• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 3,289 Views, 41 Comments

Angels of Darkness - Magus of Chronicles

The Elite Lunar Guard is back to serve their Princess after their 1000 year banishment, but is Equestria ready for them?

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(3) Moonlight Reunion

“Guests?”, asked a very confused Reggie.

“Yes, guests. A couple of friends of mine who I haven't seen for quite a while will be here soon and I'd like to make this place look at least presentable.”, I said looking around our small, dingy apartment. It was a small 1 bedroom apartment with a decently sized living area and a tiny bathroom. Reggie had his space in the bedroom, while I had my cot set off to one side of the living room. Nothing fancy but it suited us just fine. “In fact, they'll be here within the hour so I suggest we hurry.”

As we set about cleaning up the place I noticed Reggie was being unusually quiet. I could tell by the look on his face that he was deep in thought and that was never a good thing. Nothing against him, but usually his deep thinking involved some convoluted 'get-rich-quick' scheme that landed one or both of us in hot water nearly every time. What was odd about this time though, was that he was never usually at it for this long. I decided to ask him about it, if only to break the silence.

“What's on your mind Reg?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing.”, he mumbled out.

“Come on Reggie, I know that look. What are you thinking about?”, I asked, slightly concerned for him.

“You. I mean, first ya flip out when ya hear bout da eclipse tonight, den, ya zone out on meh while mutterin who knows what under yer breath. Now you say der be friends a yours coming ta visit, who, by da way, you neva mentioned before. What's goin on mon?”

'Ah, so that's what this is about.' I trusted Reggie, but this had been a well kept secret of mine for the past year, ever since I woke up. But if I was going to tell him, I needed to know if he trusted me. After all, anything I said would be completely life altering to him. I had to know if he could handle that.

“Reggie, do you trust me?” He looked at me like I had gone crazy.

“What? A course I trust ya Zeke. You've saved my ass more times dan I can count. Hell, afta everting we been through togeta, who wouldn't trust ya?”

“You have to be sure Reggie. Because what I could tell you would change everything you ever thought you knew about the world and I'm sorry but I'm not sure if you can handle that. Now I'll ask again, do you trust me?”

“Okay, now I know ya like bein all mystical and mysterious, but I'm pretty sure der ain't nating dat ya could say dat I could't handle. So yeah mon, I trust ya.”

“All right then, I'll tell you everything. But first, I'd like you to meet my friends.”, I said, motioning toward the far living room wall. When Reggie turned to look I swear his eyes nearly popped out of his head in surprise. On the other side of the room dark wisps of energy were were spreading out from the very shadows, coalescing into two human figures. One was a tall, old, pale looking gentleman with deep blue eyes and silvery gray hair who wore an expensive looking dark blue suit and carried an air of refinement about him. The other was a much younger looking man, probably in his late teens, with crimson red eyes, dark black hair with streaks of red in it, and was wearing brown cargo pants and a faded blue T-shirt, making him look a lot more relaxed than the other guy. As the two stepped out of the shadows, they took to one knee and bowed to me.

“We have arrived, Captain Breeze.”, said the older man in a heavy British accent.

“At ease guys, this isn't exactly the best time for formalities.”, I replied, motioning for them to stand up.

As they did, the older gentleman took notice that I wasn't the only one in the room with them. “Sir, why is there another person here? I thought we Stars were known for our secrecy, not for advertising ourselves to the public.”, he asked.

Ignoring him I said, “Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my roommate Reggie. Reggie, meet my friends Sebastian and Fire Crescent.”, I said, pointing to each as I said their names.

“A pleasure to meet you sir.”, Sebastian said with a slight bow. A quick 'Hey' was all Fire said though.

Reggie didn't say anything for a minute or two and I could tell that he was very confused about all this. I was about to ask if he was all right when he turned to me and finally spoke up. “Eh, Zeke mon, can ya explain what just happened, 'cus it looked like two people just walked out of de living room wall.”

