• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 1,630 Views, 37 Comments

A New Life - Trivium

Hi. I'm Trivium, and I don't do intros. I guess I should tell you a bit about myself before we jump into this story... I am 17 years old, pegasus male, about half a foot smaller then average size for ponies, oh and I have no home or family.

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Chapter 5: A Spark for a Fire

Chapter 5: A Spark for a Fire

Job application. I need to get it done. Rainbow Dash had gone to sleep and I was just sitting here. I slowly walked over to the table where I'd sat the application. How had I forgotten it? Oh, wait, neck pains, fights, bad memories, etc... I sat down infront of the paper, staring at it, feeling no motivation to get it done. I sighed, my eyes lazilly surfing the paper, searching for the easiest answers to get done first. I guess it was easy enough, ya know, where I lived, where I worked before here, why I left, (If I even did), , references for work.... What? References? I sighed, trying to think of some good references, other then Rainbow Dash, who hadn't even needed any work from me. It really didn't take long to realize Rainbow Dash was the only pony I knew. I then realized what I had to do, (well, not really.). I had to find where Vadorous lived, and possibly see if he would be a reference. Don't ask why I thought that was even an idea, I was tired. I set down the pen I had picked up, and walked to the bedroom. I slowly slipped into bed, trying to stay quieter then Rainbow Dash's low snoring. I lay still, going over what I planned on doing to start the journey. After a while, I wasn't even thinking about anything really, just laying on my side staring at the wall as my mind slowly powered down. My eyes were almost entirely shut, and I was almost asleep, when I felt Rainbow Dash's arms wrap around me from behind. I felt her chin resting on the top of my head, her warm body pressing against mine as she hugged me. "G'night, Triv." I heard her say quietly. "Night." I replied, sudden sleepyness attacking.


I woke slowly the next morning, feeling well rested. Rainbow Dash was drying her mane in the bathroom again.

"Morning Trivium!" I heard her call. How did she even? I didn't get up, or make any sound, and she couldn't see me. What?

"Lucky guess!" She called. What?!

"How did you even...." I said, standing up, stretching.

"I'd tell you," I heard Rainbow Dash say. She poked her head in the room, grinning evilly. "But then I'd have to kill you."

I blinked in confusion, staring at Rainbow Dash.

"Relax, I wouldn't kill you." She said, laughing.

"Hey, before you go to work, I've gotta tell you something." I said, walking up next to Rainbow Dash, staring at her in the mirror as she dryed her mane with the blow-dryer.

"Here's the comb." She said, sliding it over to me.

"Thanks," I said, using it to straighten out my mane. "Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for... A long time." I said, trying to estimate how long I'd be gone.

"Why? Where you going?"

"Tracking down an old friend, for.... Stuff..." I said. I didn't even remember where I used to live, nor how to get back there.

"Okay..." Rainbow Dash said slowly. "How do you plan on getting there? You're not flying there, not while I'm around."

"I will.... Fly....?" I said, questioning her.

"Not with your neck." She said, poking where the pain was coming from, causing another flow of pain. "We should just get it checked out tomorrow, just to make sure it's not gonna kill you."

"But Dash!" I said, pretending to whine like a small foal. "I wanna go! I'm a big boy now, you can't tell me what to do!"

Rainbow Dash slapped me with her wing, making me jump into attention.

"You're not flying to another town that you probably don't even know about." She said, her voice growing stern quickly.

"Yes, ma'am." I said, lowering my head sarcastically.

"Good Trivium." Rainbow Dash said.

I heard the doorbell ring.

"Go get that."

I nodded and walked towards the door and opened it, wondering who could possibly be over at this time of the morning. I opened the door a crack and peeked out, seeing the pony that was at the desk of the shop I went to, looking for a job.

"Hey." he said blankly. "You got the job."

I opened the door a little more. "But I didn't even apply..." I said, curiously.

"Yeah well I got fired and you were the only one that asked about the job so congratulations." He said. "Your first shift is tomorrow at 7 AM. Be there, as if I care."

"I'm sorry for taking your job, do you want some money or anything?" I asked.

The pony was already walking away, ignoring me. I slowly shut the door, and turned to see Rainbow Dash staring at me.

"You got a job?" She asked.

"I guess so!" I said.

"Good job!" She said, happiness filling her face.

