• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 20,892 Views, 414 Comments

Beings from another world - Vmad

Chris gets a shock of a lifetime when 6 creatures approach him while he was sketching the scenery.

  • ...

Chris gets an extra-terrestrial gaming buddy

I opened my eyes hoping to see the 8 mares infron of me. Instead of that, I only found myself looking at the blue sky.

"Hey! He's awake!" A bubbly female voice spoke. I groaned and tried to stand up, only finding it a bit hard due to my body now wrapped in sand.

'Hey! What gives?'. I pushed aside all the sand and stood up, now facing the 8 mares. "Okay first of all, why the hell was I laying on the sand with a lot of sand around me?" I asked. The white one with the crown took a step forward. I noticed a small faint blush on her cheeks and she was smiling sheepishly.

"Umm....That would be my fault. You see, when my sister and I arrived here, the both of us saw the girls with you and we thought you are some kind evil entity, so I.....kinda blasted you into unconsciousness with my magic. Sorry" she told me, still having that sheepish smile. When she spoke, she had a very gentle and soothing tone.

"Nevermind about that. So from what I can tell about your looks, the both of you are from the same world as the girls?" I asked her. She nodded.

"That is correct" she replied.

"Well then, introductions are in order. I'm Christian"

"Nice to meet you Christian. I am Princess Celestia. And this is my sister, Luna. We are the rulers of Equestia" she said. My eyes widened at the two beings infront of me. These two are the rulers of Equestria, both of which are also the princesses. I quickly bowed my head to show them respect, even after the small incident that happened.

"Oh! No need to bow" she gently smiled. I lifted my head and smiled at them. I noticed on how her sister, Luna, was hiding behind her sister, probably using her as protection. She was probably scared of me, thinking that I am very dangerous. I ignored the feeling of her stare and turned to look at the girls. They all had smiles plastered into their faces. Suddenly, something pops into my head.

"So, Princess Celestia. If you are here right now, then who is in charge back at your homeworld?" I asked her. She smiled at me before answering my questions.

"Please, call me Celestia. As for who is in charge, that won't be a problem. My nephew is in charge. His name is Prince Blueblood" she replied. I just stared at her curiously before shaking my head and turning back towards the girls.


"Urk....Damn you Aunt Celestia!" Blueblood mentally cursed. He was in charge with everything in Equestria. From taxes to weather.

"Ugh...Damned ponies and their ranting. Even though I'm not stuck up and snobbish anymore, these ponies sure are!" he whispered to himself, causing his eyes to flare up. 'I sure hope Aunt Celestia comes back very soon from her trip.....I don't think I can handle any of these!' Blueblood mentally wished for her Aunt to return.

"Well....Since your here....The both of you are going back with the girls, yes?" I asked. I actually wished that that didn't happen anytime soon. It would be boring without these ponies and their uniqueness.

"Well.....Yes and No. Yes, I am here to bring them back. No because if I cast the same spell that took both me and Luna here right now, it won't work since it will take up a lot of our magic reserves" she explained to me. That........Actually kinda makes sense. If one is drained from their magic, they won't be able to cast powerful spells.

".......So if we could, can we stay with you?" Luna finally spoke. Her voice was full of fear but, much like her sister, she had this angelic feeling to her voice.

"Sure....I guess. There's an extra room that should be well enough for the both of you, princesses. Sorry that you can't hav the master bedroom, but the girls already called dibs on it" I explained. They both nodded in agreement and soon, we were off, journeying our way back home, after me and the girls were fully clothed.

"So what do you think Luna?" Celestia asked her sister in a soothing tone. It has been centuries since the two regal sisters last came here. Back then, it was back in what the humans called, the 'Medieval Age'. Now, everything has changed. From what the humans were wearing, what they do for relaxation, what they eat and so on and so forth.

"....This place has changed since we last came here. It's so different now. Everything seems more.....peaceful" Luna explained to her sister. Celestia smiled. Ever since they came here, Luna had gotten an insatiable hatred against the humans. Celestia has still no idea what the reason was. Was it because of their 'barbaric' ways? Was it because they didn't accept them at all before? She did not know the answer.

"Well, lucky for us then, I suppose. I wonder if these humans are just as high-tech as us...." Celestia wondered at that last statement. Sure, the humans seem much friendlier and everything looks more peaceful and whatnot, but were they up to snuff with technology?

"Hey come on! You princesses are so slow you know?" Both of the sisters turned to see Chris similing and waving at them, signalling them to hurry up. Celestia smiled warmly and held her sisters hand before pulling her into a short sprint towards the group.

(Chris. 3rd person)
"Alright! We're back home!" Chris exclaimed in delight. The 9 of them had finally reached their destination. During the time they took to reach home, the princesses kept on bugging Chris, on the train,to let them sightsee. When Chris first said no, the two princesses pouted their lips and looked at Chris with puppy dogs eyes. Chris was able to resist their act for a couple of seconds, the other people on the train did not. They all caved in and let out small "d'awws" and "oh that's cute!". Eventually, Chris was unable to keep up with them, and he too caved in.

