• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 1,370 Views, 35 Comments

Chivalry - EternallyLost

A Mixed Up AU taking it from the top. A young guard follows his childhood friend on a mission of which the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance... well if you actually believe that old Pony's tale.

  • ...

A Reference Guide

Chivalry 6

The Golden Oak Library was fittingly quaint building for a town like Ponyville. Built into a still living tree it stood out among the thatched roof homes while not looking too out of place. It was in this strange little library where they're next answers should be.

Shining was a step behind Cadence as she knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Silence reigned for a full minute with no response. Confused she knocked again, a little louder... again no reply.

"Maybe the librarian's out for the day..." Cadence looked concerned. "Should we come back later?" Shining rolled his eyes and stepped forward. His horn lit up and after a long pause the door clicked open. "Shining!"

"The potential safety of Equestria grants Royal guard full access to any building deemed necessary." He quoted calmly as he opened the door and walked inside, Cadence following a step behind, looking quite uncomfortable.

"I didn't know the guard that such jurisdiction..."

"Only in emergencies." Shining said solemnly. "and until proven otherwise this is an emergency." With the issue settled for now the pair took in their new surroundings.

It was a small library but used it's space well, fitting a surprising amount of literature inside. Toward the back there were stairs up that were roped off with a sign of private. Next to that was a closed door marked storage. Lastly sitting up toward the front was an older earth pony stallion, asleep at the main desk, oblivious to the world. Shining frowned in annoyance before receiving a light hoof bump on his shoulder.

"See? We just had to knock a little louder." Cadence chastised as she walked forward to the sleeping stallion. Shining mouthed the words mockingly as soon as she turned her back and followed. "Um Excuse me, sir?" cadence asked politely getting an incoherent grumble in response. "Sir, we needs to ask you some questions." she said a little louder only managing to get him to roll over away from her. A pout emerged on her muzzle as she huffed in annoyance. Shining merely smirked.

"Just a little louder huh?"

"Oh shush," she took a breath to collect herself and closed her eyes. "I didn't want to do this but," her horn lit up and she took a deep breath. "EXCUSE ME SIR, WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU SOME QUESTIONS!." The volume of her voice was amplified ten fold making the Shining's ears ring. The librarian was less fortunate the volume and force of her voice sending the older stallion tumbling out of his chair to the floor. He scrambled back up looking around in confused shock before settling on a smiling Cadence. "If it's not too much trouble." she finished sweetly in her normal voice. The old stallion narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

"There's no yellin' in the library." with an frustrated huff and reoriented himself to the situation he found himself in looking between Cadence and Shining before recognition lit up on his face. "Oh, you're those Canterlot foals the Royal sage mentioned." Both teenagers mirrored a frown at being called a 'foal' but the old stallion continued on not noticing or not caring... it was hard to tell which was more annoying. "Well I'm not sure what our humble archive can offer that the one in the capital cant but your free to look around. A favor is a favor."

"Thank you," Cadence was terse but polite as she trotted off toward the shelves, Shining followed a step behind quicken his pace as the librarian looking to the the front door in confusion.

"Coulda sworn I locked up before nappin..."


"So what are we looking for?" Shining asked as his friend began to examine the shelves closely.

"We're looking for any information about the Elements of Harmony." Cadence's horn lit plucking a few books from the shelf and placing them into a pile. "The are the only thing that can stop Nightmare Moon. That's what my aunt used to stop her the first time but they disappeared and haven't been seen since."

"Ah, so no pressure then." Shining snarked lightly doing his best to ignore the slight rise in his heart beat. He picked up a book from the pile, Ancient Artifacts of Antiquity, and began to skim it. To say that research was not Shining's forte would be a kind understatement... he was a pony of action. Careful and decisive action, but action none the less. An annoyed snort was more then enough to draw his attention to Cadence whose book pile had increased along with her frustration.

"Why is this library such a mess?" She huffed throwing her forehooves into the air, "None of these titles go together at all!" Shining raised an eyebrow. Surely a small town library like this one wasn't going to have the same 'polish' as Archives headed by the Royal Sage... that was to be expected right. He began to scan the shelves himself, tuning out cadences continued complaints. Arts: A study through history, Animal Empathy: what is your pet really thinking?, Aster Aardvark's Alphabet Adventures...Oh.

"What the hay?" he turned to the shelve behind them noting the tend continue on into the B's

"How could this possible help anypony?!" Cadence muttered before covering her face with her hooves. "It's going to take forever to find anything in this place! Calm down cadence, it's just a little set back..." Cadence tried to steady herself taking a deep breath, as Twilight had always showed her. Meanwhile, Shining had a hunch. Without a word he trotted off, passing the librarian who was sleeping once again. He slowly passed a few aisle down, skimming the first few books until he got to where he was looking. His eyes traced carefully along the shelves, the trend continued as he expected. After a few moments his hoof stopped at a title.

Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide

"Huh... it was under E." he mused with a slight smirk before picking it up in his magic and rushing over to rejoin his frazzled friend.


Cadence immediate set to work scanning the tome for answers. Shining resisted the urge to peek over her shoulder, eyeing the sinking sun through a nearby window. Time was an enemy today...

"I think I found something." Shining's attention was drawn back toward the book, Cadence shimmying aside so he could get a good look.

