• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 3,289 Views, 41 Comments

Angels of Darkness - Magus of Chronicles

The Elite Lunar Guard is back to serve their Princess after their 1000 year banishment, but is Equestria ready for them?

  • ...

(6) Crash Landing

“We are so screwed right now.”

Yeah, I should have known better than to assume that. I mean Reggie isn't exactly known for keeping his nose clean. Credit to him though, this time it wasn't his fault. He was stuck with Sebastian and Fire after all so it's not like he had much of a choice but to follow when they crash landed after me. From what he told me though, it wasn't so much the landing itself that was the trouble, but rather where they landed.

Now normally landing in a grove of trees and displacing a few of them in the process would be a good thing, considering it helps to cushion the landing. But in this case this particular grove was part of a much larger orchard, one that happened to belong to a certain mare who is, shall we say, quite protective of her property. To say that they were screwed was a bit of an understatement.

But perhaps I should back up to where I left them. I believe the last they heard before I took off was 'Look out for Reggie.' Heh, easier said than done...


“AAHHHHHHH!!!!!”, Reggie screamed as he, Fire, and Sebastian fell through the atmosphere. While he clearly wasn't enjoying himself, Sebastian was as calm as ever and Fire was clearly very happy to be back in the sky again, though he would be happier if it wasn't for poor Reggie.

“Oi, quick ya screaming would ya, I'm trying to enjoy myself here.

“WHAT? How are you not freakin' out?! 'Cause in case ya didn't notice, we're fallin' ta our deaths here!”, shouted Reggie.

Sebastian chose that moment to speak up and try and calm Reggie down. “Please try and relax. I assure you that you're safe and in very capable hands. There is no need to worry about falling to your death as we've done this many times before; it's how we make our entrances. Now if you would please calm yourself and cease your shouting, your starting to give me a migraine.”

“Yah both completely nuts! How is falling through de sky like dis safe?!”

“Because magic ya bleedin' idiot, now stuff it!”

“Fire, there's no reason for that kind of language. And to answer your question, yes Reggie, the magic barrier around us will protect us from the fall and the impact with the ground.

Reggie thought about this for a minute as they rapidly approached the ground. “So yah sure we'll be perfectly safe?"

Trust me, the only problems you'll possibly have are some slight nausea and a bit of disorientation after landing." Reggie's sigh of relief was quickly cut off. “Well not unless we crash into a mountain side or land in the ocean, but other than that we should be just fine.”

“...That's not really all dat comforting...”

“Good.”, Sebastian smiled. “Now brace yourself, were about to land and its looks like it might be a bit bumpy.”

And by a 'bit bumpy' he meant 'extremely rough'. Though all things considered it could have been a lot worse. At first they skimmed the tops of a few trees and when it looked like they would clear the whole orchard, they curved straight down. They ended up crashing straight through an entire line of them at the end of the orchard before coming to a complete stop at the end of the 30 foot long trench they'd dug.

Once the dust had cleared they were able to stand up and checked themselves over. Seeing that none of them had suffered any injuries Sebastian spoke up first.

“Well, I think that went quite well don't you?”, he asked toward Reggie.

“Yeah no, ow...”, he wearily replied as he stretched himself out. “Ok, new rule. Neva fly again! Ow, damn it Sebastian I thought you said dat wouldn't hurt.”

“Yes it appears that I might have slightly exaggerated the safety of the barrier, sorry.”, he smiled sheepishly.

“Ah quit your whining, at least you can walk away. And in my book, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing, no matter how big the crater is.”

“Speaking of de landing, where did we crash anyway?”, Reggie asked to them both.

“Well if all of these apples around here are any indicator then I'd say we landed on an apple farm.”, Sebastian replied, motioning to the apples that lay scattered among the fallen trees.

“Sweet! I'm so hungry, I could eat the arse end out of a low flying duck.”, cried Fire as he began to eat his fill of the red fruit. Reggie and Sebastian however just stared at him. “What?”, he asked with a mouthful of apple.

“Fire... Just where have you been these past two years that you pick up such... colorful mannerisms...?”

Fire took a few more bites of his apple.“Australia.”, small bits shooting from his mouth as he answered.

“...That makes almost too much sense. Still, at least that answers the question of the new accent. Though nothing else seems to have changed.”, he said while brushing a piece of apple off his suit.

