• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 1,370 Views, 35 Comments

Chivalry - EternallyLost

A Mixed Up AU taking it from the top. A young guard follows his childhood friend on a mission of which the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance... well if you actually believe that old Pony's tale.

  • ...

Crystal Clear

"So Full."

"I don't think I could have eaten another bite." Cadence groaned as the three friends slowly made there way back toward town. The sampling session turned out to contain every possible apple confection known to ponykind... or at least it seemed that way.

"I guess that can safely check food off the list" spike said remarkably chipper. The Apples had been so focused on getting a royal opinion of their handywork or a compliment from the handsome young guard. Somehow in all that fuss the dragon had managed to get through the ordeal only partly stuffed. He looked to the checklist, "So only thing left is Music."

"Something not food? I'm all for it." Shining muttered, "So who is in charge of music?"

"Looks like it's a pony by the name of Crystal Clairty." The dragon frowned slightly, "There's no address though..."

"Well then I suppose we'll just have to ask." Cadence said with a firm nod as they made their way back into the town proper.


"Crystal Clarity?" Diamond Tiara blinked at the question. The town hall was nearly completed, many of the decorators had left to work on other projects. Fortunately for the Canterlot trio the mayor's aide had hung back to double check everything.

"Yes, they are the pony that signed up to handle the music for the event." The young alicorn explained. "But they left no form of address."

"I see," Diamond shook her head. " She's a fairly reclusive mare from what I've seen but this is a bit much..."

"If thats the case why did she sign up in the first place?" Shining queried.

"Umm that's partially my fault." A Blue Unicorn Mare with an hourglass cutie mark interjected into the conversation with a sheepish expression as all eyes turned her way. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt or anything...”

“Not at all Minuette,” Diamond transitions smoothly to give the unicorn her full attention. “So you signed up Miss Clarity?”

"Yeah! She's a sweet mare but she can be pretty awkward around new ponies.” encouraged the mare began to chatter quickly, “I've been trying to encourage her to be more outgoing and well, I knew she had a wonderfully singing voice. It took a while but I eventually convinced her to get involved this year." she looked to the floor with a sigh "Maybe I was too pushy..."

"Well I would like to meet her first if possible, if she is that uncomfortable I'm sure I can arrange something with my Aunt to find a replacement." with the flip of a switch Minuette brightened back to a beaming smile.

"Really Princess! That's so nice of you!”

“It's really no problem,” Cadence did her best to wave off the other mares enthusiasm. “And please, Cadence is fine.”

“Cadence, Gotcha.” she parroted cheerfully.

“So Miss Minuette, You know where we can find Crystal Clarity?” Shining decided to speak up and bring things back on track, finding himself taking a step back as the mare was all but in his face in a second with that same intense enthusiasm.

“Sure I can! It's a bit out of the way." The Unicorn said, eyes trailing back to Diamond. “Is it okay if I step away for a bit?” a note of concern entering her voice.

“Don't even worry about it, we're nearly done here anyways.” Diamond offered a patient smile, “Besides, assisting Miss Cadence in her goals is far more important to the celebration then straightening a few tassels.”

"I'm sorry we had bother you again so soon..." Cadance said with a small frown. Before she could continue Diamond was already waving it off.

"I've told you before Miss Cadence, I'm glad to help in anyway I can." She smiled calmly before motioning to excitable unicorn. “and in this case I leave you in Minuette's capable hooves.”

“You can count on me.” she saluted before trotting swiftly out the door pausing only long enough to make sure they were following. "Now Crystal lives out on the edge of town toward Everfree, it's a bit of a trek." she turned and began to lead the visitors back the well worn dirt road toward the edge of town.

"That place again?" Spike raised a scaled eyebrow. "I thought that place was dangerous, why would anypony want to live closer?"

"I know right! I've been trying to convince her to move closer to town but she seems happy with it. I think she likes the privac- Wait, is that?" her gaze turned to the side before she smiled widely. "It is, Crissy over here!" she called out waving a hoof. A mare in the crowd froze and slowly looked over. An expression of anxiety being covered up be a small nervous smile. She was unicorn with a dark Grey coloration, nearly black. Her mane and tail were a dull blue, hung loose but neatly tended. On her flank looked to be a note with a heartshaped head. It was a rather striking look that definitely stood out in a crowd, quite at odds with her apparent personality

"Fancy meeting you here," she spoke softly turning to properly greet them. Minuette trotted over to her the mare quite pleased.

"I didn't expect to see you come into town so early."

"Well Um, I was Just going for a walk." She mumbled her gaze veered from friend to Cadence and Shining before quickly turning away. “I thought you were busy working today?”

"Well I was but I got a special mission.” she answered cheerfully stepping aside and motioning broadly to the Canterlot Visitors. “Crissy this is Cadence and her friends. She is overseeing the celebration this year." The mare's eyes widened and she looked between he excitable friend and the alicorn. Cadence eyed the anxious mare curiously, but seemed to put it aside.

"Crystal Clarity I presume?" Cadance smiled to the mare taking a few steps forward. "It's nice to meet you."

"L-Likewise." Crystal replied softly, her face flushed.

