• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 1,630 Views, 37 Comments

A New Life - Trivium

Hi. I'm Trivium, and I don't do intros. I guess I should tell you a bit about myself before we jump into this story... I am 17 years old, pegasus male, about half a foot smaller then average size for ponies, oh and I have no home or family.

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Chapter 2: Starting Anew

Chapter 2: Starting Anew

It was the day after sweet Rainbow Dash offered me a stay in her house, after my release from the hospital. I was actually glad I had decided to make the jump, if I never did, I would still be on the streets, hungry, thirsty, stealing, and waiting for the world to kill me. Now I was waiting for the hospital to kick me out, so I could go on down to Rainbow Dash's, and have a warm place to sleep for once. I tried not to show any excitement, because then I'd probably be classed as insane, and kept in for longer. I can imagine the doctors, "He just tried to kill himself, now he's excited about who knows what, waiting to get out of the hospital.". Funny stuff right there.

I was feeling tortured for the next two and a half days, talking to nopony, waiting to get out of there so I could go and spend some time with Rainbow Dash. I never did expect to meet her, or even get to step inside her house, but after the torturing hospital stay, I was released. I almost sprinted at full speed down to Rainbow Dash's house, and knocked on the door. I felt like I was exploding inside with anxiety, waiting for what felt like ages, when it was only about 10 seconds, probably, for Rainbow Dash to open the door, and let me into her house. "Hey!" She said warmly, stepping aside and opening the door wide. Slowly, I walked in, checking the place out as I entered. It was nice, like, damn nice. "Wow, this really is a nice place." I said.

"Thanks." Rainbow Dash said quietly, swinging the door shut.

"It feels like I should have bags or some stuff or something to unpack, but I don't..." I said, trying to give us something to laugh at.

"For being without a home, you seem to take it quite lightly, you know?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, I survived trying to kill myself, and not only that, but I met the...." My voice trailed off. Best not tell her yet. "I met the nicest pony of all time." I said slowly.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but I am probably not close to the nicest pony, but thanks for the compliment still." She said. "I guess that you're hungry?"

I tried not to sound like a mess. "A bit, yeah, but I can wait until dinner time if you want to." I said, lying bluntly about the hunger that was basically eating me alive.

"Well, I'll make something up in a few hours, then. For now, we can get you all situated with where you're going to sleep n' all that." Rainbow Dash said. "I don't have two beds, and the floor is not really sleepworthy, but I have a pretty big bed, so we'll be fine."

No. Fucking. Way.

"Uhh.. Sure, I'm good at not taking up much space where I sleep." I said, my mood quickly brightening.

"I call the right side!" She said.
After dinner, I was quickly getting tired. "I think I might turn it in early tonight." I said, stifling a yawn mildly.

"Okay," Rainbow Dash said. "I'll prolly be up late working on some things."

I walked into the bedroom. Rainbow Dash didn't lie, she had quite the bed. I slid into bed, keeping to the left side, as instructed earlier. I began to think about what had really just happened. I tried to end my sad life, got saved by my crush, met my crush, got invited to stay with my crush, and now I am sharing a bed, with my crush. Damn, tables really do turn violently. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
I woke the next morning, feeling really well rested and happy. I hadn't slept in a bed in ages. I looked to the right side of the bed. Rainbow Dash was already up and about. I heard lots of sounds coming from outside the room, and assumed that it was Rainbow Dash cooking something up. Of course it was! I slid out of bed, letting my hooves drop to the cold wood floor quietly. I started walking to the kitchen, as I did so, I passed by a mirror. I decided that I should check myself out real quick, why not? I stared into the mirror. I looked alright, if I said so myself. My black coat was neat as usual, and my mane matched the color of my coat, except for at the end, where it faded into red. I always let my mane fall downwards over my left eye, it looked pretty good, and I had pretty bad vision in my left eye anyway. My mane was normal, slightly messy, but straight enough to fall over my left eye neatly as I liked it too.

After making sure I looked well, I walked out into the kitchen.

"Morning, Triv!" Rainbow Dash said, not even looking back.

Did I really smell that bad? No, I was just noisy walking across the floor.

"Mornin'" I said roughly.

"Sleep well?"

"Indeed I did, thank you." I said. "I'm sure that you did, also?"

"Well enough for me to survive the day, that's for sure." She said.

Wow, ponies with a bed still slept just enough to make it through the day? I assumed that this was a normal morning, with just one extra pony to feed. I thought that if you had a bed, you slept extra well, that's how everypony seemed, anyway.

"Got much to do today?" I asked. "I'd love to have something to do, that didn't involve what I used to do."

"Nothing really, just figured I'd take this day to laze around the house n' things." Rainbow Dash said, sighing deeply.

"Okay, that seems fine, that'll give you some time to sleep some extra for the day." I said, trying to cheer her up, sense she seemed sad about being able to relax.

"Yeah, that'll be pretty nice." She said. "It's gonna be a while before breakfast is ready, so if you wanna, you can just go back to sleep."

Being that I still felt like a morning zombie, I was more then willing to go back to sleep. "Okay, thanks." I said.

"I don't see why're thanking me..." Rainbow Dash said, glancing over her shoulder to look at me.

"It's just that, I'm not used to having a safe place to stay, and I feel like I shouldn't really be using anything here without your permission." I said.

"That's nice, but I really don't care too much if you feel like sleeping extra, I do it sometimes." She said.

Not sure how to respond, I just nodded and went back to the bed, and layed down once more. I let my head sink into the large pillow, laying on my back. I let my eyes drift close, even though I wasn't super tired. I wasn't sure how long it was, but I felt the bed rustle, and I heard Rainbow Dash climbing into bed.

