• Published 17th Apr 2013
  • 5,680 Views, 101 Comments

SpikesXLuna the Sequel - Faithful Brony

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Revealing Love


Twilight Sparkle was in the Golden Oak library organizing her books; she had just gotten a new shipment of books including the newest chapter in the Daring Do series.

“I can’t wait to show this to Rainbow Dash, the look on her face is going to be pric-“Twilight was interrupted by a green plume of smoke and then a letter dropped right on her head. “Hhhmmm Spike sent me a letter, wonder how he’s doing over in Canterlot right now.” Twilight picked up the letter and started to read.

Dear Twilight
I’m sending you this letter because I have some major important news, and I want you to join me on a picnic in Canterlot Garden tomorrow. I have already sent letters to the rest of our friends and Princess Celestia, because they will be joining us as well. This news affects all of you and I need to tell you guys. This is important to me, and I need to at least let you guys know, you deserve that much after all because you are all my family.

Sincerely Spike

"What could have him so shaken; this must be important news if he is being this serious." Twilight went to her room to start packing her saddle bag. Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was busy bucking apples as usual when she got her letter.

“Wow I guess Spike really needs me to go on this here picnic then.” She finished up bucking the apple trees in the east section, and headed back to the farm house to tell Granny Smith, that she was going to be gone for a couple of days.
Over at Carousel Boutique Rarity was just finishing up another order of dresses.

“Finally that order has been filled, now I can get to work on that new dress I’ve been making for a while now.” POOF, (cough cough cough) “what in the name of Celestia was that.” Rarity looked down and saw a letter; she quickly scooped it up in her magical aura and began reading. “Well I do say that this sounds pretty serious, I better start packing if I’m going to be in Canterlot for a few days.” Rarity walked to her room in a slow fashion to get ready for the trip.
At Fluttershy’s cottage, Fluttershy had just finished feeding her animals their lunch, when her letter arrived and she jumped almost immediately at the loud POOF that came with it. She peeked up and saw the parchment sitting there.

“Oh it’s just a letter, I wonder who sent it. She picked it up and scanned the contents of the letter. “Oh Spike sounds stressed, I wonder what could be getting him so worked up about. Hey, Angel Bunny can you come here.” Angel Bunny hopped on over while munching on a carrot. Angel Bunny, I’m going to Canterlot for a couple of days and I’m going to need you to keep the other animals in line and feed them while I’m away, ok? Angel Bunny stood completely straight, with the carrot balanced in one paw rested it against his shoulder and a military hat on, then proceeded to salute her. I knew I could count on you, my little Angel.” She gave him a hug then went inside to pack something’s for the picnic.
In a field a little bit a ways from Fluttershys cottage the speedster, everyone’s favorite rainbow manned Pegasus Rainbow Dash was practicing some new flying maneuvers, she had been wanting to work on for a while now when a letter poofed up right in her face causing her to stumble in mid-flight.

“What the heck, where did this letter come from? Rainbow Dash quickly looked over the piece of paper. I wonder what’s got Spikes scales in a bunch all of a sudden." Rainbow took off in a quick flight back to her house to get ready for the next few days.

Over in Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was baking a cake for a wedding that Mr. and Mrs. Cakes were going to take it to.
“Oooohhh this cake is going to be the best I have ever baked, after all its not every day two ponies get married!" A letter poofed into the room and landed right on Pinkie Pie’s head. “Oh a letter from Spike about a picnic with all of us and Princess Celestia tomorrow in the Canterlot Garden. I think he’s finally going to tell everyone that he’s dating Princess Luna.” Pinkie took the unopened letter up to her room and tossed it in the garbage, then proceeded to get ready for the stay in Canterlot.
Princess Celestia was in the throne room massaging her temples after a frustrating session with the nobles.

“The nobles can be so infuriating, why can’t they agree on anything? And why does Blueblood have to stir up trouble every time he’s at these sessions?" A green trail of smoke came into the room and went up to Celestia then poofed away but left behind a letter. “Hhhmmm what is this?, it has my sister’s seal on it but it looks like Spike sent it.” She opened the letter and began reading the page.

Dear Celly
I sent you this letter because I am having a picnic tomorrow in the garden and I want you to come. I have already had Spike send a message to the elements because this news will affect you all and it is imperative that you keep an open mind when you are there. I look forward to having you and our friends and hope that you will be happy once you have heard what I have to say.

Your loving sister Lulu

“Wow it seems that my sister is perplexed about something, I wonder what could possibly get her to say something like that.” “Pen Point, come here,” a young stallion walked over and kneeled before her.

