• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 3,283 Views, 41 Comments

Angels of Darkness - Magus of Chronicles

The Elite Lunar Guard is back to serve their Princess after their 1000 year banishment, but is Equestria ready for them?

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(1) Of Stars and Sorrows

My name is Midnight Breeze and I am an Angel of Darkness. How do I know? The Moon told me. I know, crazy right? Now at first, I didn't believe it either. The Moon, talking to me. I thought I was either crazy or dreaming. I only wish it had been that simple. Looking back now, at all the things I did, the things we did, it certainly felt like a dream. But then again, I've still got the scars to prove it wasn't. And I have her. I wouldn't have even met her if wasn't for the Moon that night. Even so, I could have definitely done without the 1000 year long 'vacation' and the occasional magic bitch-slap. Those things hurt!

But would I change any of it if I could? After everything that's happened and everything we accomplished? All the battles we fought and won, and the ones we lost too? After all the suffering, pain, and heartache we struggled through? After all the friends I made and lost, would I change any of it? No, I don't think I would. It was a long and hard fight to get here but I'm glad that I did. And I've never been happier in my entire life.

It all started one night after the moon had just risen to its place above the horizon. It was another beautiful night in Equestria and Princess Luna had outdone herself yet again. And yet, something still wasn't quite right. Her sister couldn't quite put her hoof on it and no matter how many nights passed since Luna's return, something was still off about the night sky. She could never create the night as well as her sister could but it was different than from the way she remembered. The moon wasn't as bright, the stars didn't twinkle, and dark shadows seemed to appear in places where they shouldn't. It was still nice but if one were to really look they could feel the sadness in the cool night air. Celestia had felt this sadness before and she now knew what it meant. Luna was unhappy and lonely.

It had been only a few months since her return and while Luna was still more than overjoyed at reuniting with her sister, she was still unhappy. Celestia knew she could only do so much to help her sister and Luna very much appreciated her kindness and her willingness to forgive her for what she did. But no matter what she did, Luna still felt like there was something missing from her life and told her sister as much. Celestia had thought long and hard on this and instantly berated herself when she figured out the solution for not finding it sooner. She knew what Luna needed; she needed a friend. As soon as she knew what she had to do she ran to find her sister. It didn't take her long. On nights like these she knew exactly where she would be, the observatory at the very top of the castle.

As she approached the door she heard something she hoped she wouldn't, tears of sadness. She quietly knocked on the door, letting Luna know she was there. “Luna dear, are you alright? May I come in?” She heard light shuffling around as her sister quickly and quietly composed herself. “Yes Tia, I'm fine, you may enter.” Celestia heard her sniffling as she came in and knew that she was anything but. She sat down by her sister as they both gazed at the wonderful night Luna had created. They both sat there quietly for a few minutes before Luna spoke up.

“I don't mean to be rude Tia, but why are you here? It is late and you are normally asleep by now. Is something wrong?”

'Here she is crying to herself in a fit of sadness and she asks if I'm okay?', Celestia thought. 'You care to much for others and never enough about yourself dear Sister.' Celestia just smiled at her.

“Of course I am Luna. I'm just concerned with how you are faring.”, she asked, knowing full well the response she would get.

Luna simply huffed, ruffling her feathers a bit in frustration. “I told you I'm fine Tia, the same as when you asked last night, and the night before that, and every other night as well.” She tried her best to glare at her sister, but she couldn't be mad at her for asking, she was only trying to help.

“Yes, the same as every night, that's what worries me dear. Every night since you came back has been like this, some better than others. Every night you sit up here gazing at the wonderful night sky you create and I can't help but wonder, am I truly doing all I can to help you, dear sister.”

Luna merely sat there in silence, on the verge of tears yet again. “Do you remember when you told me that you felt that there was something missing from your life, but you didn't quite know what?” Luna just nodded slowly, choosing to remain silent and let her sister try and comfort her. What she heard next however, gave her more than comfort. “Well I think I might have figured out exactly what that something is. It was so simple that I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't figure it out sooner.” It gave her something she hadn't felt since the Elements of Harmony had left her cleansed of her inner darkness. It gave her hope, hope for a great happiness in her future.

