• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 3,289 Views, 41 Comments

Angels of Darkness - Magus of Chronicles

The Elite Lunar Guard is back to serve their Princess after their 1000 year banishment, but is Equestria ready for them?

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(5) Midnight Falls

You know, in hindsight, flying off without them probably wasn't the smartest thing to do at the time. At least then I'd have had some backup. But as it was I was too focused on one thing to think clearly and tactically, reuniting with my Princess. I had been away from her side for far to long and my heart ached to be near her once more, even if she was a Nightmare...

So, needless to say, I had my worries about her and seeing the sun coming up over the horizon did not help to alleviate them. If the sun was rising then that meant only one thing, that she had failed and Celestia was still in control. My mind raced with the possibilities of what could have happened to her when she returned. She had plenty of power, she should have succeeded; so why was dawn approaching?

In the back of my mind there was still the small spark of hope that they had reconciled their differences and things had gone back to the way they were before. But after what happened during their last fight, the one where we were banished, I knew there would be no compromising. I had to find her; I had to make sure she was okay. It was my job to protect her and I wouldn't fail her again.

Lost in my thoughts as I was I arrived at the castle sooner than expected. Luck was on my side this morning as the sun was only about halfway risen and Celestia was to distracted with her magic to notice my descent into the city that was built around the castle. Also lucky for me was the fact that there weren't many ponies out and about this early and there was just enough shadow left for me to sneak through the whole city undetected. I would have flown straight to the castle but I would have spotted by the many guards she had patrolling the area. I may have been in a rush, but I wasn't stupid.

When I reached the castle gates I was just in time for the guard rotations as the night shift left and made way for the morning shift. As I stealthily made my way through the gates and on to the castle grounds I thought I saw something odd about those night guards. There armor appeared to be a lot darker in color than those that came for the morning shift. I just pushed that thought away as a trick of the light or some such and moved on, I couldn't let anything distract me; I had to remain focused on the task at hand.

I carefully made my way around the castle looking for a side entrance and found myself in the Royal Gardens. Many bright and beautiful flowers of all colors and sizes dotted the area and a large hedge maze could be seen over on one side. There was also quite a few different statues placed here and there as well that added to the overall beauty of the garden, though I knew better.

Still, it was a fine garden, one that Celestia obviously took great care in maintaining. Any lesser being might have taken the time to release a bit of the rage they held for her by destroying this beauty, but I wasn't any lesser being. I was a highly trained member of Princess Luna's Elite Royal Guard and acted as such. Besides, Celestia would get what was coming to her soon enough.

After making sure that I hadn't been spotted during my musings I made my way to a nearby window and peered inside. I spotted a few more guards as well as a pony in a chefs hat leave what I assumed was the kitchen, no doubt finished with this mornings breakfast. Based on what I knew about the old castle layout and what I had seen of this one, I figured Celestia had built this one in a similar manner.

“Okay, if the kitchen is there then the dining area would be one room over and that means the throne room should be right about... There!”, I thought out loud as I noticed a large oaken double door set into the wall further down the hall. “Hah, nice job Cely, this will make things much easier.”

Once I had determined the location of the throne room I looked toward the sky. The sun was well over the horizon now and no doubt Celestia was just about to start morning court. “Perfect.”, I whispered to myself. “And with no pegasi guards around for the moment, this will be a piece of cake.” I quietly unfurled my wings and flew to the roof, right above the throne room. When I landed I looked around for right spot to make my entrance. The time for stealth was over; I had to show her I meant business and if that meant destroying a bit of her precious castle then so be it.

When I found the spot I was looking for, a small and hardly noticeable cinch in the roofing, I withdrew my sword. Our trip back had drained us of most of our energy but I had enough left for one last thing. I summoned all the willpower, magic, and strength I had left and raised my sword high above me. “FOR LUNA!”, I cried out as my blade was caught afire and shone in a bluish, pale white light. I knew I had called attention to myself as I heard the screams of dozens of guards, but I didn't give them a chance as I plunged my sword straight down into the roof.

Celestia meanwhile, was in the middle of holding morning court and was currently arguing with a few nobles about taxes or some such. It was the same thing everyday. The nobles come to complain, she argues against them, they yell, she shows them where they're wrong, and they leave. That went on for hours until lunch, then she would hear everypony else's problems till dinner. For once she wished that something would happen to interrupt her boring morning.

She got her wish when she heard the shouts of her guards form outside and saw the ceiling of her throne room explode and collapse a few feet from her. The nobles standing underneath the explosion barely had time react as a few guards managed to pull them out of the way before the rubble fell on them. Once the dust had cleared Celestia looked out on her destroyed throne room and saw what had caused the destruction.

