• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 1,372 Views, 35 Comments

Chivalry - EternallyLost

A Mixed Up AU taking it from the top. A young guard follows his childhood friend on a mission of which the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance... well if you actually believe that old Pony's tale.

  • ...

Apple Family Hospitality

Following Diamond's advice the trio of inspector headed back to the center of town. Off to the right of town hall a stage had been constructed for the festival entertainment. For now the crowds passed it by too wrapped up in their own preparation leaving one pony alone half stuck out from under the stage. The pony, likely a mare, was on her back shimmying a bit before reaching the next hammering point. Her coat was a sunny yellow, a hammer resting atop a wooden apple emblazoned on her flank. She seemed quite athletic, clearly from regular worko-

Cadence cleared her throat passing a cross look to her companion. Shining mustered a guilty chuckle before looking away, cheeks slightly red. "Stallions." the princess muttered with a roll of her eyes. All the while spike was doing his best to hold back his snickering. The alicorn cleared her throat an approached the stage.

"Miss Apple Bloom?" The question seemed stop the obscured mare's work.

"Yeah?" came a muffled reply, before cadence could continue the mare seemed to get back to her job. "If somethin else is broke yer gonna have to get in line. Nearly got all the supports sorted out here, but I got at least three other projects lined up for the celebration." He tone was no nonsense and to the point, accented by the sound of hammer against wood. Cadence bit her lip looking to her companions.

"If shes' busy perhaps it's best if we didn't bother he-" her whispers were cut off as spike strode closer to the stage.

"Sounds like a full schedule, but surely a small lunch break couldn't hurt." the hammering stopped once more at the dragons words.

"Lunch break?" Apple Bloom sounded puzzled. "What time is i-? Wait. Did Tiara send you?" her confusion shifted into irritation as the mare let out a muted huff. "That busy body, how does she expect me to get anything done if she keeps butting in like that. I'm perfectly f-" a loud gurgling from her stomach perfectly cut her tirade lingering for a small awkward pause before the mare relented. "All right you got me. I'll be right out." She pushed her toolbox out from under the stage and shimmied her way out. "Suppose a small break couldn't hurt." she started to brush herself off and froze as she finally got a good look at the ponies (and dragon) she'd been venting at. "well... ya don't see this everyday..."

~ ~

After the initial confusion and some introductions Apple Bloom had agreed to lead the Canterlot trio to her families farm on the outskirts of town. It hadn't taken long to see the acres of trees that stretched out over the hills to the south. Sweet Apple Acres.

"Impressive." Shining muttered taking the sight in. Canterlot born and bred, he'd never thought much on where the various fruits and vegetables that were stocked in stores came from. It was somewhat humbling.

"Why thank you, The Apple family has been taking care of this land fer generations. Ever since the founding of Ponyville." Apple Bloom stated proudly.

"Well it's clear your family has done a wonderful job here, I can feel the love coming from soil itself." Cadence smiled clearly enjoying the feeling.

"Well Shucks Princess, when ya put it that way it enough to make a girl blush." she chuckled, "but you should save those compliments for Annie, she's that one that directs most of the farmin'. I just make sure our barns don't fall atop our heads."

"I was gonna say it was odd for a farmer to be doing stage repairs." Spike commented idly, arms behind his head. The mare merely shrugged and grinned.

"What can I say? Things have a habit of breakin and someponies got to fix them up. why not me? Besides, Sis has got more then enough help today."

"Oh? Having family over for the holidays?" cadence queried. Apple Bloom chuckles giving an odd smile.

"You could say that..."

~ ~

"Oh..." The Canterlot trio was stunned as they stood at the crest of the final hill overlooking the apple family home. Dozens of earth ponies of all shapes and sizes ran too and fro, harvesting apples, preparing dishes or just socializing. It was like the chaos of the town center replicated all over again. The atmosphere was loud but cheerful, and a little imposing.

"You could say I've got a big extended family." Apple Bloom said clearly bemused at the expression before motioning them forward. "Now no need to stand their gawking ya'll got to talk with my big Sis after all. Come on." with a moment of hesitation the young princess followed shining and spike just a step behind. Apple Bloom waved one of the mares down. "Hey Cousin Fritter, ya'll seen Annie around? Got some guests that need a chat with her."

