• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 1,629 Views, 37 Comments

A New Life - Trivium

Hi. I'm Trivium, and I don't do intros. I guess I should tell you a bit about myself before we jump into this story... I am 17 years old, pegasus male, about half a foot smaller then average size for ponies, oh and I have no home or family.

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Chapter 4: Reviving old Memories

Chapter 4: Reviving old Memories

I felt the crisp, cold, dark air rush past my face and sting my eyes as I ran, as fast as I possibly could, trying to escape the thing chasing me. I looked behind me, and there he was, the enourmous, 15-foot tall homeless that I had fought with, chasing me, down an endless, dark road. I looked as I ran for houses, or anything, but all I saw were the dark, heavy woods that worked like walls, only letting me run straight. I heard a loud laugh, and began to attempt to take to the skies, and fly to freedom. I got a few feet in the air, then felt a stab of pain. You kidding me? My wings folded back and let me fall to the ground. I rolled to a stop on the ground, my wings aching beyond painfully believable. I let out a cry, my wings feeling like they were being boiled alive. I then remembered the giant after me, but it was too late for me. I widened my eyes as the large earthpony stood over me. He lifted a hoof, and struck downwards.

"Shhhhh! Shhh, Trivium! Triv!" I felt my mouth get covered by Rainbow Dash's hoof, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I blinked in confusion. "You're okay, it's safe..." I heard her say, releasing my mouth. "You were screaming in your sleep, are you feeling alright?"

"Wha.... What?" I stammered, my blood still rushing from the nightmare.

"Just relax, you had a bad dream." Rainbow Dash said, hugging me.

"I.... What?" I was confused. "I... I screamed? In my sleep?"

"You were shaking, then you screamed." She said. "You've been having trouble sleeping."

"What? I've been sleeping fine." I said, my confusion growing.

"You must not know. Every single night, as you sleep, you'll tremble and cry. It's horrible to see you like that, but every night you do." Rainbow Dash said. I could see sadness in her eyes, even with how dark it was.

"I..... I'm sorry... I.... It's just that....." Rainbow Dash hushed me.

"It's not your fault, you've had a hard life." She said. "You're just not used to being safe and happy, and it must be overwhelming you. Just, relax, get back to sleep." She layed back down on her back, and let me rest my head on her again.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I noticed was that Rainbow Dash was already up and busying herself with getting ready for work. I slid onto the floor, and stretched. I think that that might've been a bad idea. I let out a small cry in pain as I felt a sharp stab of pain from my neck.

"What was that? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a small ache." I said, rubbing the spot on my neck that hurt.

"You know, I don't think we can just let anything go as a "small ache" after how you came home last night." Rainbow Dash said, poking her head into the room.

"I'm fine, I doubt that it's anything serious." I replied, rubbing one of my eyes.

"If it keeps hurting 'till the end of the day let me know and we'll get it checked out."

"Yes, mother." I said, jokingly.

Puff. I felt a pillow hit me, thrown from the doorway. Rainbow Dash smiled at me when I looked at her. Returning the smile, I said, "Don't you have things to do?"

"Shoot!" Rainbow Dash said, dissapearing from the doorway. I sighed, today was the day I was going to start job-hunting. Not that I was looking forwards to it, but I really did have to get going on my own as soon as I could. I stood, not needing much time to get ready and start the day. I walked into the bathroom, standing next to Rainbow Dash, while she blow-dryed her mane in the mirror. I snatched her comb. "Thanks." I said, jokingly.

"No problem."

I quickly combed my mane, so it looked normal, then shook my head, not liking my mane to look too perfect. Neck pain.

"Ow." I said, rubbing the spot on my neck again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rainbow Dash asked, grabbing her comb back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "I'm gonna go, have a nice day at work."

I walked through the cold, mostly-empty morning streets, walking past many stores, looking for any "Help Wanted" signs. I saw a few, but most of the stores seemed like places that only had a few days left before they were shut down. I spent almost all the day wandering. Then I saw a store, nice, standing, not about to go out-of-business store, with a "Help Wanted" sign.

I walked in quietly, looking around. It was a nice place. I walked up to the counter, and asked, "I'm here about the "Help Wanted" sign... Are you still hiring for wor-" I was cut off.

"Here's the application. Cashier." The pony working at the counter said, staring blankly at me.

"Thank you." I said, taking the job app. Now that I had a way to get a job, I could head back to Rainbow Dash's.
I shut the door slowly. "Anypony home?" I called out. No response. I sighed, feeling relieved to be back home, where I could relax finally. I set the job app down, deciding to do it later. I flopped lazilly down onto a couch, and just stared at a wall, thinking about just random thoughts.

I heard the door slam shut, realizing I had fallen asleep on the couch.

"Hey Rainbow Dash." I said, poking my head up over the back of the couch.

"Yeah, that." She responded, yawning.

"Rough day?"

"That," She said, walking straight to the bedroom.

"G'night!" She called.

