• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,397 Views, 123 Comments

BLAMMO! - 2K Chrome

A large hunting game with everypony in Ponyville... using spoons

  • ...

Round 1 Day 1.3

Time Frame: 2:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.

Twilight Sparkle was idly spending her afternoon reading a new story called: Spying for Dummies. Although she wasn’t much into the backstabbing and sapping aspect of the art, she was able to learn how to sneak around and such. She was hoping to find the other ponies who were hunting the flower trio, Rose and Lily, herself having Daisy. Spike was off in town searching for his own target. A light knock sounded on the library door.

Twilight got up and trotted over. “Hello, welcome to the Ponyville Library….” Twilight said as she opened the door.

Outside stood a light blue Pegasus with a black and red striped mane. He was wearing his usual shades, hiding his astonishing eyes.

“Hey, Twi,” he said.

“Girokon!” she exclaimed and quickly lunged forward to give him a hug. The Pegasus returned the embrace.

“What brings you here, Lance?” Twilight asked.

Girokon reached into his saddlebag and took out his spoon. “Blammo, of course.”

Twilight jumped back and tried to slam the door shut. Girokon stuck a hoof out to stop the swinging door.

“Don’t worry, you’re not my target! Trust me.”

Twilight spent a moment to think about it. “Well, since this is technically my home, you can’t Blammo me anyways. So who is you’re target then?”

“You don’t mind if I take a quick scan of the library first, right?”

“Umm… I guess not.”

Girokon spread his wings and made a lightning fast sweep around the house. He touched back on the ground in front of Twilight. “Where’s Spike?”

“Spike? Spike’s your target?”

The Pegasus nodded. “Promise not to tell him? Please?”

Twilight chuckled. “Of course, anything for you Lance. But Spike is going around Ponyville trying to find Vinyl’s place.”

Twilight gasped and brought a hoof up to cover her mouth. Spike asked her specifically not to tell anypony about his target.

“Vinyl Scratch?” Girokon brought a hoof up to his head. Once Spike is out, Vinyl will be my next target. “Any idea where he is now?”

“Hey Twili…” Spike said as he walked through the library doors. “Oh hey, Giro. What are you doing here?”

Girokon shifted his spoon behind him and into his saddlebag. “Just visiting,” he replied.

“Any luck with Vinyl?” Twilight asked.

“Shush! Shh!” Spike hissed. Twilight covered her mouth again. She let slip of his target once more. Spike looked over at Girokon. He wasn’t sure what the strange looking stallion was thinking, his expression inscrutable under the dark shades.

Spike sighed. “Alright. Yes, my target is Vinyl Scratch.”

Girokon let out a small laugh and nodded. “I heard the first time.”

“Anyways… it didn’t go so well. Apparently she stays at home during most of the day making new mixes and records. But luckily she’s going to DJ at Pinkie’s party later tonight, so I might get her there,” Spike stated.

“Pinkie Pie’s having a party? Tonight?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, something about feeling bad for her first target. But this is the perfect chance for everypony to get their targets.”

Double kill. I’ll get Spike before he can get Vinyl. Then, I’ll get Vinyl later on tonight, Girokon thought.


“Get her!” Mr. Carrot Cake hissed throughout the afternoon whenever Pinkie let go of her spoon to take the goods out of the oven or going to the refrigerator. Mrs. Cake would always hesitate to get Pinkie, and the pink mare would return to her spoon before she could take any action.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were enjoying cupcakes in the bakery. Pinkie was working hard to make all the cupcakes, muffins, pies, and other baked goods for the party later. Mr. and Mrs. cake watched Pinkie nervously as she moved around. Mr. Cake’s eye twitched in anxiety.

“Hey honeybunch, can I talk to you for a minute? Outside of the kitchen…” Mr. Cake asked.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake walked out of the kitchen and stood outside of the bakery.

“Honey, if I wait any longer, I’m going to explode!” Mr. Cake whispered.

“I know, I know. But it just seems so risky,” Mrs. Cake replied.

Mr. Cake facehoofed. “Okay, how about this. The next time we see Pinkie away from her spoon, I’ll snatch it away. Then, you go in for the kill. After that, we can focus on my target. It doesn’t matter what Pinkie will do after we get her, you want that prize money, right?”

Mrs. Cake nodded. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. So as soon as we get….”


Mr. Cake turned around to see Diamond Tiara holding her spoon against him and a sneaky grin on her face. Mr. Cake searched his body for his own spoon. The image of him leaving his spoon on the countertop flashed through his eyes. Silver Spoon appeared next to Diamond Tiara with two spoons, one presumably Mr. Carrot Cake’s.

Mr. Cake sighed. “You got me.”

“Woohoo!” Diamond Tiara shouted with a bro-hoof from Silver Spoon. The two fillies ran off towards city hall.

Mr. Cake turned back around to his wife. “Looks like it’s all up to you now honeybunch. You have to get Pinkie now. Time to execute plan Occupy Pinkie.”

