• Published 12th Mar 2013
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To Live Another Day - Redgrave

When you dwell on the past and regret most of your actions do you let that hinder you when you get thrown into a new surrounding and have the will to move foward? Do you pray? To live another day? An MLP DMC crossover

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Running with the Devil

Chapter 2 Running with the Devil

“Might Controls everything, and without it you cannot protect anything, Let alone yourself.”

“Foolishness Dante, foolishness”

“Our souls are at odds brother, Mine Needs More Power.”

”And were supposed to be twins.”

“Twins, Right”

Dante awoke with a sigh. It has been a while since he dreamt about the first encounter with his brother. Even though the first fight with his brother Vergil took place more than a decade ago, the fight was still fresh in his mind like if it actually had taken place the day before.

“Finally you’re awake!”

“What-who- Patty? What are you doing here?”

“School ended 2 hours ago, it’s already four thirty” Patty responded

(Dammit, it looks like I overslept again) Dante thought to himself. “Well out of all of the places you can go, explain to me why you decided to come and bother me?”

“Well all my friends at school are busy and my mom is out of town due to a business trip, so I told myself, Why not?” Patty responded with an innocent smile. Dante gave up with a sigh, like it or not Patty over the years had made his office her second home. “Plus I’m here for collection, as I recall Dante you owe me ice cream”

“Ice Cream? Patty do you think I have the budget to keep buying you sweets?” Dante asked

“You know Dante sometimes I wonder how you still keep this place open, I mean every time I come in, this place is not only dirty, you waste all your earnings on the jobs you do on Pizza, alcohol, and god knows what else that you barely have enough to keep this place running” Patty told Dante.

“Dante sometimes I wonder –“ Patty got interrupted by the sound of the front doors opening. “Ah Morrison how kind of you to stop by.” Dante replied with a smirk

“Well Dante sometimes I just have to make sure that you haven’t burnt this place to the ground yet.” Morrison said while he smirked and Patty laughed. “That’s it? looks like your jokes are catching up to your old age Morrison.” Dante shot back with a smirk. “Calm down Dante, no need to get on the defensive side, I’m not here to argue like little children, besides the fact that it seems like you had already started with Patty, but I’m actually here because I have a job for you.” Morrison told Dante

“Well out with it then, what do you have?” Dante replied.

“Calm down no need to rush, Well the strange fellow who came to me for the job has all of the instructions in this letter.”
“Really Morrison, all this guy gave you is a letter?” Dante asked “Hey I don’t pick who the clients are I just take anything that comes at me, they pay your bills it’s not the time to be picky Dante.” Replied Morrison. With a sigh Dante opened the letter.

The first thing he noticed when he opened the letter was that there was a ticket. (A first class ticket to Spain, Talk about first time impressions) Dante thought to himself, then he took out the letter and commenced on reading it.

Dear Dante,
Or sir and or madam, who may have this letter at the time, please give it to Dante. Well let me continue. The Job I am inquiring about is of great importance you see there is a chapel in Spain that is being ransacked by spirits and on rare occasions it contains demonic presence, I need you to travel to Santiago de Compostela within Galicia, Spain. There I will meet you and explain more about this job that I’m making you cross half the world for. The plane leaves today at six in the afternoon and you should be able to get here right about 1 am. Please do hurry.



“What the hell?” Dante replied with a puzzled look. “Well what did the letter say Dante.” Morrison asked. “That I’m supposed to cross half of the world to Spain to meet the guy that wrote me this letter for god knows what, but what is really surprising is that he sent me a ticket for a flight that is going to leave within the hour, Morrison where did you meet the guy that gave you this letter?”

“While I was at the bar, the fellow just came out of nowhere, had long hair, looked around his later 30’s, and had a monocle. He asked me about you and a job he wanted you to partake. Like I said it isn’t time to be judging the paying customer, the more important question here is if you’re going to be taking the job?” Morrison asked.

“Doesn’t it seem fishy Dante, he was clearly looking for you, and wouldn’t he come to your shop instead of seeking out Morrison? This really does sound abnormal.” Patty replied while giving Dante a worried glance. “For once you are right Patty this does sound fishy, but like Morrison said the customer does bring in the bread to the table, plus if it’s a trap let’s just say it’s been getting boring lately and I would have some time to kill.” Dante replied with a grin

“Morrison take me to the airport if the letter is right I have less than an hour to get to my flight.” “Dante are you sure it’s ok to go?” replied a worried Patty.

“Yea it’s ok because you can close the shop now, so now there is no need for worry, Morrison lets go already! I want to go meet this Mr.D!” Dante replied. “Wait his name is Mr.D?” Morrison asked “Yea with a tacky name like that I’m pretty sure the guy is hiding something, well only time will tell.” And with that Dante and Morrison left to their destination. “Dante dammit, I really don’t know how I put up with him…. (Sigh)Dante please be careful.” With that said patty went to go fetch a broom, she could pass the time by cleaning up until Trish got here.

Madrid, Spain 12:47 a.m.

A limo stood parked in front of the airport entrance and from the back seat a figure stepped out of the limo. The figure was a male dressed in a white striped and black tailored suit. He had black long hair reaching all the way to his back and a monocle in the left eye and had a five o clock shadow gruff on his chin. “Well Dante should be getting here any minute now. Now to grab his attention when he disembarks the plane, darn were did I leave my sharpie now?” The figure mumbled to itself while looking for said marker.

