• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,402 Views, 123 Comments

BLAMMO! - 2K Chrome

A large hunting game with everypony in Ponyville... using spoons

  • ...

Round 1 Day 2.4

[Girokon’s conscience Break writes in these bracket and bolded]
<His consciences Dawn writes in these and italics>
{He responds in these}

“Alright, alright. What’s going on here?” Vinyl asked, a clear tone of irritation in her voice, reflecting the irritated “Boo!”s emanating from the crowd behind her. However, she did scold herself a little, admitting it was not the best idea to leave an untrained colt at the turntable, even if it was for just a moment.

“I-I… what do you expect from me?! You just left me here alone to figure all of this out!” Maghus replied. There was nothing he wanted more at that moment than to disappear. Not only had he managed to enrage everypony in the club, but he also disappointed somepony that trusted him. “I’m sorry.”

Vinyl let out a sigh, accompanied by a shake of her head. “It’s… it’s fine. It’s my fault, really.” Turning around to face a sea agitated ponies staring right at her, each one yearning for more beats to lose themselves in, Vinyl exclaimed, “Sorry everypony! A little technical difficulties, but everything should be running smooth as silk now!” Reinforcing her statement, Vinyl quickly threw down a record, starting her turntable again. As the music filled the air with its melody, more and more of the clubbers went back to whatever they were doing, some disappointed by the lack of a riot. When the song reached its drop, nopony could have told the party ever stopped.

Delighted by the problem well-avoided, Vinyl switched her attention to Maghus. He still stood next to her awkwardly, his everlasting blush showing no signs to receding. Through her shades, the mare could see his eyes darting towards the exit.

“Ugggh… listen. I’m sorry for having to put you through all this. It gets to be pretty lonely up here,” lied Vinyl. “Can you keep me some company for the night?”

“Well, I don’t want to get in the way…”

“There aren’t too many ponies tonight. You won’t get in the way.”

Maghus took a scan of the club. Indeed, when the ponies were not huddled together in a mob, there seemed to be far less than he imagined. With the weekend ending yesterday, all those inside were either hardcore clubbers or ponies that just wanted a drink to finish the day. He returned his gaze to the mare, only to find a pair of large rubies in front of him. At first glance he saw the red gemstones, but after the initial shock, he realized they were none other than the eyes of Vinyl Scratch. It seemed as though she turned to her final resort, the “puppy-dog eyes”. With flaming red eyes like hers, hundreds of ponies have fallen under her stare. And it was the same for Maghus Uncorn as well.

“I don’t see a problem in spending a little bit longer here then….” Maghus stated. “What do you want to talk about?”

{I didn’t know Twilight made her own song!}
<I think she was just messing around. I mean really, Twilightlicious? What was she thinking?!>
{I think it’s kind of catchy.}
[Can we just go get Vinyl now!? We’ve been waiting here for like an hour!]
<Break, it’s only been five minutes.>
[Buck you! It feels like an hour!]
{Either way, Vinyl already started levitating her spoon with her magic. All we have to do is wait for her to become more engaged with her conversation and then Blammo!}
[So what are we waiting for, the next song?!]
<What do you not understand about “more engaged in her conversation”?>
{Whatever! Let’s just go, the music kind of fits anyways.}

“And that’s how you change songs.”

“Really? It’s that easy?” Maghus asked with a surprised tone. “Why didn’t you just show me that before you left? It would have saved me a lot of embarrassment.” A shiver passed through him. The memory of everypony looking at him, wondering why he wasn’t doing anything and standing around like a foal, was simply horrifying. Not the “Oh no! A dragon is about to kill me!” kind of horrifying, but more of the “Oh no! My parents just caught me watching My Little Human!” kind.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I just thought that you would be able to figure it out,” answered Vinyl.

“Umm…. that Pegasus you were talking to before is flying over here.”


<Crap! They spotted us! Abort! ABORT!>
[Too late now. Go for it!]