After a few minutes I entered the bedroom, Rainbow Dash was already sleeping the night away. I slowly slid into bed, and rested my eyes. By that, I mean I fell asleep.
I woke up quite late for my normal time, but I was pretty rested, so I basically was ready for the day instantly. I walked out into the kitchen part of the house, and saw that Rainbow Dash was still home. "Hey," I said. "No work today?"

"I got over-worked yesterday, so I get a day off today."

"That explains the whole "Kill me" attitude you had last night." I said.

"I don't even remember getting home, was I being a bitch or anything?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not really, just not responding really, but you were asleep in less then a minute of being home."

"Well, we've got all today to ourselves, wanna go out for some food?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Did she just ask me on a date?

"Uhhh..... Sure, I'm ready to go whenever you are." I said, still slightly off-set by this offer.

"Awesome, we'll go in a few minutes."
I followed Rainbow Dash into the small building, while it was small, it was nice with quite a few customers. "Nice choice," I said lowly as we sat down. "I've got a small amount of money, so I can pay my own load."

"Don't. I've got more then enough for the both of us." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey! Rainbow Crash! Who's the new one!?" I heard a loud, annoying sounding voice from behind me.

"For buck's sake..." Rainbow Dash said under her breath. "Why's it concern you? I'm outta your league, so you never had a chance to get with me." She said.

"League? When'd you have a league? Besides, he's just an emo-boy, what's he worth?"

I squinted my eyes for a second, then turned around to face the asshole. "Clearly my worth is more then yours, because you're the one sitting here bucking with others for no reason."

"Who asked you, wrist-slitter?"

"That's what I'm about to ask you, you're the one barging into our day, demanding the center of attention." I said, feeling my temper rise.

"Just get outta here, Dumb-bell!" Rainbow Dash said.

"What're you gonna do, Crasher?"

"D'ya really wanna find out?"

"If I had to guess, it'd be that you'd do nothing."

Rainbow Dash stood, threateningly.

"Sit down, I'll handle it." I said lowly, looking at Rainbow Dash. She sat, nodding at me.

"Grow up you prick." I said. "Got anything better to do?"

"I've got plenty to do, but don't you have some begging to do?"

That, right there, that's the fucking limit. I stood, quickly advancing at Dumb-bell. "I'm about to fucking kill you." I grumbled.

"Ooooooh, I'm scared! You're so small!" Dumb-bell teased.

I walked up to him, my face a little more then 1 inch from his.

"What're you gonna do?" Dumb-bell said, laughing.

"I'm giving you one last warning. Shut your mouth, or there'll be nothing left to identify your body." I growled.

"You can't do anything! You're too small!" He said, poking my chest.

"I warned you." I said. I charged into Dumb-bell's chest, knocking him onto the ground. I pounced on him, and started smashing his face.

"Ow! Ow! Stoppet!" I heard Dumb-bell's distant voice.

"Trivium!" I heard another distant voice. "Trivium! Leave him alone!"

I picked Dumb-bell up off the floor, and slammed him down, breathing heavily as I realized what I'd done.

"Trivium! Holy shit!" Rainbow Dash's voice pierced my ears. I turned to face her. She looked horrified. "Let's get outta here." She said, grabbing me by the mane and dragging me out the door.

"Get to the house." She said, looking back into the store. "I needa make sure he's okay."

I said nothing, too shocked with myself. I quickly flew back to the house, and washed the blood off my hooves. I sat down on the couch again. What's wrong with me?

I heard the door bust open and slam shut.

"Trivium?" Rainbow Dash called. I buried my face in my hooves. "I'm here." I said, trying to not break down.

"Triv! What happened?" She asked, her voice sounding softer now.

"I didn't tell you...." I started. "I said I didn't know why my parents abandoned me, but I lied. They were always saying that I was a dissapointment, and they hated that I was born with depression. They never shut up about it. Always complaining about how I was always sad or angry, and one day, I lost it. I started screaming at them, talking about how it wasn't my fault and they weren't doing anything to help. At that, they abandoned me. The last thing my father ever said to me was, "I knew you'd be a failure". My dad died a year later. I haven't talked to them sense after my dads death.". I tried to hold back tears. "My depression got worse and worse. I tried to kill myself three times that year. I started hurting myself to get my mind off my life." I felt a single tear break the boundry and roll down my cheek.

I felt Rainbow Dash embrace me. "I'm sorry." She said, sadness in her own voice. "I didn't know."

"It's not your fault." I said, blinking the tears away. I didn't know what more to say. We both just, stared at eachother.

Rainbow Dash leaned in and kissed me again. I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss. I felt Rainbow Dash's hoof trace through my mane. I opened my eyes after a few seconds as Rainbow Dash leaned out of the kiss.

"You just need a little time to relax." She said, smiling, tears in her eyes.

Author's Note:

Heyo! Good news! My parent's took off to Florida, so I'm staying at a friends house. This means that I can get more time to work on the story. Today, I'm skipping school, so I might be able to get out another chapter, but it'll probably be for "Darkness Evolved.".

Thumbs! Feedback is welcome! I'd love to see some ratings in here!