“Finally after a twelve hour flight I’m here.” Dante had said while he stretched. Then a realization dawned on him. How was he supposed to look for the guy if he only had a small description of how he looked in a place where there are more than thousands of people? The only thing Dante could do was face palm and sigh. Well the airport was empty with it being only 1:13 in the morning. He saw no reason in staying and with that he headed off to find the nearest exit and to a bar that was open at this time of hour.

As Dante was nearing the exit he saw a figure. With closer observation he noticed that the figure was a man holding a sign. Dante it’s me it’s Mr.D! the sign had written on. (Well what a way to blow our cover smartass) Dante thought with a deadpanned expression.

“Ah so you must be Dante nice to meet you, let me introduce myself I’m Mr.D.” Mr. D responded. “With a sign like that I’m pretty sure even a five year old could have guessed your name.” Dante responded. “What you don’t like my sign, guess I should have added stars across your name then.” Mr. D replied with a chuckle. “Keep at it buddy and my ass is going back on that plane and back to the states.”

“Oh just humor me it’s one in the morning, I’m even questioning myself why I’m even picking you up at this time of hour when only me and you are the only ones in the airport, come my ride is outside.” Mr. D told Dante. When they reached the limo Mr. D opened the door for Dante. “What no rose?” Dante said while he chuckled. “Oh my no there’s a bouquet inside.” As Mr. D said Dante looked inside and to his surprise and irritation there was a bouquet of roses in the seat. “Satisfied yet Mr. Dante?” Mr. D said with his own laugh.

When they entered the limo it took off.” So tell me why you couldn’t wait until I got to Galicia instead of showing up all on short notice.” Dante had asked. “There has been a change of plans and it needs your attention at once. Where the limo will be taking us is to a chapel called Nuestra Senora del Pilar Basilica which in Spanish it’s the Basilica of our lady of the Pillar, it’s a Roman Catholic Church built for the Virgin Mary, what you will be acquiring there after you face whatever demonic presence is let’s say a certain package of importance. Now what you have to do is protect this package at all costs.” Mr. D said in a serious manner. “So what is this package?” asked Dante.

“Of great importance.” Mr. D simply answered. “You are not going to tell me are you?”

“Nope everything is going to unravel itself in due time, now any questions?” Mr. D asked. “Just one, what does the D stand for in your name anyway?” Dante asked. “Again all in due time, now let me ask you a question, the only thing I have to drink is chocolate milk, now with knowing that would you like some chocolate milk?” Mr. D asked Dante curious with what his answer was going to be. “Uh no thanks?....” Dante replied. “Well Mr. Dante they told me that you were the one for the job, let’s see if the rumors of the great son of The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda are true, oh and before we depart, I wasn't going to give you any of my milk anyways.” After Mr. D said that he kicked Dante out of his limo while the said vehicle was still in motion.

Dante skidded on the pavement floor to a halt. He started muttering profanities until he was off the ground. “Next time I see the guy he’s going to have more than one hole where that damn milk is going to be coming out of. Now where am I?” Dante asked himself. He turned around when behold the chapel was facing him. It was around 1:45 in the morning and there was no person in sight. He got an eerie feeling about the place until he felt a surge of magical power followed by the aura of demonic presence inside. Dante just smirked. “Well it seems like this party is about to get crazy!” with that said he headed inside the chapel.

Celestia tried to get up but fell to the ground hard. She looked at herself to see what was wrong. When she looked at her body did she get a surprise. Gone was her alicorn body instead it was replaced with something she had seen in her studies. Her body was that of the body of a human. She was confused as to what happened. What had caused this? Gone was her wings and her horn. She was naked on the cold floor. A lot of questions were running through her head at that moment, her emotions were out of whack, she didn’t know how to cope with the situation that was brought in front of her.

She started to hyperventilate. When she started to take notice of this she tried to calm herself down. “Ok one thing at a time, pull yourself together.” She kept telling herself. Once she was calm she tried to think back at what happened, until realization dawned at her. With an anger she screamed his name, “DISCORD.” All she heard was her echo. Celestia started to calm herself once more. First thing is first, now she knows that Discord is behind all of this. Next step figure out what to do next, it was better said than done. Her thoughts were cut short when she felt a dark presence. Wait it wasn’t just one she started to sense it all over the room. There were more than twenty. She felt as if they were staring right at her. A cold chill ran down her spine. She was in a different form of her former body, in an unknown place, and with danger already in front of her, she had never felt so powerless and unable to take control of the situation at hand. She actually felt scared. She didn’t know what to do, she was scared.

The shadows kept getting closer and closer until they took the form of grotesque monsters, all Celestia could do was stare in fright. “Back! Stay back I say!” Celestia screamed at the monsters but it was to no avail for the more she screamed at them in fear it just excited them more to see the fear in their prey. All Celestia could do is just keep crawling away and away. She stopped when she was cornered to a wall with no escape. She didn’t know what to do, was this the end? Was Discord right? What will happen next? She asked herself all this questions but one thing that stood out of them all was the thought of her sister “Luna” she called out with a tear in her eye.

One of the monsters lunged at her. Out of instinct all Celestia was able to do was shut her eyes and put her hands in front of her. She heard the sound of a rebound. She opened her eyes to notice a yellow orb around her. Her eyes had widened “My magic, I still have my magic!” she exclaimed. The orb was the only thing that was protecting her while the beasts kept banging on it. She didn’t know how long she could last until the orb would finally fail. She tried to add more of her power to keep the monsters at bay, to hope if anything happens, if anything by the goddess’s chance would come and save her. “No stay back I say!” she screamed with all of her might until she heard a loud bang. She noticed one of the monsters fall to the ground, then she heard a new voice, “You heard the lady no means no can’t you guys take a hint?”