• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 1,372 Views, 35 Comments

Chivalry - EternallyLost

A Mixed Up AU taking it from the top. A young guard follows his childhood friend on a mission of which the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance... well if you actually believe that old Pony's tale.

  • ...

Of Diamonds and Scooters

Ponyville, a rural farm town that really fit that 'small town' image. Though with the Summer Sun Celebration looming, the no doubt sleepy town looked to be abuzz with activity as the citizens prepared for the royal visitation. The chariot team swept down with practiced precision, landing in an empty stretch of the cobblestone road coming to a stop at attention, heads held high. Shining and Cadence disembarked the vehicle, Spike landing a moment later with a few powerful flaps of his wings to slow his descent, though he still stumbled a bit on his landing. The nearest citizens paused in their activities long enough to stare at the scene. Clearly they hadn't been expecting a princess so soon, much less in the company of a dragon. Cadence waved a hoof shyly, not used to such stares without the comforting presence of her mentor at her side. Spike seemed to be eating it up, offering the crowd a friendly grin... which seemed to be putting them more on edge rather then less so.

"I guess this is why I'm here." Shining muttered to himself before he set to work dispersing the crowd, much as he would on his patrols in Canterlot should anything sufficiently interesting happen. It took a few moments for the stallion to set the citizens on their way once more, assuring them Spike was 'tame' and Cadence was merely here for the festivities like any other visitor. Surely word would spread to the rest of the small town and hopefully their little group would be able to move things forward with minimal gawkers. Shining turned back to see the chariot team taking off back to Canterlot and Cadence sending him a grateful smile. He replied with one of his own, no words needed to be exchanged. "So, whats the plan?" Shining looked to his two companions curiously, he knew the basics but the others were the ones really in the lead her.

"Well," Cadence began. "First we need to make sure all of the festivities are in order for the event." she looked to Spike for confirmation, who nodded.

"Yup, Twilight gave me The Checklist." The dragon said bemused as Shining rolled his eyes.

"There's always a Checklist..."

"Right." Cadence clopped her hooves together, ignoring the little exchange. "After that we can take in the event a bit and keep an eye out for anything strange." she said confidently.

"Works for me." Shining said with a shrug. He turned to the dragon who now had clipboard in claw. "So, where to first?"

"Welp, looks like we're headed to City Hall first to meet with Diamond Tiara, one of the head organizers."

"In a town this small, finding City Hall should be a breeze." Shining muttered looking down the cobbled road to the busy center, where the citizens were preparing for tomorrow's celebration. Turning to Cadence, he motioned for her to take the lead, falling into step behind and to the right of her as was standard for an escort. Spike kept pace to her left at a much more casual pace, allowing his gaze to wander about. Glances turned into stares, several others beginning to bow as Shining Armor had been worried about. Since they didn't impede their progress, he did his best to remain stoic as he had been taught. Cadence looked more than a bit out of her depth, motioning for ponies to stop bowing, offering them sheepish smiles. Countering Cadence's awkwardness, Spike basked in the attention, offering the crowd large, toothy grins as he waved in hopes of comforting more ponies than he scared.

City Hall turned out to be easy to find, the large, circular building was the hub to the whole town. Ponies hustled and bustled about, moving supplies, placing decorations or just running about with no visible purpose, too wrapped up in everypony's anxious energy to sit still. Most were too busy to even notice the young princess and her unusual escort. Taking advantage of that fact, they headed for the main door of the Hall, which was wide open and inviting. Inside, a small team of ponies were busy decorating.

"Pumpkin could you raise your end just a little higher. Yes, right there that's perfect." The voice came from a pink mare in the center of the room. Her mane had been pulled into a tasteful bun, held in place by a silver jeweled barrette. On her flank, the cutie mark of a tiara topped in diamonds all but spelled out her identity. "Now get two blue ribbons and set them at that same height on the next pillar on either side." she continued, glancing back upon noticing the approaching hoof-steps. Her eyes widened for a moment before she caught herself turning and giving a formal bow. "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, welcome to Ponyville." she greeted. Her words seemed to carry well through the hall as the other decorating ponies dropped what they were doing to bow.

"Please stand up, Diamond Tiara was it?" Cadence intoned with only a slight flush, motioning for the ponies to stand once more. She was getting a bit more used to the reaction. "I just came to see how the decorations were coming along, not to interrupt your work." she said, managing a bit more of her usual playful tone. Diamond Tiara returned upright in one smooth motion, nodding to the request.

"Of course Princess. Alright everypony, back to work! There's plenty left to be done." the ponies slowly began to raise and reluctantly get back to work, wholly distracted by the alicorn's presence. Judging that was the best she could hope for at the moment, she turned her attention back to the visitors. "So, how can I be of service Your Majesty?"

"Well firstly, you don't need to be so formal, my aunt is 'Majesty'. I hardly have any such responsibilities that would make me worthy of such a title." She said humbly, "Please, Just call me Cadence." a flash of surprise and panic passed over the other mare's face

"Um, if that's what you'd prefer, Miss Cadence." Diamond Tiara said, a little uncomfortable with the sudden familiarity, all of her practiced decorum screaming at her for even going that far. Cadence's smile seemed to calm that anxiety though.

