• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A Strange Threat Called "Harmony"

One by one, five elite griffons sliced their way through misty clouds of frost. Their bodies formed a gray “V” of serrated silver wing armor. As the fog cleared, cold glittery water appeared below them.

“I've... uh...” Raptr gulped beneath his beak. Condensation ran slick and shiny off his helmet as he soared his way north. “I've only been in the presence of two magistrates at once. Maybe three.” He glanced aside. “But every representative from every prefecture?”

“Don't be nervous, rookie,” Windburst droned. “You're the one with the ability to snap their necks with your beak. Not the other way around.”

“Not amusing, Sergeant,” Keris said.

I thought it was funny,” Starstorm said.

Windburst chuckled.

“I mean... they expect so much out of us!” Raptr stammered. The waters below became clearer, broken occasionally by steam ships and sailing vessels, growing denser and denser in traffic. “What do I even say to them once they're all looking at us?”

“Nothing,” Keris replied. “It's the Commander who speaks for the Right Talon of Verlaxion.”

“Oh. R-right...” Raptr smiled nervously. He glanced ahead at Seraphimus' silver-blue feathers. “Jee, Commander. That's a big burden to carry.”

“Shhhh!” Starstorm hissed aside. “Don't lay it on thick, rookie!”

“Yeah,” Windburst remarked. “She has enough stress to deal with as it is.”

Without looking back, Seraphimus calmly spoke into the foggy winds: “It is my righteous duty to personally bridge the gap between Verlaxion's wisdom and Her fierce might.”

“Ah.” Raptr nodded. “But of course...”

“Plus...” Seraphimus added with a shrug. “The Magistrates are nervous, prone to paranoia, and incredibly easy to intimidate.”

Keris closed his eyes and sighed.

Seraphimus looked over her shoulder with a subtle smirk. “Maybe you should consider looking into politics, Sergeant.”

“Yeah! Haha! Maybe I should—” Raptr's hawkeyes crossed. “Wait...”

Windburst and Starstorm laughed.

Keris exhaled lethargically. “We are soon to be in the presence of Verlaxion's finest subjects...”

“Relax, Lieutenant,” Seraphimus spoke in a soothing tone. “After all...” Her silver plated talon motioned ahead. “We are home.”

They descended further, and the mists cleared. Before them stretched the mouth of an enormous fjord. It was more like a canal—in that it looked positively unnatural. Nevertheless, very real cliffs loomed three hundred to four hundred feet above very real waters. The rockfaces were cold slabs of frost-laden granite, with ice that gave the walls a pale blue sheen in the overcast daylight. The narrow inlet opened at the southern edge of the Rohbredden continent and sliced its way north in a near-perfect geometric wedge. At its widest, the tall icy walls loomed three hundred feet from one another, then gradually closed together—very gradually—over the course of miles.

This was Frostknife, and it wasn't an empty place—not by any means. Steamships, merchant vessels, and fishing skiffs filled the intensely voluminous harbor. Docks—many of them ancient in construction—lined the west and east edges of the inlet. Over the course of centuries, immeasurably tall and complex lattices of wood and iron had been hammered into the tall cliff-faces. Some loomed so high up above the waters that they required huge iron struts hammered into the walls at forty-five degrees to support the looming platforms. Gigantic cranes and pulley systems lifted cargo and supplies from the lower docks to the upper spires. At the upper heights, lengthy ramps and stairs scaled the walls, leading to dwellings built on the continental shelf high above the cold, cold waters of Frostknife. There—high above the bustling harbors—humble turf houses and stave sanctuaries lingered.

Chimneys and smokestacks in every other spot billowed smoke into the air from the endless burning of Dredge Coal. This staved off the cold that clung to every square inch of the frozen inlet, and despite the seemingly harsh conditions the many-many ponies and griffons of Rohbredden that blanketed the platforms and docksides below carried about their business with lively enthusiasm and ritualistic diligence. Several of them saw the arrival of the Right Talon up above. Gasps filled the frosty air, and several bodies bowed from a distance in reverence.

Seraphimus led the group north in a sharp slice. They traversed the lengths of Frostknife, even as the walls closed in. They pierced columns of smoke, ducked beneath looming platforms and bridges that spanned the inlet, and sped past their own reflections in the icy water below. The air grew colder, with flakes of snow growing more and more dense.

