• Published 17th Apr 2013
  • 5,699 Views, 101 Comments

SpikesXLuna the Sequel - Faithful Brony

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It was a great morning for nine friends to sit outside, at a large golden table and enjoy a nice breakfast together. The table was surrounded by a beautiful garden that glowed in the morning sun making the place look so serene. For Spike the dragon, it was a semblance of peace on his heavy heart. He and his love Princess Luna told their friends and family about the relationship they have together. Spike was deep in thought about his whole dilemma.


Huh? What? Did you say something?" Spike said to no one in particular, since he didn't know who had said his name. Pinkie Pie spoke up, again.

"Sooo, what are you and Luna going to do now?" Spike knew that question was coming, it scared him like hell but he knew that he would have to confront it, if he wanted his dream to come true.

"Well Pinkie, this was just the beginning, now I'm going to announce it with Luna to the rest of Equestria." He replied.

"WWWWHHHAAAT?-" the girls said in unison, they were stunned by this turn of events.

"Spike, let’s hold back on that darling, that could be a disaster, not to mention you might get more than a few ponies angry at you!," Rarity said with worry.

"I know that but I must do this, if I want to continue dating Luna, the citizens must know that she is in a relationship, besides I-" Luna touched his shoulder, picking that moment to cut in.

"Because I made him promise, that we would tell everypony before this relationship could ever get serious. This will undoubtedly cause a few glares but it doesn't matter, because I love him. I told him he will be protected by one of my Batpony guards until such time that my subjects accept our status. Don't worry he will be safe, I will make sure of it, although we could use your help getting all the precautions in place and everything else ready for the announcement."

"If you feel this is the best course of action my sister, then you have my support and approval," Celestia stated wholeheartedly

Me two," Rainbow Dash said with confidence,

Me three," Pinkie Pie said ecstatically,

"What the heck, I'm game," Applejack said with vigor,

"I'll cheer for you if that's ok," Fluttershy said meekly,

"I support it dears," Rarity said happily,

"I will take care of the precautions needed before you make your announcement! said Twilight already thinking up everything needed to make it safe and secure.

"Thank you my little ponies, it feels relieving to know that, now if you will excuse me I'm exhausted and will retire to my chambers." Luna got up and started out of the garden towards her chambers.

"I'll be out a little longer," Spike called to her, he then turned towards the rest of the group. "I've got some stuff I need to do, I will only be a little while," however before anypony could ask what that was; he was zipping out of there like a blur.

"Well I'm going to start planning for the Princess Luna and Spike announced their relationship to Equestria party," they all felt excited about that, after all everypony enjoyed Pinkies parties because they were simply the best.

"Well I look forward to that however my little ponies it seems that I must take my leave, day court must be done." Princess Celestia bid them adue and headed to the throne room.

"We should get started with those preparations, starting with the locations security," Rainbow Dash said ready to tackle the job.

"Did any of y'all notice how odd Spike was acting, why did he run off in such a hurry? Without Princess Luna I might add, from what they told us, the two are almost inseparable every time he's here," Applejack asked questioningly.

"I don't think we should worry about it, I mean he does seem a little odd, but wouldn't you be acting the same way? He is about to announce to the whole country that he's dating one of its Princesses, that would make anypony nervous," Twilight stated with certainty.

"I guess you got a point, I just wonder why he wouldn't tell us where he's going, we are his friends after all," Replied Applejack.

"Yeah me too, but right now we got to make sure everything goes according to plan, nothing can go wrong if we have to do this correctly." The girls began coming up with ideas for the event, and splitting up the jobs.
Spike was walking around Canterlot, thinking over his plans for tomorrow.

"Alright first Celestia gathers the crowd, then the two of us step out, Luna announces our relationship and that's when I make my move, I will ask her to marry me. That will be something they would never expect to happen next." Spike feels a slight tap on his back but when he turned around no pony in the streets was near him. Reaching behind him, he took hold of a letter on his back and opened it to read the message.

Dear Spike

First let me say you are one hard dragon to track down, you gave us quite the chase, anyway down to business. I know about your secret relationship with Princess Luna and quite frankly I'm disgusted with the fact that you have been sleeping in the same bed together you degenerate lizard freak.Yyour kind doesn't Deserve to exist, but I'm going to give you this one chance to do the right thing since I am in a good mood. You will say good bye to your marefriend and you will leave Equestria forever, oh don't get any ideas about coming back, because I will have hitponies keeping an eye on you. You better take my offer Spike because the wrong choice might just get you killed. Oh and don't even think about telling anypony about this letter because we will know.

Sincerely the pony who wants you gone

"Holy Celestia," Spike was really scared now, somepony actually wanted him dead, and the only way he comes out of this situation alive is if he does what the pony told him to do. "But I couldn't leave her, there’s no way I will ever leave her, I will just have to risk it. She is the world to me and I will not give that up." This still was a bad day for him indeed; but that would not stop him. I will not leave because of this jerkoff, i will do this and no pony is going to stop me, Spike said with renewed courage. Well, I need to get the ring design to the jeweler pony so he can make the ring. He started looking for the shop; it only took him ten minutes before he found it. When he went inside, the place was sparkling. The floors tiles were made out of crystal and reflected the sun’s light, making the place look like a diamond. "Hello is anypony here?"