“What about you? Besides from your accent, you don't seem to have changed much from that prim 'n' proper way you were before either. Where have you been hiding out?”, Fire asked.

Sebastian smiled smugly and replied, “Well while you've been lazing about on the beach these past years, I've been working for a nice, wealthy gentleman and his family in London.”

“Um guys, you might want ta save dis chat for later.”

“Whys that?”, they both asked.

“What in the name of Celestia happened ta mah apple trees!?!”

“Dat's why...”

The trio looked off in the direction they heard the scream from and saw two figures rapidly approaching them, though they were still too far away to make out who or what they were.

Which brings us right back to, “We are so screwed right now.”

“How ya figure Reggie?”, Fire asked, apparently done with his impromptu meal.

“Well first off, it's very early in di morning and if Sebastian is right and we crashed landed on some kind of farm, then dem people heading our way is likely da farmers. And if farmers on dis world are anything like di ones back on Earth, den de be very protective of deir land. Now, seeing as how we just destroyed some of deir trees, it be my conclusion dat they're gonna be mighty pissed bout it.”

“Humph, impressive deduction. How did you figure this out so quickly?”, Sebastian asked, now quite curious about Reggie.

“I been in an' around enough trouble to know when it's near, an by da looks of things, there's eh shit storm of trouble brewing an we're stuck right in de middle of it.”

“Not if we run while we still can!”, Fire shouted as he prepared to fly off.

“And make things worse for ourselves, I don't think so.”, Sebastian said as he pulled Fire back to the ground. “I'm sure that once we explain what happened and that our landing here was an accident and out of our control everything will be fine.”

“Yeah right, I'm so sure. You know how stubborn Earth ponies can be, especially when it comes to their farmland. Besides, in case you haven't noticed, the sun's up, 'n' personally I find that to be a very bad sign.”, Fire replied, clearly eager to start running away.

Sebastian was about to reply with some witty retort but found the he couldn't find fault in Fire's logic. If the moon wasn't in the sky that could mean great trouble for them. So instead he simply sighed and said, “As much as it pains me to admit it, you're right. We have to get out of here and find someplace to hide while we wait for the Captain.”

“Hide, why would we have ta do that? Since when is de sun being up a bad ting? What are you guys talkin' about?”, Reggie asked.

“There isn't enough time to explain. We have to leave, now!”

“What happened to explainin' ourselves? Ya can't just run off like dat.”

“Like HELL we can't!”, Fire shouted as he flew up. “You can stay if you want but I am NOT gonna get thrown into some dungeon after I just got back. You with me Sebastian?”

“Reggie you have to come with us. The Captain told us to look out for you and that is exactly what we are going to do.”, Sebastian pleaded.

Reggie looked down and thought to himself for a moment before looking back at Sebastian and Fire and saying, “Nah mon, I be fine on mi own. You guys go on ahead, I'll hang back an take di heat fah dis one.”

“Fine by me, I'm out of here!”, Fire said as he took off toward a forest near the edge of the orchard.

“I'd rather not leave you here, but if that is your choice, then I will accept it.” Sebastian looked thoughtfully at him for a moment before saying, “I'm sorry.” He then turned and ran off into the woods after Fire leaving Reggie alone to greet the locals.

Reggie's POV

As I watched them take off I thought to myself, 'I know I shoulda probably went wid dem, but if I'm a gonna turn me life around, then I'd best start now. An dat means fessin' up an no more runnin' away.' “Sweet Celestia, it's worse than I thought!”, I heard that same voice from earlier say, now much closer than before. 'But dat don't mean I can't still have a little fun wid dem.' I thought with a small grin as I quickly laid down and pretended to be unconscious. 'If what Breeze said bout dis world is true then I should be completely safe as long as I get a chance to explain myself.' “Hey AJ, it looks like there's something down there!”, another voice shouted. 'Let's hope dis works.'

I kept as still as I could when I heard footsteps in the crater next to me, though they sounded off for some reason. Neither of the voices said anything at first but I felt one of them start poking me. “Uh AJ, I think it's dead.”, the second voice spoke.

“It ain't dead Rainbow Dash, I can see it still breathing. Whatever it is...” 'Ok so we have a country girl an a city chick, dis might be interesting...'

“Well it's definitely not like anything I've ever seen before. Lets wake it up and find out!” The second voice sounded excited and started to nudge me awake but was pulled back by the first.