At last, after a solid ten minutes of flight, an end to the channel appeared beyond the vanishing point. The platforms lessened, giving way to elaborately carved effigies within the stone itself. Here, at the very end of Frostknife's jagged slice, an ancient city had been built into the adjoining cliff-faces. Steps chiseled out of the hard rock over the course of millennia led up, up, up to a focal point above the spot where the two walls met. Effigies of windigoes—their stone manes flaring—watched over the crashing of freshly melted ice water, forever flowing from their righteous heights and into the inlet below. The snow dissipated, giving way to the sporadic drift of pale white and pink petals from an array of cherry blossom trees planted into lofty plots of soil high above the inlet. Right as the Right Talon arrived on flaring wings, dozens upon hundreds of finely robed magistrates could be seen scaling the majestic steps towards the carved courtyard at the base of a tall, tall mountain: the obscure home to Verlaxion's frozen throneroom.

Professor Theanim Mane galloped up one such set of stairs. Panting, he emerged upon the courtyard just as Grand Magistrate Hymmnos and several other delegates arrived. He trotted briskly across the stone, avoiding a pair of servants who were sweeping away a large collection of leaves and petals to clear the way for delegates' hooves and talons.

“Grand Magistrate...” Theanim said, bowing before the podium.

“Professor Mane,” Hymmnos calmly murmured, signing a few important documents before hoofing them away to a humble clerk. “You're just in time.”

“Is it true?” Theanim asked. “Is the Right Talon of Verlaxion actually arriving?”

“Yes.” Hymmnos nodded. “And you may be interested in what the executive of the Shoreline Trade Consortium has brought.”

Theanim blinked. “Chandler?” He adjusted the goggles over his mane as his blue eyes narrowed. “Just where is the stallion—?”

Right then and there, five sets of talons landed behind him, scraping briefly across the stonework. A heavy gasp flew from the crowd. Magistrates stood up, eyes wide. Others bowed. Up above—in their frosted globes—the seaponies flickered with many excited colors.

Theanim calmly turned around. He watched as the five elite griffons stood up from their crouched landing. One by one they retracted their bladed armor—clak-clakka!—exposing their natural plumage to the cold air of the Courtyard. While murmurs echoed all around, Seraphimus removed her helmet, looked at Theanim... then strolled past him. She took position besides Grand Magistrate Hymmnos, then stood there without saying a word.

Grand Magistrate Hymmnos smiled, then slapped her ice shard several times against the top of her podium. “Order! Order! The Right Talon of Verlaxion has arrived! Court is now in session!”

In hushed whispers, the Magistrates of Rohbredden's Prefectures sat in their ampitheatrical seats, facing the Grand Magistrate along with Theanim and the summoned soldiers.

“Blessings be to Goddess Verlaxion for her wisdom and fortune granted to us this day,” Hymmnos ritualistically quoted, eyes briefly shut. With that over with, she cleared her throat and spoke: “Today's business is in following our last session, upon which we voted to summon Commander Seraphimus and the Right Talon of Verlaxion to address the issue of this 'Rainbow Rogue' and her potential threat to Rohbredden's interests.” The Grand Magistrate pivoted to face the Commander in question. “Most honorable and courageous Seraphimus, have you been briefed on the situation at hoof?”

Seraphimus nodded. “I have, Grand Magistrate. And though it would benefit me to hear more of the Council's perspective—if I may be allowed to speak before the Court first?”

“By all means, Commander.”

“My thanks to you and the wisdom granted by Verlaxion.” After a brief bow, Seraphimus paced before the crowd. “I am Seraphimus, the Right Talon of Verlaxion. As such, I am but a humble servant of Verlaxion... which makes me a humble servant of this Council.”

Theanim watched, his eyes narrow. Timplan, Vilcheez, and several other magistrates gazed intently from their seats. Windburst, Raptr, and Starstorm listened carefully, their feathery heads cocked. Keris sat on the sidelines, his arms folded as his eyes and ears lingered on the Commander.

“I have pledged my life—and the lives of my wingmates—to the protection of Verlaxion's foals here in Rohbredden. We elite are powerful, but few. To this effect, we have relegated our powers to defending the interior landscape of Verlaxion's chosen continent. In recent months, this task has grown... increasingly taxing. It has tested our wits, exercised our strength... and taught us the hard price of sacrifice—of which we know too well.”

Windburst and Starstorm momentarily hung their heads. Raptr fidgeted slightly, feeling the eyes on him.