"Hm, last is saw her was in the kitchen..." the earth ponies eyes widened as she took in the trio behind Apple bloom. "I-is that a dragon... and a princess?! A-Apple Bloom... What kind of business is this?"

"Official type." Apple bloom replied smoothly patting the stunned mare on the shoulder. "Nothing worth worryin' over though. Thanks for the help Cuz." she calmly strode back to her guests and began to lead them toward the family house, Apple Fritter watching dumbly for a solid minute before realizing she had to get back to work.

"So many ponies... Hard to believe a family this big could live in the same town." Cadence was hard pressed not to stare at the many apple family members milling all around them.

"Nah, Most of the relatives here are just stopin' by for the celebration." Apple Bloom clarified, "Usually it's just Grammy, my sister and my little brother. Annie handles most of the farming these days since Grammy threw out her hip." she motioned to an elder pony quietly sleeping in a rocking chair up ahead. slightly withered but still healthy looking, her coat a dull tan with the cutie mark of an overturned basket of apples. "Never had much of a green hoof myself but I do what i can to help with the harvests." Apple Bloom continued

"Annie? That's an odd name for a pony." Spike's scale brow raised slightly.

"Well it's just a nick name but she prefers it." She grinned ever so slightly. "She's got one of those names ya gotta grow into." she said bemused at her private joke, leaving her guests baffled. Pausing at the porch she gave a sharp whistle. "Sis, got some guests from Canterlot waitin' for ya." The elder pony shifted slightly at the noise but didn't seem to wake up.

"Canterlot?" a surprised mare's voice perked up from inside. A moment later an older mare, peaked out the door. Her coat was a bright green, dusted lightly with splotched of flour. He blond mane in a pair of braids that framed her face. "Well now, aren't you three quite the sight. I take it your here to check on the catering fer the Princess' sun rasin'."

"Yes mam," cadence gave a polite nod.

"Please, there's no need fer formality out here Sweetheart. Names Granny Smith Apple. But please called me Annie" she said with a wide friendly smile. The young princess replied in kind, relaxing in the casual atmosphere.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Annie, I'm Cadence and this is Shining and Spike." she motioned to the boys who nodded in kind. The Farmer raised an appreciative eyebrow and smiled.

"Such a strapping pair of men you've brought with you, Good eye." She said shamelessly bringing a slight red tinge to the young guard's face while Spike scratched the back of his head eyes glancing away unable to repress a smile. Cadence herself looked a bit taken back by the exchange, mouth opening and closing a bit but lacking the words.

"Really Sis?" Apple Bloom said in a tired tone, seemingly used to such a reaction. Annie moved her attention smoothly to her little sister placing a hoof over her mouth, eyes widening in exaggerated shock.

"And seems you even managed to get my wayward sister to get her head outta here toolbox fora little while. Truly a miracle." she said with a small amount of theatrics, enjoying the annoyed look on her sister's face. "Well in anycase you came here to inspect the food, might as well have a bit of a samplin'" she continued in a friendly tone clapping her forehooves together.

"Um, That's not necessary. Everything looks to be in order." Cadence said forcing a small smile. "I wouldn't want us to impose." Before she could continue any further Annie waved it off.

"You ain't imposing on anythin. I'd be remiss if I didn't show a guest some proper Apple Family Hospitality for coming all this way." she said trotting over to a hanging triangle and ringing it loudly, the mass of earth ponies stopping their work at the magic words of any hardworking pony.

"Lunchtime Everypony!"

Author's Note:

I had this sitting on my hard drive and figure I could clean it up a bit and put it up... I had hit a bit of writer's block and just left it aside. So it's fairly short but it at least bring apple bloom into the story and shows of some of the changed family dynamics... Will I write more of this at this point? I don't know... My thoughts have been far from ponies as of late, barely watch the show but I do still like the world. The Show has moved so much further since my last update. Now it really is an alternate Universe in more then just age.

I haven;t trailed off my old outline yet so if I get inspired again I could probably keep this going further. But not sure if I will... at the very least might as well put up what I DO have so you can at least read it a bit more. Big thanks to all who have enjoyed it thus far :) Hopefully can bring more to you all eventually.