I smiled back, not sure what to really say.

"Well, I've gotta go to work myself. Don't even think about taking off and going wherever you think you're going." Rainbow Dash said as she walked past me, her voice going from happy and light-hearted to dead serious in a matter of seconds.

I nodded stiffly, whenever she spoke in that voice it was pretty intimidating, actually. I remained frozen until I heard the door slam shut, then it was like I was freed from chains. I breathed deeply. Tomorrow was my first shift, so what should I do until then? I decided that it'd be best if I had a good amount of sleep for my first shift, so I went to bed.


It was like I was a small orb, a camera orb. I saw myself standing at the edge of, "that cliff", the one I tried to jump from. I couldn't move or talk or anything, just sit there and watch in my invisible form. I saw myself take a deep breath, and lean backwards, into the fall. I felt dread overtake me. Something seemed, not right. I tried to look around, but to no avail. I watched as I began to build momentum. I was about to close my eyes, or try to, before I hit the ground, when I saw a cyan flash, and time seemed to slow. I saw myself get knocked into a spin, slowing down slightly. I felt a huge surge of pain in the back of my head, as I watched my body fall onto the sharp rock I aimed for. I heard a scream, and I saw Rainbow Dash land roughly next to me. She shook my body. She checked my pulse. She tried to stop the bleeding. She breathed heavily, and lifted my body and flew off in a random direction. I assumed it was towards the hospital.

I saw a bright flash, and I found myself in the middle of my hospital room. I saw myself laying on my back, hooked up to all sorts of machines. I heard a frantic Rainbow Dash, and a doctor.

"I... I tried to save him! I... He jumped and..... And I....." I could hear sadness in her voice.

"It's okay... We might be able to save him, and if not, he has no records. Nopony knew him, and he was completely alone." The doctor said, his voice remaining steady.

"But... But he...." Rainbow Dash said slowly, sounding like they were being drowned in tears.

"I'm sure he would be happy if he knew that you were there to try to save him."

"Can I... Say goodbye? Even if I never truely knew him?" I heard Rainbow Dash's voice crack.

"Yes, you may."

I saw Rainbow Dash walk into the room slowly, her face wet with tears. She walked up to the side of the bed, placing one of her hooves on mine. She smiled sheepishly, sniffling.

"Goodbye, mister. I never knew you, but I could tell you were a good pony." She said. "Say hi to my parents, please."

Her parents?! What?! I felt a death grip all around me. Were her parents really dead? Was this just a dream? Was I learning more? WHAT? Confusion overtook me. My mind raced with confusion.

I jumped awake, looking around, breathing heavily. The questions in my head stopped racing, but I still remembered the horrible image burned into my mind. I shook my head, wanting to know about Rainbow Dash's parents.


I heard hoofsteps on the porch, and then the door was open. Then closed.

"Trivium." Rainbow Dash said greetingly.

"Welcome home." I said to her, standing from the couch.

"So, how was... Life?" She asked, flopping down on the couch.

I sat down next to her. "Well.. I could say it was, involving..... Death." I said slowly, not sure how to approach this.

"Death? Well that's scary, got a story to tell?" Rainbow Dash asked, leaning her back against the arm of the couch, resting her legs on mine.

"Yes, I've got another story." I said.

"Go on, tell it." She said.

"Well," I started. "Right after you took off for work, I decided to get some sleep so I could have some extra rest for tomorrow. When I did, I had a dream. I was sorta, watching the day I tried to kill myself. I saw myself standing at the edge of that cliff, and watched myself fall. I saw you try to save me, but you didn't catch me. I watched you try to get me back to life for a few seconds, then I was in the hospital. I heard you talking to the doctor, explaining that you tried to save me, and that you wanted to say goodbye, even if you didn't know me. You placed your hoof on mine, and said, "Goodbye, mister. I never knew you but I could tell you were a good pony." I paused. "Then you said, "Say hi to my parents for me."

Rainbow Dash's expression hardened. I moved her legs and hugged her. I could tell that she was feeling sad, when she returned the hug, it was weak. I felt dread and pity overcome me when I felt a tear, then many, wettening my shoulder. I patter her back, still hugging her. She hugged me tightly. "Thank you for being here for me." She said, trying not to continue crying.

