• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 20,864 Views, 414 Comments

Beings from another world - Vmad

Chris gets a shock of a lifetime when 6 creatures approach him while he was sketching the scenery.

  • ...

Meet the Crusaders

Chris' was able to regain his consciousness after a few hours. His eyes started to move, only being able to open slightly to let him see blurs. He was also able to hear some muffled voices in the background, probably Celestia and Luna arguing or something.

But, Chris could just somehow sense something different. Chris heard a nearby door being closed, as well as footsteps that seemed to grow louder and louder until it unexpectedly came to a stop. What he heard next made his eyes open and made him sit up straight.

"Is this the guy ya were talking about sis?" a southern voice spoke. It sounded like Applejack only younger. Much younger. When he suddenly sat up straight, he looked around for a bit, observing that he had magically teleported himself onto the sofa. He then heard the same voice plus two more, gasp. Although, to him, it sounded more like a squeak.

When he turned around, his eyes met three young girls, roughly the age of around 13 or so. The sudden sight made Chris yelp out in surprise. One of the girls has a yellow fur colour, a red mane and tail, a large pink bowtie that is tied at her mane and was wearing a pair of dark blue shorts and a blouse with a darker shade of yellow. Her eyes grew large at the sight of this creature that she has never seen before.

Next to her is a girl with a marshmallow white fur coat, a lavender and light pink mane and tail that curled slightly, almost like Rarity's, a white dress with light blue that coloured the trim that went down to her knee. She was quivering at the sight of the intimidating alien, thinking that she might get badly hurt.

The last one was beside the yellow girl. This girl, however, has a orange fur coat, with a dark purple mane and tail. She wore a sleeveless shirt that is also dark purple and is wearing a sky blue skirt with a winged lightning bolt at the side. This girl, however, didn't seem to be afraid of the creature that stared at her. Instead, she just stared at him with a huge grin on her face.

Chris could not understand why he thought the orange girl looked like a chicken and the white girl to look like a marshmallow. He was certain that the white girl is the little sister of Rarity and that the yellow one is the sister of Applejack due to the accent that it held.

He turned around to look at the slightly darkened hallway and saw the girls plus the two princesses, were standing there looking at him. The 8 mares took a seat at wherever seemed to be comfortable. The two princesses were sitting opposite each other, Applejack sat with the yellow girl, Rarity sat with the marshmallow coloured girl, Rainbow sat with the orange coloured girl, while Twilight and Fluttershy took a plastic chair and sat on those.

However, Pinkie was different. She thought that the most comfortable place to sit, was on Chris' lap. So, when she saw that Chris was sitting up straight, she dived right into his lap, almost making him fall off. The room was silent due to the rest of the ponies stared at Pinkie, whom was comfortably snuggled on Chris' lap. Everypony except for the three little girls, held a faint blush, silently cursing Pinkie for being so random.

"It seems that you have met the Crusaders, eh partner?" Applejack asked, breaking the silence.

"Cru....saders?" Chris asked.

"YEA!!!" three girls suddenly yelled.

"Im Apple Bloom!" the yellow girl, known as Apple Bloom, stretched her arm in the air while closing her eys.

"Im Scootaloo!" the orange girl, known as Scootaloo, pointed a thumb at herself before giving a grin.

"And Im Sweetie Belle!" the pure white girl, known as Sweetie Belle, clapped her hands together white giving a smile that would give everything diabetus.

"AND WE'RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!" the three of them all yelled together. Chris could only stare at them. The three seemed so united, so well bonded that it seemed impossible to break their relationship with each other. He then gave off a warm smile.

"Hehe. Oh don't mind them darling. Anyways, Sweetie here is my sister" Rarity stated, pulling Sweetie Belle into a hug.

"Apple Bloom here is my sis" Applejack said, also pulling Apple Bloom into a hug.

"What about Scootaloo here? Who's her sister?" Chris asked.

"I'm her sister" Rainbow stated, receiving a questioning look from Chris. "She's my adopted sis" Rainbow said, receiving an "Oh" from Chris.

Chris then turned his head towards the three little girls. "Hehe. The three of you remind me of a cartoon about three young girls. So united and bonded. Anyways, sorry about what happened earlier" Chris then held out a hand, "My names Chris Marcolino. Nice to meet you"

The Crusaders stared at Chris for a while, probably not expecting him to be kind.

"Hehehehe, you're not really scary after all" Apple Bloom smiled before shaking his hand.

"Tell me about it. Your really cool actually!" Scootaloo grinned before shaking his hand really fast.

"...Yea. Your not really scary after all" Sweetie Belle reluctantly shook his hand.

"Anyways, can anyone of you tell me what time it is?" Chris asked, only to be answered with a simultaneous "12:30!" from everypony in the room. "Do you girls want to grab lunch outside?" Chris asked again.

"YES PLEASE!" the crusaders replied, followed by a rumble of their stomachs, which caused everyone to laugh.

"*snicker* Ahem. Yes that would be great" Celestia answered with a very motherly tone.