“What’s the rush?” Vinyl called out. With one fell swoop of his hoof, Girokon snatched both Vinyl’s and Maghus’s out of the air. Unable to put two and two together and teleporting away, Vinyl yelled, “Girokon! What are you doing?! Give me back my spoon!”

Girokon couldn’t help but laugh. Blammoing Vinyl was going to be a lot easier than he thought. And in the sidelines, all Maghus did was watch. It seemed pretty obvious to him that Girokon was Vinyl’s hunter. It didn’t surprise him at all when the Pegasus flew right to Vinyl with his spoon and yelled, “BLAMMO!” But there was one thing that he couldn’t quite get. Why would Girokon take his spoon too? So that Vinyl couldn’t use his spoon in emergency? It didn’t make sense.

And then it hit him like a pimp slap to the face. Why else would that DJ pony try so hard to get him into the club? And then make him stay with her, even after messing up on the turntable? He knew he had charm that would attract only the most gorgeous of mares, but there was another clear reason. A reason that also explained why the Pegasus took his spoon. So now there was only one option.

“I’d love to stay and chat Vinyl, but I got me another pony to chase down,” Girokon said haughtily. Turning around swiftly, the Pegasus eyed his new target. He could almost see the fear in his eyes. The way the unicorn shivered as Girokon readied to dash at him.

<Oh yes, he knows.>
[But that’s what makes it so fun.]

Not allowing the shock to paralyze his body, Maghus turned to his last option. No spoon, so safety. Only one choice.

<He’s going to make a run for it.>

Maghus dived onto the dance floor, weaving left and right through the crowds. If there were more ponies, he would have considered laying low until Girokon passed. But with the small amount of ponies in the club, there wasn’t much cover. It was much easier for Girokon, being a Pegasus, he simply had to fly over any interfering ponies instead of pushing them out of the way.

Maghus allowed himself a quick peek behind him. He could see the dark outline of a speeding Pegasus darting towards him, like a night assassin coming in for the backstab. It was no use, Pegasi were much faster than both unicorns and Earth ponies if they were flying. Turning back in front of him, he could see the exit closing in. Not that it mattered much, even if he did go outside, there was no safe spot. And with Girokon closing in, it was hopeless.

And yet, it’s strange. In the rush of a new and sudden situation, it’s almost natural to stop thinking logically. The adrenaline, the suspense, the instinct of survival, there’s no time to think. Only at the very last moment, do the simple solutions come out. Being able to react quickly at the last moment is what separates the living from the dead, the Blammo survivors from the Blammoed, the successful from the hoboes on the streets of Trottingham. Fortunately for Maghus, he was fast enough to get out of his own situation.

Girokon effortlessly flew over the partying ponies as he watched Maghus struggle through the clouds.

[What are you waiting for?! Just go get him!]
{What’s the rush? He’s not going out of sight. Let’s crave this moment a bit more.}
<Aren’t you being a bit cocky?>
{Cocky? No way!... Fine. Let’s just go Blammo him and go home.}

“Ready or not, here I come!” Girokon yelled out. Snapping his wings back, Girokon made a quick dart at his target. He pulled out his spoon and swung to make contact with thin air, before immediately crashing through the front doors of the club.


Maghus clutched his chest as he allowed his body to slide down the door behind him. That was too close. A split-second later and who knows what would have happened. All in all, the most important thing for Maghus was that he was safe in his own home. More than likely, Girokon was searching frantically for him as he is trying to find out what happened.

Letting out a deep sigh to clear his mind, the unicorn assessed his situation. “I’m safe for now, but I don’t have my spoon anymore. But that’s okay because I can get another lat-…” The pony’s lungs filled with air as he let in a sharp gasp. He brought both his forehooves to his face as he realized it was too late to get another spoon at City Hall. Not only that, but tomorrow was the last day for the first round of Blammo, and he still didn’t get his first target. And the pony that had his spoon was his hunter.