"I was hoping we could have a moment of your time." Candence continued in a patient tone. "We wanted to ask you about the music performance you had planned for the celebration.

"The Music? Right um..." She did her best to collect herself, "I was just going to play on the flute. maybe sing a little later."

"Do you mind if we hear it?"

"Eh?" she looked around and then back to the young princess. "Here?"

"Well wherever you feel comfortable." Cadance smiled causing the mare to blush once more looking to the ground.

"Okay. How about we go back to my place then?" she began before giggling nervously. "I mean that's where my flute is." she cleared her throat, "let's just go." she turn and started down the road. Shining and Cadance exchanged a look. Even Minuette looked a bit puzzled.

"Hm, she seems to be in an odd mood today." she muttered softly, "Nerves maybe."

"Well today would be the day for it." Shining said before glancing to the earth pony. "But is it so odd? I thought you said she was shy?"

"I said she was reclusive." Minuette clarified before looking thoughtful. "She is usually pretty distant with new faces. It took a good while bit of time for her to warm up to me."

"Oooh, well in that case it's obvious." Spike said clearly bemused. "Considering who she was talking to."

"Me?" Cadance blinked. "Because I'm an alicorn?" she asked worriedly but Spike just gave her a look. "What?" Something dawned on Shining's face and he couldn't repress a small chuckle, Minuette following a moment later covering her mouth.

"Oh my." all three eyes turned the alicorn's way and she looked even more puzzled.

"What is it?"

"You know all things considered, you can be pretty dense." Spike said simply as he started walking away, patting the mare on the head as she passed.

"It's, well, it's not really my place to say Sooooo..." Minuette said with an awkward smile, trotting to catch up to the dragon. Cadence turned to Shining looking for answers.

He could barely managed to recollect himself at Cadence's adorably lost expression... why ruin it. "Well best follow the our musician and see if she's prepared for tomorrow." he said calmly following behind spike.

"W-what? But whats so funny? guys?" Shining's poker-face nearly broke as he could hear the young alicorn sputtering behind him. Oh this was going to be great teasing fodder later.



Crystal Clarity's cabin was far closer to the edge of Everfree then most would ever dare, located a good walk from the nearest other residence. It looked homey enough, somewhat on the small side but plenty of room for a single mare. More interesting was land around it. multiple bird houses and feeders decorated the yard, a few small 'dog house' like structures out around back. Several creatures skittered out of view as they approached.

"Well, home sweet home." Crystal said looking back to her guests as she reached the front door. "I'd invite you in but I think in might be a bit cramped... Besides I don't really have and snacks or anything to offer."

"Again?" Minuette said with a quirked eyebrow.

"Well I mean I was going to, but some things came up and it just kinda slipped my mind." she said with a slightly forced smile.

"It's fine Miss Crystal, we've had more then enough snacks today." Shining said trying to ignore the ache in his gut.

"Yes, the Apple family was more then happy to share..." Cadance added diplomatically with a slightly strained expression. There was a small stiffed giggle from Minuette as understanding dawned on the musician's face.

"Ahh, yes. They can be quite... persuasive when they want to be." she sighed slightly. "Anyway, let me just grab my flute and I'll be right back." as she spoke her horn gained a light green aura unlocking and opening the door behind her and she disappeared inside.

"So is she like a Vet or something?" Spike mused in their guides general direction, eyes a few of the animals peeking in from the bushes just out of view.

"Not really, but she does seem to have a way with Animals. They just kept showing up at her home more and more, so much so she started building places for them to stay just so they would stop trying to get in her house.” The unicorn said with clear bemusement. “It's probably why she can stay so close to the forest.”

"Man, talk about animal magnetism." Spike re-admired the amount of animal shelters around the cottage with a new appreciation. Cadence's horn lit up with a light pink hue.

"Well there certainly is a lot of love and adoration radiating from this area, all directed toward the cottage." she said happily. At that moment Crystal returned with a worn wooden flute hovering at her side. Cadence blinked in confusion and frowned slightly but said nothing. Shining raised an eyebrow at the rather odd reaction.

"Sorry about the wait, took me a bit longer to find it." she said looking back to her prospective audience. "Um, Cadence? Is this a bad time?" concern entered the unicorn voice.

"What? oh um nothing Sorry. Just got lost in thought for a moment." she smiled, the aura around her horn quickly fading. Her voice had a frazzled tone that Shining had heard before. Perhaps a topic of discussion worth bring up at a later time as the young alicorn pushed to change the subject. "Please proceed whenever your ready."

"Well, if your sure." Crystal Clarity said slowly before floating the instrument to her lips. The ambient noise of the field seemed to slowly die away as the melody drifted across the breeze. All focus centered to to the unicorn mare as she played, eyes closed lost in her own music. The flute had a rustic old world sound to it, miles from the stuffy classical music from the royal balls. The very wind that carried her song lightly fluttering her mane, the bright blue strands dancing along with the tune. A sense of calm entered the meadow, the music drained away tension and left a pleasant feeling in the chest. As the song trailed to it's final notes the world came back into focus. Silence stood for a moment as crystal opened her eyes and with a tinge of nervousness settled her gaze toward the newcomers. "So... How was it?"