“Of course I can Reg, I did say that I would explain everything to you. Everyone please take a seat, there's a lot to be said and very little time to do so.”

Once everyone was seated I began my long explanation. “Now, time is of the essence here so I will have to leave out a few details so just bear with me. Reggie, I'm giving you one last chance to back out now, to go on about your life and forget you ever saw us.”

With his eyes deadlocked on me he gave his final reply. “Hell nah, I'm stayin brudda.”

“All right then, you asked for it. First off, my name's not Zeke, it's Midnight Breeze. I merely chose to go by that name while here because it means 'star' in one of your world's languages. Second, I, as well as my companions here, are not from your world. We come from a world hundreds of light years and galaxies away called Equis, a land of wondrous beauty and pure magic. We fell to your world a thousand years ago after we lost a great battle and were banished from our home, along with our Princess of the Night. While she was imprisoned on the moon of our world, we weren't so lucky and were launched into deep space. Luckily, our magic guided our unconscious forms to a nearby world filled with intelligent life, yours. When we landed, our magic shadowed us and protected us from being discovered by any of this worlds inhabitants. For a thousand years we slept, completely unaware of the ever changing world around us. It wasn't until two years ago that we awoke from our slumber.”

I paused to collect my thoughts and let what I had said so far sink in. But before he could interrupt me I continued. “You see, when each of us chose to stand at her side, the Princess made each of us a part of her and thus she became a part of us as well. This link we have with her is what allowed us to stay by her side, even in our imprisoned states and everyday since then we have been unconsciously storing up power and giving it to her through the link. Two years ago we Stars aided in her escape and she was finally able to return to reclaim her rightful place upon the throne. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough power and our fourth star sacrificed herself to the freedom of our Princess. We miss her terribly.” At the mention of our missing member the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees as shadows were cast upon my bothers faces. I decided to move away from what I knew was a sensitive topic with us.

“After that, what little magic we had left disguised us so we would blend in with this world's inhabitants. Since then we've simply waited for enough of our power to be restored so we can return to our world and to the cool embrace of the Night. Reggie, this is who I am and I need to know, can you handle that.” I waited patiently as he absorbed everything that I had said. I knew it was a lot to take in. But the answer he gave wasn't one I'd expected. He laughed. I figured he wouldn't believe me but laughter, that's a little much, even for him.

“Hahahaha! Ya gotta be kiddin me mon. I may have seen ya do all kinds a strange impossible tings, but if ya expect me to believe dat yas is from anoder world, den yous really are crazy.”

“Perhaps he requires some form of proof that what you say is true.” Ah Sebastian, always the logical one.

“What would you suggest?”

“Well if our entrance wasn't enough to convince him, than perhaps something more physical, like your wings.”

“Well it's about time.”, Fire cut in. “I been aching to stretch these gals since I was forced into this wingless body.”

At that the light in the room seemed to fall away from us as the surrounding shadows gathered themselves to my and Fire's backs. I could feel the magic in me swell and burst outward as my wings began to form. It felt great to have them back and I couldn't wait to feel the cool air on my face as I soared through the night sky once more. I knew Fire felt the same, except that he was probably thinking about being able to show off his acrobatic skills again. Once our wings were fully formed and the shadows had receded, Fire and I extended them outward to their full length and let Reggie get a good long look at them. We both had a pair of large leathery looking wings, but with one major difference. Fire's wings were as black as a starless night while mine were a silvery white, identical to the pale moonlight from a full moon.

After giving them a few flaps to work out any stiffness, I turned back to Reggie and asked, “Do you believe me now?” He didn't respond. Instead he just stared at my new appendages as I continued to adjust them. They a little bigger on my human body, though not by much, and it I knew it would take time for me to get used to it.

The Reggie suddenly spoke up. “Do ya mind if I touch 'em? 'Cause dis be too good ta be true and I just want ta make sure I'm not dreamin.” I was a bit apprehensive at first but all things considered it wasn't an unreasonable request.

