• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 2,693 Views, 123 Comments

Not Your Average HiE Story - Aegis Steelshield

A young man's life changes when he's brought to Equestria in a fiery Explosion

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9 The promised Slice Of Life Chapter

Nighthawk was leaping and running from building to building with a practiced ease. From the outside world, his dark costume made him look more like a shadow than a hawk, but inside, he felt as though he was flying just like his namesake. He slid to a stop, observing the gang below him.

Sucking in a quick breath, Nighthawk lept, and landed in the center. 'Go on, scream,' he thought, 'it's music to my ears.' As one pulled out his knife, he slipped in close, and shattered the arm. Another punch, and the thug went flying into a open dumpster.

"I offer you one chance to surrender peacefully. I implore you to ignore it," Nighthawk said with a fierce growl, "I don't get to fight this many often."

The other eight raised their hands above them, denying him the joy of fighting. Reaching down to his belt, Nighthawk threw one of his capsules filled with anesthetic gas, and sighed as they passed out.

'I hate it when they give up.'

He searched the gangsters one by one, until he found a cell phone. He was surprised that only one was carrying a working model. He dialed 911 and left the phone as he lept back into the sky, searching for more trouble.

It didn't take long for him to find it. A robbery-gone-wrong on the other side of the city had turned into a hostage situation. Between his leaping and super speed, it took only a few minutes before he was at the scene.

'One male gunman, appears mid-to-late twenties, green headband marks him as a Seventeen,' thought the hero, 'Two older hostages, green tattoos poorly hidden. Probability of trap, 67%.' The hero chuckled at the amateur execution.

He lept through the air, his leg shooting out, knocking the gunner off his feet. Just as expected, the other two jumped up, pulling knifes. Nighthawk broke one's arm, and slammed his hands onto the others ears, stunning her. As she came back at him, Nighthawk smashed her nose, knocking her out. Without turning, he threw one of his concussive pellets at the gunman reaching for his weapon, and an instant later was standing at the edge by him.

The gunman's smirk stopped the hero dead.

As Nighthawk jerked around, time slowed down. It was too late though, the supersonic round was inches from his chest. He was pulling to the side as fast as he could, trying to minimize damage when a light blue blur went past him, snatching the bullet out of the air.

Something in the air changed, and Nighthawk cast his eyes to the pale green sky, filled with black stars, trying to find it. He stopped as his flesh began to boil in his costume.

* * * * *

I woke up gasping as I felt my skin boil under the uncaped mask Fluttershy had made me after the party three days prior. She jerked awake next to me and placed her wing on my shoulder.

"Another nightmare?" She asked gently.

All I can manage is a slight nod as I climb out of her bed, and stumble towards her attached bathroom, "I... I need... I...can't... breathe..." I enter, and lock the door behind me. Then I tear my mask off. I go over to her sink, and start splashing cold water on my face. As the boiling feeling fades, my breathing returns to normal and I look into the mirror.

Damn, Rarity was right, I needed to shave. I would let her shave the brown patchy stuff off my face, but as it turns out, my hair is bullet proof too. Maybe with magic...

I stare into the reflected blue eyes, set on a pale white face, for a moment, before my eyes rise to my ragged short hair. I knew that it was keep short with power tools back home, but I didn't think they were readily available here.

I sigh as I pull the mask back on, and leave the bathroom.

"I'm heading out. I should be back in time for breakfast," I say as I grab my full costume.

* * * * *

I ran until dawn. It was... refreshing, the cold air brushing against my masked face. It helped clear my mind. As I landed on Applejack's barn, I reached deep inside of myself. Upon reaching that state of peace, I though of the world I had landed in. REM had really outdone himself. He'd make a killing in designer dreams if he ever went straight.

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from below.

"Howdy, Nighthawk!" It was Applejack.

"Hello," I responded without opening my eyes.

A few seconds passed before she spoke again, "Lifting an Ursa was pretty impressive."

