• Published 25th Apr 2013
  • 2,693 Views, 123 Comments

Not Your Average HiE Story - Aegis Steelshield

A young man's life changes when he's brought to Equestria in a fiery Explosion

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5 Questions

I woke up with Fluttershy curled up next to me, and thought back to the previous night. After we swapped names with each other, Fluttershy led her friends outside so I could rest, and I tried unsuccessfully to climb out of her window.

Let's just say that she wasn't pleased with me after that.

She had wanted me to sleep in what I presume is her bed, but I didn't really want to impose. Hence, the attempted break out. We ended up settling on a compromise, and shared the bed. I slowly tried to shift away from her.

* * * * *

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes when she felt movement, she started when she saw the man and thought, 'I'm in bed with a stallion, and he didn't even buy me dinner first.' She blushed at her thought and noticed his eyes where open.

"This is awkward." At least his voice sounded a bit better.

"It... it isn't what it looks like."

"And what does it look like?"

"Uh... Um... Want some breakfast? I'd like some breakfast. Pancakes sound good to you?"

"You are a saint."

* * * * *

After we ate her heavenly pancakes, one of her friends showed up. It was that Rainbow Dash girl, and she was immediately in my face.

"Don't try anything mister, I've got my eye on you."

I try to explain to her that if I wanted to hurt them, I would of never rescued Applejack and her sister, but she wouldn't listen to reason and logic. I think I'm beginning to like her.

So I ended up listening to variations of the same threat until I realized that I didn't even know what day it was.

"I swear that if-"

"What day is it?" The look on her face when I cut her off was adorable.

"It's Wednesday, the 16th of November, in the year 997 Sol." Fluttershy supplied, while trying to keep her friend from attacking me.

Wednesday? November? I commend them on the year, but whoever put me in this dream needs to be more creative.

"Sol? Latin for sun?" I raise my eyebrow at them, but I'm not sure they see it through the bandage.

"It's... it's called Old Canterlot here. But yes, it means sun."

"And it's only year 997?"

"We start from one every thousand years, and name the era after an important event from the closing years of the last era." This had came from Rainbow Dash, surprisingly. I didn't take her as the scholarly type.

"Why is this one sun?"

"Because a three years before the end of the last era, Princess Luna was corrupted by jealousy and Princess Celestia had to banish her to the moon," Came a voice from the open window by the door, "Rainbow, you're not harassing Nighthawk, are you?"

"No! I mean, no, of course not." Her eyes shifted back and forth as Fluttershy let another of her friends in.

"Hello Ms. Sparkle." I saw in the most polite voice, "Try any new spells today?"

It's a low blow, I know. And in my defense, I felt bad about it, but I was to angry to really care. That is, until I saw her start to cry.

"I'm sorry okay? I... I had no way of knowing. I messed up." She took a deep breath, before continuing, "But you have every right to be angry, and I have no right to cry." She sat down across from me, and I saw glares from both of her friends.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sparkle. That was uncalled for."

"Call me Twilight, please. Can I ask a few questions?" I nod an affirmative, and she begins, "What are you?"

"Human. I think. You?"

"An unicorn. You... think?"

"Humans don't have powers. Do ponies?"

"Oh. No, we don't. Are... Are you... Dangerous? Dangerous to be around, I mean."

"No. Are you?"

"Are you a bad guy?"


"Then no. What's your world like?"

"Doubleplus ungood."

"I loved that book. Are you being vague on purpose?"


She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. There was another knock, this time from the front of the house.

"How many of your friends are coming today?" I turned to Fluttershy.

"Um... They probably just want to get to know you." She said before she let them in.

I was almost immediately tackled by two small ones, Applebloom and one I hadn't meet.

Applebloom was hugging me, nearly shouting, "ThankyouthankyouthankyouIwassoscaredbutthenyousavedmeandmysis..."

Now, I'm not sure, but I think she was thanking me. Thankfully, the other was much calmer.

"Hi, I'm Sweetie Belle. Who are you?"

"Nighthawk. Charmed."

"Are you a super hero?"

"You know, I think I am."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait and the wall of dialog, but I couldn't think of any other way to do this.