Mr. and Mrs. Cake walked back into Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie was busy putting icing into perfect swirls on cupcakes. Mrs. Cake gave a wink to her husband.

Mrs. Cake moved to the sink and pretended to wash her hooves. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Mr. Cake work his part of the plan.

“Need any help there Pinkie?” Mr. Cake inquired.

“Nah, I’m almost done.”

Mr. Cake made a quick search of the table and found Pinkie’s spoon. “Okay then…” Mr. Cake trotted along the table and made a swift grab at the spoon. He turned around to see Pinkie still concentrating hard on her masterpieces.

Mr. Cake nodded towards his wife. Mrs. Cake brought out her spoon and slowly snuck up behind Pinkie. 10 feet. 5 feet. 3 feet. One quick lunge and she would be right on top of her.

Pinkie Pie’s nose began to itch and her tail thumped against the floor. Her ears began to flop as well and Pinkie reached into her mane. She pulled out a silver utensil from her mane.

“BLAMMO!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed. “I did it!!”

“Nope,” Pinkie said. She turned around to reveal a spoon, very noticeable in her hoof. “I have one right here. And I think it’s twenty percent visible.”

Mrs. Cake’s mouth was agape. She looked over at the spoon Mr. Cake was holding and back to the one in Pinkie’s hoof. “Wha… but… how…” she stuttered.

“Well when I got Ace out this morning, I thought it would be a good idea to take his spoon and use it as a back-up, since he wasn’t going to need it anymore. Then, I made a combo just so I can know when somepony was sneaking up behind me. So I stuck my extra spoon in my hair when I forgot my first one and now here we are!”

Mr. and Mrs. Cake stood dumbfounded at Pinkie’s brilliance. Mr. Cake was the first to break the silence.

“Well that’s just great. How in the name of Equestria is anypony supposed to get you out Pinkie?”

“That’s the point silly! Nopony is going to get me out. It’s like I said before, I got this game in the bag! Sorry about that Mr. and Mrs. Cake, I know how much you guys wanted the money.”

Mrs. Cake sighed. “No, it’s fine Pinkie. At least now we can focus on the store, instead of this silly game.”

“You don’t have to give up! You just have to…” Pinkie paused trying to think of a way to help Mrs. Cake. Nothing came to mind. “I… I guess you’re right. There really is nothing you can do. Unless I decide to give up.”

“Yes, but that's not happening, correct?”

Pinkie nodded.

“Well then, the best of luck Pinkie Pie. But make sure not to use all the prize money on parties, okay?”

“I’ll do my very best, Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie exclaimed.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders surrounded Rainbow’s sleeping body. Bonbon told them she had been there since this morning.

“Rainbow Dash?” Sweetie Belle nudged Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Huh…. what?” Rainbow said picking up her head from the table. The crisscross pattern of the table was etched onto her cheek. “Ouch…” she moaned rubbing her cheek.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle giggled loudly when they saw the marks on the cyan Pegasus’s face. Scootaloo, maintaining her high respect for Rainbow Dash, ignored the marks.

“What do you fillies need?” Rainbow asked.

“Do you know where we could find Lyric Noir? Applejack said you would know,” Scootaloo said.

“Lyric? He lives at the edge of Ponyville, right by the forest. I can probably show you to him sometime. Wait… is this about Blammo?”

“Yes,” Scootaloo answered truthfully.

“Well, Lyric’s already got all the money he needs. With his dad being all businessy and stuff with his wine.”

A blur of pink and blue soared up in the sky.

“Oh! That must be Fyrefly! Catch you girls later!” Rainbow spread her wings and took off towards the blur.

“Wait! What about Lyric?!” Scootaloo yelled out.

“I’ll show you to him tomorrow!” Rainbow shouted back. But right now, I need to get me some Fyrefly. Rainbow brought an extra burst of speed and began to see the outline of her target. She could also see the house made of clouds coming up.

Fyrefly looked behind her to see a rainbow-maned cyan pony flying towards her. She rolled her eyes. I really don’t want to be bothered right now… Fyrefly picked up the pace. Her pursuer increased her speed as well. Stubborn much…. Fyrefly went to full speed. Even then, Rainbow was still catching up to her.

Rainbow watched as her target kept picking up her speed. It was getting a bit tough for her to keep up, but nothing too serious. Fyrefly was flying straight towards her house. Hopefully, Rainbow would be able to get there before Fyrefly got inside.

They were closing in on the house. C’mon, just a little further Rainbow thought as she got closer to Fyrefly. She was just a few yards away now. Just a little more….

The blue-maned Pegasus suddenly made a steep climb.

“What the…?” Rainbow yelled as she looked up. POOMF. Rainbow slammed against the wall of Fyrefly’s cloud home. Her head and shoulders poked through the other side of the wall. Her mane was wet from cloud water and she had a full view of Fyrefly’s living room. Rainbow struggled to get free, but her forelegs and midsection were firmly stuck.