In the center of the debris I stood knelt over my sword as a circle of ghostly blue flame surrounded me and cover my blade. After she got over her shock she screamed, “Who are you?! Who dares to attack Canterlot Castle?!” I simply laughed at her as I slowly rose to my full height and raised my sword. All the nearby guards had overcome their own shock and had quickly drawn their weapons and surrounded me, but when they heard me laugh, I saw a small glint of fear in their eyes.

'Hah, how pathetic. They don't even know the meaning of the word Fear, but they will soon.' I stretched out my remaining magic and slowly pulled in all the surrounding shadows as I began to speak with Celestia.

“Good morning Cely, been awhile hasn't it.”, I spoke with as sickly sweet a voice as I could muster. I wanted her to feel the venom in my words.

“Who are you stranger? What are you? Why have done this?”, she asked, clearly confused as to how I knew her.

“Oh my apologies Cely. I know you don't recognize me like this, but I recognize you. You've hardly changed a bit since I last saw you, though the new mane colors are a nice touch.”

“How is it you know me? I've never seen you before in my entire life.”

“Oh come now Cely, this is really getting old. Think back about a thousand years to a certain night. You remember, don't you? The night your sister decided she had had enough of your ignorance. The night when she refused to lower her Moon. The night when you banished you own sister to a thousand years of loneliness and solitude!”

As my emotions ran high the shadows stared to close in around us, even blocking out the light from the hole in the ceiling. The fires died down and a chilly breeze stared to blow as I started slowly walking toward her. The guards tried to stop me but with a quick wave of my hand the shadows covered their eyes and blinded them. While they stumbled around screaming in confusion and fear I stood before Celestia at equal height and stared her down.

“Surely you remember me now, or are the shadows and the cold wind not enough to remind you of that night?”

She stared right into my eyes with nary a hint of emotion, she knew who I was. “You know, at first I thought you to be someone entirely different, but then I remembered that no one could cause a breeze as chilling as yours. That, and the fact that no one ever dares to call me 'Cely' except for you.” She spoke with a calm and clear voice, one perfectly fitted to her role as ruler, but I could tell she was trying her hardest not to simply blast me right there. “Welcome back, Midnight Breeze. I wondered what became of you after that night.”

“Well give the girl a prize, she finally got it. Took you long enough though didn't it?” I spoke in a mocking tone and gave a slow clap of my hands as I took a step back before I continued. “As for where I've been these past thousand years, well let's just say that you didn't just banish her. As we stood loyal by her side until the very end, so too were we banished. She in her Moon and us to the stars. We landed on a small planet much like Equis galaxies away and fell into a deep sleep until the time came for us aid our Princess in her escape.”

Celestia looked shocked as I said this. I merely laughed at her as I watched her guards continue to stumble around in the darkness. What they were seeing only they knew; most likely a nightmarish construct of some sort. The Dark can create fears of many kinds after all. When she finally spoke she asked, “How could you have done anything if you were so far away?”

“Oh my dear small minded Cely, did you think the 'stars' that were mentioned in the prophecy of her return were merely metaphor? Well, they weren't. They were us, The Angels of Darkness. And We have returned to rejoin our glorious Princess in her wondrous night.” I took a stance a few feet from her and raised my sword. “So, I'll only ask this once and you had better tell me what I want to hear or else. Where is she?

The flames reignited in my blade as held it high in preparation to fight. We both knew that I would fight tooth and nail for my Princess's safety and if she said something I didn't want to hear, then she would have one hell of a fight on her hooves. After another minute or two of staring each other down I saw a glint of smugness in her eyes as she smiled and said, “Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Midnight, but the Nightmare is no more.”

Her words were confusing to say the least, but before I could comprehend them I heard a shout from across the room. “Sister, is everything all right?! I heard an explosion and-” Luna cut herself off with a gasp when she saw the current state of the throne room. “What happened in here? Why is there a hole in the ceiling? What's wrong with the guards?” Then she saw me, and I her. “YOU!”, she screamed, her eyes narrowed down on me. “Who are you? Is this your doing?”

I couldn't move, couldn't breath, I couldn't even think. It was her, my Princess Luna. It was then that Celestia's words made perfect sense. She was no longer a Nightmare, instead she was the beautiful and powerful Princess of the Night that I knew her to be.

She was just as I remembered her. Her mane, dark blue and flowing, cascaded over her shoulders like a conflagration of black and blue fire being blown to the side. Her hooves were long and slender, just like her body. Her regalia was as black as the night sky she ruled over. Her gorgeous aqua blue eyes could calm even the most violent of beasts and at the same time stare a hydra into submission. She had large vibrant blue wings and a perfectly sculpted slender horn to match. A crescent moon on a patch of black sky as her cutie mark and the sparkling stardust in her mane and tail left no doubt in my mind that this was indeed the real Princess Luna.

