• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 2,467 Views, 38 Comments

To Live Another Day - Redgrave

When you dwell on the past and regret most of your actions do you let that hinder you when you get thrown into a new surrounding and have the will to move foward? Do you pray? To live another day? An MLP DMC crossover

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The Fragile Art of Existence

Chapter 4 The Fragile Art of Existence

“Celestia, why did you do it?”

“Why did you banish us to the moon?”

“Is it an ironic joke?”

“This will not be forgiven.”

“For you are dead to us Celestia!”

Celestia woke up panting from the nightmare she just had. She was sweating and breathing hard. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. That nightmare, it had hit her hard. It had been Luna that was telling her that. Every sentence she had told her broke her heart little by little, until the part that Luna had told her she was dead to her.

“It’s ok, it was only a dream.” Celestia kept telling herself to try to calm herself down. Now was not the time for her emotions to get out of control. She looked around and noticed she was in a small room. She was on a bed and by the looks of it she had Dante’s coat on as a blanket. She heard a door to her right open. She looked at that direction and noticed Dante come out, of what it seemed to be a restroom, shirtless and a towel around his head.

“Oh my.” Celestia told herself as she blushed. Dante had heard something and looked up.

“Hey, so I see sleeping beauty is finally awake.” Dante had told her with a smirk. Celestia just kept quiet.

“So how are you holding up?” Dante had asked her. She was at a lost. How was she holding up? She was an utter mess of emotions at the moment. She was in a new world, in a different body, and probably millions of miles away from her home. Her home, Equestria. How she wanted to go back, in her absence she knew there were ponies capable enough to rule, but just the thought of not being there to protect it really hit her hard.

“I’m fine, thank you for your concern.” She said as she forced a smile. Dante smirked, he did not buy it one bit.

“I can see through that silly façade you are putting up.” Dante had told her.

“Well what do you want me to say? I guess I’m just at a total loss right now and in an emotional turmoil at the moment.” Celestia replied. Dante put the towel down and opened the small fridge the inn had. He took out a bottle of water and gave it to Celestia. She took the water and gave him a small smile of gratitude in return.

“How can you deal with situations that are out of your control?” Celestia had asked him. Dante took this time to sit in a chair that was next and facing the bed.

“Well life is always throwing problems at you, you really can’t push them aside or find shortcuts, even though you are faced with either minor or major bumps in the road just remember that there is something else that is crazier that’s going to come and top whatever you are dealing with at the moment.” Dante told her in a casual manner.

Celestia deadpanned, but she understood his answer. This is just the tip of the iceberg, down the line she will have to overcome more problems this world has to offer her. She had to be ready. In a way she was glad that she met Dante. He had a casual and comforting attitude. She first noticed this back at the chapel when he faced and defeated the hordes of demons that came after her. Any other being would either be frightened or take the situation very seriously, but here was Dante, her savior, defeating those monstrosities with ease but at the same time he was playing with them with a smile on his face. She opened her bottled water and drank from it.

“Feel better?” Dante had asked her. Celestia gave him a smile.

“Your logic, being kind of negative, is very sound and to the point.” Celestia had told him while putting the bottle on the nightstand.

“Well I do read a book here and there, so I know some of this stuff.” Dante said showing cockiness.

“Wait, what do you mean negative?” Dante asked. Celestia just giggled.

“Oh nothing, just pay no mind to it.” Celestia reassured him. Dante just looked at her. He then closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and gave her a smirk.

“Whatever you say babe.” Dante had told her. Celestia just laughed.

“So what do we do now?” She asked him

“Well I called my contact and told him about my little situation, but all in all he understood so he is bringing a boat, it should be here in two days by midnight.” Dante had told her. Good, for Celestia that meant some progress at least. She looked at the clock it was around 3 in the afternoon. She could not believe she slept more than 12 hours, but given the predicament she understood that in her new body and everything she went through it was expected. She looked around the room. Then something caught her eye. To the other side of the bed she noticed Dante’s weaponry. There were his two projectile weapons with the names “Ebony & Ivory” engraved in them, but what caught her eye was his blade. It was as big as a claymore but the design gave off an eerie feeling she couldn’t shake, but in her current situation she couldn’t get a closer look at it. She wished she knew more about Dante, but then a thought came to her.

“Dante may I ask a question?” Celestia asked as she faced him

“Shoot.” Dante replied.