"Just so you know, you're not gonna make me think you're sleepin' when you aren't." She said.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her. "I wasn't trying to fool 'nyone, just relaxing, that's all."

"Suuuuuuureee...." She said, smiling playfully.

"No, really, I was ju-"

"Shhhhhh.." Rainbow Dash said, placing her hoof over my mouth, smiling warmly again. I said nothing. She chuckled and let her hoof fall lazily to the bed. "So," She started. "You must have quite the story, huh?"

"Yeah, quite the story indeed."

"Well, I don't want to force you to tell it if it's sad."

"Sometimes, it's just good to have somepony to talk to.." I said, already feeling some relief from telling her that. "I'll tell my story for ya."

"When I was really young, like, 10-11 years, I don't remember too well, I was disowned by my parents, why? Only they know. I was kicked out onto the streets at that age. I tried to stay in school for as long as I could, but I dropped out in high school, trying to find a job. I'm skipping lots of little details and stories here, but I was constantly depressed at that time, and, being that I was always anti-social and sad-looking, I wasn't exactly the thing employers were looking for. No job. I eventually gave up on that too, and began to try to survive on my own entirely. I tried building a house, no such luck, it got destroyed by a storm just a few days after I finished it. I started wandering the allyways of cities, and that made me a single friend. His name was...." My voice trailed off. What the hay was his name?! "His name was Vadorous. We started, "living" together, wandering allies, stealing stuff, begging, but as brothers. Eventually, we decided that it would be more effecient if we started begging in different areas, and split up. We set up a meeting area, where we would go at the end of everyday. We set up a small shelter there and everything. One day, I was laying in the shelter, and I heard Vadorous' hoofsteps, and anothers with them. "Trivium," I heard him say, "I've got somepony for you to meet."." I sighed deeply.

"He had re-united with an old friend, from when he was really young, younger then I was when I got disowned. He decided that he would take Vadorous under his wing, and take care of him, but me? Nope, they decided to let me continue living in that horrible place. I nested a deep hatred for him, I catered it, loved it, I raised hatred inside me, until one day, I saw him. On sight, he smiled warmly. "Dude!" I heard him say. All I remember is lots of blood on my hooves, and lots of swearing breaking free from my mouth. I beat the bucker bloody, almost killed 'im. After I realized what I had done, I retreated, I abandoned my shelter, everything. I flew fast and far, and I decided to start anew at a random city. One day, as I was looking for a nice trash bin to loot, I heard you. Yes, you Rainbow Dash, talking with a few friends. I flew up to the roof of that building and looked down, and when I saw you, I almost fell off the building. Honestly, you were the prettiest thing I'd ever seen, and on sight, I had a crush on you...." I said, feeling my cheeks growing hot.

"I knew that I never had a chance at ever talking to you, but I still tried to be near you. I never directly stalked you, but I would find myself loitering at areas you'd commonly be, and I would just think about having happiness, life, a place to stay, being accepted into society for once. I felt better sometimes thinking about you, but that never lasted long. I went back to a new shelter I had set up one night, to find it completely destroyed, all my belongings destroyed. This drove me off the edge, and I realized then that the world was slowly trying to kill me. Each night, I would sit around, each day, wait. I was waiting for the world to kill me, and one day, I decided to help the world out and kill myself for it. You know the rest as it goes." I said. I tried to keep the story less sad then it actually was, just for Rainbow Dash's sake.

"I'm so sorry." Rainbow Dash said, as she reached across the bed and put her hoof on my shoulder. She turned onto her back, and patted her chest with one hoof. I smiled, somehow knowing what she meant. I slid over to her, and rested my head a little below the center of her chest, stretching one arm out across her, hugging her with one arm, and using her as a replacement pillow. I smiled warmly, feeling safer then I ever had before. Then I realized that my wings had shot out, and I couldn't fold them back.

NOT NOW!!! I thought, trying to relax them.

I felt Rainbow Dash's hoof gently trace down from my mane to the base of my right wing. She slowly messaged my wings, probably trying to ease my mind. A quiet moan escaped from me. Dammit, why did I just let that out?! I thought. Rainbow Dash didn't seem creeped out or anything, she just continued to gently message my wings. I hugged her tightly for a moment, then loosened my grip. I felt her hoof leave my wings and come down to my chin. She lifted my chin, getting me to make eye contact with her. She slid out from under me, and adjusted so she was eye-to-eye with me. She smiled warmly, rubbing behind my ears. I tried to look casual, but I was smiling back at her hugely. I felt another hoof slip under my neck, both her hooves linking behind my neck. I felt her leaning close into me, then our lips met.

My eyes popped open. I was actually kissing Rainbow Dash! I began to wrap my arms around Rainbow Dash's neck, but when I did, she leaned back, looking at me, comfort in her eyes.

"That.... That was.... Amazing...." I said.

She leaned in again, and our lips met once more. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and leaned in a bit more. I didn't know what happened, but both our mouths opened at the same time. I felt her tounge creeping into my mouth, and damn, those rumors were no lie, she was a great bucking kisser. I tried to stifle another moan as she messaged my wings once again, still kissing me. It was almost as if she knew where my sweetspots were. I trembled, trying to return the kiss. She almost forced me back, keeping me almost paralyzed with pleasure. I felt her retreat from my lips, a strand of saliva connecting our lower lips.

I... Just... Made.. Out... With Rainbow Dash....

I smiled happily.

"That was...." Rainbow Dash cut me off with a "Shhhhhh... I know, I know. It was amazing.". She rolled onto her back again, patting her chest. I hugged her once again, soon falling asleep resting on Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:


Thumbs, please! I'd love some feedback on this chapter!