me. Damn pain killers. I blinked and opened my mouth to say something. Nothing came out. "Are you really okay? You're acting like you just met your favorite pony!" Rainbow Dash said jokingly. Great, little did she know that I really DID just meet my favorite pony. "I'm sorry, it's just that..... I, well...."My voice trailed off.

"Just relax, you're probably still having trouble recalling everything that happened, and it'd probably be best if you just sleep." Rainbow Dash said. "Just, think of being at home, in your own nice bed."

"I..... Don't have.... A home...." I said my cheeks getting raided by heat once more. Great.

"Ohmygosh, are you serious? Do you need a place to stay?" Rainbow Dash asked me, sounding frantic.


"You need a place to stay. You can stay with me for a little while, if you want." Rainbow Dash interrupted.

Something good for once, I still couldn't believe this was happening.

"Sure...." I said.

"Great! You should be out on your feet in just a few days, so I can tell you now how to get to my house. First, you-"

"I know where you live already..." I said. Dammit, why did I just say that? Not weird, just..... Weird....

"Oh! Well, um, in that case..... You can just come drop by my place when you're out of here and I can take you under my wing for a bit.

Under her wing. A hug from her did sound real nice. I knew what she meant, but I can dream. "Thank you.... Very much..." I said.

"Just sleep for now." Rainbow Dash said.

I did as directed, and let the pain killers overtake my senses, and soon I was in darkness.

Author's Note:

New Story!!!

Thumbs, prese. I would love some ratings all up in here, and some recommendations are also taken well! Feel free to leave your opinion here!


*Note to the mods, I forgot to publish chapter 1 before submition, herp derp on my behalf.