• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,402 Views, 123 Comments

BLAMMO! - 2K Chrome

A large hunting game with everypony in Ponyville... using spoons

  • ...

Round 1 Day 2.2

When Dark Flare, Phoenix’s conscience, talks, it looks like this.
When White Fire, Phoenix’s other conscience, talks, it looks like this.
When Phoenix Flame talks mentally, it looks like this.

Phoenix took in a deep breath of artificial air as he awoke. Warm air bounced off the plastic mask covering his mouth. He pulled it off as he sat up. Phoenix found himself on a bed in a room surrounded by curtains and beeping monitors. It was a medical ward.

It’s about time you woke up.
What… what happened?
You got raped.
Dark Flare!!
Alright fine. You agreed to hurt yourself so you could Blammo Redheart.
Right. Blammo. Now I remember.

Grazing his hooves over his head, the soft touch of gauze was felt. Other than a dull ache, there didn’t seem to be a real reason for it. He had been through worse injuries. Scanning along the room, Phoenix’s eyes opened wide. He searched his body, a desk, the monitors, under his bed, everywhere. But he just couldn’t find the key he needed to be there. His spoon.

Where the hay is my spoon?!
Well they’re not just going to leave you with it. They took it away while they scanned your head.
So where is it now?

White Fire looked over to his companion, Dark, where he was greeted with a shrug. Realizing the two were of no help, Phoenix jumped out of his bed. Closing his eyes, he waited for a sudden spell of dizziness to pass. Trotting steadily to the windows, the Pegasus peered to the outside. A few stories below, Phoenix could see a dark red trail leading to the hospital doors. But no spoon.

Well the spoon isn’t outside. So it’s definitely somewhere in the building.
Somepony else could have picked it up. There are a lot of ponies playing Blammo and nopony would miss out on a chance for a free spoon.
So you’re saying that it might not be even be here?

Phoenix headed for the door. The best plan would be to search through the hospital first, and if he couldn’t find it, go to city hall to request a new spoon after night fell. Once he reached the doorway, a crowd of ponies rushed by. A rough collision with one of them sent Phoenix onto his back.

“Ouch! Oh, my sincerest apologies. I’m…. what are you doing out of your bed?”

Phoenix cleared the stars from his eyes and looked up to see a stallion in a long white coat. After being helped up to his hooves, the stallion began to speak again.

“You can’t just roam the hospital all willy-nilly, Mister Phoenix. You received quite the bump to the head and really need your rest. Go on, back into your room sir.”

“Doctor, but I…”

“Ah! No, no buts. Back into your room. Now.”

The same crowd of rushing ponies passed by, this time accompanied with barking dogs.

“Not again!” the doctor exclaimed. “Why can’t any of the nurses keep an eye on her. It’s only one pony!”

“What’s wrong, doc?”

“Oh nothing, it’s just one of our patients. She’s a bit loony, you see. Has nervous breakdowns from time to time and acts like a canine. When she gets in one of her ‘moods’, she goes off running through the hospital until one of our officers get her,” the doctor sighed.

“That’s…. too bad.”

“Screw Loose, that’s the name of the mare, doesn’t mean any harm. She normally just takes whatever shiny object is around her and runs off until she can find a place to hide it for later use. It may seem harmless, but she frequently falls and bumps into things during the trip, and that is never a good thing. Plus, all the ponies in this establishment keep finding metal objects in random places. Knives, pans, bowls, necklaces, and anything else. I believe this time she is holding a spoon.”

Phoenix did a quick double-take. “Did you say…. spoon?”

“Yes, we try to keep any shiny objects away from her at all times, since they are what excite her most often. But she must have gotten a glimpse of the utensil as it was passing her room,” the doctor replied.

Well at least we know where the spoon is now.
Yeah, with a pony that belongs in an asylum that’s already being chased by over half of the doctors in this place.
You might want to find her as soon as possible.
Because if you were paying attention, you would have heard that she hides everything she can get her hooves on. If she manages to hide it, it could take days before we find it again. And if we don’t find it, then we have to find another way to get into the hospital again tomorrow, after we get a new spoon. And by then, you won’t have much time to get Redheart.
...... Buck.