“Yes princess, did you need my notes from today?" Pen point was the royal record keeper and kept note of pretty much everything that went on in the sessions between her and the nobles.

“No not right now, no what I need you to do is to clear my schedule for tomorrow I don’t want anything on my to do list.”

“If I may be so bold to ask, why is it that you need your schedule cleared tomorrow Princess?"

“I’m going on a picnic with my sister, she apparently thinks that I need a day off and she wants to discuss some things with me in private. I would like you to make sure we are not disturbed by any of the nobles especially prince Blueblood , so please tell commander Armor to assign however many troops he feels is sufficient to keep him and any other bothersome nobles out, alright.”

“Yes princess I will head their now, good day to you princess.”

“Have a nice day Pen Point and be sure you take tomorrow off as well, you look like you could use it after all the work you’ve been doing.”
“Thank you princess,” he said graciously, and with that the brown unicorn teleported out of the throne room. Celestia sat there for a few minutes more, contemplating on what could possibly have made Luna to just have a picnic on such short notice. Luna usually notified her a few days in advance if she was planning any outings with her.

“Oh sister, what could possibly be on your mind that troubles you.” Celestia got up and walked out of the throne room and proceeded down the hall to the tower of the sun, because it would soon be time for her to lower the sun. It was dark in Princess Luna’s room she had a great day. She slept peacefully after her exciting little session with her favorite dragon. She looked over to see the purple dragon in question sleeping next to her with his arm wrapped around her neck in a hug.

“You are so adorable my little dragon, sleep well and have pleasant dreams.” Luna touched her horn to the dragon’s forehead then kissed him on the cheek. She got up after sitting there for a few more minutes, and proceeded to get ready for the night. She stepped over to her wardrobe and put on her regalia then headed out of the room. She headed to the moon tower to raise the moon. When she reached the tower she saw the sun setting and looks over to see her sister in concentration as she used her powers to lower the sun for the day. After she was done Celestia looked over at her sister for a few minutes and then headed inside. Luna then proceeded to raise the moon. Ponies knew that she controlled the moon but what they didn’t know is that the moon was a living entity of its own and she often conversed with it. She consulted the moon about her dilemma in the past but now all she wanted was a simple answer. The moon seemed to glow brighter than usual but only for the briefest of moments and then dimmed back down. Luna stared up at the moon with a smile and said “thank you”, then proceeded inside for the beginning of night court. Light peaked into Luna’s bedroom and it woke up Spike who up until that point was having a very pleasing dream. He rose up from the bed and yawned.

“That was a lot of fire rubies and they were all so delicious, why did the dream have to end right in the middle of me enjoying one?" Spike then noticed the emptiness in the bed and looked over to see Luna was gone. Looks like its night time and I have nothing to do for the next seven hours, what to do?" Spike paced around the room thinking of things to do while waiting. Unfortunately he would usually always have something to do at Twilight’s library, whether it was organizing books or other chores but here in this room he had absolutely nothing to do and he realized one thing, he hated it. He was always used to being busy and now that he had nothing to do he felt annoyed to no end by it, but then he thought of something. “Maybe the library in the castle needs organizing.” The dragon proceeded through the door and headed towards the library, where he remembered he spent most of his early life with Twilight studying. When he finally reached the library he noticed the older unicorn sitting at the desk checking books back in. The pony looked and noticed the familiar purple dragon standing there.

"Why hello there Spike! I haven’t seen you in a while, what brings you to Canterlot?."

"I’m just visiting, I’m actually staying for a couple of days and I am incredibly bored, do you think I could possibly organize your library to keep myself busy?" The librarian was actually relieved because she had a long night of organizing ahead and she didn’t feel like doing it all herself.

"Thank you Spike that would be wonderful, I could actually use the help."

"It’s no problem I’m just helping you out besides; Twilight has me reorganize her library ten to eleven times a week so this should be easy." The librarian and the dragon went to work organizing the room. Several long hours later, the dragon and librarian thought they had sufficiently reorganized the room.

"Thank you Spike you were an amazing help today, this would have taken me all night to do if you hadn’t come along."

"You’re welcome and really it’s no big deal, you actually helped me by allowing me to help, otherwise I would still be in my room ripping my scales out with boredom. Spike yawned then looked at the clock hung up on the wall next to the desk; it said 5:00 am. Well would you look at the time I think I should get back to sleeping, I have a big day later and I’m going to need it, good bye Ms. Swift Page."

"Thanks again and have a nice day my little helper." Spike ran out of the library and headed back to Luna’s room; once he got there he jumped into bed and looked up at the moon. "Please allow today to go as planned." Spike crawled under the covers and went to sleep unaware that the moon heard his plea and granted it.