• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 2,465 Views, 38 Comments

To Live Another Day - Redgrave

When you dwell on the past and regret most of your actions do you let that hinder you when you get thrown into a new surrounding and have the will to move foward? Do you pray? To live another day? An MLP DMC crossover

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Severed Reality

Chapter 3 Severed Reality

“So that’s why he’s gone?”

“Yup, that’s what Patty told me.”

Lady just sighed. It was typical for Dante just to leave without any heads up or note to inform them. “Don’t worry he’s a big boy, he can take care of himself.” Trish told Lady. “I’m not worried about that, it’s all the collateral damage that follows him that I’m worried about, we don’t want this blowing out of proportion that it affects a whole country.” Lady said with frustration.

They both stood there contemplating in silence until they heard the door open.

“So this is his office, huh kind of tacky for my taste.” Said a figure both Lady and Trish did not recognize. “I’m sorry buddy but place is closed come back in the morning.” Lady informed the stranger. “Oh but isn't 2 am considered morning already? Or are you guys going with a different time zone?” said the stranger. “Hey smart ass come back at a reasonable time frame then!” replied an irritated Lady. “Oh hush now quiet now, no need to get testy, just relax and sit down would you?” The stranger replied and with a snap of his fingers two chairs appeared behind Trish and Lady and were forcibly made to sit down. Lady struggled but felt like if the chair kept a hold on her and it wouldn’t budge, she looked over at Trish but soon became confused when Trish did not show any struggle, instead she looked rather calm.

“Stop struggling, you should take a fine example of your blond friend and just relax, I came because I need some information.” The stranger said. Lady gave up in struggling, if Trish wasn't putting up a fight then why would she? “Ok you got our attention, what do you need? Dante isn't here at the moment if by any chance you are looking for him.” Lady replied. “Oh I know I was the one who inquired his “Skills” on a job I needed done.” The stranger replied. “Wait so you’re Mr. D? The person that inquired Dante about the job in Spain?” asked Trish. “Ah yes I guess there is no need for introductions then, good, well in any matter I need to know where I can find The Dump?” asked Mr. D

“Wait aren’t you suppose to meet Dante in Spain?” Lady asked. “I already did child, there has been a change of plans and if everything is to go smoothly I will need to save on time, so again the question on hand, where can I find The Dump? If you would be so kindly?” asked Mr. D

“Well the public dump is half an hour away but I’m pretty sure my boot up your ass can send you flying straight to your destination.” Lady replied in anger. “Hmm, not the answer I was looking for.” Then Mr. D turned to Trish. “How about you, you’re his side kick where would the place I’m looking for be?” asked Mr. D “ Wait if you’ve met Dante already, it would take you more about a day to travel from Spain back to the states, so how are you here?” Lady asked. “I ask one simple question, and I get more questions than answers.” Mr. D started to get irritated from all the questions, so he turned back to Trish. “It was magic, it’s not rocket science, now my question needs an answer and I know you know the whereabouts of the place I am looking for!” asked Mr. D in irritation.

“What if I tell you that I don’t know?” Trish said with a smirk.

“That’s it, this is the final straw!” with that said Mr. D snapped his fingers and with that some kind of bear trap mechanism appeared around Lady’s head. “I saw this in a movie once and thought the person that came up with it was a genius, and I’m pretty sure it’s affective in real life, so answer my question or the girl with the arachnophobia gets it.” Mr. D warned “It’s called heterochromia!” Lady screamed in anger. Mr. D just ignored her, but kept looking at Trish “I know you can break the hold on the chair rather easily but would you put your friend’s life on the line, I just need a simple answer and I’ll be on my way.”

“What business do you have there?” asked Trish. “I need to talk to the owner, now please I’m tired of playing 21 questions.” Replied Mr. D “Fine, I’ll tell you then” Trish said as she gave up, there was no point in endangering Lady’s life because then she wouldn’t hear the end of it from Dante. “Finally, thank you for your understanding.” Mr. D said with a calm and collective attitude. Everything was going according to plan at the moment. Hopefully he had time to fix the mess he had inconveniently got himself into, Mr. D just hoped that Mr. Dante did his job and all would be splendid. “Hmm I wonder how she would be faring at the moment.”

