• Published 17th Apr 2013
  • 5,680 Views, 101 Comments

SpikesXLuna the Sequel - Faithful Brony

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A Princesses Vendetta

Chapter 7

The south end of canterlot was less than pleasing to the eye. there were many bars, night clubs, and some other less than respectable building. Princess Luna and her squad were headed towards the Grey Pegasus, a bar for the lowest of the low in the criminal society. most of the group was uninterested in the many illegal activities going on around them however Twilight was just downright disgusted. there were drunk ponies moving about the streets in a disorderly manner and other ponies buying what she could only assume as illegal substances. as they were walking around the corner, she thought she could see a mare on her knees performing acts on a stallion that she would be able to get out of her mind.

"Princess, how could all these things be happening. The stuff that these ponies are doing are against the law, shouldn't we tell the guards," Twilight said as she got more nervous every second she was in this dreadful place.

"Unfortunately Twilight, not every single crime that is committed can be stopped, we simply do not have the officers nor the resources to combat all these illicit activities so we let some go about what there doing. Some of these ponies are only doing it because it keeps them fed and give them a place to stay. Not every city you come across in your life will be as sweet and innocent as Ponyville," Princess Luna explained to the worried unicorn.

"I'll just be glad when we can leave this area, its so disturbing," Twilight said with anxiety present in her voice. The group continued on until they finally came to their destination. As they approached the building they could see several big burley guards outside letting only specific ones in. There was a neon sign that showed a Pegasus gulping down a pint of Angry Orchard sweet cider ale. Ashcloud held his hoof in front of Luna then proceeded to go on alone. He went up to the guards and said something in a low voice that the group could not hear. He proceeded to wave over the group and headed in. When the group caught up, Ashcloud was by the receptionist getting them a booth. The receptionist showed them to an available booth that was secluded and had a view of the entire room.

"So you mind telling us how you managed all this and with little effort I might add," Abbadon said with a smirk on her face.

"It is simple, the guys outside were some old friends of mine from way back, I've beded the receptionist twice, and I have a club pass here," Ashcloud said as he leaned back in his seat.

"So where is our target suppose to be anyway," Twilight asked as to move the conversation in a different direction?

"The guard said he's been coming around every day at the exact same time for the past three days. He should be here in a few minutes," Ashcloud explained as he received a flagon of ale from the waitress passing by. He downed it and began scanning the crowd for the target. After searching for a few minutes he found the target.

"Well, is he here yet," Twilight said getting anxious and wanting to get this done as quick as possible.

"He's right there," Ashcloud said as he pointed towards the door. Twilight went over the ponies appearance. Blackstone is a stallion Pegasus with a dark grey body and a black mane. He wore full leather armor and a ton of knives strapped on his suit. He headed over to a staircase that leads to the second floor.

"Damn, he went to the VIP floor, how are we going to get him now," Grondar said with a bit of annoyance present.

"Oh hush, I can get this done," Shadowfoot said as he headed over to the staircase.

"I will follow," Abbadon said as she went invisible. Shadowfoot approached the staircase but was blocked by a guard.

"Sir your not allowed-"

"Don't assume I'm not allowed anywhere," Shadowfoot said as he hoofed out a clear plastic card with a hologram that said VIP.

"Sorry sir, you may pass," the guard said as he moved out of the way. Shadowfoot proceeded in casually.

"how the hell did you do that," Grondar said a bit flabbergasted.

"He stole that ponies pass card," Ashcloud said pointing at a particular pony who was dancing a bit wilder than needed. Luna decided to follow as she turned into a shadow then slid past the guard. As soon as security was out of view she rematerialized and went over to Shadowfoot.

"So where is he," Luna asked which Shadowfoot simply responded by pointing to a door ten feet away on the right. They headed over to it and Shadowfoot picked the lock. They opened the door slightly and peeked inside. Blackstone was making out furiously with a earth pony mare in bed. Luna noticed that he had no armor on and took her chance. Turning into a shadow again, Luna slid over to the back of the room then rematerialized. The prostitute eventually took notice of the added presence in the room and jumped up.

"You never said anything about adding in another mare for the evening," the prostitute said to Blackstone as she pointed to Princess Luna.

"Get out," Luna said before she picked up the mare with her magic and moved her out allowing her two companions to enter.