“Well from the short time that we have known each other, besides the small bits and pieces I have told you, you not once asked who I am or were originate from, may I inquire as to why?” Celestia asked with curiosity to see what Dante’s respond would be.

“Well let’s just say that its rude to dwell into someone’s past, no?” Dante responded. Celestia took his answer in two different ways. She was happy because he was not being privy because even though he had saved her and never left her side it still didn’t give her right to freely talk about her origin with him, but in a way she came to a conclusion that she was disinteresting to him. Then she really thought about it, for everything he has done she could at least share the basics with him.

“Well would there be anything of interest that you would want to know?” She hesitantly asked. She didn’t know why she was still hesitating, but the question was asked. Dante just looked at her. He then closed his eyes. It was silent for about a minute or two. Celestia took his silence as a no. She was really upset with it because she now gave him the opportunity to know more knowledge about a world outside this realm, but more importantly about herself. But in any matter she respected his decision.

“You don’t have to share anything with me at the moment; I can tell you are having second thoughts about freely giving any info about yourself, but in any matter let’s make a deal no? Tell me when you feel you’re ready, I won’t force anything upon you.” Dante had given her this option. Celestia let out a small sigh of relief. Even though she felt bad, Dante understood and she was really grateful for it. Then it all went silent. Celestia was on the bed contemplating what to do next. Then it hit her.

“Dante, if it isn’t much bother, may I ask for a favor?” Celestia blushed while she asked this. It was really embarrassing what she was about to say if he said yes.

“Go ahead.” He replied. Well there isn’t any going back Celestia had thought.

“If you may recall I had once told you that were I originate I am actually a quadruped, but under different circumstances I am a biped and not once walked on two legs, if there is any way possible were you can teach me how to….walk?” Celestia face became red after she asked this. She was looking at Dante waiting for an answer. Dante just smiled and stood up. He made his way to the bed and took out his hand for her to grab.

“That’s a really good idea; I mean I don’t mind having a stunning babe in my arms but I’m not a free ride either.” Dante had told her with a smirk. She heard that last comment, it was impossible for her to turn another shade of red, but beside the point she smiled at Dante. She put his coat to the side of the bed. With her hand she reached and grabbed Dante’s. She set one bare foot down on the carpet then followed by the other. She stood up and automatically grabbed Dante’s shoulders for support. Her legs were trembling but she waited for them to get accustomed to her weight. At this time she came to a realization that Dante was still shirtless. She tried not to think of it, but it was hard when in front of you was a being that had the body that even a god would be envious of.

Her legs stopped trembling and she released a sigh. Dante took one step back. Celestia took one step forward. Then Dante took another step back and Celestia took one step forward, but her leg gave out and fell forward. Dante caught her.

“You don’t have to do this right now; we have two days to do this if you want to?” Dante had asked. Celestia had looked at him with a smile on her face.

“No I am fine, plus the sooner I get this out of the way that would be one less problem for me to worry about and one less problem to bother you with, so I can and will continue.” Celestia had told Dante with motivation in her eyes. Dante pushed her upwards and continued with the baby steps. Celestia didn’t know how to repay Dante. He had done so much for her. He had saved and protected her.

“Thank you.” Celestia faced Dante as she said this.

“For what?” Dante asked.

“For everything up to this point, you not only saved me, but protected me and gave shelter, regardless if you were hired or not you could have easily left me, but you didn’t and for that you have my gratitude and I’m in your debt. If there would be a favor you would ask I would try my best to repay and help you.” Celestia told Dante. She was really grateful with the outcome so far. She owed Dante that much she knew.

They kept doing for a while. Celestia was getting used to walking on two legs, regardless if they were taking it slow. Then Celestia looked at Dante.


“Huh?” Dante asked.

“Equestria, it’s the place where I am from.” She told Dante. Dante just smirked.

“Equestria huh? Sounds fancy.” Dante replied.

A figure closed the door behind him. He looked around and noticed it was some kind of bar. He went all the way to the counter. He sat in one of the stools and looked at the neon sign that was flashing in front of him. It read “The Gates of Hell.”

“Hello? What kind of bar are you running if there is no one to attend a customer?” The figure asked. The back door opened and a figure stepped out. He was a tall bald man with a tattoo running down his head. His apparel was that of a trench coat, and wore some shades. The figure walked up and grabbed a glass and commenced on cleaning it with a rag while looking at the figure in the stool.