Maghus let out a loud groan as he banged his head against the door. How could I let myself into this mess? It was so obviously a trap that it might as well have been a cake sitting in the middle of the road. He got himself onto his hooves as he realized his only option. He only had one day to not only get his spoon back, but find his target and Blammo her. Every second would have to count if he was to survive to the second round. If there was one thing for sure, it was going to be a long twenty-four hours.


[I told you to get to him faster!]
{Quit complaining. We got Vinyl already, that’s all we really came here for.}
<So what are we going to do about him?>
{Nothing, of course. What can he do? He doesn’t have his spoon anymore. Not only that, but I have three spoons to use!}
<So we’re doing nothing tomorrow?>
{We’re not leaving the house tomorrow. That way, I can’t get Blammoed.}
[Sounds kinda boring.]
{We already got two of our targets, alright? That’s enough for one round. Let’s just go to City Hall to record our Blammo before we get to bed.}

Speaking of bed, two little fillies carried sleeping bags on the way to their friend’s home for a slumber party. They giggled gleefully with each other as they conversed about what adventures they would have during the night. One filly having an interesting itch to play a game she heard earlier this week. Reaching their destination, the yellow filly knocked on the door with her hoof before standing back to wait for a response.

Opening the door was the final filly of their trio. “Hey Scootaloo! Hey Apple Bloom! Glad you girls can make it! Come on in!”

“Thanks Sweetie Belle! This slumber party is going to be the best one yet! I have this game I heard about called Truth-or-…”

“Sweetie Belle, dear, who’s at the door?” Rarity inquired, descending from the stairs, a canary-yellow Pegasus following behind her. “Oh, I see, your friends are here.”

“Yeah, it’s just Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. What’s Fluttershy doing here?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well she…. was helping me with a project earlier today. And it’s gotten to be so late that she decided to spend the night here. Isn’t that right Fluttershy?”

“Oh… um… yes,” replied the mare.

“Now then, I’m going to bed. Don’t be too loud, don’t stay up late, and don’t, and I mean don’t wake me up from my beauty sleep.” The three friends started to giggle at Rarity’s check list of things not to do.

“Okay, so no fun then?” Scootaloo joked, resulting in an irritated glance from Rarity.

“If that’s what it takes to stop you from destroying my shop, then yes...no fun.” All three of the Crusaders “aww’d” in unison, forcing Rarity to smile. “Alright, alright. Just promise me the Boutique will still be standing in the morning.”

Apple Bloom grinned and shook her head up and down. “Ah course, Miss Rarity! Ah would never do anything ta’ mess up yer shop er nothin’!”

Scootaloo broke out in a fit of laughter. “I’m not sure I can make that promise.” Sweetie Belle kicked her in the leg and started chuckling nervously.

“She’s jokin’ sis. Of course she won’t do anything...hehe. Now why don’t you go ahead and get some sleep? You should be well rested so you can work on that order!” Sweetie started pushing Rarity by her flank towards the stairs.

“I-I guess you’re right. You sure you three won’t cause any trouble? I’m serious girls, I need this place to be perfect for tomorrow.”

Apple Bloom stood on her back legs and gave a little salute. “On mah Cutie Mark Crusader honor, ah promise yer shop will be in perfect condition in tha morning...” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo broke out in a fit of laughter at Apple Bloom’s silliness.

“Fine...I’ll see you in the morning girls. Come on Fluttershy, dear.” With that, the two mares exited up the stairs, leaving the three fillies to their own exploits.


“Alright then, that should be long enough. Are you ready Fluttershy?” asked Rarity. The mares allowed an hour to pass for the girls downstairs to become fully engrossed in whatever activity they were doing. Without any suspicion from the Crusaders, both Fluttershy and Rarity would easily get their targets.

“My spoony is ready!” exclaimed Fluttershy.

“Great. Come now, let’s go downstairs.”

The duo descended the stairs once more, rushing eagerly to get their targets. Fluttershy was ready to walk in before Rarity stuck a hoof in front of her.