“I asked you a question and I expect an answer. WHO ARE YOU AND IS THIS YOUR DOING?”, she asked again, this time using her Royal voice. That was enough to snap me out of my trance as I cast aside my no longer burning sword, relinquished my hold on the shadows, allowing the guards to see again, and fell to my knees at her hooves. This thoroughly confused her and I can see why. I pointed my sword at her sister yet I bow to her, anyone would see that as bizarre.

I was overjoyed at seeing her for the first time in a millennium and I could barely hold back my tears from it, but I held strong as I addressed her. “Milady Luna, you have no idea how wonderful it is to see you again. Please have my most humble apologies for the mess. I was merely trying to find you and when I returned to see the sunrise I feared the worst had befallen you after your escape from the Moon so I might have over reacted a bit.”

Luna looked at me like I was crazy. “I'm confused. You raise your sword at my sister yet bow to me and you talk as if we know each other. I have never seen you before in my life. Explain yourself at once!”

She was starting to get very angry and that was never a good thing. “Of course Milady. Your sister said much the same when she saw me and I know you don't recognize me in this form, but it's me, Midnight Breeze; your most loyal servant and leader of your Elite Guard. Milady, the Angels have returned, just as we said we would.”

She looked toward Celestia for conformation on what I said, but I couldn't tell if she gave it for I was still facing Luna. When she looked beck to me all the anger and confusion had left her face. In their place was guilt and sorrow, but before I could ask about it Luna said, “I'm sorry sir, but I know not who you are.”

I could feel my heart sink when she said those words. How could she not remember me, remember us. This did not bode well for the Angels. She snapped me out of my thoughts as she continued to speak. “My memory of my time as a Nightmare is quite fuzzy and though you seem familiar, I can not place why. You say you are the leader of my Elite Guard, but you do not look like anything we have ever seen in Equestria before, or even anywhere on Equis.”

'Memory loss? Well that would explain it. But what could have caused it? And while I'm thinking about it, what brought her back from the Nightmare in the first place?' I decided that now would be a good time to explain things to both princesses. But before I could, Celestia spoke up. “Perhaps it would be better to have this conversation somewhere more private. Guards, have a repair team clean up this rubble and fix that hole. Luna, Midnight, follow me.” With that we all left the throne and made our way toward what I assumed was Celestia's private study. It definitely looked it, the colors all bright and warm like her sun.

Celestia and Luna took a seat on a couch set to one side of the room and I on one directly across from them. “Now,” Luna began. “You were about to explain to us who and what exactly you are. And who are these angels you speak of as well?”

“Of course Milady. You see this body, known as a 'human', is merely an illusion my shadow magic wrapped me in to allow me to blend in on the planet the Angels landed on after our banishment. I normally look like a normal pony, with a few exceptions. As for the Angels, that is the name you gave to the most talented and elite of your guard, The Angels of Darkness.”

“Hmm, that does sound like a name I would use. But you mentioned that you were banished, correct? Whatever did you do to incur such a punishment?”, Luna asked.

'It seems she really doesn't remember. I guess I'll have to fix that.' And so I began my lengthy explanation to try and jog her memory. “I stood loyal by your side Princess, as did the rest of the Angels. On the night the Moon stood still, when all others left you in favor of your sister, we remained loyal to you and the Night.”

“Why? I was an awful, horrible creature who tried to make the night last forever. Had I succeeded the whole of Equestria would have suffered. Why would you stand by me only to be banished as well?” She was clearly shocked that we would do such a thing, even if it meant being banished to the stars. So I decided to remind her off the Angels origin, if a bit forcefully.

“Because we swore an oath to you!” Okay so I was more than a bit forceful. I couldn't help it, I finally snapped. Here I was after a thousand years of being away from her and she doesn't remember me?! I tried my best to restrain myself but my emotions just got the better of me. “We swore to serve you and the Night for as long as we lived. Please Princess, you've got to remember. That night all those years ago, when I swore my life to you at night's darkest hour, under the light of the full moon, you told me that as long as I follow the Moon, I shall always find sanctuary in the night.” I calmed down as best I could and chanced a look toward the two of them. Celestia was as calm and quiet as ever while Luna's face was a mixture of confusion and sorrow.

Once I had taken a few calming breaths I continued. “On that night you imparted some of your knowledge and magic on me, the same as you did with all the other Angels. In doing so you created a magical link between us that strengthened our already powerful bond. See for yourself, the magic that ties us together is still strong as is the power you gave me.”

With a little nudging from Celestia Luna ignited her horn in her soft magical glow and pointed it at my chest. I felt the tingling sensation of magic run over me as she felt for the link and a gentle tugging on my heart when she found it. I heard her gasp as she stopped her magic and the tears I saw in her eyes told me that she finally remembered.

I stood from my seat and knelt before her. “My Princess Luna, I swore my life and loyalty to you and only you as a member of the Angels of Darkness. To this day I stand by that oath and I will continue to stand by your side until you see fit to dismiss me, though I hope I never give you reason to do so.” With these last words I remained silent, awaiting her response.