“I suppose, but just for a minute. And please be careful, they may be tough but they're also quite sensitive.”, I said as I extended a wing toward him.

He reached out his hand and placed it, thankfully, on the topside of the wing, near the extending bone at the top where the joints connect. As he moved his hand along the top of it he said, “Okay, dis ahs got ta be da coolest ting I've eva seen. But why does it feel so scaly?”, he asked after he had removed his hand.

“That my friend, is because that despite what they may look like, they are, in fact, not bat wings. They're actually draconic.”, I said with a hint of pride in my voice. Reggie just looked completely amazed, unsure of what to make of me and my friends. “Now, I know you must have many more questions but I'm afraid that they'll have to wait. Time is of the essence and I still need to explain a few things to my companions.”

Turning my attention back to Sebastian and Fire I began to outline my plan for them. “Now I know we may not yet have the power we need, especially without her here, but there is hope. The Lunar Eclipse. I've watched the sky every night since I woke up and I know for a fact that this eclipse shouldn't be happening this soon, especially with this much energy behind it, but it is.” From the look of realization that flashed across their faces I knew they understood what I meant.

“I don't know about you guys but I miss our world and, more importantly, I miss Princess Luna and I can't bear to be away from her any longer. We're going home, TONIGHT!”

“You sure about this mate?”, Fire asked. “Don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting back to Princess as soon as possible, but I'd rather not crash and burn on the re-entry."

“Or worse, not even making it halfway there and suffocating to death as we float aimlessly through the cold darkness of deep space.”

“Stop being such a pessimist Sebastian, there's no need to worry. I'm almost positive that the eclipse will give us more than enough power to return home safely.”

Fire didn't look convinced and said as much. “Almost? That's not exactly reassuring mate.”

“We there is the little matter of timing it right, which, based on my calculations, means that we would have to leave exactly at midnight.”

“But Sir,” Sebastian said, “That would mean we have only 1 hour left!”

“Well then we need to move, now!”

“But there's too much artificial light around here that could interfere with our magic! How are we going to find a dark enough place with only 1 hour until our window closes?”

“Calm down Fire. I've roamed these streets for the past year so I've already found the perfect place, Prospect Park. I've made my way through there on my nightly walks dozens of times and I discovered a small field a little ways behind the Maryland Monument that is completely secluded and it's far enough away from the city lights so magic won't be affected.”

“Then what are we waiting for, let's get the hell off this god forsaken rock! No offense Reggie.”

“None taken me alien brudda. I know it's probably noting compared ta your world.”

“It's not that bad Reg.”, I said as we all got up to leave. “I mean sure our people are a lot nicer and there's absolutely no pollution so the water and air are as pure as can be. Add the fact that we have real magic and wow this world really can't compare. I'm so sorry Reg.”

“No worries mon. Earth may not be perfect but we make do, most of de time.”

“But what if you didn't have to just make do.”, I said, a brilliant idea forming in my mind. “What if you could start over, do something completely different with your life?”

“Well, I have always liked ta cook, especially sweets, so I guess I'd try ta become one a dem fancy professional pastry chefs. But why ya asking me dis now?”

“Come with us. You can have that life, do what you've always wanted. No more settling and just making do and especially no more mobsters hunting you down.”

“Ya serious!? Wow, I don't know what ta say. It's very temptin but I don't know...”

“Did I mention that the male to female ratio is 1 guy to every 30 women?”

“I'm in!”

“Well all right then. Equis, here we come!”

“Are you sure about this Sir, taking him I mean?”, Sebastian quietly whispered to me.

“Of course, what could happen?”

Author's Note:

They're finally going home and it looks like Reggie's tagging along for the ride. But will be able to deal with this new world?

That took much longer than I hoped it would. Writing is hard, but I'm not giving up. There will be more! I'm just not sure when exactly. After this, it'll probably be once a week unless life happens. But on the bright side the chaps are slowly growing in size. I just hope I can keep it up though. Comment and criticize please!