• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,397 Views, 123 Comments

BLAMMO! - 2K Chrome

A large hunting game with everypony in Ponyville... using spoons

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Round 1 Day 1.1

The sun was just beginning to rise above the rooftops of Ponyville. The birds were starting to chirp as the sun warmed their feathers, and squirrels were moving about to retrieve their tree nuts for the morning. It was a day that would be normally like any other, but it was the first day of Blammo.

And on this first day, as the sun slowly began to come up over the horizon, Pinkie Pie waited patiently beside Ace’s bed with a spoon in her mouth. She repeatedly turned her head from the clock to the sleeping stallion and back again. She had to use every bit of her strength to resist the urge of bouncing up and down in excitement of her first Blammo. And the first Blammo of the entire game.

She had woken up at three in the morning to get here. Was she tired? Nope, too much fun playing the game. She didn't need to sleep, she was the party pony of Ponyville. She had spent countless nights without sleep, this was nothing for her.

Pinkie was so glad to hear that Earth ponies had quite the advantage in the game. Three ponies right off the list, if she kept on sneaking into ponies’ homes and waiting till six. She looked back at the clock, only two minutes left.

She turned her gaze back to the sleeping pony. She knew him just as she knew everypony else in Ponyville. He had a beige coat with a brown mane and a foo man chu moustache, and he was the tennis champion of the region. But as far as he would go in tennis matches, he wouldn’t make it very far in Ponyville.

The minute hand finally reached the twelve on top of the clock. Pinkie smiled to herself and nudged Ace lightly on the shoulder.

“Wha… just a few more minutes mother…. and oh sweet Celestia!” Ace yelled as he saw a pink mare standing right next to his bed.

“What the hay are you doing, Pinkie!” he exclaimed.

“BLAMMO!” Pinkie screamed triumphantly, bringing her spoon down on his head.

“Blam… what?” he stuttered. He stared at the spoon being held in Pinkie’s mouth and looked over to the spoon sitting on his desk at the other side of the room. He facehoofed.

“Pinkie, seriously? The sun’s barely up and you snuck into my house at night, just so you can Blammo me?”

“Yeah! And boy, was it harder than I thought! It’s not as easy as I thought to wait for three hours,” Pinkie answered.

Ace sighed. “And I really wanted that prize money, too. I didn’t ever imagine getting out of the game two minutes after it started.”

“Aww, I’m sorry, but I had to do it. How about I throw you a party later today for being my very first target! And I’ll invite everypony else too!” Pinkie really did want to have a party, but she also had a second incentive. Where there were parties, there were ponies, and where there were ponies, her second target would definitely be on her guest list.

“It’s fine. I’m talking about you Blammoing me, not the party. I really want a party today,” Ace answered.

“Okie dokie lokey!” Pinkie replied. Pinkie waved a hoof for good-bye and skipped towards the door. She stopped momentarily and then continued her way out.

Ace sighed. Might as well get ready for the day, since I’m already up he thought. He got out of his bed and stretched. He went over to his mirror on his table. He admired his great moustache before checking the contents of his table. Hmm… where did my spoon go? I saw it here just before Pinkie left…

Pinkie bounced merrily all the way to city hall to find a single facilitator yawning at the tables. The pony’s mane was disheveled, as if she had to crawl out of her warm bed just to be here. Pinkie smiled to herself and walked up to the pony.

“Forgot your target?” the pony asked as Pinkie approached.

“Nope, need a new one,” Pinkie answered.

“Your target is your target until you get him or her Blammoed. No changes, no excuses,” the pony retorted irritably.

“But I did get him out!” Pinkie answered.

The pony raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “You’re joking, right? The game literally started…” the pony checked her watch, “twenty minutes ago, and you’re telling me you got your target out already?”

Pinkie Pie nodded her head furiously. “I did! I got Ace out! I had to stay up all night just to wait for the morning to Blammo him!” Pinkie yelled.

“Alright, alright! No need to shout, I believe you. Sweet Celestia, it’s too early in the morning for this. Okay then, so what’s your name again?”

“Pinkamena Diane Pie.”

“And you got out, who?

“Ace,” Pinkie answered proudly.

“Right, Ace… Ace… here he is.” She picked up a pen and put a line across the paper in front of her. “Your new target is the Miss Berry Punch.”

Pinkie Pie nodded her head. Berry was her favorite drinking buddy, but in a game like this, things like that didn’t matter. The best part was, Berry was always looking for a good party with plenty of drinks.

Pinkie trotted back to Sugarcube Corner to find Mr. and Mrs. Cake already up and baking.

“Oh my, and where were you Pinkie, dear?” Mrs. Cake asked.

“I was off to get my first Blammo. And it went super!” Pinkie raised her spoon high with her hoof. “I got this game in the bag.”

Pinkie went upstairs to freshen herself up for the rest of the day.

“Get her!” Mr. Cake hissed at his wife.

“I can’t, she has her spoon with her,” Mrs. Cake hissed back.

“Listen, honey bunch, I know it’s not going to be easy to get Pinkie. But she’s going to be with us for most of the day making baked goods, she’s definitely going to let go of her spoon sometime today.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right,” Mrs. Cake said with a sigh. She was still worried what would happen when and if she got Pinkie out.