It wasn't long before I got it either. “My Midnight Breeze, could it really be you?”

I looked up to see her struggling to hold back her tears and that Celestia was smiling, clearly happy for her sister. “Yes Luna, you know it is.”, I replied, starting to get equally emotional. “I'm finally back at your side where I belong.”

“Breezy!”, she cried as she swept me up in a massive hug, her tears flowing freely now. That was something I really didn't expect considering she hadn't called me that since I was a foal. “My young Breezy, oh how I've missed you so.”

“I've missed you to my Princess.”, I said, eagerly returning the hug.

“I'm glad your back; I've been so lonely as of late.”, she said as she released me from her embrace.

“I know, we heard your cries last night and came together to try and get back home.”, I said while wiping away her remaining tears. “It wasn't easy but we managed somehow. Unfortunately be used up nearly all of our power to get hear and I wasted the rest of mine on my entrance so we're going to be a bit drained for a while.”

“You always were one for the dramatic.”, she giggled. Oh how good it felt to hear her laugh again. “But wait, you said last night, correct?” I nodded. “Then that unusual star I saw last night was you?”

“Most likely.” Though I didn't know then what exactly she meant.

She quietly muttered something to herself before addressing me again. “Well I'm just glad to have you back, but now that you are, why aren't you back in your normal body.”

“Yeah about that, you see it would appear that that particular spell has a lock on it that prevents me from returning to my real body. My guess is that it's a safety measure that was put in place to prevent anyone back on Earth, the planet where we landed, from discovering what we looked like.”

“Why would that be needed?”

“Because that planet had no natural magic and beings like unicorns and pegasi were mere myth. Seeing one walking down the street would have caused quite the uproar. But I wouldn't worry to much about it. I'm no unicorn but I think it'll wear off on it's own eventually.”

Just then Celestia decided to speak up. “Hmm, a planet entirely without magic, how interesting.”

“Oh Sister I'm so sorry, I nearly forgot you were here as well.”

“It's quite all right Luna dear.”, Celestia laughed. “I was perfectly content to wait while you two got reacquainted, though I would love to know more about this 'Earth'.”

“I think I'll let Reggie handle that one Cely.” And that's when it finally hit me. “Oh no, Reggie! How could I forget about him?!”, I screamed, mentally berating myself just leaving him.

Celestia and Luna just stared at me. “Uh, Midnight, who is this 'Reggie'?”, Celestia asked.

“Reggie's... complicated, to say the least. He was someone whom I had the pleasure of meeting during my last year on Earth.” So I told them all about Reggie and how we met, how I had saved his life and he offered me a place to stay as thanks, and all about our little misadventures up till now.

“Normally I wouldn't have bothered but something told me to go ahead and we've been friends ever since. And after what happened last night and I explained who I was to him, I offered him the choice to come with us. He eagerly accepted, more than happy to leave his old life behind and start fresh. I'm sure you can see why.”

“Indeed and from what you have said about him he definitely seems to want to turn his life around.”, Celestia commented. “I'm sure he'll fit right in here in Equestria.”

“You did mention to him about our world beforehoof and that he would be the only human on the planet.”, Luna added.

“Yes I did. We had a long talk about what he should expect, though he might still be a bit shocked.”

“Where is he now?”, Luna asked. “We need to find him before ponies start panicking over an alien visitor?”

“I told the others to look after him when I split off from them. They shouldn't have landed to far from where I did either.”

“When and where was that exactly?”

“Early this morning, before sunrise, just outside of a small town a few miles from the base of this mountain, why?”

Both their of eyes went wide as they simultaneously face-hoofed. “Oh dear, in that case we had better hurry. I'll write Twilight a letter to let her know we're on our way.” Celestia said as she stood up and walked over behind her desk.

“Good idea Sister, I'll take Midnight and go prepare a carriage. Let's go.”

Now it was my turned to be the confused one. “Did I miss something? Because you two seem unusually worried.”, I asked as I followed Luna out the door.

Luna gave me a very worried look and said, “Let's just say that you picked a very bad spot to crash land.” With that she broke into a trot down the hall to where I assumed the chariot hanger was. I simply resigned to trust her and that I would find out what she meant soon enough. I just hoped that Reggie wasn't getting himself into any trouble.

Author's Note:

So the Angels make back home and Midnight is finally reunited with Luna. But what is their relationship with each other exactly? What became of Reggie and the others Angels? Will Reggie be able to handle these women? More importantly, will he be able to deal with Pinkie? Probably not.

My apologies for the lateness but at over 4 thousand words I do hope I can make up for it. Next time we see what took place in Ponyville while Midnight was with the Sisters. Enjoy yourselves friends, don't be afraid to comment and criticize.