“Now if you would please go back into your room so that I may restore some peace into the hospital, it would be greatly appreciated,” told the doctor.

The next the doctor knew, he was sent flying to the wall as Phoenix started soaring down the hall.

“Sorry doc!” Phoenix exclaimed. “But I got to go catch that mare! I need that spoon!”

“Spoon? What the…. you get back here right now Mister Phoenix!”

Phoenix rounded the corner, searching frantically through the passing rooms in search of his new target. Left and right, all he could see were sick ponies, and nurses caring for them. Searching through nearly the entire floor, the Pegasus headed for the stairwell.

Which way are we going here?
Go down.

On the floor two stories above, Nurse Redheart stopped for a moment to catch her breath. It seemed like nearly every week she would get her exercise by chasing Screw Loose. One simple spoon was all it took to set the crazed mare off. Looking down at her own spoon, she gazed upon its silvery surface. Well, I was crazed enough to join this silly game. Too bad I don’t have much free time to go after Frigid Drift. Breathing back to normal, she took off once more for Screw Loose.


She had the most advantages in the game. She knew everypony in the town. She knew where they lived. She knew where they worked. But the only problem Pinkie Pie encountered was she didn’t know where everypony was at one moment. The pink Earth pony paced back and forth in her room, anxiously playing with her spoon as she talked with her pet alligator.

“Gummy! What am I going to do? I checked Phoenix’s house, every street in Ponyville, city hall, Sugarcube Corner. Everywhere I think he might be, he’s just not there. How am I supposed to have fun playing the game if I can’t even find my target!” the pink mare explained.

The baby alligator simply stared at his owner. Somehow, Pinkie found an answer from his silence.

“That’s a great idea Gummy! I’ll check the hospital!” Hopping happily out of her room, Pinkie smiled to herself as the thought of yet another Blammo approached her mind.

Mrs. Cake watched her baker bounce out of her store. Ever since the game started, Pinkie has been neglecting her duties. Not that it mattered anyhow; the pink mare would do this frequently whenever she decided to play with her friends. But this time it was different. The game could go on for several weeks, and with the babies, it would be difficult to pass every day without her aid.

The counter bell rang in front of her. The cyan mare gasped not only because of the sudden sound, but also the filly that rang the bell.

In front of Mrs. Cake stood a white mare, her entire torso covered in bandages. Her mane and tail was very short and looked as though the barber had no idea what he was doing. A unicorn with a coat of pure white, but was tainted with many scratches and burn marks.

“Oh my! Whatever happened to you, dearie?” Mrs. Cake asked concernedly.

A coughing fit passed before the filly spoke. “My name is Cloud Chaser. I kind of went through a bad accident.”

“What happened?”

“Well…. let’s just say my name really fits me.” Pulling out a silver spoon, Cloud Chaser stated, “I was hoping that you would let me Blammo you. I need the money to... money…” The filly sniffled and a tear trickled.

“Go on, dearie. What’s wrong?”

“Well, both my parents are dead. And-and I have no place to live and no food to eat. So I could really use the money from the competition to…to…” Cloud Chaser let her waterworks flow freely from her eyes.

Mrs. Cake stared at the weeping filly with her mouth agape. Her heart was in pieces for the poor mare. Nopony should have to suffer like that.

“Of course I’ll help you! Please, you can tell the facilitators that you Blammoed me. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing that I was preventing you from having any happiness in your life. You poor filly!”

Cloud Chaser wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked up at the pudgy mare and gave her a warm hug. “Thank you miss. I’m so glad to know that there are such nice people out there in Equestria.”

“Don’t mention it! I absolutely insist. Oh, and take some cupcakes with you dearie, you look so starved. And some muffins too. And maybe some pie?”

The white unicorn walked out of Sugarcube Corner with a wide grin on her face. That was just a bit too easy for her. True, she didn’t have her parents and had no place to live, but she didn’t need this money. She had a reasonably good life, stealing whatever she needed or wanted. But with the 5000 bits, Cloud Chaser could further pursue her dreams. Her dreams of finally being able to fly on her own, just like a Pegasus.

