• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 20,892 Views, 414 Comments

Beings from another world - Vmad

Chris gets a shock of a lifetime when 6 creatures approach him while he was sketching the scenery.

  • ...

Lunch and the Internet

"So girls, what do you want for lunch?" I asked the girls. With that question in mind, we spent a couple of minutes argueing what to eat for lunch. Twilght said she wanted a vegetarian sphageti. Rainbow asked for pizza topped with pineapples and mushrooms. Rarity decided to have lunch in a fancy restaurant. Pinkie opted for cake. Fluttershy didnt mind eating what her friends were eating. Applejack said she wanted to eat apple pie.

Thankfully we all agreed to order food and eat at home. Too bad that I have to carry all the food though. Luckily, theres a nearby snopping mall that had what the girls wanted for lunch.

When stepping inside the mall, the girls mouth were soon agaped to find that the inside was humungous. But as soon as we stepped inside, there was chaos everywhere. Litteraly tons of people screaming and yelling that theres monsters in the mall. I have no fucking clue why the police that were patroling inside the mall, didnt take that much mind at us.

"Since were here, we might as well get the food we wanted. Applejack, Pinkie, since there's a bakery just over there, we're going to go and order both your cake and your pies. Okay?". Both Pinkie and Applejacks grin grew wider and wider.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the shop and as soon as we entered the place, everyone that was lining up just now, stepped aside. They probably didn't want to mess with the six mares that were with me. "Y-Yes, w-what would y-you like t-to order, s-sir?" the person at the counter asked me.

"Eeyup! Ah would like yer apple pie please" Applejack told him. He nodded and asked if we needed anything else. "Oh! Oh! And a chocolate cake with pink icing with strawberries and is about...this high!" she exclaimed the last part, holding both her hands out that displayed how high the cake would be. Surprisingly, it was quite large. Fuck

"Ok since there's a nearby French restaurant, why don't we get your lunch next Rarity" She grinned and nodded at me, signing to go and lead the way.

During our walk to the restaurant, we managed to spot a clothing shop and an idea popped in my head. Since the girls didn't really didn't have any clothes that they brought with them, might as well buy some new ones that they like. I swear, It took us a bloody long time to get the clothes.

•Rarity opted for an elegant black dress with jewels encrusted at the neck region. She said that this dress was perfect for her. All but the price. It was fucking expensive.

•Applejack opted for a red shirt with brown, yellow and orange stripes. She also decided on a pair of bark blue jeans and her own light brown jacket, kinda like the ones worn by cowboys.

•Twilight opted for lavender coloured blouse that had a light pink outline and a couple of light pink stripes vertically. She also decided on a purple skirt with light blue stars with a silver outline.

•Fluttershy picked a yellow sweater and a light pink skirt. It was funny since her fur colour is butter-yellow and her main and tail colour is pink. The skirt that she picked though, has green flower designs.

•Rainbow Dash chose a blue leather jacket, a cyan blouse with a white outline and a dark blue pair of jeans. It was still the 'all blue scheme' except that the clothes she wanted was not dark blue.

•Pinkie Pie kept bouncing about when she finally found what she liked. A blouse that has the same shade of pink as her mane and tail with yellow and blue polka dots and a dark pink skirt with yellow and blue stripes.

"Okay girls. You girls go and see if you still want anymore clothes and I'll go pay these, okay?" I asked them, which they all nodded in agreement. So I took off with the clothing of the girls and went to the cashier to pay.

=(3rd person) The girls=
As soon as Chris went to the nearby cashier, the girls scrambled around the shop to go check out other clothes. All of a sudden, Rarity called the girls to come to her and as soon as they approached her, Rarity showed the girls what she intended for them to see.

"Aren't those....Lingerie, Rarity?" Applejack asked the her.

"Yes it is Applejack, and I think I have something in store for Chris to see" she signalled for the girls to come closer and whispered in their ears. All the girls, except Pinkie, blushed. Even Rainbow was silent for a moment before she revealed a grin across her scarlet face.

"Rarity, I have no idea whether I like that idea. But I'll just go along just to see the look on his face. Deal?" She somewhat threatened her. Rarity just gave her a small smile before nodding.

"Alright then girls. Lets to find a pair that would suit us" she told her friends.

=(Back to 1st person) Chris' perspective=
"Alright. That would be $1143 sir" the cashier told me.

I sighed and pull out the cash needed. Rarity's dress costed me a lot. Goddamn her.

The cashier was almost done with my transaction when she asked me, "So, tell me. These are for whom?".

I faced her and calmly replied. "These are for friends of mine". After that, she was finished and she gave a plastic bag full of the folded clothing. I took the bag and waited for the girls near the cashier, since I did tell them to meet me up there. Suddenly I heard someone call my name.

"Oh Christian~~!" The voice.....voices called to me in a singalong tune. When I turned around to face where the voices came from, I got a shock of my life. There they were, the girls, all 6 of them, in lingerie that fitted them. My eye twitched slightly at the sight.

"So how do we look?" Rarity asked and I could swear that there was hint of seduction somewhere in that sentence.

The girls looked amazing in lingerie, even Rainbow.

•Pinkie was wearing a maroon pair and some stockings.

•Rainbow was wearing a light blue pair with small amounts of yellow on it.

•Fluttershy was wearing a light green pair.

•Rarity was wearing a black pair that with laces at the sides.

•Applejack was wearing a dark red pair with a laces that criss-cross forming X's and revealed sections of her belly.