“Hold on one second Fluttershy. Let me check if everything’s okay.” Poking her head just around the corner, Rarity espied the three fillies.

Fluttershy waited patiently for Rarity to give her the okay, but became unnerved when her friend began to shake.

“Wha…. wha… how…” sputtered the unicorn, her breaths coming out quick and sharp.

“What’s going on Rarity? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked. Curious, the Pegasus, too, peered her head to see what was going on. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene unfolding before her.

“Apple Bloom, you don’t have to be afraid of who you are,” Scootaloo promulgated softly. “You’re you, and that’s all that matters.” With that, Scootaloo planted a kiss on the earth pony’s cheek, causing blood to redden her face. Apple Bloom stammered a bit but then went silent. She looked into Scootaloo’s eyes, and all thought left her mind. Only impulse remained as she leaped forward and began aggressively pulling at the Pegasus’ lips with her own.

Scootaloo took no delay in responding to the filly’s sudden assault on her lips. She charged her tongue into Apple Bloom’s mouth, making the earth pony grasp her tighter. They stayed in an embrace for a solid half a minute before pausing to catch their breath.

“Wow...” Apple Bloom whispered, almost panting.

“I know, right?” Sweetie Belle said, remembering her earlier session with Scoots.

“Man, you two are wearing me out!” Scootaloo said smugly, evidently proud of how desired she apparently was. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exchanged smirks and gradually moved their muzzles closer together. Their lips met, but their kiss proved far more gentle than either of Scootaloo’s. They softly exchanged dominance in each other’s mouths, allowing the other to slowly accept and pass on control with their tongues.

Scootaloo watched the two embrace and pouted a little, very much displeased at being the third wheel. She trotted closer to the fillies and began kissing their necks. Both Sweetie and Apple Bloom emitted slight moans of appreciation as Scootaloo began to kiss and bite at their collarbones.

The Pegasus bit Apple Bloom’s neck too violently, inducing a loud “Yow!” and a strong punch from the earth pony. The yellow mare’s strike sent Scootaloo flying a few feet before landing on her back. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gasped, ran over to their winded friend, and checked to make sure she was okay. Scootaloo groaned, complaining she had fallen on her wings.

Sweetie Belle got an idea after remembering her last trip to the spa with Rarity. Fluttershy had received a wing massage from Aloe, the spa pony, and enjoyed it so much she was drooling incessantly. The white filly walked up to Scootaloo’s extended wing and began to press lightly on the appendage with her hooves. The orange Pegasus went wide-eyed and gasped in pleasure. Apple Bloom smirked at this and followed suit, massaging deeply into the knots of Scootaloo’s wing muscles.

All the purple-maned filly could do was lie where she did and let the waves of ecstasy wash over her entire body. With their forehooves on Scootaloo’s wings, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle continued their passionate kiss from earlier above her stomach, this time with much more force. The Pegasus could feel some ungodly pressure building inside of her, unsure of what it was. After a few more seconds, the identity of the pressure became clear to Scootaloo, and she moaned at her friends to stop. Sweetie and Apple Bloom were far too involved with each other to pay any mind to the orange filly’s pleas and continued kissing.

“Oh…. my,” were the only words that Fluttershy could utter. She pressed her hooves to her cheeks, trying to dissipate the heat that gathered with her blush. But her slight pink was nothing compared to the blazing red on Rarity’s cheeks. Where Fluttershy’s blush came from awkwardness, Rarity’s appeared to come from sheer anger and confusion.

“SWEETIE BELLE!!” Rarity roared. All three of the fillies’ heads snapped towards the source of the intrusion. Their hearts, once racing from the heat of the moment, was now racing from the terror of having been caught red-hoofed. “What… do… you… think you are doing!?” Rarity continued with her sharp gasps, her eyes open wide.

“Rarity! It-It’s not what it looks like!” stuttered Sweetie Belle. “We’re just playing a game! It’s called Truth-or…”

“A game?! What kind of nonsensical games would have you do…. that with fillies?”