Those were the real reasons for the injuries. Dozens upon dozens of failed attempts to touch the sky. Being a unicorn, she had the ability of magic, but nothing would have pleased her more to be able to fly through the clouds just like a Pegasus.

It was simple enough to Blammo the old mare at the bakery. Plus, I got free food. This competition is going to be a snap. Then again, who wouldn’t want to help a starving, beat up filly?


The sweet scent of a meadow filled with blooming flowers penetrated Rainbow’s nose. Looking down, the Pegasus saw the flower trio’s store. In addition, she spotted three little fillies talking to each other behind a bush. As she landed on a branch just above them, Apple Bloom continued telling her two friends of what to do.

“So ah’ll take Lily and Scootaloo takes Daisy. That way, Sweetie Belle will have Rose all to herself so she can Blammo her. And without the other two to remind her, Rose is bound ter ferget!” Apple Bloom stated.

“What do I do once I’m alone with Rose?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Ask her to show ya how ter plant seeds or water the flowers. Something that uses her hooves,” Apple Bloom replied.

“And what do I do?” said a voice from above.

The Crusaders let out a squeal before finding the voice to emanate from Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Crusaders,” Rainbow started, “what are you fillies planning to do this time?”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Flower Growing Blammo Mission!” Apple Bloom answered. “We’re helpin’ Sweetie Belle git her target fer Blammo. One of the flower mares, Rose.”

“Really? That’s interesting because…”

“Rainbow Dash!” interrupted Scootaloo. “Can you tell me where Lyric Noir lives? You were going to tell me before, but you left in a hurry.”

“Lyric? He lives at the edge of Ponyville, around Sweet Apple Acres. But I think he’s headed off to Twilight’s place. Something about needing to find Girokon. Not that you know him.”

“Does he go there often?” asked Scootaloo.

At this, Rainbow let out a hearty laugh. “Do you really think I would go out with an egg-head? No, he doesn’t go there. In fact, he doesn’t leave his house that much either,” replied Rainbow.

The orange filly bit her lip nervously, looking around at her two friends. Suddenly, she took off running.

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle cried out. “Where are you going?!”

“I’m heading for the library! For all I know, this may be the only chance I get to Blammo my target!” the young Pegasus yelled back.

“What about my target…” Sweetie Belle began to ask before watching her friend disappear.

“What are we going to do now?” Apple Bloom asked. “We need Scootaloo to get rid of Daisy.”

“Well I don’t know about Daisy,” Rainbow began, “but my target is Lily. So if you take Daisy instead, then I can get Lily while Sweetie Belle gets Rose. It’s perfect!”

“Hold on a sec. That means you two get yer targets, but ah don’t git mine? Ah might as well just leave like Scootaloo and go after mah target,” responded Apple Bloom. “So what’s in it fer me?”

“Well who’s your target?”


“Raindrops?” As in, my weather team buddy, Raindrops?”

“You know her?” Apple Bloom asked excitedly.

“Of course I know her. I can even introduce you to her sometime. But if you leave now…”

“Alright, alright. Ah’ll help ya two out. But only if ya show me Raindrops afterwards.

Rainbow Dash nodded to the country filly and heard the first part of the plan. Although it may have been just as easy to do it by herself, she decided to get all the help she could get.

A light chime went off as the door opened. The three flower mares turned their heads to the door and said perfectly in unison:

“Welcome to Sunshine Gardens! How may we help you?”

“We want to learn all about growing flowers so we can git our cutie marks!” Apple Bloom answered. “Cept fer Rainbow Dash. She just wanted ter join us.”

Rose was the first to step up to the plate. “I’m so glad to hear you girls are interested in flower growing. It takes a lot of responsibility to properly tend to flowers. You think you girls are up for the challenge?”

Apple Bloom flipped a quick nod to Sweetie Belle. The unicorn winked back in response.

“I sure am! Hey Rose, do you think you can show me how to plant a seed?” inquired Sweetie Belle.