They all went to a total of 10 places in Singapore before reaching home. During their time of sightseeing, the princess also begged Chris to buy them souvenirs, they were acting just like a small girl begging her mother to buy her a doll of her choice.
All in all, they had a great time.

When Chris opened the door, the 8 mares stampeded inside, almost flattening Chris against the door. Once inside, he noticed that the two princess were checking his entire house. Princess Celestia was checking out his entire movie collection while Luna was staring gawked eyed at how many laptops he had, in which she found was hidden somewhere among his massive collection of books.

Chris sighed before putting all the princesses souvenirs in their room. He then went into his room where he changed into his favourite grey shirt with the words 'Polo Tribe' as well as a logo of the sun in the middle and a pair of dark green shorts. He decided to play some TF2 just to pass some time.

While Chris was playing some TF2, the 8 mares were at the living room, watching a movie. They had everything in set, popcorn that Pinkie got from god-knows where, a sofa that was able to fit all 8 of them and air-conditioning so that the room would be cold while they watched. After a while, Luna decided to stop watching the movie and decided to wander around the place. She eventually stumbled upon Chris' room, where she could hear him play a.....shooter game by what she thought.

When she opened the door, she found Chris playing a shooter that she too knows how to play, TF2 but where she lived it was called, PF2, the 'P' which stands for 'pony'. Chris then stopped playing when he realised princess Luna was watching him play. When he turned to see Luna, her face was already next to his, staring at the screen.

"Uhhhh.....Can I help you?" Chris asked her.

"......Can I play?" Luna asked him. Chris just stared at her funny before asking if she knew how to play. She nodded and procceded to ask him again.

"Uhhh....Sure, I guess" he replied. Once he said that, he was then magically lifted by her magic and before being gently placed on his bed. Luna sat down and got to business, instantly changing classes from spy to sniper. After a while, Luna was rocking the kill feed, indicating that her kill was a secured headshot. She smirked at how the people were raging and started called her a hacker.

Chris could only stare at her in awe. He had never ever seen anybo-....anypony play the sniper so well. He had to play with her sometimes. Chris then finally plucked up enough courage to ask her if she wanted to play anything else. She was silent for a while before existing the current game she's was playing playing and browsed at the other steam games he had.

"See anything you like?" He asked. She was staring intently at the games she could play. Then she decided to play 'Dota 2'. "Do you know how to play this?" He asked her again. The only answer he got was a soft "...kinda" from Luna. He shrugged before deciding to tutor her a bit so that she can understand on her own.

"Girls. Has anyone of you seem Luna?" Celestia asked the 6 mares, turning her head around, trying to locate her.

"HUZZAAA!!! THE KILLS HAS BEEN DOUBLED!!!" Luna yelled using her 'Royal Canterlot voice'. The girls then gave each other curious looks before heading to the room that emitted some volume.

"Dammit Luna! That was mine!" They heard Chris' voice from the inside. When they opened the door, they found Luna sitting on a chair, with a pair of headsets on, playing on Chris' laptop. They then turned their heads to look at bed, whom was being occupied by Chris with a pair of headsets and a laptop as well. The lunar princess and the human male both gave odd looks at the 7 mares that were outside the door.

After an silence that seemed to drag on, Chris decided to break it. "Hey, don't just stand there looking at us. At least to back to what you all were doing at the first place" he told them. Princess Luna nodded before slamming the door shut in front of their faces. The girls were now confused at why Luna did that, but decided to ignore it and soon, they went back to the sofa, resuming their comedic movie.

"Well that was.....weird" Chris said to no one in particular.

"Mmhmm. I double that. Anyways....You want that kill?" Luna asked, pinging at Sniper.

"Nah! You can have it" Chris told her. Luna shrugged her shoulders before proceeding to kill Sniper.

The day dragged on and on until it was night time. By then, the girls whom were watching their movie, had finally succumb to sleep. However, the human and the lunar princess were still wide awake, continuing to play until the break of dawn.

For one thing, Chris was happy that he actually had someone whom loved to play games all day long. The only thing surprising is that she is an extra-terrestrial life form from another world, whom was a princess of the night and the one who raises and lowers the moon.

"Now whut ya think this thang is?" A southern voice filled the room.

"I don't know. But it looks weird. It's like a rock but with a........circle and a triangle in the middle?" A tomboy-ish voice answered.

"Careful girls! We still don't know what it is!" A young, feminine voice told.

"Well, whatever it is, it might help us find out cutie marks!" The tomboy-ish voice said to the other two. Soon, the room was filled with a silence that was broken a few second later.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, ROCK HUNTERS!!". When the trio of voices all said it out loud, the rock soon began glowing a faint green glow that seemed to glow brighter every second that passed. Soon, the room was filled with the green glow. Suddenly, a portal had appeared in the middle of the room, engulfing the three beings with a suction that seemed un-escapable. Once the portal disappeared, nothing was left in the room but a rock with a green circle and triangle in the middle.

Author's Note:

Gaming Luna is Best Luna. Also, CMC