“As soon as she comes downstairs, keep an eye on her. Watch her like a hawk,” Mr. Cake said.

Mrs. Cake nodded and ended the conversation with a, “Shh!” as Pinkie came trotting down the stairs.


“Sweetie Belle, dear, how about you bring your friends over for a sleepover sometime within the next… oh, say three days?” Rarity asked her sister politely.

Sweetie Belle eyed her suspiciously. Her sister normally despised having to watch over the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Why are you asking?” She looked over to the spoon that her sister was attempting to hide from her. “You don’t happen to have Scootaloo or Apple Bloom as your targets for Blammo, do you?”

“Of course not,” Rarity said with a weak smile. Her face began to feel warm as Sweetie Belle continued to glare at her. “I have… umm…. Junebug. Yes, Junebug! She's my target.”

Sweetie Belle put a hoof up to head. Her sister wouldn’t lie to her, right? “Thanks, Rarity! I’ll see when the rest of the Crusaders can come over.”

“It’s no problem at all!” Rarity said. “Anything for my precious little sister.”

Sweetie Belle put a wide smile on her face and walked out of the room. Rarity sighed. Well now that that’s over with, I can just wait Sweetie Belle to bring Scootaloo over and Blammo! I can spend the rest of my time on my new designs Rarity thought with a satisfying smile.

Sweetie Belle trotted over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders tree house in Sweet Apple Acres with her spoon. Apparently, Apple Bloom had their new great idea to get their cutie marks and she was really excited about this one. Sweetie Belle walked up the step ladder to find Scootaloo and Apple Bloom already waiting there. They had their spoons with them as well.

“It’s about time you got here!” Scootaloo said.

“Well I didn’t know when we were supposed to meet. Apple Bloom just said to be here first thing in the morning,” Sweetie Belle responded.

“It’s pretty late in the morning,” Scootaloo answered back.

“Maybe for you it is, but that’s only because you’re a chicken,” Sweetie Belle said with a giggle. She continued her ruse by making chicken sounds and using her forelegs as wings.

“Quit it!” Scootaloo pushed Sweetie Belle over angrily. “That’s not funny!”

“Anyways…” Apple Bloom interrupted, trying to cease a fight between the two, “about the new quest fer the Cutie Mark Crusaders…”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison. Apple Bloom was the leader of the three in a way, always trying the hardest to find a way to earn her cutie mark.

“Ah’m thinkin’ this whole Blammo game is a great opportunity to git our cutie marks!” Apple Bloom said excitedly. “A Blammo spoon cutie mark!”

“Umm… not to go against your idea Apple Bloom, but Silver Spoon already has a spoon as her cutie mark,” Scootaloo retorted.

“Well yeah, but hers is the fancy shmancy spoon. Ah’m talkin’ about a cool cutie mark, like the Blammo spoon here. Once one of us wins the game, she’s definitely goin’ ter git her cutie mark.”

“But what if none of us wins?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Who are ya kiddin?” Apple Bloom questioned back. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Nopony stands a chance against us if we stay together.”

“But what if one of us gets somepony here as their target?” Scootaloo asked.

“Impossible. They can’t do that to us,” Apple Bloom said with a wave of her hoof, as if to shoo the question away. “We’re inseparable. Now then, what do y’all say?” Apple Bloom stuck her hoof out.

Scootaloo and Sweetie belle looked at each other and nodded. They placed a hoof over Apple Bloom’s. They nodded to each other and smiled.

“So, who are your targets? Mine is a pony named Lyric Noir, whoever he is,” Scootaloo said.

“Ah got Raindrops, one of them weather Pegasi,” Apple Bloom responded.

“And I have Rose,” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

“Well, considerin’ Sweetie Belle and ah know who are targets are, how about we try and find out about Scootaloo’s target?” Apple Bloom inquired.

“Sounds good to me,” Scootaloo answered. Sweetie Belle nodded her head in agreement.

“Well then Cutie Mark Crusaders, here we go! Off to find Lyric Noir!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Yay!’ Sweetie Belle yelled. “Oh, wait a second…”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom stopped rushing towards the door and looked back at their third member. “What is it?”

“Rarity invited you girls to have a sleepover at my place,” Sweetie Belle told them.

“Rarity? Rarity invited us?” Scootaloo said incredulously.

“It’s weird, but she said it’s okay. I guess she has a big order to fill later, so she wants to get a slumber party done early,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Sounds great!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Ah’m kinda busy tonight. How about tomorrow?”

“Works for me,” Scootaloo said in agreement.

“Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader’s slumber party at Rarity’s!” the Crusaders yelled in unison.


Author's Note: In case you are wondering about some of the ponies that were mentioned in this chapter, here some links:
Ace: Can't find a link for him, but he was the owner of the tennis racket that Apple Bloom used in Call of the Cutie.

Lyric Noir is a pretty famous OC. The main characters of one of the best fan-fics of all time.

Rose, one of the flower trio. No need for link.

Raindrops. Apparently there's a story about her, but I never read it personally. I got her off the tumblr, one of the more famous pony tumblrs out there.