"It hurt," I say as I rub my shoulder, "Badly. Fluttershy says I shouldn't use my arm for another week."

I heard something lightly dragging back and forth across the ground. "Do you have a job? Back home, I mean."

"No. Robbed criminals when I needed cash."

"Did... Did you ever kill?"

"No. I did cripple a few back when I had less control, but I never killed."

Another moment of awkward silence passed.

"Wanna work on the farm?"

* * * * *

"So Applejack just offered you a job?" Fluttershy asked as she passed me the syrup.

"Got to meet her and her brother this afternoon. South Field." I responded between bites of the best pancakes I'd ever tasted. I finished, and stood up. "Got to go talk to Rarity about something, okay?"

After she nodded, I walked out her door. After a moment of consideration, I threw myself into the air.

* * * * *

Nighthawk landed outside the Carousel Boutique as Sweetie was leaving for school. She shouted, startled by his sudden appearance.

"H-Hi..." She said, grinning nervously.

"Hey. Rarity here?"

Sweetie nodded, "She's working on a new dress. Third room on the right." She held the door open as he passed her.

"Enjoy school." He said as she was closing the door.

Nighthawk slipped up against the third door, and opened it. To his surprise, Rarity was nose (muzzle?) deep in a book. As he got closer, he smiled.

"On my world, he's called Batman." The look of sheer shock on her face was adorable. "And he's a guy."

She stuttered out a response, "P-Please don't tell the others." She let out a smile, "A lady can read what she wants, but some may view this as uncouth." A few moments of silence passed as she read page after page of her well worn Adventures of Batmare and Robinaloo before she spoke again, "If it's not too personal, what's your origin story?"

"My parents were gunned down by a common criminal when I was a kid."

She just looked at him for a moment. "Did you really think I'd believe that?"

"Okay, okay..." He took a breath, "My homeworld was minutes from being destroyed, and my parents sent me to another planet. The sun gave me power."

She just shook her head.

"Gamma rays?"

"Are you going to say anything that isn't a cliche?"

He held up his hands in a placating gesture, "Okay. I've really an amnesiac, and have no idea how I got my powers."

She scoffed at him, "You could of just said that you didn't want to talk about it."

He shrugged. "Maybe it's all of the above. I mean, if I have to have a past, I'd like it to be multiple choice."

That made her giggle. When she was back under control, she asked why he was there.

"Oh, I was going to ask how much the suit was. Applejack gave me a job, and I'd like to pay you for it."

"It's a gift. You don't pay for gifts."

"Maybe we do on my world," the hero said with a wink, "Anyway, I have another stop before the Apple farm. Where does Twilight live?"

* * * * *

She lives in a tree. Not only that, but the tree doubles as the Books And Branches library. Why does she get the cool house?

I knocked on the door, and a small purple and green... lizard... thing opened the door for me. He just stared for a moment before calling out, "Twilight! Someone's here for you!" Then he leaned in and whispered, "Did you really bench press an Ursa Minor?"

I'm about to make a witty remark when Twilight pulls Spike away from the door.

"Come on in, Nighthawk."

I decide to cut to the chase, "I need a copy of your most recent edition of Equestian History."

She blinked at me, before her horn glowed, and a book was pulled from the shelf. I take a seat as it's passed to me, and start breezing through it. A few moments of her staring at me in awe, and I pass it back.

"I'd also like to see any nonfiction books you have on the various creatures inhabiting Equs."

"Do... Do you remember any of that?"

"All of it." I tap my head, before continuing, "Faster brain to go with faster body. As a side effect, I have perfect recall. Usually." I added with a frown.

After a few seconds, she passes me a stack of books.

Author's Note:

I've decided to delay Dragonshy's adaptation until the next chapter.

Also, the nightmare in the beginning gets all screwy when he feels the change. Nighthawk is from a Earth very similar to ours.

Rarity's secretly a comic nerd.

That's certainly one use of super speed and a hyper advanced brain, he'll never need to worry about studying!