• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 2,693 Views, 123 Comments

Not Your Average HiE Story - Aegis Steelshield

A young man's life changes when he's brought to Equestria in a fiery Explosion

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11 Oncoming Storm

There was a clash of thunder. A percussion to go with the symphony of destruction that swirled around Nighthawk and his partner. Bones broke with every strike, and a heap of bodies soon surrounded the heroes. A gun flashed once, and Nighthawk caught the bullet with his gloved hand. Smiling devilishly, he grabbed a nearby chunk of metal.

"It might of been a mistake to ambush me with heavy machinery around!" He shot his arm forward, and the improvised weapon smashed through the ceiling, causing a section of the roof to collapse.

As the rain pounded against the ground, a fist caught Nighthawk off guard. He stumbled.

"I've turned a blind eye to your... madness long enough." Vengeance said, his voice was strangely calm. "Tell me Nighthawk, what fucking made you think that was a good idea!? You could of killed th" Nighthawks fist shot out, a solid hit. Vengeance rolled onto his back, before wiping his bloodied mouth off. He slowly stood.

"Do you really think you can take me? You're nothing but a man in a mask."

Vengeance growled, "This mask... Is more than the man beneath it. This mask is an idea. A symbol. And that is more than you will ever be." Vengeance's hand shot out, a small pebble flying. Nighthawk didn't bother trying to dodge. The gas pellet exploded, and Nighthawk stumbled.

"That's one of your problems, you know." Vengeance said, as he leisurely approached. "You put too much faith in your power. You don't think like a fighter. You just run in, and start punching. I don't know how you survived so long." Nighthawk fell to one knee. "Don't worry about the gas, by the way. It's just hospital grade anesthetic. The shit they give to cancer patients. Hard to get, in case you're wondering." Vengeance kicked Nighthawk in the side of the head, knocking him onto the ground. "Why? What did the SS even do to you? Did they kill a friend?"

"I... Have a duty."

"That's complete bullshit. You just like the power don't you? The ability to say 'No more.' That's why you began, isn't it?"

"I made a decision."

"What decision?" There was a touch of sadness to his voice, "You weren't always like this *******. You were a good man. You were a hero."

Tears welled in Nighthawks eyes as he looked into the pooling water. Something caught my eye.

"Why did you change?"

Something was off, but what?

"I suggest leaving when you can."

It hit me like a rock. My costume. I remembered this night. I remember every last detail. My partner... My friend, had tried talking some sense into me. He tried to tell me how close I was to becoming the very thing I fought against. But I wasn't wearing the right costume. Memories flooded in as I stood, the gas no longer having an affect. "You're good REM." I say aloud. "But I wore a different costume, before you trapped me in this dream. It was a stupid mistake to make."

I was alone. Then I heard his voice.

"Everypony makes mistakes. Thou needest not to... To... To feel ashamed."

My ear twitched, trying to pinpoint the sound's location. My fist clenched.

"You made another mistake, you know."


"You forgot about the machinery." I spun, chucking a rather large industrial... Machine that's name I didn't know at a blue... Pony.

* * * * *

Fluttershy awoke to the sound of Nighthawk screaming. Blood was coming out of his nose this time. Acting quickly, she ran to get a cloth to hold against his nose. When she returned, Nighthawk pushed her away.

"N-Nighthawk, stop! I n-need t-"

"Shut up. Shut up right now." He growled out, before standing. He pulled on his costume, and went into Fluttershy's bathroom. He came out in his caped mask. "I'm leaving." He said curtly, before leaping out of the open window.

* * * * *

"I don't know what got him upset." Fluttershy managed through her tears.

"Fluttershy, did he hit you?" Twilight asked softly.

Fluttershy shook her head no.

"Did he?"

"No... He just pushed me away and left..."

"We need to find him. Do you know where he went?"


* * * * *

I've been running for hours. It feels... Invigorating. I'm thinking clearer than I have in a while. My arm was still sore, a week after injuring it fighting a fucking dragon. But I remembered a few things now. REM is smart, but he's no genius. He can't create an entire world, only localized areas. But this... Place, this Equestria, it's bigger than anything he's ever made before.

I slow down, in an unfamiliar town. Stalliongrad, by the looks of it. It's not unfeasible that REM is simply making a large area, with few of these... Ponies in it. I check each one as I pass. Their mouths are agape. Must not get blurs like me often. I curse, before speeding up and leaving town. Ponyville, Trottingham, and Stalliongrad, and not a single pony was identical!