“Of course I can! Just follow me,” Rose responded.

“We’ll come too!” Daisy and Lily chimed.

“Wait, Daisy! Do ya think you can show me… how ter move flowers into different pots? Somewhere away from Rose?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Umm…. okay. Are you sure you don’t want to watch Rose?”

“Nah. Ah planted plenty of seeds out on the farm. But ah never had to move a plant. Do ya think you can show me now?”

“Sure! Follow me.”

“I’ll come with you,” Lily added.

“Hey Lily! Don’t leave me hanging! Can we… can you show me…. wanna chat?” Rainbow concluded.

“Well I’m sure that would be fun, but I think…”

“Come on!” Rainbow insisted, wrapping a hoof around Lily. “We never talk. Why wouldn’t you want to spend a little quality time with the great Rainbow Dash?”

“Oh well um…”

“Yeah, let’s head outside and you can talk to me about…. flowers and stuff. How does that sound?”

“Well I…”

“Great, let’s go!”

“Now then, how are we going to do this…” Rose asked herself.

“You could just drop your spoon,” Sweetie Belle said. “Since you need your hooves for the flowers and your mouth to explain to me about what to do.”

Roseluck through the filly a suspicious look. “I don’t know about that. How do I know you’re not my hunter?”

“Well… how do ah know yer not my hunter?”

Rose tilted her head as her brain tried to clarify what the filly just said. Shaking her head, Rose replied, “How’s about we both drop our spoons? And then put them on the table over there?”

Sweetie Belle fought to let out a grin. Apple Bloom planned out what to do if this were to happen. Since Sweetie Belle was a unicorn and Rose was an Earth pony, all Sweetie Belle had to do was levitate her spoon back to her and Blammo Rose.

“Sounds fair to me,” the unicorn replied.

The pair placed their spoons on the table in front of the one they were to work on. Satisfied, Roseluck returned and pulled on some gloves.

“First of all,” Rose began, “you need gloves, so your hooves don’t get dirty. Then you need to…”

Sweetie Belle pretended to pay full attention to Rose. In reality, she was waiting for the mare to really start working. Then Sweetie Belle would simply get the spoon using her magic and Blammo Rose.

“Hold on one second…”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. She watched Rose head back to the table in front and flip a pot over the two spoons. “What are you doing?”

“Well I just realized that you’re a unicorn, and you could simply use your magic to get your spoon and I would be helpless. This way, I can see the pot move if you’re reaching for the spoon. Just an extra precaution.”

The young unicorn’s jaw dropped. It was as though the mare could read her mind. How am I supposed to get to my spoon?! She can clearly see the pot move if I tried to use my magic.
“It’s fine. there’s no need to worry anyways,” Sweetie Belle lied.

“Great! So like I was saying…”

Quickly switching her gaze from Rose to the upside-down flower pot, Sweetie Belle drowned out Rose’s words as she thought to herself. I can still get to my spoon, all I have to do is do it more sneakily. A faint glow appeared around the pot. Slowly, one of the sides began to tip upwards.

Rose looked up at the pot to find it fall flat onto the tabletop, as though it was barely being picked up. And she could have sworn she saw a magical glow around it right before it fell. Another suspicious look at the filly next to her, Rose continued with her explanation.

Sweetie Belle bit her lip. That was too close. How am I going to do this?! The filly grinded her teeth as she struggled to find an answer. There was no way she could distract Rose long enough to look away from the pot. It seemed hopeless. If only Rose hadn’t covered both our spoons…. both our spoons…. both.

The filly’s eyes glistened as an idea popped into her head. If it was allowable, she would have facehoofed at how simple the answer was. Not giving a second thought, Sweetie Belle used her magic to levitate both of the spoons from under the pot.

Rose looked up yet again, this time to find two spoons emerging over the table.

“Sweetie Belle! What are you doing?! Put those back!” Roseluck began to back away from the filly.

“It’s fine Rose. I mean, it was your idea after all. This is just my answer to it.”

A look of terror appeared on the flower mare’s face. The two spoons threateningly glided towards her. She turned her gaze momentarily to Sweetie Belle to find her mouth one word.