"That was incredible." Shining said in full sincerity.

"That was amazing!" Spike exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air excitedly. Minuette clapped excitedly.

"It was certainly... enchanting." Cadence said with a pause. "I think you may have filtered some more magic then you intended through your flute." she said with a light admonishment, the unicorn looked slightly uncomfortable with the critique. Her gray cheeks colored slightly. Shining blinked, having not event noticed the spell. He glanced down to his disenchanted chest plate briefly. Definitely something to file away for later...

"Sorry, I was a bit, well. I've never really played for an audience, I wanted you to really feel it... maybe I pushed it a bit too hard." she admitted reluctantly, frustration with herself clear on her features.

"It made for a very effective piece for sure, but you must be careful with the emotions of your audience. Intended and untended." she motioned with her hoof to the rest of the field. The audience had grown during the song, many animals crept closer drawn by the music. Birds filling the branches and bird perches while various furry critters sat nearly with in touching distance of the Canterlot visitors. “Animals are much more sensitive to emotional magic then ponies,” Crystal frowned, trying to hide her embarrassment. She immediately tried to shoo the animals away but they merely danced out of her reach playfully following again when she turned to chase off another group.

"This may take a bit of time." Minuette said with a trying to hide her bemusement at her friend's antics.

"Then perhaps it was best we take our leave for now." Cadence said, getting back up to her hooves. Crystal immediately stopped her futile efforts and turned back to the alicorn.

"Leave? Already?" she pulled back to a slightly more reserved tone, "I mean I didn't even show you my singing. You sure you don't want to relax for a bit, I might have some tea in the cupboards an-"

"I'm sorry Miss Crystal, but we still have some important tasks to settle for the celebration and you've more then proven the music is in good hands." Cadence said diplomatically. "I look forward to your performance." her sincerity silencing the unicorn mare once more.

"O-Okay. um maybe we could hang out after the celebration?" she asked in a soft hopeful voice.

"That sounds lovely,"

"Right, its a... well I'll see you then." The unicorn stumbled on her words trailing off in what she hoped was a more reserved tone. Cadence merely nodded and smiled before turning and starting back on the walk toward town. Spike and Shining both said their goodbyes and hurried along to catch up to their friend. Crystal merely watched them leave, slowly realizing her fellow unicorn had taken a seat next to her.

"Whats gotten into you today girl? I've never seen you this bad before."

"I don't know... there's something about that mare. I've never felt anything like this before, like I was in a fog or something." Crystal Clarity sighed and shook her head turning to see the slowly growing grin of her friend. "What?”

“Well, I think her guard pony is a lot cuter but hey, you do you.” she said with a shrug and a grin that made the other unicorn frown and redden.

“Oh don't you even start." she muttered in annoyance, one of the song birds she'd been chasing landed right on her head. Crystal could only sigh into her hooves.


"An Enchantress Musician... kinda scary when you think about it." Spike said placing his claws behind his head looking up to the nearly clear sky, pairs of weather team ponies scurrying from cloud to cloud.

"True," Cadence replied softly "She seems like a nice enough mare..." she trailed off with a small frown.

"Did you see something strange?" Shining spoke up getting a surprised look from his friend. "Should we be concerned."

"No, Nothing like that... I don't think so at least." Cadence bit her lip. "Her aura was just... off. Off in a way I've never seen before." she shook her head. "But if she has that level of enchantment it could just be messing with my own viewing attempt. I'm probably just over thinking things." she conceded with a sigh. "Besides, we have more important things to focus on."

"Nightmare moon right?" Shining seemed content to let the Crystal Clarity issue drop if Cadence didn't see her as a problem. "So whats the plan?"

"Well Twilight said there's a book we information about the Elements of Harmony in the local library, there was no time to transfer it to Canterlot so best check it out now while there's still some daylight." Cadence said firmly, refocusing herself to the newest goal.

"If it's all the same to you guys I'm gonna do a patrol around town, three bodies is a bit much for a small library like that." Spike said with a stretch. I'll keep an eye out for any funny business."

"Are you sure you'll be fine by yourself?" Shining frowned, not hiding his concern. Spike took it with his usual laid back manner waving it off with a smirk.

"I'll be fine, ponies have been seeing me walk around all day. If some try to make a big deal about it, I'm a big dragon. I can handle myself." He waved back over his shoulder as turned and headed down a different rode back toward the town center. Cadence and Shining exchanged a look before letting it go. They had they're own duty to fulfill...

Author's Note:

and one year later the pony bug bites again... well I'm back for a while. I will do my best to keep on the writing for as long as I can. I do have at least a bit more of this story already written so you can expect more of this in the near future...

As for the chapter, yeah... something about looking back at ideas and how they change over the years. You might be surprised or confused on who I featured here covering the music... and why it's not sweetie belle. Originally is was, completing the future cmc... but over the year or so I had to think on this fic. In that time i had a more interesting idea for Sweetie (in some theoretical post Nightmare moon plot). So welcome to the Plot AU Chrysalis :pinkiehappy:

It feels good to be back