“There is a terrible evil resisting the goodness and mercy of Verlaxion,” Seraphimus said, her charcoal brown eyes taking on an icy glint. “We just finished combating it in Pine Prefecture—but it's spread even deeper than that. All across the continent, horrible miscreants have attempted hijacking Dredge Coal—the life blood of Rohbredden prosperity and well-being.” Her eyes darted towards Keris. “We have... several theories about those responsible for this, but unfortunately the vagabonds we've apprehended thus far have given us very little help in apprehending the true cause.”

Keris clenched his beak. He tilted his head aside, and he spotted a pair of blue eyes looking his way. He and Theanim shared a brief albeit thoughtful glance.

Seraphimus continued: “Tackling this shadowy presence is the forefront of my duty to Verlaxion... to her beloved children living in the central prefectures and the coastal habitats abroad. As of this month, my wingmates and I have stopped no less than seven plots on behalf of terrorists who would like nothing more than to sabotage the upcoming Unification Day and the Month of Thawing that follows. This is a startling, growing problem, and it doesn't appear to have any hope of stopping.”

She bowed low, her neckfeathers ruffling in the cold, frosty air.

“So I humbly appeal to this Court... to the wise and gifted unicorns... to the earth ponies who provide us with rice and fruit... to the pegasi who keep our commerce flowing... to my courageous griffon brothers and sisters... to the noble sea ponies... and to the rare wyverns of the high mountains—whose duty to the lore and sanctity of Verlaxion's legacy has afforded a righteous absence from these proceedings—I appeal to each and every one of you... and I ask you to consider your requests carefully.”

Her eyes narrowed as she stared up at the group.

“Is this threat... this 'Rainbow Rogue' that you have heard rumored beyond the bluffs of Verlaxion's chosen continent truly a danger that requires the further fracturing of my elite company? If you deem that it is not, then I shall proceed with tackling the phantom enemy that continues to devour our Continent from within. But if you feel that it does require our expertise and immediate intervention, then I shall devise a way to intercept the wretched beast before she even arrives on our holy shores.”

Theanim Mane bit his lip.

Seraphimus backstepped, bowing humbly. “And thus ends my humble address.”

Hymnos turned towards the seats. “The Court is open to hold discourse with the Right Talon of Verlaxion.”

Magistrate Timplan immediately stood up. “Commander, if I may.”

“Magistrate Timplan of Sunset Prefecture,” Seraphimus remarked.

Timplan smiled. “I see that you're well-informed of our positions.”

“It is my righteous duty to know each and every face that represents Verlaxion's wisdom here in the Court,” Seraphimus said.

Windburst and Starstorm smirked at one another.

“Very well then.” Timplan adjusted the sleeves of his robe and cleared his throat. “Surely, Commander, you have heard of the recent atrocities in the Quade.”

“Yes.” Seraphimus nodded, pacing across the court. “Rohbreddenites have gotten into the habit of calling it the 'Second Plight of the Luminar.'”

“Do you possess knowledge of the Luminards and their belief?”

“I know enough,” Seraphimus said. “They worship the Reed—which I hear is no longer intact.”

Timplan shook his head while magistrates mumbled behind him. “It has been utterly burned to the waters of the Quade. There is no piece of it that still exists. The entire structure has died—perishing from the inside out.”

“Forgive me, dear Magistrate, if I don't express shock,” Seraphimus said. “For this was all made clear to my wingmates and I upon our initial briefing.”

“Do you believe that the Reed is a miracle of Goddess Verlaxion, Commander?”

The court grew silent.

Seraphimus breathed. “Do I believe it is a miracle of Verlaxion's divine glory?” She nodded. “Yes.” Before the court could gasp, she gestured with a silver-plated talon. “But so is the air we breathe in this court: temperate enough for us to enjoy sane and prosperous lives by which we govern ourselves in accordance to Verlaxion's will. Eons ago, this part of the continent was an uninhabitable wasteland covered in snow and ice.” She pointed south beyond the seats. “Even Frostknife—in all of its majesty—would not have been possible hadn't Verlaxion carved the shelf out of ice with her almighty hooves.”

“But you agree that the Reed is also a product of Verlaxion's miraculous power,” Timplan remarked. “Then wouldn't you agree that an attack on it is an affront on Verlaxion herself?”

