• Published 17th Apr 2013
  • 5,699 Views, 101 Comments

SpikesXLuna the Sequel - Faithful Brony

  • ...

First Target

Author's Note:

sorry I haven't posted anything for quite some time on this story. I didn't mean to have such a large gap between the last chapter and this one. ive been working on one of my other storys heavily for a while now because it has far more chapters in it than this one will have. I'm trying to get it done as quickly as I can. anyway enjoy the chapter and I will try to update this story a bit sooner.

Flying is a great way of travel for a lot of different creatures. You can get from place to place fairly easily and it saves time instead of traveling by carriage. However that is over a short to medium ranged distance. When it comes to long distance travel however, everypony in Equestria relied heavily on zeppelins to get around. Flying over a long distance with wings was considered next to impossible unless you are a well trained, athletic Pegasus. When Twilight thought of this she thought of Rainbow Dash or the Wonderbolts, not herself.
She was not the athletic type, she didn't have toned muscles and she was not that strong physically. She was a student of knowledge so she didn't get out much to be involved in anything physical strenuous. Twilight was also a unicorn not a Pegasus, she knew next to nothing about flight. When Princess Luna gave her wings and asked her to fly, she knew that she would be slow. It took over half a days journey to get to Canterlot and Twilight felt exhausted afterwards. Unfortunately they didn't have time to say hello to their friends as they made their way to the castle filing room.
Twilight felt bad not being able to but they were only going to be there for as long as they needed to. When they reached the castles filing room, they began checking records of all the registered citizens that lived in Equestria. all ponies had files detailing many things about them like name, occupation, and place of residents. There were tons of records and even with Twilight being a fast reader, it took them many hours to comb through the archives. They found information for several of the ponies on the list and sent them to the corresponding team members hunting them. Unfortunately there was no information found on the Maester or the first lieutenant. they also couldn't find very much on Pawntop, but Twilight and Luna did manage to find plenty on Dumbbell Evergreen at least.

"Well we have all we can find on our targets. So which one do you want to go after," Twilight inquired about to Luna.

"Since we got more on Dumbbell right now, lets go after him. He may be able to provide us with more on Pawntop. Maybe then we will be able to locate him," Luna said as she picked up the file on the new target. It says that the Bue'vont is in the Cascade District in Hoofington. He is basically the owner and probably runs the prostitution on the side. Luna summoned her saddle bag and put the file in it before making it disappear again.
They cleaned up and organized everything into its proper place before leaving the castle again. They headed towards the stable and got their transportation prepped for departure to Hoofington. Luna called a couple of bat ponies down and got them hooked up before the the two mares climbed into the carriages cabin. The transport was dull looking as the two did not want to draw unnecessary attention while hunting the targets down. As the carriage took off Luna looked out the window at the vast land that surrounded her home. Hoofington could be seen far off into the distance from Canterlots high view point.
It was a fair city and a relatively big one too. It took a couple of days but they eventually reached the city with as little a stop time as possible. When they arrived, Luna had the bat ponies land in a secluded area as its imperative they not draw unwanted attention.

"Alright, the file says its to the east of the hot air balloon docking station. Once we hit the Cascade District, we need to be on the lookout for the Bue'vont. His room is on the Apartment floor," Luna stated as she began walking in that direction. As Twilight followed her she couldn't help but ponder what they were going to do to the Pegasus. She knew that these ponies they were after had committed a major crime and possibly other as well. Punishment was only logical, they brought it upon themselves and needed to be brought to justice.
Torturing them, then warping their minds and sending the broken pony to an insane asylum was not what she had in mind. Twilight continued following as she thought more on what to do about the situation. When they reached the location Twilight immediately noticed how nice it was. The Bue'vont was three floors tall and had a very big sign on the front letting every pony in the general vicinity know that this was the place to go. They entered the lobby, she noticed the elegant carpets that lined the floor and the ornate pictures that hung on the walls. Some of them were of the owners and others were of important Pegasi told about in history books.
One even depicted Commander Hurricane fighting off a hydra in the battle of Heliopolis. The Pegasi were very proud of their history and they displayed it everywhere. The two walked up to the front desk and sitting at it was a very formal looking Pegasus mare. She was writing down something in a book when she noticed them. She went wide and dropped everything she was doing at the sight of princess Luna.