"Thank you Miss Tiara." She returned warmly, purposely presenting herself to an equal level of formality. "Secondly, I was hoping you could help us get an idea of how the preparations were coming along." She stepped lightly aside, motioning a hoof to her companions. "Let me introduce my friends. This Is Shining Armor, a guard prospective and old friend."

"Ma'am," Shining gave a curt nod, getting the feeling she'd appreciate the professional attitude.

"And this Is Spike, Assistant to the Court Sage, Twilight Sparkle." the dragon lightly flicked his badge of office before offering the administrative mare a grin.

"Nice to meet you." he said pleasantly. If the amount of sharp teeth in that pleasant grin bothered Diamond, it never showed on her face.

"The pleasure is mine." She gave a short bow, "I am Diamond Tiara, aide to Ponyville's Mayor Ivory Scroll. If you're looking for the status of the Summer Sun Celebration prep, you've come to the right mare." her voice and posture oozed confidence as she spoke.

"Glad to hear it," Cadence clapped her hooves together and smiled brightly. "The decorations here are just lovely. Was this your design?" Banners and ribbons were arranged tastefully, evenly spread around the room save for the upper balcony. It was accentuated naturally as streamers and banners seemed to draw one's gaze to it. Considering that was where everything would begin, it seemed a fitting choice.

"As much as I'd love to take credit for it, no. The designs were done by a good friend of mine. She should be the one heading this up but has to mind her store. She has some orders due to be picked up today and simply couldn't close"

"Even during all this excitement? That takes dedication." Shining noted with a hint of respect.

"That word pretty much sums up the Silver Family." Diamond allowed a small smile at that thought.

"What about for the center?" Spike spoke up clip board in claw. "There still seemed a fair bit of hustle and bustle."

"That's mostly from the merchants, the decorating crew has been through and all the main pieces are up and ready." she paused, reluctant for a moment before she continued "well, there was a small problem with the secondary stage where the daytime performers will be. But we have the town's best repairmare on the job and she assured me it would be all set to go for the morning."

"Well that sounds reasonable" Cadence gave a nod to Spike who checked the box with a smile. "And please pass on my compliments to your friend."

"I'll be sure to do that," she giggled lightly. "She'll probably freak out at royal approval."

"Oh that again," Cadence made a show of rolling her eyes. "Anyway the next thing on our list is the weather, correct?" she asked Spike, who nodded in return. "Miss Tiara, do you think you could point us in the direction of your weather team?" she asked hopefully.

"I'll do you one better." She turned towards the ponies working behind her. "Royal Blue, could you cover for me for a little bit."

"O-of course Miss Tiara." The mare blinked at the sudden 'promotion'.

"If you have any questions on the specifics, Spoon's design specs are over by the supplies." she stated, getting an excited nod in reply. Turning back, she offered her visitors a warm smile. "I shall accompany you with your rendezvous with the weather team."

"Oh my, you don't have to do that! The last thing I want to do is interrupt things..." Cadence looked about worriedly.

"Not at all," Diamond assured. "I'm already slowing the process down myself." she said with a light chuckle. "I'm sure the design ponies would have been done by now if I wasn't getting underhoof." Her self-deprecating joke was aimed to Cadence, but she said it loud enough that the workers were able to 'overhear'. Judging by the smiles that crept on to their muzzles from the 'unintended' compliment, the effect worked perfectly. Shining Armor wasn't sure if he was looking too deeply, but if he wasn't, her tact was certainly impressive.

"Very well then," Cadence stepped aside and motioned toward the door. "Lead the way, Miss Tiara."


Walking through the streets with Diamond Tiara seemed to attract more attention, as if her presence added legitimacy to the odd sight that some perhaps thought they imagined. At the same time, nopony interrupted the procession, likely due to said presence of the mayor's aide.

"So if you're handling all of this." Spike spoke up, sweeping a claw over the flurry of activity in the town center, "What's the mayor actually doing?"

"She's attending directly to the Princess." Diamond said and then added after a moment. "Celestia I mean. She offered to let me handle that meeting but well... I didn't think I was quite ready for that..." she admitted with a sigh, no doubt the irony having come to her not long after.

"I believe you're selling yourself a bit short, Miss Tiara," Shining spoke up suddenly.

"Yes, despite her rather impressive aura, my aunt is fairly low maintenance." Cadence added cheerfully.

"Be that as it may, I'm fine with the current situation." Diamond said firmly looking out to the excited crowds of Ponyville citizens. "It's like an easier version of Winter Wrap-Up."

"Why would Winter Wrap-Up be hard?" Shining said confused.

"Well maybe not for Canterlot, but you've never cleaned up winter the earth pony way." Diamond Tiara said with a small chuckle, as if to a private joke.

"Earth pony way?" the three Canterlot citizens said in unison, a low rumble approaching from the distance.

"That means NO magic." The pink earth pony smiled wider at their confused expressions. "Yup, if you don't keep to a strict scheduled and balance out everypony's job, then there's no way you can finish on time." She spoke much like a teacher would to a student as the rumbling sound grew closer, a brown pegasus coming into view speeding through the crowd at breakneck speed.