“Crimes against Verlaxion are being committed everyday,” Seraphimus firmly said. “When a terrorist robs Dredge Coal from the foals of Verlaxion, they're robbing from the Goddess Herself. When these criminals attack villages and hold foals and families hostages, they're threatening the righteousness that our divine Queen has graciously established. I do not wish to downplay the tragedy that's happened in the Quade. But let us be swift to remember that the Luminards have dwindled in numbers over the years for a reason.” Her charcoal eyes narrowed. “Their respect in Verlaxion has always been admirable, but they've always chosen an obtuse way to worship her—one that denied themselves of the rich bounty and joy that we were all meant to enjoy since Thawing and Unification.”

Magistrate Vilcheez stood up. “Commander, are you insinuating that the monks of the Quade... deserved what happened to them?”

“Not in the least,” Seraphimus said. “However, I do not find it very surprising.” Upon eliciting a wave of murmurs, Seraphimus nevertheless continued. “The Quade—after all—fell from Verlaxion's supreme grace millennia ago. Luminar—along with many of the islands consumed by the godless Colonialists today—exists well beyond the purview of Verlaxion's blessing.” Her claws scraped as she scuffled to a stop. “Let us not forget, fellow foals of Verlaxion, that the Goddess chose this land and this land alone as the sanctuary to her glory.” She pointed past Hymmnos' podium, her claw aimed at the steep steps leading past carved effigies and into the frozen depths of the mountain looming above them. “She sits up there—secluded in her throneroom—watching over each and every one of us on this continent through her omniscient spirit. She did not choose to reign over the outlying islands, but instead She collected Her flock of ponies, griffons, wyverns, and sirens right here... upon the frozen hilt of Frostknife... where the first ever Council was formed to govern the land in the Shadow of her Holy Spirit.” Seraphimus slowly shook her head. “That Shadow does not stretch over the Midnight hovels of Bleak's Plummet, and it most certainly doesn't cover the archipelagos to the west. And what have we seen in ages since? An infectious spread of apostate self-centeredness and agnosticism across the colonies, leading to criminal havens such as Rust and Mudtop... finally manifesting in the very Blight itself.”

“But the Blight has fallen, Commander,” Theanim Mane spoke up. “Or have you already forgotten?”

Seraphimus' beak jerked in Theanim's direction. Her hawkeyes narrowed.

He stared back, smiling calmly. “It is understandable, considering your excessive labors and strains in policing the continent as of late.”

Grand Magistrate cleared her throat and sighed over the commotion of the Council. “The Court recognizes Professor Theanim Mane of the Ninety-Seventh Rohbredden Scientific Order.”

Theanim nodded his head with a smirk. “I'll give you that one...” He shuffled past Keris and the others, approaching Seraphimus. “Things have changed in the seven seas, Commander. The 'godless heathens' who populate the islands west of us have witnessed many miracles. I know this first-hoof, for I have witnessed several of them myself. Even deep beneath the waves of Shoggoth, where Princess Camellia continues to rule over her subjects while practicing full fealty to the same Goddess you and I worship.”

“Shoggoth...” Seraphimus slowly nodded. “I trust you were there as well?”

“That he was, Commander,” Keris said.

Seraphimus glanced at him.

The Lieutenant cleared his throat and continued. “It was stated in the briefing. He was an accomplice to the 'Rainbow Rogue' in Rust and Lower Shoggoth before her alleged attack on the Quade.” He blinked his magenta eyes. “I... was b-bored during our flight here.”

Seraphimus slowly turned back to gaze at Theanim. “A Professor of the Scientific Order assisted a suspected criminal?”

“I mostly observed from a close distance while she continued to shock me and everypony around her with her grace and prowess,” Theanim said. “And as for her criminal designation...” He gestured a hoof. “...I do believe that remains to be determined.”

“Professor, we've been over this before,” Vilcheez said from the audience. “Descriptions of the 'Rainbow Rogue' quite clearly match the 'Rainbow Dash' that you associated with during the demolishing of the Northern and Southern Hooves of the Syndicate.”

“And how do we know that, exactly?” Theanim remarked. “There are a lot of seas between the Quade and here, and there have been many sunsets to stir the muddied thoughts of paranoid Rohbreddenites.” He slowly shook his head. “No... I do not for a second believe that this 'Rainbow Rogue' is the same monster that everyone else claims her to be.”

“And yet you have witnessed her first-hoof, dear Professor,” Seraphimus remarked. “Do you deny the amazing feats you have seen her accomplish?”