They each had a different hairstyle and cutie mark. Each and every single one of them. Rem really outdid himself. I wonder if he used my advanced brain to bolster his power?

Oh fuck. I'm RAM.

I'm kicking his ass.

* * * * *

"Oh, look at the blank flanks." Diamond Tiara sneered, eliciting a giggle from Silver Spoon.

Applebloom and her friends let out a collective sigh. They were on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres, enjoying the day off school, but now the resident bullies were intent on ruining their day. They tried to tune them out, they really did.

"No one wants a pegasus that can't fly... That must be why your mommy doesn't love you." Even Silver's mouth was agape from the low blow.

Scootaloo's eyes watered up. She began to shake as Sweetie Belle put a hoof on her side. Diamond opened her mouth to say something else.

"BUCK YOU!" Scootaloo screamed as she let her hoof fly. It slams against Diamond's snout. The bully let out a startled cry as something cracked. Blood trickled out of her nose, as tears began to fall.

"Y-You hit me." Scootaloo didn't state the obvious, instead deciding to tackle her. She punched her again, and brought her hoof up for a third hit, when she herself was tackled. Scootaloo swung blindly, hitting Applebloom.

Diamond got up, covering her now bloody nose. Tears where falling freely from her face. There was a snap in the bushes nearby.

"Ponies make noise. Ponies wake up dog. Ponies make good slaves."

* * * * *

There's a storm cloud over Ponyville. Sometimes, REM astounds me. Quite a big coincidence that a storm brews while I'm pissed. Wasn't even scheduled. I can see that it's a pretty big one, if the townsponies reactions are anything to go by. They're nailing their shutters to their walls, and breaking off loose sticks.

I've made a decision. When I find that son of a bitch, he's dead. I will enjoy ripping his throat out. Right now, I need to find his avatar. In my dreams, I've seen the same blue... Thing. I've not sure what to call it. Winged Unicorn? It doesn't matter.

All I need to do is kill it, and I'll be free. I don't know how to find it, but I'm betting it'll show up sooner or later. REM can't resist rubbing it in his victim's faces.

* * * * *

"I-If w-we ever get out of this... I'll never pick on blank flanks again." Diamond Tiara managed through her sobs as she and the others were lead along. They had long since left the clearing, and the dog leading them had joined with two of it's allies. The Diamond Dogs were short, but very broad. They carried their spears like soldiers.

"Silence ponies! Silence slaves!" The front one turned, and smacked her across the face. The filly froze up, before whispering.

"Y-You h-hit m-m-me." Her body shook, her tears coming with renewed force.

There was a sound, something smacked against a tree. The dogs heads turned, "Come out and fight!"

A rope flew over the shoulders of the dog standing in the front, and pulled taunt. The dog howled, attempting to break the bond, as one of it's allies threw its spear into the bushes where the rope had appeared from.

Applejack ducked under it, and started to run. Two of the dogs followed her. The five fillies took off running in the direction they had come from.

* * * * *

I'm jerked out of my thoughts as Applebloom and her friends crash through the bushes. The first thing I notice is the chains. Then they begin babbling.

I don't waste much time. I rip the chains apart with my bare hands, before practically yelling, "Where?!"

They point me in the direction they came from, and I run at my full speed.

It doesn't take long before I come across the clearing. There are three... Diamond Dogs, and a single pony. Applejack. She's tied, and the things are practically salivating over her. One of them is armed with a spear.

He'll be the first target.

The speed of sound is just over 761 mph. While I can't run that fast, I can get pretty close. I throw myself at top speed, and kick my legs out. This move would kill a human, but this thing isn't human. My foot smashes into it's chest at close to the speed of sound. I feel the bones cracking under my foot, and I'm outright surprised they didn't shatter.

Today's his lucky day.

The kick sent him flying into a tree, and I follow through with another quick kick, this one aimed at the dog immediately behind Applejack. While it doesn't fly as far as the other one, it does get some impressive air.

The last has some good reflexes. I've been here for around two seconds and the son of a bitch, pun intended, is already drawing a knife. My brain slows down to normal speeds.

"Come on Fido. Let's see what you got."

It comes at me, trying to slash across my chest. It's clumsy, and I deflect it without much effort. I disarm the dog, before pushing it away. "Not a bad knife. I'll take it." It comes at me again, and this time I spin, giving it a solid roundhouse kick in the face.

It goes down without so much as a twitch. I hate it when fights are this easy.

Author's Note:

Well, it's been a while. How are you guys? Hope you've been well. I've had some troubles, but right now things are good. Thanks for asking.

I live for comments guys. Helps me focus my writing, and get motivated.