"Yes, what can I do-" the jeweller pony looked over ready to serve the customer when he saw the dragon standing there; he thought some gentlecolt was looking to be a customer. "I’m sorry but I think you’re in the wrong place, this isn't a for you to hang around, there is a recreation center down the street," the pony stated bluntly.

"I knew that, this isn't my first time in Canterlot! No, I'm here to get a ring made sir," Spike retorted with a blank expression.

Oh, uh,"

What, you don't serve dragons?" Spike said angrily.

"I didn't mean anything like that, of course I will fill your order but, I'm just a little surprised, I've never had a dragon in here before. What will your order be sir. Spike showed him the design of the ring on the paper that he drew. Wow someone has a talent in jewellery, yes I can definitely make this but this going to cost quite a few bits, can you cover it?"

"Yes I can, now one thing before you get the order started, I want the diamond to be able to reflect blue like the moon under the day time sky, if that is not too much trouble?"

"Oh not at all, in fact its rather easy to enchant a gem for looks, you have quite the taste for one so young. So who is the lucky one that has caught your eye?"

"Well-“ Spike didn't know how to answer that question, but in few seconds he had an idea come to him that he thought would suffice. "If things go as planned you will know soon enough. Just engrave this on the ring, My heart belongs to you my beautiful moon, now and forever."

"That is definitely one of the most romantic things i have ever heard somepony ask to put on a ring, I'm sure she will love it." Spike paid the pony then the jeweler went to work leaving, Spike to show himself out. Walking out of the shop, he started down the street cautiously enjoying his day. He now had that task completed and now all he wanted to do was go to Pony Joes’ Doughnut Shop to enjoy a nice pastry. When Spike reached Pony Joes, he noticed the lit up sign of a doughnut saying the shop was opened. Spike went into the shop and was hit with the sweet smell of baked pastries, but noticed the building did not have any ponies in it except for Joe, who was cleaning the seats.

"Oh hey Spike I haven't seen you in a few days, why don't you take a seat and I will be right with ya."

"Thanks Joey, you will not believe the day I have had," Spike stated stressfully.

"Well why don't you tell me what's up," Pony Joe was kind of like an uncle to Spike, since he use to come in here a lot when he was younger and talk a lot.

"I finally told my friends about my relationship," Spike would confide to Pony Joe from time to time and he would give Spike advice, so consequently Joe was told about the relationship status Spike had.

"I’m glad that you were finally able to tell your friends and I hope the rest of it goes well, but what's bothering you."

"Well, don't say anything about this but, I'm going to propose to Luna at the announcement, in front of everyone."

"Way to go Spike, that will really surprise everypony, but that's not all is it?" Joe could read Spike pretty well and it didn't help that Spike had a lousy poker face.

"Well I have some terrible news," Spike looked around and out the window to make sure nobody was listening. After confirming the seclusion he leaned in close.

"I think somepony wants me dead," Pony Joe looked at him with surprise.

"There's no way, how do you know and why would somepony want you dead?" Spike proceeded to show him the letter. Joe grabbed the letter and began reading. After reading the letter Joe gave the paper back to Spike which he promptly stuck back in one of his scales. "Well it looks like you’re in a pretty serious predicament; this is a racist hate crime so why haven't you reported this to anyone?"

"Yea like I’m going to do that, whoever it is said he would kill me, and if he has the resources to find out about something that only me you and Luna knew before last night, than I’m sure he could have me killed, I’m taking a huge risk just telling you."

"Apparently, I think all it comes down to is, what do you want, will you take the risk and do what your heart tells you, or are you going to bow to a lousy pony, who hides behind words and threats to try and scare you out of the country? You can’t let fear control you, that will just ruin everything in your life," Joe said encouragingly.

"Yeah, I guess you’re right, I can do this, thanks Joey. Now, I will have a topaz Sprinkled maple bar."

"Order coming right up, what's up with that order, for the past two weeks that you've been coming here you keep ordering that particular one, we do have tons of other choices up here."

"Well I kind of like the flavor, its real good," Spike said liking his lips. The flavor seemed to mimic that special cider Applejack kept stashed away in a secret spot in her barn, except without the aching headache he receives the next from drinking it, boy did he hate those.
After receiving his doughnut Spike gave Pony Joe four bits and began eating. Once he had finished, he said thanks and good bye then left the shop. Spike had now confirmed his decision. He wasn't going to leave just because somepony told him to, no, Princess Luna was his marefriend and no pony was going to tell him what to do about it. Spike knew what he had to do now.

"After the announcement I’m going to find whoever sent that letter and bring them to justice, this guy will show me respect and he will deal with the fact that princess Luna is mine. They are all just going to have to, because it’s not their decision. I will always be here with her and with my family." Spike yawned and decided to go back to the castle. He had a big day ahead and a decision to make, one that would affect the rest of his life.