“Took you a while to find this place, so what’s with the get up?” The figure asked.

“You don’t like? I believed it goes good with me; well I should have lost the monocle, well I don’t know, what do you think Rodin?” The figure asked the bartender now known as Rodin.

“Whatever makes you happy, I am not one to judge. So what brings you here out of all places Discord?” Rodin asked. The smirk that Discord had faltered. The air around him changed. All in all he became serious.

“I came to ask a favor from you, I even had to employ Dante to help me out so as you can see I’ll need all the help I can get.” Discord told Rodin

“The Son of Sparda? You must be in deep if you had to get his services.” Rodin replied intrigued to hear Discord’s story. Rodin knew Discord, for even though they were separated from dimensions, Paradise, and Hell were one in the same in every universe. Discord was known as the God of Chaos, but even Discord got himself into deals and problems that he couldn’t handle.

“Well let’s just say I wanted to teach a certain being a lesson, by doing what I wanted to do I needed knowledge of the black arts, so I made a deal with a certain devil, but what I didn’t realize was that in exchange not only does he get a certain individuals soul, but also mine.” Discord told Rodin.

“So who are we talking about that would cause even you to be on alert?” Rodin had asked. With the question asked Discord looked around to see if no one was around to listen in, then he turned to Rodin.

“The head honcho, the God of all lies and blasphemies, the original fallen angel.” Discord replied.

“Out of all things you could have done, you bring you’re problems to me, so what do you need done?” Rodin asked with curiosity.
2 days later

Dante looked at the time. It was going to be eleven. One more hour till midnight. For the past two days Dante had taught Celestia the basics in walking. By the second day she was doing it herself. She was a quick learner he had to admit that. He leaned back in his chair waiting for the clock to strike 12. Celestia was currently taking a shower before leaving. He tried to relax but there was this eerie feeling he was getting that someone was watching them. He smirked.

“And here I thought this job was the first to be easy.” Dante said. He heard the shower door open. It was Celestia, she had her nun’s outfit but was holding up a black jacket and a shirt.

“Dante I really don’t know about this, I mean I do not mind the jacket but the shirt is really vulgar.” Celestia had told Dante.

“What do you have against Death? It’s a pretty good band, besides that is all I have with me at the moment, I don’t have the budget to buy you clothes so we must suffice with what we can.” Dante told Celestia. She sighed; if it was the only option presented to her at the moment then it would have to do. She put on the shirt followed by the black jacket.

“How much more do we have to wait?” Celestia had asked Dante.

“I’m guessing we should leave in fifteen minutes, we have a long way to walk to the harbor so by the time we get there it should be twelve.” Dante replied. Celestia was lost in her thoughts. This was going to be a new chapter in her life. She just wished that they wouldn’t face any problems along the way, and hopefully find a way home soon.

“So there in that tacky inn?” A figure spoke. There were currently four figures on top of a building across from where the inn was at.

“So what do we do know?” Another figure spoke.

“We could go in and capture the woman.” The third figure spoke.

“There will be none of that, the orders were clear to track and observe nothing more and nothing less.” The fourth figure spoke. It was the voice of a female. The three other figures turned to her.

“My question still stands, what do we do now?” One of the figures spoke.

“Calm yourself Sebastian, all in due time, we found them and know where they are currently heading, our work is done for the moment.” The female responded. Sebastian just sighed.

“Well this was rather boring, so Maria, will we be returning to give our findings?” Sebastian asked. The female now known as Maria just smirked.

“No we still have a weasel to catch, his time is up and has to pay his debt to our master.” Maria said. She turned to the two other figures.

“Constantine, Alexander you two will go and fetch this worm.” Maria had commanded, they both nodded and disappeared in a shroud of smoke.

“I find it very ironic that we are the ones setting the apocalypse forth, when we are the ones to be called when it starts.” Sebastian told Maria. Maria just stood quiet.

“Come, we must leave this place and go back and report our findings.” Maria said while paying no attention to Sebastian’s earlier comment.

“Whatever you say, Death.” Was the last thing Sebastian uttered before they departed.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I was just overwhelmed at all the favorites and likes this story has been getting, guess im doing something right.
Plus I also want to thank Dusk Stalker for letting people know about this story.

aside from that I will be adding another character into the fray, im pretty sure you guys know who it will be, but all in all tell me what you guys think.