Fyrefly walked through her front door. She turned to the side to see Rainbow’s cyan-colored head.

“Hello. And you are?” Fyrefly asked.

“I’m Rainbow Dash. Hey, can you help me out of here?”

“And why were you following me?”

“Umm… I… I heard that you were on weather patrol and I have never seen you around. So I thought I might drop by and talk to you. Now can you get me out of these clouds?”

Fyrefly stared at the struggling Pegasus. “I don’t believe you.”

“It’s the truth! I swear!” Rainbow lied.

Fyrefly began to trot away.

“Wait! Where are you going? Help a fellow Pegasus out!” Rainbow pleaded.

“I could…. and you could tell me the real reason you were chasing me.”

Rainbow bit her lip. If she didn’t tell her, she would be stuck there for Celestia knows how long. If she did tell her, then Fyrefly would know she was hunting her and she would have even less of a chance Blammoing her. And even then Fyrefly could decide to leave Rainbow there.

“But that is the real reason!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Fyrefly turned away from her captive and drowned out the cries of help.


Allie Way wiped the sweat off of her hooves. It was strange having to bowl with a spoon in your mouth the entire time, but it didn’t stop her from having another perfect game.

“Well everypony, it was a nice day, but I really should be heading home,” Allie said.

“Alright see you tomorrow Allie!” “Good night!” “See you soon!” the rest of the group exclaimed.

Princess Luna fidgeted in her seat. Allie Way had actually managed to spend the entire day with the spoon in her mouth. Except when she was eating, and even then she was levitating it with her magic. She would definitely not allow this day to be wasted.

HALT!” Luna said in her Canterlot voice.

Allie Way covered her ears and looked towards the towering princess. She bowed low to her highness and squeaked, “Yes Princess?”

“We have seen thy skills with the ball of bowling and ask that thou wilst spend dinner with us and talk about thyselves,” Luna said.

Allie Way stood up to her lanky self again. The Moon Princess sure had an intimidating voice, but overall she seemed like a nice pony. A dinner with a princess! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! she thought.

“That sounds…. great,” Allie responded.

EXCELLENT!” Luna shouted. “Let us go and find a suitable place for dining!”


[Graze’s conscience, Kill, writes in the brackets and bolded]

<His conscience Joy writes in these and Italics>

{He responds in these}

Razor Graze looked up at the spa in front of him. He looked back down at his spoon.

[Don’t be such a pussy, just go inside.]
{Shut up Kill. It’s not normal for a colt to go inside a spa.}
<I suggest you get over it.>
{Thanks for the help Joy.}

Razor Graze sighed. Of all the ponies that had to be his target, it had to be the spa twins. Now was Lotus the pink one with a blue mane or the blue one with the pink mane?

Ditzy Doo was flying over the spa when she saw a familiar looking pony standing outside the building.

“Graze!” she yelled out and made a dive towards him.

“What the…?” Ditzy crashed into him and landed standing on top of Graze with him lying on his back.

[Get some.]

Graze looked up to see his marefriend since high school days, Ditzy. His back hurt a bit from the crash, but a large smile appeared on his face to see her eyes that shined like gold.

“Hey Bright Eyes,” Graze said.

Ditzy helped Graze up and they locked lips. They broke apart and Ditzy asked:

“What are you doing at the spa Muffin?”

Graze thought about it for a second, but realized he could trust Ditzy without a doubt.

“My target for Blammo is Lotus, so I came here to… you know… try and Blammo her.”

“Really?” asked Ditzy. “That’s weird. My target is Aloe.”

[No way. What the hell are the chances of that?]
{Well if you take all the ponies in Ponyville, then divide it…}
[Don’t get smart with me.]

“That’s awesome!” Graze exclaimed. “Do you want to team up? Since our targets are pretty much the same?”

“I would love to,” Ditzy replied. “But, we can’t go today. It’s getting late and the spa is about to close. Is tomorrow good for you?”

“Sounds great!”

Ditzy and Graze shared another deep kiss.

[Alright so there’s this story called Spa Day Soiree about the spa twins. So if you just wait a bit before Blammoing them… BAM! Four-way with three mares.]
{Get out of here, no way that’s happening. Then again…}

“I’ll see you tonight at Pinkie’s party?” Ditzy asked, breaking the conversation with Kill.

“Pinkie Pie is having a party? Of course I’m going.”

[We’re going to meet up with Pinkamena?]
<And Surprise?>
[<Fuck yeah>]


Author's Note: Well as you can tell, a lot of ponies are going to be Blammoed next chapter (nighttime). Also, Pinkie Pie is way overpowered. In case you are wondering about some of the ponies that were mentioned in this chapter, here some links:

Do I even have to tell you about Girokon? He's only the OC of the most popular Human in Equestria story ever.

Do I even have to tell you about Razor Graze? Maybe, he might be better known as Killjoy. Most commented story on this site, there's no reason you shouldn't know about it.