“Now hold on a second there RD! We don't have a clue what this thing is, it could be dangerous for all we know!”

“Oh come on Applejack!” The second voice was sounding annoyed. “Me and you have charged head first at a snarling manticore and a horde of changelings and you're scared of this thing?”

“All I'm saying is that we should be careful seeing as how we don't know nothin' about-”

The second voice didn't seem to care and just kept on going. “And all I'M saying is we won't know anything about it until we ask. You can stand there scared if you want but I'm gonna try and wake it up.” 'Hm, I 'm beginning to like dis girl. She's nah afraid to jump straight inta di unknown.'

“Fine Dash, but don't blame me if it decides to attack.” At that I couldn't help but laugh a little which startled them both. 'Well looks like de jokes over, time to get mi first look at what dis world's got ta offer.'

I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position and opened my eyes to be met with the unsure stares of two brightly colored horses. One was a bright orange mare with a cowboy hat on her head and the other was a cyan colored mare with a rainbow mane as well as a pair of wings. I figured that she had been the one who had tried to wake me up.

“Whoa, trippy.”, I whispered to myself. 'A'ight now Reg, rememba ta stay cool. Breeze said dis would be a fantasy world and that der would be all kinds of crazy shit ya ain't ever seen before. So just be cool an you'll be a'ight.' I took a deep breath and began to speak when the rainbow-haired one interrupted me.

“Dude, what in Equestria are you?”, she asked in a curious but somewhat rude tone.

At this point I decided to throw caution to the wind and just be myself. “Who me, well I'm just an ordinary city brewed voodoo mon. Name's Reggie.”, I said as I held my fist out. The rainbow-haired one looked at me kinda funny before smiling, bumping her hoof with my fist.

“Name's Rainbow Dash.” 'Huh, so de fist bump is universal, who knew?'

“So dat must make yah angry, orange friend der Applejack. Nice ta meet ya both.”

“I'm sure it would be, if it weren't fer this!”, she said pointing with a hoof at the fallen trees around us. She started glaring straight at me with a slight anger in her eyes. “I want a straight answer, none a yer fancy talk. What in the hay are you and what in sam heck did ya do ta mah apple trees?!” She was right in my face at this point which made her seem a little more intimidating, though I tried not to let her know that. 'I better start explainin' soon, odahwise dis won't end well for me.'

“Hey AJ, ease up would ya. Give him some time and he might tell ya.”

“It's a'ight, I understand why she's mad. Hell I would be too if somebody I ain't eva seen before came and busted up me property.” She back up a few steps at this and gave me a confused look. “But as I was sayin', me name's Reggie Higgins and about what happened ta ya trees, well... OK first off I would like ta say dat I am sorry, but dat it wasn't my fault. I was just along for da ride.”

She didn't look quite as angry now, only more confused. “...What in the hay is that supposed to mean?”

“It's ah bit complicated.” 'How do I explain dis? I don't know anything about magic!' I thought on that for a moment before it dawned on me. 'Wait a tic...'

“Did either of you happen ta see a shooting star dis morning?”

“Yeah we did, two of them actually.”, Dash spoke up. “Are you saying that one of them was you?”

“Well kinda... It wasn't no falling star though. More like a big ball of magic that surrounded us as we flew through space and crash landed.

Applejack's eyes grew wide when I said that. “Us? Space? Are ya trying ta say that you're some kinda alien and that there's more of you hanging around here somewhere?” 'Oops, I probably shouldn't have mentioned the others. Or about our space trip. Well too late now.'

“Yeah... did I forget to mention I'm not exactly from around here?” I tried to smile and laugh it off as nothing, but the intense and confused looks they were giving me just made it too awkward. “Uh, I come in peace?”, I tried, hand gesture included. They just kept staring. 'Nope, no such luck. Well I tried, all I can do now is wait and see what dey have ta say bout dis.'

The moment just kept getting more awkward until Rainbow Dash decided to break the silence. “Let me see if I got this straight. You, along with some others, are aliens from another world that crash landed here after flying through space like a shooting star inside a big ball of magic?”

“...Yeah dat pretty much sums it up.”, I replied with an awkward smile.