"W-well how do you do Princess Luna, I was not aware you were going to grace us at our fine establishment. Are you looking for a booth? I can get you a secluded booth that has a great view of the starry night sky," the desk mare said as she pulled out what appeared to be a log book for checking in customers.

"No thank you, I have a new friend that I'm visiting. He stays here most of the time, his name is Dumbbell. Do you know where he may be," Luna said acting as if she were delighted to be here.

"I can send a pony up to get him right away," She said as she clopped her hoofs together and a waiter showed up within seconds.

"No no that's alright, I would prefer to surprise him. He likes surprises," Luna said as she smiled at the desk mare. She waved the waiter away and bent down to grab a key. she hoofed it over to the Princess.

"That's a spare key to his room, he is up there right now. He's either counting money or he's drunk as a skunk having "fun". Also if you need anything else Ill be right here all night. By the way, my name is Aqua Dos," the mare said before going back to looking through books on her desk. Princess Luna and Twilight headed over to the stair and climbed to the third floor where his room was. They walked down the hallway until they found the door.
Luna took the key and stuck it in to the key hole, opening the door. They sneaked in quietly, Twilight closing the door behind them. The room was decent sized and equipped with the standard amenities. The main room consisted of a couch and coffee table as well as a desk with a nice chair behind it. The Bedroom had a queen sized bed, and a walk in closet. The kitchen was small but workable, and their was a bathroom. The shower was running so they figured Dumbbell was probably in there.

"Twilight, I need you to look through the closet and see if you can find anything that would indicate his involvement. At the very least he should have something on the whereabouts of another member of their doomed order. Ill deal with him when he comes out," Luna said as she turned into mist form. She proceeded t faze into the shadows caste by the lamp nearby. Twilight went into the closet and noticed many things strewn about it. Apparently Dumbbell was a slob and didn't know how to clean up after himself.
Twilight started rummaging through the clothes disgusted by the odor coming from them. The bathroom door opened and the Dumbbell came walking out with a towel wrapped around him and a comb in his hair. He walked over to the small fridge he had and pulled out a container of milk. He opted to drink out of the carton instead of pouring it in to a cup. He chugged some of it and then put it back into the fridge. He then proceeded to pull out a bottle of hard apple cider and pop it open.
Dumbbell took a swig of it while walking towards the closet. He was then picked up by an unknown aura to him and slammed onto his bed. The bottle smashed against the floor and shattered, making a mess. Dumbbell was then restrained by his hooves and could no longer move. Luna became visible and stalked over to the stallion as he looked at her with fright. She got up onto the bed and waved her horn in an arching motion.
This cause the magic restraints to deliver a sudden shock to his body. He yelled for help but it wouldn't do him any good as the room was sound proof by the night princess.

"Shut up scum, you've been quite a rude owner. You got public intoxication, harassing of the other citizens and hard working employee. You have also been running a prostitution ring from what Firesash said before he was "disposed of". That alone is bad enough, but the one crime you will ultimately pay for is your part in the death of Spike the dragon. You have two choices, you can tell me everything you know about the organization you work for. Or you can be sent to the moon immediately and without trial.
Decide now which its going to be," Luna stated as her eyes began to glow white.

"I refuse to share that with you, you don't scare me. Your wasting your time," Dumbbell said with a stone cold face.

"Well if you are not, then you soon will be. Lets see how you like it when there is one million volts coursing through your body," Luna says in a cold tone. She cast a spell upon her hoof and they began to crackle with electrical energy. She put her hooves on his chest and he began to scream in pain. The one million volts coursing through him caused his body to seize and convulse in a sporadic manner. Dumbbell couldn't control his body much less move as the pain became incredible. After another minute of this Luna stopped and the spell dissipated with it.