“Rarity, please! I… I… girls?” Sweetie Belle looked over to her two affiliates. But they didn’t seem to want to partake in the argument, their heads hanging low, ears drooped. Even though they were so young, they knew how serious a topic filly-fooling was. Changing her gaze back to Rarity, Sweetie Belle struggled to find the right words to say. “I… but…”

“No buts! Sweetie Belle… I-I didn’t think you were… one of them.”

“I’m not Rarity, I swear!”

“Don’t lie to me, missie! Now come with me, we have some things to discuss. Privately.”


“Don’t argue with me right now, Sweetie Belle! I-I don’t want to hear any excuses as of this moment. Just come with me upstairs. Now.” With that, the unicorn started her way up the stairs.

“Rarity… what about…” Fluttershy asked hesitantly, raising her spoon. She acted concerned about Blammo, but on the inside, she was fighting back tears. She had never seen Rarity, one who was usually either composed or humorously dramatic, quite so infuriated. It was truly a frightening experience.

“Fluttershy, dear. I hope you don’t mind, but I kindly ask that you leave once you are finished. You are a close friend of mine and I in no way want to accidentally take out my ang…. emotions out on you. I hope you understand.”

“I-I, of course Rarity. What about the other two?” answered Fluttershy.

“I’ll have a word with them once I am finished speaking to Sweetie Belle,” Rarity replied sharply. “Good night.”

Sweetie Belle looked over to her friends for some support, but only found two water-logged faces, tears silently streaming from the tirade that was about to come. Distraught, Sweetie Belle took her journey, alone, up the staircase, not entirely ready for the beast that awaited her.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, bit her lip in hesitance. This was completely unexpected. All she came to do was Blammo Apple Bloom, and that was it. In no way was she prepared for this. And seeing the glistening tears raining down across the poor filly’s cheeks, she wasn’t sure if she could do it. Not at a moment like this. Not when everything was so serious and somber. How could she possibly do something as silly as a Blammo at a time like this? But she couldn’t possibly get another golden opportunity like this. Now it was decision time; for the spoon or for the heart? The Pegasus switched her gaze from her shining spoon to the sullen yellow filly. After a long moment of indecision, she let out a sigh as she made up her mind.

And so dramatically ends the second day of the first round of Blammo. Will Maghus succeed in his quest? What exactly did Fluttershy choose to do? What will become of Rarity’s relationship with her sister? In a competition so strange, the pony’s in the game find themselves in the strangest of situations. The first round is closing. Those who haven’t gotten their targets yet must now hurry.


Author's Note: A bit serious? Well duh, in a story that's all fun and games, why make everything fun and games? In the middle of the chapter, I did something called "Late Night Writing." If you can notice a difference, something like "like a pimp slap to the face", where I would write things that I normally wouldn't write if I were sane and awake, tell me what you think. A bit more humorous towards that part? Should I keep staying up?

The last scene of the chapter is based off of Cutie Mark Crusaders: Truth of Dare.

Comments ( 12 )

HELL YEAH! one of my top favorite stories finally updated!


I like it, things are getting...intense, so to speak. The truth or dare with the CMC though? Funny as buck. Well done with this chapter man, keep it up.:pinkiehappy:

I loved how unexpected the part of the CMCs was. And Rarity is as closed-minded as ever.
I'm still waiting... for the perfect chapter... :pinkiecrazy:

My family wondered why I shouted "WHAT?!" for no reason.
It all adds to the awesomeness of this story.
Will Fluttershy finally be selfish and douchy, or standard Fluttershy?
Find out on the next episode of Drago- BLAMMO!

Is it too late to enter the contest?


I TOLD you we wouldn't be able to get in!

Shut up Cedric...

Yes sir...

._. that was NOT expected... but the music was good at least. and then it comes back to the CMC ._. just... wow, i did NOT expect that

make more, NOW:flutterrage:

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