Roseluck facehoofed. She made it too simple for the filly. How did I not think of that?! What made me think that a pot would save everything! Dang it!

“Apple Bloom, I did it! I Blammoed Rose!” Sweetie Belle yelled joyously.

“That’s great Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom responded.

“Huh?” Daisy said to herself. She watched as Rose slowly trudged to where she was standing, a look full of shame on her face.

“I’m sorry Daisy. I got Blammoed… and now all that’s left is…”

“Now all we have to do is wait for Rainbow Dash to get Lily!”

Rose and Daisy looked at each other. “Lily…?”

“And this is delphinium, they’re one of my favorites. It can grow over six feet and…”

Rainbow rolled her eyes in boredom. Lily would continue on talking excitedly about flowers, but the cyan-coated pony could barely find an interest in them. All she really wanted was for Lily to let go of her spoon, but it looked as though that wouldn’t be any time soon.

“LILY! Rainbow Dash is trying to-” Rose yelled from inside the store before her mouth was covered by a Sweetie Belle.

“What’s happening?” Lily spoke out, rushing for the entrance.

“Whoa! Hold on a sec,” Rainbow interrupted, blocking the entrance with her body. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“LILY! Get away from-”

“Rainbow Dash is your-”


“Get off of me!”

“Get out of the way Rainbow! It sounds serious!” Lily insisted.

“No! It’s nothing at all. What were you saying about those delphinos?”

“Delphiniums, but… Let me through!” Lily pushed against Rainbow’s body, using all her force to try and get into the store. A sweat ran down Rainbow’s cheek as she began to lose her grip on the ground. She was normally a pretty tough pony, but Lily was pushing really hard. Quickly losing footing, Rainbow fell down as Lily broke through. Unfortunately, Lily hadn’t expected the sudden tossing of Rainbow and was sent flying forward into the mess of four ponies in front of her, her spoon sent flying away through the air.

After her head cleared, she heard Daisy and Rose calling out to her.

“Lily! Lily quickly! Find a spoon?”

Lily shook her head in confusion. “Spoon? What do you mean?”

“We mean that Rainbow’s your hunter for Blammo. Hurry up and find a spoon before Rainbow comes and-”

“BLAMMO!” Rainbow yelled. “Woohoo! Yeah! That’s two for Rainbow Dash!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared a smile. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Flower Growing Mission Success!”


“Does anypony know where Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky Hooves, and Pipsqueak are?” a disappointed Cheerilee asked, looking out at her half-empty classroom.

“I think they said something about getting their targets for Blammo,” replied Twist.

With a shake of disapproval, Cheerilee looked down at her own spoon. As fun as games were, education was always more important to her. And she hoped that her belief would have rubbed off on her students.

“The game may be enjoyable, but that is no excuse to skip out on class. They better have a good excuse as to why they believed playing games was more important than…”

As Miss Cheerilee continued her rant inside the classroom, a certain blue Pegasus watched from outside the window. Blue Breeze by name, he was ecstatic to hear that he received Miss Cheerilee as his target. Being a teacher, all he had to do was watch the mare inside her class and wait for her to let go of her spoon and Blammo! If only it were simple.

Finished with her tirade, Cheerilee looked out of her window to find a large pair of eyes peering through the window. Noticing her gaze upon them, the eyes quickly disappeared.

“Hmm… that must be…” Cheerilee said as she opened the school door to check who it was.

“Mr. Brazen Hail! I’m so glad that you could come,” the mare said, pulling Blue Breeze into the classroom.

Blue Breeze considered telling the mare that she was wrong, but decided against it. A bunch of awkward questions would have to be answered if he were to blow his cover. Plus, this way he would get closer to Cheerilee. The Pegasus stared forward to find a bunch of foals staring back at him.

“I’m back class. I want you all to give a warm welcome to Brazen Hail! He’s going to help us learn about body parts today!”

“Hello Mr. Hail!” the class exclaimed in unison. Breeze waved a nervous hoof back in response.

“Now then, I’ll take your spoon Mr. Hail, and would you please lean against that wall?” Cheerilee inquired.