Luna didn't hear anything after 'figured out what that something is' though. She was too excited. She hoped that she would finally be able to fill this painful hole in her heart that she felt for so long. “Well go on Tia, tell me. What did you find out.” She just stared at her sister with a joyful smile on her face.

“What you have been missing, Luna, is a friend.”, Celestia beamed at her sister, knowing that this would help her. Instead, all she got was a look of extreme confusion from her. 'Odd, she was happy a second ago.' “What's wrong dear, aren't you happy?”

“I am..., confused dear sister. I thought I already had a friend, you.”, Luna wondered.

Celestia simply smiled. “You do dear, but I am also your sister. What I meant was you need a friend outside of me. Somepony who doesn't know you, somepony who won't be so formal around you and talk to you like you're a Princess, but as an equal, as a friend. Do you understand?”

Luna thought about that for a moment before she said, “You mean like Twilight Sparkle is to you?”

“Close, but Twilight also sees me as her mentor and teacher. But even though I am we are still equals, something she still has to learn.” 'That reminds me, I still need to break her of using those formalities around me. That girl worry’s to much about disappointing me.'

“A true friend will like you for who you are, not for the fact that you're royalty. They will treat you as any other pony. Do you see what I mean Luna?” Celestia hoped that she did because she didn't know of anything else that could help her.

Luna thought about what her sister had said. Eventually she said, “Are you sure about that Tia, most ponies are still afraid of me from before...” She almost gave up after that but Celestia wouldn't have any of that.

“Well then you'll just have to find somepony who isn't, I'm sure there's plenty out there.”, Celestia said in her usual cheery voice, she knew this would work. “You'll just have to go out and find them.” She then stood and made her way to the door.

As she did Luna asked, “What do you mean 'I'll have to find them?'” She was still slightly confused. “You want me to go out and walk amongst our subjects as if I was one of them?”

Celestia turned back to her sister and just continued to smile. “Yes, Luna dear, that's exactly what I want you to do. In fact, starting tomorrow, I want you to start mingling amongst the ponies of Equestria. Let them get to know you a little more, its the only way they will lose their fear of you. And you never know, you might find a friend sooner than you think.” With that she left Luna with her thoughts and went off to bed.

Luna didn't know what to think, she didn't know how to 'mingle' amongst other ponies as her sister had put it. She may have gotten better at her speech but that was only with her sister. She was truly lost. But she knew she had to do this. 'But, how...', she thought as she continued to stare into the night sky.

She was about to leave when she saw something in the sky out of the corner of her eye. A small twinkling blue star just below the moon. It was hardly noticeable, but to one such as Luna, who painted this sky every night, she saw it almost immediately. "That's odd, I know of every single star and speck of dust in the sky, but you, I have never seen you before. Hmm... Where did you come from?" As she spoke the star just shined a little brighter. "Interesting... Hmm, I wonder." A thought began to form in her mind, one that she considered quite funny. 'Well, I've never wished upon my own stars before, but you...' She considered this a moment more before she finally gave in. 'Why not, I mean after all, what could possibly happen.'

So she knelt down in front of the star and spoke the rhyme, the rhyme ponies have spoken when wishing upon a star since a time only she and her sister could remember.

“Star Light Star bright,
To this Star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.”

“I wish for a friend.” No sooner had she finished did the star shine ever brighter, though Luna didn't think much of it for she had already turned and left. Had she stayed back just a few seconds longer she would have seen that same star grow much brighter than before, before moving closer the Equus, splitting in two, and streaking across the night sky, only to come to a stop as it crash landed in a field a few miles from a small village comfortably nestled in the shadow of the mountaintop castle.

Author's Note:

And so it begins, but is Equestria ready? But more importantly is Luna?

First fic ever so comments, critiques, and advise is welcome.