“Ha! Too easy!” Dante exclaimed. Celestia just looked in awe. A minute ago she was about to face death head on at the hands of these beasts then the next minute this being, her savior came and was defeating those monstrosities with ease, but then at a moment’s notice she felt something clasp around her and lift her off the ground, it squeezed at her body cutting her air supply. “Ah so you are the one my master has taken interest in.” the beast had told Celestia. She got a better look at her capturer. It was a giant monster that had taken the form of a giant goat with some sort of symbol on its forehead. She tried to tap into her magic but the lack of air kept her from concentrating.

“Hey tall, dark, and ugly mind if I cut in?” Dante said as he landed on the shoulder of the beast. With that being said Dante takes out Coyote-A, his trusted sawed off shotgun, and pulled the trigger on the side of the beasts head. It screamed in agony as the bullets ripped through the side of its head all in the while it released its grip on Celestia. She used this opportunity to use her magic and teleport herself to the side of the room, but by doing so she felt the rebound of using her magic. It had put a strain in her already weak body that she almost lost consciousness.

The monster roared in agony and anger as it stood up and charged at Dante. Celestia saw how close the monster came to crushing Dante, but at the last second Dante appeared on top of the monster and impaled it with his sword through the head. The monsters eyes gave out and so did its body as it fell to the ground motionless. “Well that was pretty quick, I actually expected more, disappointing much?” Dante told himself. Then Dante turned to the woman on the floor and started walking towards her. Celestia noticed the said movement as her eyes widened in fear. As Dante got closer he noticed the fear in said woman’s eyes.

“Hey there babe, you okay?” Dante asked. Celestia had blushed; she had never been called a babe before. “Who are you?” She timidly asked. “The names Dante.” She took a better look at him at that moment. He had a white mop of hair, was wearing an attire of consisting of pure red, his pants, vest, and coat were all red, black boots and black gloves, but what stood out the most for her were his blue eyes.(DMC 1 outfit)

“See anything you like?” Dante had teased. Celestia got caught off guard and had blushed in embarrassment. “Oh my I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is Celestia and this may sound ludicrous but in actuality this is the first time meeting a being like yourself, you see where I come from you are all but a myth.” Celestia had told Dante, but upon this realization she forgot that she wasn’t in Equestria. “Nothing but a myth huh? Interesting.” Dante replied. Celestia thoughts and worries were cut short when she felt something being draped around her, it was his coat. “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

“Well as much as I wouldn’t mind I just can’t have you walk around in your birthday suit now can’t I?” Dante replied. She blushed “No I mean why are you helping me? We don’t know each other and yet you not only saved my life but are helping me, not that I’m not grateful or anything.” Celestia asked trying to forget the fact that she had been naked in front of him. “Well it’s not in my nature to turn down a woman in need, but also it’s because someone told me to protect you at all costs, and the said person has some explaining to do.” Dante had replied. With that being said Dante started to look around. “If it isn’t too much bother, may I inquire as to what you are doing?” Celestia had asked. “Well you see here, we have to get going before more of those demons pop out, and if you are indeed this so called “Package of importance” that I have to protect then you have to come with me to meet my employer.” Dante replied.

“Wait, someone hired you to protect me?” Celestia asked. “Yea but I’ll explain all the details once I find a place we can crash in and a phone, ha found it!" Dante exclaimed. Dante held up a cloth like attire. It was a black tunic with a black veil for head wear. “What would that be?” Celestia asked. She was intrigued to find out what was Dante holding. “It’s a nun’s outfit; I knew I would find one laying around.” Dante answered. “And may you pray tell as to what may be the meaning of this “Nun” outfit?” Celestia had asked. “Well I can’t just let you wonder around with the only thing covering you is a coat, even with the crazy color of hair you have, with this if anyone sees us, this part of Spain is too religious so with this outfit no one will stop to ask questions as to whom you are and with whom you are traveling with.” Dante told Celestia.

(What is wrong with my hair?) Celestia thought.