•Twilight was wearing a lavender coloured pair that looked like the same as Rarity's

I just stood there, riveted to the floor, looking at how gorgeous and sexy they were. As far from what I can tell, my far is now a deep crimson. Few minutes later, I felt kinda light headed and soon the girls were running up to me, asking me if I'm alright. I looked at them, confused as hell as to why they asked that. Then, they said that after a while, blood was dripping down my nose. I put my right hand on the bridge of my nose. Lo and behold, there was blood.

"It's alright. I-I'm fine" I reassured them, wiping off the blood with a piece of tissue. I could hear from behind my back that the girls were giggling wildly.

"Let me guess....You want to buy that?" I asked them. They all nodded, except for Rainbow, who just turned around facing away from me. I can tell that she was blushing as I saw a hint of pink on her cheeks. I sighed, telling the girls to take them off and wear the clothes they wore just now, and told them to meet me by the cashier. When I returned back, I saw the lady over the counter giving me a sly smile.

"Pretty weird friends you have there. Good luck with them though" she giggled.

I just gave her a menacing glare, instantly shutting her up. She seemed to get the message and just continued to stand near the cashier, waiting for the girls to return.

After that episode, we quickly went back to what we were supposed to do, walking around the mall looking for shops that sold the kind of food the girls wanted. We quickened our pace and soon, we got both Twilight and Rarity's lunch and we were on our way to 'Subway' to try and see if they sell what Fluttershy wants in a sandwich. When we were there, people whom were eating their food, stopped to stare at us.

We made our way to the counter and looked at what they were selling. "You see something you like Fluttershy?" I asked her with a smile. She put a finger to her chin and pouted a bit, thinking what she wanted to eat when suddenly, she spotted something that made her blood run cold.

"Y-You humans e-eat m-m-meat?!" she exclaimed in terror, gaining gasps from the rest of the girls. I can tell some of the people who were eating are now silently chuckling. 'I forgot to tell her we eat meat', I thought to myself.

"Yes Flutters, we eat meat. Us humans need protein in our diet so we gain them by eating meat, although some people eat tofu as an alternative" I told her. She just nodded to confirm that she heard what I said. She loves animals of different kinds, so it won't really be a shock to me to see her freak out when she found out we kill animals for food.

Just then, the man behind the counter spoke. "Don't worry Miss, we have a special vegetarian sandwich. I can tell that your vegetarian" he spoke with a smile. 'Yea. No shit' I mentally cursed.

"T-Thanks. I w-would like that" Fluttershy spoke in a shy manner.

"Alright then. If you could kindly wait sir" he told me. I nodded and flashed a smile.

Once Fluttershy's lunch was done, we headed back home, picking up Pinkies came and Applejacks pies along the way.

The walk back home was kinda long, since I was carrying all our lunches, some of which aren't really even considered lunch.
For example, Pinkie and Applejack wanted cake and apple pie accordingly. Both of which aren't really considered lunch. Plus, the box that the Pinkie's cake was in, is really huge. i needed help from Twilight to bring it back home.

"Were here" I told the girls, catching their attention. From what I can tell from the looks on their faces, they are very hungry. I
took out the key from my pocket and unlocked the door.

We threw the clothes onto the sofa and put our lunches neatly on the dining table. I grabbed my phone and dialled Pizza Hut. After a while, a lady answered the call. She firstly asked where I lived, my house number then my phone number before taking my order. Apparently Rainbow wanted a pizza with mushrooms, pineapples and tons of cheese as toppings.

"Okay. Your Pizza will be arriving in an hour and would cost $45.60. Thank you and have a nice day" the lady hung up after that.

"Okay Rainbow. Your pizza is coming in an hours time. Here's the money to pay for it. You enjoy you pizza when it arrives alright?" I asked her, to which she just nods happily.

"Alright.The rest of you girls go eat up. I'll be in my room if you need me ok?" I told them, grabbing my own food. They all nodded and began to eat. Except for Rarity, in which she said, "A lady needs to be presentable ok? My lunch can wait for a while".

I went to my room, closed the door and turned on the AC, making the room feel cold after a while. I sat down on my chair and switched on my laptop, deciding to play some Dota 2 while eating.

"Double kill!" the announcer exclaimed as I killed both Phantom Lancer and Lion. I was on a roll when playing peacefully, eating my lunch every few minutes.

"What'cha doin?" I jumped slightly at the sudden sound of a female voice in my room. I looked to my left and saw the girls staring at me intently. There was a silence that enveloped the room, when a question from Twilight broke it.

"What's that?" She questioned me. I looked at her quizzically before remembering that they came from a different world.

"Umm...This is called a laptop. Humans use it to play games, which is what I'm doing, watch videos, listen to music or just surf the Internet" I told her. Apparently she was the only one who listened to me, as the rest of the mares were watching my screen . I just shrugged and continued to play. All I needed is to finish the match to answer any more questions from any of the mares. Luckily for me, the match ended pretty quickly.

"That....was...AWESOME!! You totally kicked their flanks!!" Rainbow exclaimed near my ears, making me cup me them with my hands.

"Yeah...Ow...my ears..." I rubbed my ears to try and ease the ringing pain.

"Oops. Hehe, sorry" Rainbow smiled sheepishly. I told it it was fine and to forget about that.

"So, now that I'm done playing, you needed something girls?" I asked them politely. They nodded and just as I was about to ask what they wanted, they all said, "What's the Internet?". It's funny that Pinkie didn't ask, most probably due to her fourth-wall breaking ability, she already knew what the Internet is even before coming to this world.

"Oh..well...Erm..." I tried to find the words to describe the Internet but failed.

'This won't end well for me...'

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long guys! Been kinda busy as of lately.
Anyways, here's the newest chapter. Enjoy!