Placing the spoon on her desk, Breeze laid his body against the wall. Cheerilee turned to him with a large roll of tape. Pulling off a long piece, Cheerilee explained:

“This will only take a few minutes. And thank you again for graciously allowing us to use your body.”

“Wait what?!” Breeze shouted. The next thing he knew, all four of his legs were taped to the wall, spreading his entire body out. His wings and waist were also taped.

“What are you doing? Is this some kind of sick…” Breeze got out before his mouth was taped as well. On the piece, it read the word ‘Mouth’.

“Mmmph! Mphmm!” Breeze whined. Being forcibly taped to a wall was not something he wanted to do. What kind of sick torture is this?!

“Now Mr. Hail, you said you were fine with this. I don’t want to hear any complaints. So, class on with the lesson.”
“We’ll start from the top. This part of the body is the head,” explained Cheerilee, smacking Breeze’s head with her spoon. Apparently she decided the spoon would make to be a great pointer.

“Mmmmph!” Breeze complained. The spoon didn’t hurt that much on its own, but after being hit several times, it stung a bit.

“Quiet, please, Mr. Hail. I’m in the zone!” Cheerilee continued.

Blue Breeze endured the irritation of the spoon. It was slapped across his cheeks, hit against each of his legs, and poked dozens of times on his belly. But nothing compared to the pain when Cheerilee finally concluded her lesson.

“And this part,” Cheerilee started, “is what ponies call, in a simple term, ‘balls’.”

The Pegasus let out a silent scream as a spoon was jabbed under his groin. She could have punched him in the face and it wouldn’t have hurt compared to this pain. And the worst part was, he couldn’t bend over to feebly help block it. A few more stabs and tears began to appear. Cut off my legs if you want!! Just stop hitting my family jewels! AAHH!

Sitting in their desks, Snips and Snails watched in horror, while the fillies in the class merely giggled. A few more hits and Breeze was certain that he would pass out. Fortunately for him, Cheerilee stopped her lesson. Ripping off the pieces of tape, Blue Breeze sunk weakly to the floor, curling up into a feeble position.

“Is there something wrong Mr. Hail?” the magenta teacher asked ignorantly.

“Shumponculladakkr…” Breeze whimpered. It would take weeks for him to get over this traumatizing experience. Cheerilee dropped everything and helped Breeze onto his hooves.

All of a sudden, a Pegasus barged into the classroom. The class snapped their heads towards the new visitor.

“Sorry I’m late Miss Cheerilee! Got held up at the factory,” the pony said, breathing heavily as though he just ran a mareathon.

Cheerilee cocked her head in confusion. “Who are you?”

“Why I’m Brazen Hail. You said you needed me for your class today?”

“You can’t be Brazen Hail. This pony said he was Brazen Hail,” Cheerilee replied, pointing at Blue Breeze.

“He’s not Brazen Hail, I am! Just who are you really kid?” the pony roared, stamping a hoof by at Breeze.

“Just a moment,” Breeze answered. He staggered over to a desk, pain still erupting from under him. Turning back around to Miss Cheerilee, Breeze muttered,


Collapsing on the floor again, Breeze clutched his groin and curled up. The pain seemed to be endless. If only she didn’t tape my mouth…. if only….

“What the..?”


Pinkie Pie did not expect the fiasco that she saw when she entered the hospital. A cyan mare with a messed up gray mane rushed by her. In hot pursuit, Nurse Redheart flashed by. Next came the real reason she was here, Phoenix Flame. Not only that, but he didn’t have his spoon. As he also rushed by, a crowd of doctors followed after him.

A sharp gasp erupted from the pink mare’s mouth. “Who put on a chase party and didn’t invite me? I need to be in the chase just as much as the next pony! Gummy! Cue the cartoon chase music.” Pinkie soon joined the mess in the halls, determined on getting her target.

Mr. Waddle couldn’t make heads or tails of the scene in front of him. It was a simple hall, nothing special, with a few doors on each side. But the hullabaloo came from all the ponies rushing through them.

