• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 2,467 Views, 38 Comments

To Live Another Day - Redgrave

When you dwell on the past and regret most of your actions do you let that hinder you when you get thrown into a new surrounding and have the will to move foward? Do you pray? To live another day? An MLP DMC crossover

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The Calm

Chapter 7 The Calm

“And here we are.” Dante said with open arms looking at the sign the building had in front of him.

“Gates of Hell? Doesn’t sound to inviting and can we really trust this Rodin person?” Celestia asked with concern. Dante just looked at her with a smirk on his face.

“Calm down, the dude is pretty chill, plus he might have some answers to the questions your pretty head may have.” Dante reassured her. He walked to the doors and opened both of them.

“Hey barkeep, one beer would help no?” Dante had shouted across the room as he and Celestia made their entrance. Celestia took a look at the place. It seemed rather empty and she could hear some jazz music coming from the background. All the way at the end she noticed a person behind the counter cleaning what appeared to be a small glass cup. As they got closer he turned around.

“Took you long enough, three days is not exactly what I had in mind when I passed my message to you.” The barkeep told Dante.

“Well let’s just say I needed some well-deserved rest after my little fiasco in Spain.” Dante said as the barkeep handed him a mug filled with beer. He then looked at Celestia.

“Hmm, want anything?” He asked her

“Oh no, I really don’t drink alcohol.” She responded. Dante released a huge sigh after basically inhaling his drink. He slam med his hands on the counter.

“Screw that, Hey Rodin give the lady a Delilah.” Dante told Rodin. Celestia just looked at Dante in surprise.

“Figures you would do this on anyone before you bed them.” A voice behind them said. Dante just laughed.

“Do you really think I would stoop that low? You know me better than that Cereza, hell you keep coming back just for more.” Dante said before he downed another mug that was put in front of him. Celestia then noticed it was the woman they met at the docks. Bayonetta was her name. She then noticed the weapon she took out and aimed it at Dante’s head. He really wasn’t faced by it, just kept drinking the beer that Rodin somehow kept placing in front of him.

“You’re in my seat.” Bayonetta told Dante still pointing the gun at his head. Celestia noticed a small smile that was creeping up on his face.

“You can try, but you know that won’t work on me.” Dante told her. Celestia was brought out of her stupor when she heard something placed right next to her.

“A Delilah for the lady.” Rodin had placed the drink in front of her. She took some time to look at it. She hesitated but picked it up. She closed her eyes and drank it all in one go. She put the small glass down and started to cough. Oh god was it strong but was it good. She looked to her right and still saw both Bayonetta and Dante still arguing.

“Pay no mind to it they always argue for the simplest things.” Rodin told Celestia. She then heard Dante stand up.

“You’re on, what are the terms?” He seemed to ask with excitement.

“If I win you buy me and your little lady friend there a round for free.” Bayonetta had told Dante.

“Ha you are on, but if I win you have to give me a kiss on the lips, tongue and everything.” Dante said pointing at his lips.

“Ah someone is being a naughty boy, thought you would be busy enough with your princess over there.” She told him.

“Wait what?” Celestia blushed madly at the comment.

“Ah come on now there’s plenty of me to go around, now let’s get this started.” With that said they moved to another table to start their game of poker.

“Oh my, shouldn’t we stop them?” Celestia had asked Rodin.

“No let them, both of them together give me a headache as it is.” He said as he poured another drink in her small cup.

“As I recall you wanted to see us for a certain matter.” She had told him.

“As a matter of fact yes, you see I know who you are and where you are from and exactly who is after you.” Rodin told her.

“It seems everyone has knowledge of who I am but yet I haven’t even scratched the surface of why I am here.” She told Rodin. Then she took a drink of her Delilah.

“I will make this as brief as possible, both paradise and the inferno all coexist regardless of universe but each have their own layers and of which each universe is governed by their own deity’s.” Celestia just listened with curiosity as Rodin poured her another drink.

“This universe you currently reside is the epicenter for both, any deity from any world can cross through dimensions, this is what discord did.” Rodin explained to her.

“But how is that possible he was imprisoned in our world for almost a millennia.” She had told Rodin.

“Hmm nothing is ever too simple, he may have had a last trick up his sleeve, but upon realizing what he did, he basically tied a noose around his head. You see Discord asks for many favors and in return he owes the equivalent, and to make sure he would get what he wanted who else to go to then the main man himself for help.”

“The main Man?” Celestia asked.

“Lucifer Morningstar.” Rodin told her. She didn’t know why but the name alone gave her chills.

“Lucifer Morningstar is the ruler of the inferno, he used to be God’s right hand angel but through sheer jealousy and the want for power he rebelled but was overpowered and banished, given the inferno his new domain. Up till recently has he been trying to open a portal powerful enough to crossover to the human world.” Rodin was telling her.

“And I’m guessing this is where I come in.” She responded.

“Pretty much, you see with Discord now knowing the ability of the black arts Lucifer wanted two powerful souls in return, Discord figured you and your sister were the sacrifices but once Lucifer took notice of how strong your magical potency is the other soul was not to be that necessary any other soul would do, so in return he demanded both yours and Discord’s soul, once hearing about this Discord ran into hiding with is tail between his legs.”

