• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 2,693 Views, 123 Comments

Not Your Average HiE Story - Aegis Steelshield

A young man's life changes when he's brought to Equestria in a fiery Explosion

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13 ...a Burning Ring of Fire

Ponies from all across town were gathering outside of the burning house. Twilight, dripping wet from the ongoing storm, cast a spell on me, trying to stop me.

"Please Nighthawk, listen to us! You aren't in a dream!"

As fucking if. I could see the house now. Two stories, windows shattered on the first floor. Flames and smoke were pouring out, and likely filling the second floor. A section of the front wall was already gone. Next to it was a crooked and burnt metal rod. Must of been a faulty lightning rod.

"Please, my Muffin's still inside!"

"No! You're not risking your life on a stupid pastry!"

I looked to the arguing ponies. One was the mailmare I've seen a few times, but I didn't know the other. The mailmare looked to me, and called out. "Please, she's on the second floor! Please!"

I turned and flicked Twilight's horn, causing her spell to flicker out and her to wince. I turned back to the building, and charged through the front door.

The flames burst out through the new opening, consuming all the oxygen they could. It was then I'd realized my mistake.

I screamed like a bitch as the flames consumed me, and burnt the exposed parts of my face. An instant later, I covered my mouth and nose, but it was to late. Smoke was filling the air, so I threw myself down, and gulped down what might be my last breath.

I didn't have much time. The mailmare said her "Muffin" was on the second floor. I knew from Applebloom that she had a daughter. It's not unthinkable that she nicknamed her daughter after something she loves.

I stand, and stumble onward. I know that the there is an opening on the left side of the house, and can only hope the stairs are on the right. As it is, I can't see shit besides the smoke. I trip as I reach what I think is the bottom step, and try to reach for the handrail on reflex.

My glove catches fire, and I yank it off. My skin catches like parchment, and I try to smother the burning hand.

I let out another scream, and force my self up the steps.

I collapse to the ground, and try to suck in some air. I was right, the second floor was covered in smoke, and there was little breathable air.

"Help me, please!" I heard small hooves beating what sounded like glass. A scorch mark started appearing near my face. I leapt up, and tried to make it to the voice. I crashed through a door, and smoke poured into the room.

There was a little girl, panicking, smacking at the windows. She took one look at me, backlit by flames, and screamed for her life. I saw another scorch mark forming above her, and the roof collapsed. Time slowed down as I surged forward, ripping my cape and mask off. I could only think of one thing to protect her. I practically clubbed her, enveloping her in the cape...

And threw her out the closed window.

Glass shattered as a burning support beam fell onto my back.

* * * * *

After Nighthawk burst down the door, and she heard a scream, Twilight could only fear for the worst. Shaking, she matterized several buckets, and used magic to amplify her voice.

"Make two lines! One to the river, and one back! Start passing buckets to the river, and filling them up!"

The effect was immediate, and ponies scrambled to get in the lines. One line was quickly passing the buckets to the river, and the other was getting filled buckets back as fast as possible. Near the front, Ditzy screamed at the stallion trying to hold her away from the house. "My Muffin's in there!"

Twilight thought she heard another scream from inside, but between the raging flames and the storm, couldn't be sure. She turned to her friends, "Applejack, you're the fastest. Get the Weather Team, and tell them we have an inferno on our hooves. Get all the clouds and Pegasai you can. Rarity, Fluttershy, help with the buckets. Pinkie, do whatever you can to help. I need to get Spike."

They scattered to do their tasks as she heard an explosion of glass at the side of the house, and saw a small form falling. Her magic caught it, and jerked it away from the flames. It fell near Ditzy, and the mare screamed, "Muffin!"

She broke away from the stallion, and tore into the fabric. As Twilight got close, she saw that it was Nighthawks fireproof cape.

There was a loud creaking sound, and the rest of the burning building collapsed.

Nighthawk hadn't come out.

Author's Note:

Yeah, he lied about being fireproof. More on that soon.