Out of the doors rushed Screw Loose chased by Nurse Redheart. From another door came Phoenix Flame and Pinkie Pie. Screw Loose came by chasing a herd of doctors. Phoenix flew ahead, followed by Redheart followed by the doctors. Redheart and Phoenix crossed in front of one another. Out popped the doctors colliding into Screw Loose. Screw Loose picked herself up and flew into one of the rooms. Two Pinkie Pies were now in plain sight. The two waved to each other hopping back into the rooms. Phoenix went into view and stayed in the middle of the hallway. Screw Loose flashed by and Phoenix went back into pursuit. Nurse Redheart chased after the herd of doctors. Gummy waddled across the hall and Phoenix flew above him, followed by Pinkie Pie. Screw Loose, Phoenix, Pinkie, and Redheart all passed by one another into separate rooms. Pinkie came out from under the rug and zipped into the rooms yet again.

Mr. Waddle sat helplessly trying to understand what he was watching.

“I need to stop using that medication,” he said to himself. Finally, the music stopped.

Phoenix leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

I love chase scenes. They’re always so funny.
Shut… the… buck up… White…
You really need to start working out.

“Phoenix Flame? Is that you?”

The Pegasus turned around to find Nurse Redheart, breathing as heavily as he was.

“Shouldn’t you…. be in your room?” panted Redheart.

“I… need to get something…” replied Phoenix.

“We caught her!” one of the doctors exclaimed. The doctors reappeared around a corner, holding one Screw Loose, barking madly into the air.

“Good work! I didn’t expect to catch her until nightfall.”

“Hold on a sec, doc! Is she holding a spoon with her?” Phoenix asked.

“A spoon? No, no spoon here.”

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! What the hay are we supposed to do now!?

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” Phoenix yelled out. “Where the hay did the spoon go?!”

“Mister Flame, please calm down. It’s not good for your head if you get too excited,” said Redheart.

“How am I supposed to calm down? I lost my Blammo spoon and now I can’t get my target!”

“Calm down! If it means that much to you Mister Flame, you can have my spoon.”

“Again! How am I… wait what?”

“You can have my spoon. I don’t really even know why I signed up for this game. I don’t have any time during the day to follow anypony, so I guess there’s no real use for it.”

“Seriously? Are you sure?” asked Phoenix.

Pushing the spoon into Phoenix’s hooves, Redheart replied, “I insist. Anyways, whatever Screw Loose hides won’t be found for a good few days.”

Graciously accepting the spoon, Phoenix hesitated for a moment.

What are you doing?! Blammo her!
I can’t do it now! This was so nice of her!
Stop being such a wuss and do it!
But this is her own spoon…
Look, we didn’t bash our heads and spend the entire afternoon chasing a loony pony for nothing. She’s practically given up already! Just do it!

“Umm…. Blammo?”

“Excuse me?” inquired the nurse.

“Blammo. I’m your hunter,” Phoenix replied, trying to make the nurse understand.

But Redheart still tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“Listen,” started Phoenix. “The whole reason why I’m even in this hospital is to Blammo you. My head injury? I hurt myself to get an excuse in here.”

Nurse Redheart eyed Phoenix curiously. “You…. know you’re an idiot, right?”

Phoenix opened his mouth to argue, but reconsidering his entire plan, saw that she might have been correct.

“No I’m…. yeah, you’re right,” said a defeated Phoenix.

At the end of the hallway, Pinkie turned to go back to Sugarcube Corner. This isn’t a problem. Sure, I could have gotten him if Redheart didn’t get in the way. But all I have to do is wait until morning and he will be mine. All mine!!! The pink mare laughed maniacally as she exited the doors.


Author's Note: In case you are wondering about some of the ponies that were mentioned in this chapter, here are some links:

Screw Loose was the barking pony in "Read It and Weep" If I offended anypony with her, well I'm sorry.

Cloud Chaser is from a tumblr, NOT the one from Three of Me Vs School Society. So it brings up a question, would you get in the way of a homeless orphan just trying to get some money?

Blue Breeze is an OC from the story Continuing the Dream. I had to do what I had to do to him.