"And thank you for being here for me." I said, tracing one of my hooves through her rainbow-colored mane. Rainbow Dash sighed heavily, leaning back. She looked me in the eyes, and I could see the comfort in them

"I'm sorry..." She said, no longer crying.

"What's to be sorry for? You did nothing wrong, we all have our hard times." I said, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. Rainbow Dash smiled again, and hugged me once more.

"Come on," She said, standing up. "I've got somewhere we should go."


We walked through the forest, the night air was cold against my eyes. I walked next to Rainbow Dash, as she lead the way to wherever. "We're here." She said, leading the way into a small clearing, with a single large tree in the middle. She sat down, leaning her back against the sturdy tree. "C'mere," She said, beckoning me over. "You look cold.". I stiffly walked over and sat down next to her. She patted her lap. I smiled and lay down on my back, my head resting on her legs. I stared up at her, as she stared down at me.

"You really are a nice pony." She said, tracing her hoof through my mane. "I know you don't feel like you are, but you are. I know that it must be hard to deal with all of... This.... Life-ness, but you still try to make sure I'm happy before anything else."

"I just know my place in the world, and I know yours. You're more important then m-"

"You are just as important as anypony." Rainbow Dash interrupted me. "That's what I mean, you don't know it, but you're a hero." I smiled, not knowing what to say. "You're extremely self-less, and, and.... I can't think of a word for it... But..." Rainbow Dash's voice trailed off. "I..... I love you." She said, smiling warmly.

I smiled back. "I love you, too." I said, my heart secretly exploding inside. Rainbow Dash's smile grew by the second.

"Will you.... Go out with... Me?" She asked slowly. I assumed she already knew the answer.

"Yes, I will." I said, my heart now beating at the speed of light.

Rainbow Dash slid down the tree a little, now laying down. She patted her chest, her eyes lit up with happiness. I snuggled up against her, hugging her tightly this time.


"Trivium!" I slowly opened my eyes, Rainbow Dash shook my violently. "Trivium, wake up!". She looked around frantically, still trying to wake me.

"Wha..." I asked, lifting my head. It was still dark out, why was she waking me up?

"Somepony, or something is here..." She said, slowly dragging me up to a sitting position next to her. I looked around, listening. I could hear some twigs snapping, the sound circling around us. "Rainbow Dash..." I said lowly, leaning my head towards her. "Whatever it is, it's circling around us. We can wait until it is on the other side of the tree, and then we can take off.". Dash looked at me, and nodded. I listened as the sound came from the left, and soon was right infront of us. I held my breath, listening. The breathing of the mystery creature didn't keep circling, it stayed infront of us. "Rainbow Dash," I said. "Get out of here. Now.".

Rainbow Dash looked at me. She was completely calm, at least she looked like it. "I'm not leaving you behind." She said. "We can't leave at the same time, whatever it is, it'll probably attack when we try to take off. I will fight it off until you can get in the sky." I said. Wrong.

A large wolf broke though the tree wall, charging at us. "Rainbow Dash! Go!" I yelled as I jumped infront of Rainbow Dash, in only a second. The wolf was a little bigger then me, but it stopped when I blocked its attack. It snarled angrilly, taking a step back, lowering for an attack. "Rainbow Dash! GO!" I said loudly. I could tell Rainbow had stood, but she wasn't taking off. I lowered my head, getting ready to charge into the wolf. I heard Rainbow Dash's wings straighten out, but she still stayed on the ground with me. I sprung as the wolf did. I lowered my head and bucked it upwards, knocking the wolf off course, causing it to fall to the ground. I turned my head, and saw Rainbow Dash hesitating to take off. "GO!" I yelled. Rainbow Dash lowered her head and took to the sky. I backed up a few steps, getting ready to take off for myself. I started running, stretching out my wings. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, and jumped, getting into the air much quicker then expected. "Rainbow Dash!" I called out. "Let's get outta here!"

We flew quickly, flying back to safety


"Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked as she closed the door.

"Yeah, fine, you?" I asked.

"Same here." She said, taking a deep breath. "I didn't know there'd be a wolf there, it's been ages sense I went there."

"It's not your fault. Come on, let's get to bed." I said, wrapping a wing around Rainbow Dash as we walked. Soon, we were in bed, in the same position as last time. Slowly, my eyes drifted shut, and sleep took me.

Author's Note:

Long chapter, yay!

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