"Your wasting your time, torture is no good. You wont get anywhere with this foreplay. Just let me go," he said with a pant of breath.

"No, you will either take the deal or this will continue. Now make a choice," Luna stated again.

"I will not betray my bosses for a deal that is not worth it. I know who you are and why your here. I will however make some amendments to that deal. Do your torture you have planned for me, and my organization targets your sister next when I don't make the next scheduled contact. Or you can let me go, give me a pardon of all charges and I will give you all the information I have on my fellow associates. Even you have to be smart enough to see this is the best deal your going to get this evening," Dumbbell said with satisfaction on his face.
Princess Luna was a bit taken back by the threat. Could they really get to her sister. They had gotten to Spike though he was in a vulnerable position as he had no guards with him at the time. Celestia was never without a guard, she was protected at all times.

"That's an empty threat, my sister is guarded twenty-four hours a day. You would never be able to get her alone, this is just a bunch of excuses to hold back on your torture. Your a coward and that's all there is to it. Quit lying to me and tell me what i want to know," Luna said more angry then ever.

"Do you really think we can't do that, your guards are not incorruptible. Also, who's to say we don't already have some pony on the inside waiting to receive the necessary notifications. The organization is everywhere, we have our hooves in everything. That includes the Royal Guard and the Equestrian Military. Did you believe we would go into this unless we were absolutely sure of victory? We are not fools and we have also been around just as long as you or your sister have.
We will not be taken down so easily unless one of us gives the others up," Dumbbell said with all the satisfaction a corrupt pony could have. Luna was backed into a corner, she could not be sure of the stallions claim and she did not want to take that risk.

"Alright, i will except your deal. I will give you the full pardon and let you go once you tell me what i need to know. So how do we find Pawntop and do you know who your leader is," Luna asked reluctantly at first.

"I don't know what our leaders name is, only his second in command knows the full details about him. What I can do is give you the location of his second and maybe he can tell you the rest. I don't know where he normal is but he's recently taken up residence in some hotel off in Cloudsdale. I heard that he is there on a hunt. Apparently a member defected from the organization and now Pawntop is leading the hunt for this pony. It's probably something important cause I have never seen such activity.
The name of the hotel is-" before he could get out another word, an arrow came flying through the window and hit Dumbbell directly in the head. It killed him instantly as his body went limp and fell onto the bed. Another arrow came flying through and Luna barely managed to dodge it before it hit the wall on the other end of the room. Luna ducked behind the wall and leaned over to look out the window. She scanned the entire rooftop of the building from her viewpoint and could see nothing. Whoever it was, they did not want Dumbbell Evergreen giving out everything he knew. This was definitely a shadow organization that was not to be taken on lightly. Princess Luna assumed they would do everything they could to make sure she didn't get any further. Twilight came running out of the closet when she heard the noise. She immediately noticed the dead Dumbbell in his bed and the arrow in the wall.

"What happened, why is he dead, and who shot that arrow," Twilight asked shocked by the whole scene before her?

"Dumbbell was killed because he was about to give up highly sensitive information that nopony in the or wants us to know. We are definitely on the right track, these ponies are trying to cover there loose ends so we never find their leader. We have a chance to bring down their entire operation here in Equestria. Apparently they have a defector and Pawntop is in Cloudsdale looking for the pony. We have a window of opportunity, we need to either find Pawntop or this defector. If we can get a hold of at least one of them we might be able to figure out who we are finally dealing with.
We must get to Cloudsdale as quickly as possible," Princess Luna said as she teleported Dumbbells body away. She proceeded to teleport Twilight and herself to the chariots and Twilight quickly hopped in. Luna told the Batponies where to go next before she quickly got into the carriage. Soon they were off to Cloudsdale not knowing what await them. They however would follow the leads all over Equestria if they had to, to find the culprit behind it all.