"What is going on, you are not allowed up here. get out now before I call security," Blackstone demanded before getting knocked back on the bed flat.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, I am your Princess and you will answer my questions," Luna said now showing her anger.

"I don't need to tell you anything, and you cant touch me unless you want bad things to happen," Blackstone said threatening the trio.

"You are not in a position to be making threats, now you will answer me or I will break you. oh, and there are many ways I can hurt you without ever leaving a mark," Luna said darkly sending chills down Blackstones spine.

"I seriously doubt that," he said with a fake braveness added in to his voice, it didn't work.

"Then let us begin," Luna said as she gagged him. Her eyes became bright lights as she touched his chest. She began torturing him by boiling his blood. He started screaming into the gag painfully. After doing this for several minutes she stopped and pulled the gag out.

"You think this torture will make me say anything. you have nothing and there's nothing you can do," Blackstone said taunting her.

"Oh, I think there is a lot I can do. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like for your brain to literally explode, well let find out shall we, Luna said as she stuffed the gag back in his mouth. She repeated her process as before except this time she put her hoofs on his temples. All of a sudden he could feel a headache coming on.. It started to get more painful until it felt like his brain was on fire. He screamed more intensely and closed his eyes as tears began flowing. After a couple more minutes Luna stopped and pulled the gag out again.

"Aaaaahhhhhh stop, stop, please stop I cant take it. I'll tell you anything just stoop," Blackstone said as he finally broke down crying.

"Alright, tell me who hire you to kill the dragon yesterday," Luna said with satisfaction in her voice.

"That dragon, really, that's what you wanted to know about. Wait, you, your his marefriend aren't you," he said with shock.

"Yes and you're trying my patience, tell me who hired you," Luna demanded angrily.

"I don't know who hired me, all I know is that my boss received an assignment from an anonymous source to assemble a team and meet up with an informant in the east section in that exclusive restaurant. We were to receive our assignment from a pony who goes by shadow. I was going to leave soon after I was done with the prostitute. I didn't even hurt him I just held him down, it was just a job," Blackstone said wimpering.

"JUST A JOB, That dragon was the love of my life and you think of him as a job," Luna yelled angrily before teleporting him to the castle dungeon. At some point Shadowfoot left the room to stand guard and Abbadon had dropped her camouflage to simply watch the scene before her. Luna teleported outside with the group in tow. "Lets go, we have a new location to visit", Luna said as a few stray tears ran down her face.

"Where are we headed to now Princess," Grondar asked after figuring out what happened.

"Were going to a restaurant called Neigh Meurice, its in the east district," Luna said before she silently cried to herself. To think that some pony could kill a living creature just for some bits, it disgusted her.

"Are you ok Luna, your crying," Twilight said being the observant one as usual. Luna's only response was a lingering glance that showed only raw sadness and pain. The look almost caused Twilight to break down and cry with her. She knew the Princess had been through so much heartache and pain in her long life and one of the few times something wonderful had happened to her, it was almost taken away. This only sparked a fire of determination within her to make Luna smile again.

"Whoa, I almost sounded like Pinkie Pie there," Twilight said to herself quietly. The thought lightening her mood but not by much. The group soon reached the restaurant and slowly approached it.

"Let me handle it this time," Luna said before walking up to the receptionist. He was shocked when he saw Luna approach.

"Oh Princess, I wasn't expecting you to show up, I didn't know you made a reservation," the stallion said nervously as he looked through his list.

"I didn't and I'm not here for the nice cuisine, I need information about somepony. Several stallions with armor came in yesterday to meet another pony, can you tell me who it was they were meeting," Luna asked patiently waiting for him to check his lists.

"Uuuuhhhh, yes there was a pony who came in here but he was in town on business. he didn't say where he was from but by his accent I'd say he was from Manehatten," the stallion finished then gave her a page with a name.

"Thanks for the information, I will not keep you from your job, Luna said as she walked away.

"Do come back anytime, ill have a table reserved for you when ever you like," he yelled to her before she was completely out of earshot.

"So what did he say," Twilight asked curiously.

"They didn't have much, the target was pretty elusive but he did manage to get a name and a possible lead on where to start looking. If you will excuse me, I must to go get a few train tickets, for tomorrow we head to the city that never sleeps," Luna said cryptically before flying off to the train station. The rest of the group decided it was time to get some shut eye so they headed back to the castle for a long nights sleep.