"Okay! Now....Pinkie, can you please get off me?" Chris asked Pinkie, whom was still snuggling him, heaving out a contented sigh. 'Great....This may be a problem' Chris sighed.

=Timeskip: 20 mins later=

Once they arrived at the mall, Chris turned to face the girls.

"So, what would you girls like?" Chris asked in a polite manner.

He was then answered by a plethora of answers. Some suggested to go to a fancy restaurant, some wanted good old fashioned Pizza while some said to go to an all Veggie eatery.

"Okay. How about this. We go to a Pizza parlour and order what Pizza some of your asked, then eat at a restaurant like some of you asked for, collect the pizza, go to an all Veggie eatery and order what Veggie meal some of you said. Deal?"

The girls then huddle close together, forming a circle while facing their backs toward Chris. They were discussing intensively before, a few minutes later, agreeing with what Chris said.

=Timeskip: 10 mins later=

After ordering two Pizzas from a pizza place, that the girls found out is named 'Pizza Hut', the group then went to a restaurant that specializes in Italian cuisine. Rarity's eyes sparkled at the sight of the Restaurant itself. Once the group miraculously gotten a table that could fit the entire group, Chris heard someone calling his name. When he turned around, he saw two of his friends from school, Andrew and Irshyad. Chris stood up and walked towards the both of them.

"Hey mate! How you doing?" Andrew asked.

"Nothing much dude. Just taking some friends out for lunch" Chris replied calmly.

Irshyad then turned his head slightly, now being able to see a group of girls and two women sitting together. "Wow man. You building a harem is it?" Irshyad asked teasingly.

Chris' face blushed slightly. He turned his head so that he wasn't facing them. "O-OBJECTION! I AM NOT!" He said, earning a small giggle from his two friends.

"Eh don't be like that. We were just joking. Anyways, you think you can host a Skype chat later tonight?" Irshyad asked.

"Why?" Chris asked him, his blush now complete gone.

"Me, Andrew plus a few more of our classmates were wondering whether you want to play some Chivalry tonight. And for the Skype call, that is just so that we can talk to each other while we play" Irshyad stated, while Andrew nodded his head.

"Well, sure. Just call me who are the ones that would be playing with us and also tell me what's their Skype name" Chris said while smiling at his two friends.

"Yea no prob dude! See ya!" Irshyad said, walking with Andrew to another nearby shop.

When Chris went back to his seat, he was greeted with a number of curious faces from the girls. "Don't worry. They were just asking if I could play with them tonight" Chris reassured them.

When some of the girls, which is Rarity, Celestia, Luna and Fluttershy, were done eating, Chris then paid the unexpected bill that didn't cost as much as he thought. Afterwards, they collected the Pizzas, they all headed their way upstairs which is where a Vegetarian eatery is located. Chris then ordered what Twilight, Applejack and Sweetie Belle wanted, proceeded to pay for them before they all went back to Chris' place.

Along the way Pinkie was always beside Chris. By beside meaning that Pinkie was literally next to Chris. After a while, Pinkie then started to lean her head onto Chris' shoulder. Luckily for her, Chris didn't seem to mind. Plastered onto Pinkies face is a grin and a small blush, which were still on her face all the way back to Chris' home.


Almost simultaneously, everyone yawned, showing signs of sleepiness. They all went back to their respective bedrooms, in which the Crusaders slept with Twilight and her gang. Once Chris closed his bedroom door, he turned on the AC before he jumped into bed with a blanket covering him, keeping him warm.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was still wide awake. She was waiting for everypony to be asleep so that once they were, she would sneak out of the room and make her way into Chris' bedroom. She couldn't understand why, but everytime she looked at Chris, she would feel a weird tingling sensation inside of her. She would also blush every time he would either compliment her or just lightly touch or poke her.

When everypony in the room was asleep, Pinkie then made her way to Chris' room, careful not to wake up any of her friends. Once she opened Chris' bedroom door, she was assaulted by a wave of cooling air. She then went inside, careful to to wake Chris up when she closed the door. There, on the bed, was Chris sleeping. Pinkie's heart started to beat faster at the sight of him in this peaceful state. She then started to carefully snuggle beside him, careful not to wake him up. Pinkie then gave Chris a light kiss to the cheek before sleep overtook her.

Author's Note:

So! Chris gets to meet the Crusaders! Now...all we have to do is find out why Pinkie is acting this way (All of you probably know whats comin don't ya?) Anyways, hope you enjoy!

(Oh geez. I'm so sorry if there was no chapters during the past few weeks guys. :twilightblush: I really am sorry about that guys. I had quite a bit of projects to work on, so I had my 'Already planned schedule' go to a complete waste. Anyways, Sorry for the long wait everypony!)

(PS: Yes guys, Scootaloo is the adopted sister of Rainbow in this story. It kind of makes sense, since the both of them are speed devils and the fact that I kinda hate stories in which Scoots is an orphan. Not to mention that Scoots is my fav filly)

(PPS: Can you guys find some references in this story?)