“So this is the reason why I am here to be a portal to the ruler of hell?” She could not believe it. She was at home minding her own business but for a chance of freedom into another realm Discord had screwed her, she was basically walking into her own death.

“Where is Discord now?” She asked trying to calm her temper.

“That is where I don’t know, he came by almost a week ago with a favor then disappeared, but rest assured you are not the only ones looking for him.” He told her. Celestia finished her drink.

“And who are the others?” She asked already dreading the question.

“The four horsemen.” Rodin plainly told her as he served her another drink.

“The four horsemen?” She asked.

“Yes, Gods handpicked horsemen, their job is to bring upon the judgment when the world is to come to an end, War, Pestilence, Conquest, and Death.” He told her.

“If these horsemen are to come as the world is ending then why are they looking for Discord?” She asked. Rodin sighed.

“That I do not know, the rumors are that for some reason God abandoned everything so there hasn’t been any word from paradise, it’s just like if the connection just banished, and because of that it gives all the demons a reason to rise up and to hunt you down and for that same matter the horsemen now seem to have their own agenda.”

“So what is it that you suggest that I do now?” Celestia said while taking another drink.

“We prepare you, simple as that.” Rodin told her. She stood quiet looking down at the drink in her hands somewhat already feeling the effects of it.

“Don’t worry you won’t be facing this alone, you already have Dante and his partners by your side to help and if you prove yourself worthy to Bayo she might come around.” Rodin told her.

“Let’s just say that I’m not in good terms with all of Dante’s friends.” She told him


“Let me go she broke my nose and bruised my back.” Lady yelled while Trish was grabbing her. Celestia was currently on the couch with a calm expression sitting next to Patty who was looking quite frightened, but all in all Dante was the only one disinterested sitting on his desk reading a magazine.

“If it means anything I do apologize I didn’t know the situation on hand and acted without thought.” Celestia said trying to show sincerity in her apology.

“You see she apologized, now stop acting like a child, you are better than this.” Trish told Lady. Lady calmed down and sighed. Trish let her go but at that instant she lunged at Celestia. If it wasn’t for Trish’s fast reflexes she would not have seen it coming.

“Dante are you not going to tell her anything!” Trish yelled at Dante. He just sat there casually reading his magazine.

“You’re problem not mine, already have enough on my plate don’t need something else biting me in the ass for no certain reason.”

Flashback end

“Don’t worry she’ll come around, Lady is just the more short tempered in the group.” Dante came up beside Celestia and took a seat.

“So you heard everything I’m guessing?” She asked him.

“Yup pretty much, the question is if you are up to it?” He asked. She averted her eyes from Dante’s and looked at her hands. She closed her eyes and squeezed her palms shut. With determination she opened her eyes and looked at everyone in the room. From Rodin, to Bayonetta, and lastly to Dante. She smiled.

“Who is going to be my mentor in this?” She asked.

“Don’t worry I will oversee your progress and help you along the way.” Rodin told her. Dante got up and dusted himself off.

“Great now with that settled when can she start?” He asked.

“She will begin tomorrow.” Rodin then turned to Celestia. “Knowing this you will be residing here; you will not accompany Dante back to his home.”

“Wait what do you mean?” Celestia asked with concern.

“What you will be undertaking has to be kept in secrecy, any power fluctuation will attract any unwanted visitors.” He made his point. Celestia just nodded understanding reasoning.

“How long will I forgo this training sort of speak?” Celestia had asked.

“It is not certain but about a year may sound right.” He told her

“A YEAR!?” She could not believe what she was told. She did not want to stay in this world for more than it was necessary but to prepare oneself in a year was a bit over board.

“I know it seems like a lot, but you do know the reason why you are doing this.” Rodin told her. Celestia took a deep breath. She had to do what she had to do apparently.

“Okay I understand, I am willing to commit to this regardless of the time frame, if it is the only way then so be it.” She said in a small calm tone.

“Good glad you understand everyone has to make sacrifices down the line.” Rodin told her.

“Well I guess I’ll let you guys be, time to hit the road.” Dante said walking towards the doors, until suddenly he felt someone tug at his ear.

“Ah dammit who the hell?” Dante exclaimed.

“Oh no, you are not going to leave after our little wager now are you?” Bayonetta spoke softly into his ear.

“Damn thought you would have forgotten, well Rodin one on me I guess.” Dante told Rodin.

“Thanks but no thanks I actually have to be somewhere at the moment, but you owe me one devil boy.” With that Bayonetta left.

“Seriously what the hell she made the bet just to rank out at the end? Really?” Dante complained and sat next to Celestia who appeared to be in deep thought. Rodin placed a drink in front of them both and went to the back room. It soon fell quiet. Dante picked up his mug and downed his drink. He placed it down on the counter. He was about to get up but a hand grabbed his arm.

“There is no way you can stay here with me for little longer?” Celestia pleaded with him. Dante looked at her. He smiled and sat back down.

“A couple of more drinks wouldn't now hurt would it?” Dante said with a smirk.

Author's Note:

Sorry just a re upload of the previous chapter...there were some problems that some couldn't read it I hope taking it down and re uploading it would help