"There are 6 elements of harmony, but only five are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty... The sixth is a complete Mystery." he stomped his hoof, "Even in the most definitive guide the information is incomplete..."

"No the sixth element is mentioned a little later on," Cadence said calmly. "It will only appear once the other five are gathered together... something about a sparrrghk" she cover her mouth to stifle a yawn. "Sorry, I think last nights research session is starting to catch up with me..."

"You should lay down," Shining frowned slightly

"I'll be fine, There's still more research we need to do before-" Shining had to steady her as she wobbled when trying to stay up.

"Your not going to be much use to anyone if you pass out before the ceremony even happens." he kept his tone light but concern was laced within it.

"I got a bedroom upstairs ya can use." The librarian spoke up catching both ponies attention. "Seems like you need it more then I do Filly."

"I couldn't impose."

"Don't you worry yourself none, get some rest. Your only gonna get a sun risin' like this once a decade after all."

"Thank you sir," Shining answered before Cadence could protest anymore. "Come on Cadey, I promise I'll wake you up in time..." he whispered softly.

"All right..." she finally conceded and allowed herself to be led upstairs, Shining levitating the book behind them. The second floor bedroom was quint but comfortable, with a balcony overlooking the town and a beautiful view of the pink sky, sun resting at the horizon. With a little prodding the youngest princess climbed into bed and allowed exhaustion to take her. Shining used his magic to pull the blankets up and tuck her in. Smiling softly as her slumbering form before he turned his attention back to the book, taking it out onto the balcony to get a bit of fresh air.

Below the streets were nearly empty, many citizens turning in early so they could fully appreciate the sun rise... many of the younger citizens no doubt transitioning to more private celebrations. Though celebration was furthest from the young guard's mind as he began to read through the book himself, skimming through to get back to where they had left off... It was a strange mix of information, some part rooted in fact while much of the book was left to the author's theories for the elements uses and powers. In other words... mostly useless. But Shining held his patience in check, keeping his focus on any relevant information. Eventually the tome provided perhaps the most useful bit of information yet.

"It is said the last known location of the Elements of Harmony is in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now Everfree Forest." Shining stood up and looked out over the balcony, just on the edge of vision far outside of town, the forest line began. "Everfree." he frowned, he's heard nothing but bad things about that place from minute one. Dangerous, wild, untamed... so of course that was where they would be. "Wait." Shining turned his gaze toward the townhall, where Princess Celestia was staying for the night. "Is that why she chose Ponyville?" The sun finally set leaving the soft light of the moon to shine down on him. The Mare in the moon's Visage looming on it's surface, sending a chill down the stallion's spine. The ever growing chance of his sister's prediction only grew as the day went on... now it seemed all but certain. He found his back legs giving out on him leaving him sitting and staring at the moon. A feeling of helplessness overwhelming him.

Nightmare moon was going to return.

"Yo Shining." Spike's voice pierced through he moment of existential dread, redirecting his attention back down to the earth below. "What are you doin' up there?" with leap and a few flaps Spike winged his way up the balcony landing with only a slight stumble.

"Cadence need some sleep from her all-nighter yesterday so was Just holding down the fort." Shining covered her fear with a layer of calm, if the dragon noticed anything her didn't show it.

"Ahh dang, Scootaloo is hosting a party till the sun rising. I was going to see if you two wanted to come with," he gave a casual shrug. "But it's important for her to get her rest." he leaned back on the balcony railing, "So would you mind if I went?" he asked with a hopeful smirk, Shining merely shook his head and chuckled.

"Sure, Knock yourself out." His mirth dried up gaining a more serious expression. "Though... I'm pretty sure the sun won't be rising tomorrow." he said solemnly, he could see Spike tense at the statement.

"Yeah?" he snorted and stood up straight. "Well we'll just have to make sure get the Elements of Harmony then." Despite the looming threat the dragon seemed nothing but confident. "If Twilight thinks we can do this, then we're not gonna let her down. Right?" he offered a fanged smile and held up a closed fist. Tension eased out of the young unicorn and he nodded bumping his hoof against the fist.


"Well in that case I'll catch you at the celebration man." he hopped back off the balcony to the ground below, with a wave he strolled off back into town and disappeared from sight. Shining turned his gaze back up to the Mare in the Moon. A new determination rising within him as he turned away and headed back inside. He had a job to do, and he'd see it through to the end.

As the hours past Four stars slowly closed in around the moon...

Author's Note:

The build up is over and the adventure truly begins next chapter... Receptions been pretty cold with my latest set of updates... perhaps that's just choked up to poor upload times or that I took too long between updates. Either way I do hope those that are reading the story are enjoying it. It's been nice to write this up again. my backlog of fic is used up now but I do hope to keep a somewhat more consistent update speed... not fast but not glacial.

until then the night shall last forever!... next chapter :p later everyone!

Comments ( 1 )

Again, splendid job on this latest chapter. The scenes with the librarian were quite well done. And Cadance legitimately needing her sleep is a logical way to preserve drama despite her and Shining finding the guide BEFORE Nightmare Moon's official return (i.e. it keeps them and the others from finding the elements BEFORE Nightmare Moon returns).

Anyway, I'll definitely be looking forward to more of this, but will also be quite willing to be patient.

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