She looked intently at me for a few more seconds, like she was studying me, before she shouted, “That is so... AWSOME!!!” 'OK, didn't expect dat kinda reaction.' Any trace of skepticism or confusion on her face was long gone. In their place was a look a excitement and joy. Before I could say anything she started bombarding me with questions. “What 's your world like? What's its name? Does it have ponies like us there? What are-mmph.” She was abruptly cut off by Applejack shoving her hoof in her mouth.

“Sheesh Dash, give the guy a break. He's gonna get enough questions when Twilight gets a hold a him.”

“Uh, Twilight?”, I asked.

After removing Applejack's hoof from her mouth Rainbow said, “Yeah she's another of our friends, really smart, but kind of an egghead. Speaking of which, you think we should get the others over here AJ.”

“I was about to say the same thing. You think you can round 'em all up?”

“I'm on it! Be back in a minute.” With that said she took off to the skies faster than I could blink. The only thing I could see was a rainbow contrail behind her.

“Wow dat girl is fast.”, I said as I stared after her in amazement.

“Pfft, that ain't nothing. If you think that's fast, you should her when she's trying. Believe it or not I've actually seen her break the sound barrier.”

“Seriously?”, I asked. Applejack merely nodded. “Well dat's definitely something I'll have ta see for meself someday.” 'A rainbow-haired pony able ta break de sound barrier... Just what kinda crazy voodoo dey got goin' on around here.' “You mentioned something about de others. More friends a yours I take it?”

“Yeah actually. There's seven of us total, me and Dash being two. You'll meet the rest of 'em soon enough.”

“Well den in dat case I should probably stand up and make myself look presentable.”, I said as I hauled myself up and out of the crater and dusted myself off. Now that I was standing I could see that I was around a foot taller than AJ as she only came up to the middle of my chest.

“And here I thought you was just slouchin', but you sure are a tall one.”, she said after climbing out after me.

“ I ain't really all dat big, hell dis is actually about average for my people. But if you tink dis is big, ya should see my friend Zeke, he's at least a foot taller den me.” That got me thinking. “I sure hope he's OK.”

“One a yer friends ya left back on yer world?” AJ asked.

“Huh, ah nah. He's de one who brought me here actually. Him an his two buds.”

“Yeah ya mentioned there bein' more of you here. Where are they exactly?”

I decided to be open and honest with her, seeing as she had yet to give me a reason not to. “Well Zeke actually landed first, only a few minutes before de rest of us. He said someting bout stopping someone from crying or something den he broke away from us and crashed. I don't know, I could hardly hear much over me own screams of terror.” I laughed a bit to myself at dis. “As fer di other two, dey took off into de forest after one of 'em had a snack and said someting bout de sun bein' up was a bad ting.”

“Well that explains the apple core's everywhere.”, she said as she kicked aside a nearby core. “Do you know why they would think the sun bein' up was bad?”

“Not at all. I tried asking but dey just ran. Dey tried ta get me ta come with dem, but I said dat I'd hang back and try to explain everyting. Sorry bout your trees again.”, I said as apologetically as I could. 'I wonder if der's some way I can make it up to her.'

A sad looked crossed her face as she looked around at the destroyed trees. “Ah don't worry about.”, she said. “Could have been a lot worse, for both my trees and you. But you're not hurt and it was only a few trees, easily fixable.”

“Well if der's anyting I can do ta help, just lemme know.”, I said as I smiled at her.

“Will do partner.” She looked at me for a moment more before saying, “Ya know yer an alright fella, fer an alien anyway.”

“Heh thanks, I think...” 'Was dat a compliment? I can neva tell wid dese country people.' “I can only hope dat de rest of ya friends tink as much.”

“Well ya won't hafta wait long to find out, here they come now.”

Author's Note:

And it continues...

Comments ( 8 )

7341003 This is a world with magic and talking ponies and your trying to apply science? The princesses raise the damned sun and moon so clearly not much astronomy and science applies here!

:twilightblush:That was what inspired me to begin writing this in the first place. Full credit to them and a big thanks for the inspiration.:twilightblush:

I get that the angels were originally ponies but can ya hold off on turning them back?

Don't worry, they won't be turning back for a long while.

Great story so far, I think it could become something truly great. I noticed a few spelling errors throughout the chapters but it was all minor stuff. Keep up the good work.

This story is very good but will it continue🤔

Sooo.... Did this die?.... Because its an amazing story so far.

A 7 years no updates life happens

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