Dante handed the piece of clothing to Celestia to put on, she hesitated, this man named Dante had saved her but did not give her any reason to trust him yet. Dante saw the hesitation. (Sigh) “You can stay here in the weak state that you are and can fight all those demons by yourself if more decide to show up or the most logical choice is to come with me and take refuge.” Dante had told her. He was right in the state she was in she couldn’t even last five minutes if those “demons” came back. She took the outfit from Dante. Dante then had started to look around; in a way it was his way to give her some privacy. Celestia took his hint and was grateful for his gesture. Once she was done with the outfit she called out for Dante that she was ready to depart, but there was one problem.

“What do you mean you can’t walk your legs look perfectly fine to me!” Answered a bewildered Dante. “I’m sorry to be a bother but where I come from I’m not a biped, I’m a quadruped.” Celestia told Dante. “What!? You know what screw it we have to get out of here, you can tell me later.” And with that said Dante picked her up bridal style and started to head out of the chapel.

When they made it outside the chapel Celestia took in the sights. She wasn’t in Equestria anymore. Everything looked foreign to her like if she was in a dream or in a fantasy book. Dante started walking to the nearest inn to crash. His head was hurting for the certain predicament he was in. First a mysterious man calls him for a job, it takes him half across the world, finds out this man is somewhat on the crazy side, goes inside a chapel, and to wrap it all up he has a babe dressed in a nuns outfit in his arms going to an inn. This would have been his fantasy if the situation wouldn’t have been all messed up. Dante just sighed; a beer and a rest would do the trick. He would wrap his head around this conundrum he has gotten himself into for tomorrow, wait scratch that it was around 2:30 am so if anything he would break his head later on today. He looked down at his new companion and noticed she was in a daze.

Celestia was distracted with everything around her. This new place she was in was beautiful. The buildings and its architecture. Sure there was something similar in Equestria but nothing this complicated and vast in art. She felt like a fish out of water. Then fatigue started to set in. Out of everything that had transpired in a few moments, it had taken a toll on her already weak body. The soothing sound of the wind and the night sky, and the moon, she wondered if it was the same moon as the one in Equestria. The same moon that her sister was still in, and with that final though she let herself fall into a slumber in this man’s arms.

Dante noticed her state of sleep. “Dammit, babysitting was not part of the job. This Mr. D dude is going to have some explaining to do.” With a sigh Dante looked around. He was the only one walking in the street. What he would do for a slice of pizza in his system at the moment. “Well I guess were just going to have to wait for that now aren’t we?” And with that he kept walking, trying to find an inn that was still open at this late of an hour. “Hmm, I wonder what Trish and Lady are doing?” Dante asked himself.

“You have sixty seconds.” A voice said in the contraption that was around Lady’s head. “You heard that Trish! Now move your ass and get this thing off me!” An angered Lady yelled. “Hold your horses I’m trying the best I can to disarm this thing.” Replied and irritated Trish.

“Argh! Next time if I see that man I’m going to-.” “Found it! It’s just a string that’s holding the whole contraption, who would’ve though?” replied Trish with a smirk. As promised when Trish removed the string the bear trap on Lady’s head fell on the floor. “Ah much better that stupid device was putting a strain on my neck.” Lady replied while cracking her neck. “So what was the deal with the place this guy was so intrigued in?” Lady asked. “Well let’s just say those who call this place by its given name are instantly identified as newcomers, as the tired hands of that rat hole all call it by a single name only – The Dump. Bloody battles and dirty disputes over money are an everyday occurrence there, and the concept of concern for one’s fellow man was long since lost on The Dump’s denizens. What the people there are after, what they love to see, is not of this world.” Trish explained to Lady. She just stood there quiet after the small explanation Trish gave her. “Plus Dante and I know the owner and some of the locals there and we often go and play an interesting game of poker once in a while.” Trish smirked as she said that.

“So what is the original name of this place?” Lady asked.

A limo stopped in front of a building. A figure stepped out and looked at the sign on top. “The Gates of Hell, haven’t been here for a while, let’s see how much it has changed?” the figure spoke with a smile as it opened the doors and stepped inside.

Author's Note:

Well here you guy's go. Another chapter up. Hope you guys like it. It really doesn't matter but if you have the time please like, and comment, any feedback I can get on the story thus far I would really appreciate it.