"What is..." Shining started, caution in his tone.

"Huh, what do you? ah!" Diamond turned just in time for the pegasus barreling toward her. They leaned at the last second turning ever so slightly, JUST missing the mare. "S-Scootaloo!" she squeaked indignantly as the pegasus hopped up and actually road along the wall to clear the Canterlot visitors before bringing the wheels back to the cobblestone road, wings flaring to slow her speed, back wheel skidding out leaving an arc of dust as she came to a stop a few feet behind the group. The pegasus was a mare, if her build was to be believed. She stood one hoof on a two wheeled scooter, the other on the road, wings still flared open. A winged wheel mark was emblazoned on her flank. Helmet and goggles obscured her eyes and mane, her tail a vibrant purple.

"Whoa..." Spike muttered, impressed by the rather dramatic entrance.

"That was reckless!" Diamond shouted, recovering from the shock of the near collision.
"That was reckless." Shining said firmly, leveling his best authoritative glare at the mare.

Unicorn and earth pony exchanged a surprised glance before Diamond continued on. "How many times have I told you to be more careful?!" she stomped her hoof in frustration. Scootaloo undid her helmet revealing a wild purple mane.

"Oh don't get your tail in a knot Diamond, I missed you by at least 3 inches." the pegasus rolled her eyes. Her tone implied this was an old argument and one likely to be held on a later day as well. Her laid back demeanor only seemed to rile up the mayor's aide more... which may have been intentional.

"You nearly hit the princess!" Diamond screeched, a few errant hairs popping free from her bun, further accentuating her panic.

"Wha?" Scootaloo flicked up her goggles and gave a long look toward Cadence that dragged for several seconds, a blush rising to the alicorn's face from the intense scrutiny. She slowly turned back to Diamond, expression puzzled.
"Princess Celestia looks a lot smaller and pinker in public." Spike let out a snicker as he tried to hold his laughter while Shining merely face hoofed.

"She's not Celestia you Dodo!" Diamond exploded, "She's her niece! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."

"...There's two princesses?" Scootaloo replied still puzzled as the earth pony groaned into her forehooves.

"I... I don't get out much." Cadence finally spoke up in a small voice, mortified at the whole exchange. Spike finally couldn't hold it in any more, falling backwards laughing heartily. Shining sighed, suppressing a smile at the impromptu comedy act.

"Oh, okay then." Scootaloo took the news in stride offering an easy smile. "Nice to meet ya Princess Mimi." At the confused look Diamond Tiara gave her, Scootaloo scratched the back of her head. "What? Her first name's Mi, right?"

"I can't believe you just called he-"

"Nice to meet you too." Cadence looked relieved to move forward. "Scootaloo was it? Please, call me Cadence"

"Yup, that's me. Fastest delivery mare this side of Canterlot." her voice was confident, verging on cocky.

"What about the other side?" Shining couldn't help but prod.

"Well, I haven't been to that side yet." she grinned in reply.

"Oh, MY sides..." Spike was slowly getting to his feet, the last trailing snickers from his laughing fit finally able to be repressed.

"So Princess, Tiara isn't boring you to death with the history of Ponyville, is she?" she asked in a stage whisper getting a giggle out of an alicorn.

"Hardly." Diamond snorted having composed herself from her small breakdown. "Miss Cadence has come to assure our preparations are up to snuff. We are heading to meet up with the weather team."

"Then... Why are you going this way?" the pegasus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because that's where they are scheduled to be." she replied dryly

"Well, you're not going to find them there." Scootaloo said simply.

"...and why not?" Diamond replied after a beat to see if she'd expand on that statement.

"Cause some rogue clouds floated in from Everfree. They had to go take care of it." she finally clarified.

"What? of all the times..." Diamond groaned trying to factor this shift into her schedule.

"Scootaloo, do you know where the weather team is?" Cadence asked with far more patience then their guide.

"Yup, I just delivered their lunch." She replied with a grin,

"Then why didn't you just SAY s-" Diamond started, clearly frustrated but the cool head of Cadence prevailed.

"Could you show us where they are?"

"Sure thing, Princess Kay."

"Then please, lead the way."

"Of all the mares..." Diamond groaned into her hooves, Shining resisting the urge to put a hoof on the beleaguered mare's shoulder.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long to get out. Lots of RL stuff getting into the way things but either way Update! :)

So now that we're in Ponyville the cast is going to start to flesh out as we lead closer to the summer sun celebration. As the tags likely clued in Diamond Tiara is of age to Cadence and Shining, as is Scoots. Tiara, a mare who grew out of her bratty adolescence to a more responsible mare, though not nearly as confident outside of formal settings... Scoots on the other hand hasn't changed THAT much, at least not in as obvious ways. Prosopeio describes her as very 'Shonen' if you'll pardon the anime term and I like to agree. She's really fun to write for especially her banter with the much more composed Diamond... either way I hope you like their first impressions as more Cast mates will be introduced over time. :) should be good fun!

Till next time everypony (Next chapter will come much quicker. Promise 6-_-)