“Not even in the slightest,” Theanim said. “Her magical abilities are unique. I think it's no coincidence that her arrival took place at the same time as the collapse of the Blight.”

The crowd fell into nervous commotion.

“Nevertheless...” Theanim paced past Seraphimus. “I do not believe that her abilities—albeit strange and foreign—warrant such vehement scrutiny. As the courageous Commander here has eluded to—there are far more real and drastic dangers to Rohbredden right here... in the continent... threatening to poison the territories and prefectures all around us. It would be folly to allow these unfounded rumors of the 'Rainbow Rogue' to distract an already thinly-stretched group of elite defenders.”

“The rumors are far from unfounded, Professor,” Vilcheez said, shaking her head. “Whatever you encountered in Rust and Shoggoth made an impact on the Quade... and it was last seen heading east towards Rohbredden.”

Theanim clenched his muzzle. “Dear Council, I serve Verlaxion like the rest of you. But in my full capacity, I am a scientist, first and foremost. Until I see direct proof that my Rainbow Dash was in any way directly related to what took place in the graveyard of Luminar, then I refuse to accept the recent spread of rumors as simply more than that—paranoid gossip.”

“Then allow me to make it real for you.”

The entire Court shuffled in surprise. Heads turned—including Theanim's and Seraphimus'.

A familiar stallion with a peppery black mane and wearing a jade-studded robe trotted into the Council. He was not alone. A yellow-coated stallion with green dreadlocks stood beside him, as did several frail, emaciated ponies.

“I apologize for being late, Grand Magistrate,” Brye Chandler spoke. He bore a casual grin. “But the only way to reveal this was the perfect way.”

Stifling a sigh, Hymmnos uttered: “We are in the midst of a very important meeting, Mr. Chandler.”

“And for such—a magistrate such as myself should be present—wouldn't you agree?”

“Mr. Chandler, we have not—”

“Commander Seraphimus, I presume,” Chandler spoke, bowing before the griffon. “Your heroics along the Western Steppes are legendary. The Consortium is forever grateful for your contributions...” He stood up with a grave expression. “As well as your sacrifices.”

Seraphimus took a deep breath, glancing briefly at Windburst and Starstorm. “No price is too costly if it means the protection of Verlaxion's foals.”

“And I share your sentiment, whole-heartedly, dear Commander,” Chandler said. “And I am not the only one, for everypony who worships Verlaxion stands to feel both your righteous fury as well as your pain. And I suspect that the feeling is mutual, especially when in the presence of truly penitent souls.” He turned and nodded towards the yellow stallion.

The stallion nodded back, his dreads flouncing. He tapped the flank of one of the skinny ponies, lightly shoving her forward. Chewing on her bottom lip, a mare with an erratically braided mane shuffled towards the center of the Court, shivering in her sackcloth.

“Mr. Chandler...” Hymmnos leaned over her podium. “Would you please kindly explain yourself—?”

“Show some respect, Grand Magistrate,” Chandler spoke in a firm tone. “We're here to discuss the massacre in the Quade, yes? Well, I have just brought the Quade to you.” He shuffled over and rested a hoof on the mare's bony shoulder. “Easy there, ma'am. Please... identify yourself before the Council of your Goddess, Verlaxion.”

The mare hung her head, shuddering. At last, she built up the strength to speak, her voice hoarse and malnourished. “My... m-my anointed name is Sonikah.” She stared up at the frosted seats with hollow eyes. “I am a Foal of Verlaxion... a pilgrim of the Quade. For the last two decades of my adult life, I have worshiped the Reed, managing the weaving and unweaving of the many platforms that bask in the glory of our Goddess... until th-that glory was taken away from us...”

The crowd gathered murmured in shock. The seaponies' colors dimmed from their frosted globe. Vilcheez and Timplan exchanged nervous glances.

Sonikah continued: “Just a few weeks ago... a mare arrived from the west... a humble investigator—or so we thought.” She gulped. “She was accompanied by two fellow travelers: a stallion named Bard and a griffon named Wildcard...”

Theanim blinked, his lips pursing.

“While it was clear to our head elder, Kyron, that Rainbow Dash came from a land far... far away, he nevertheless extended our many graces so that she may too bask in the glory of the Reed. The mare embraced this... with suspicious eagerness. For some ardent reason, she desired to enter the Holiest of Holies and see the Reed with her own naked eyes. For this purpose she caused us to enact an age old Sacrament of Anchorage. I was personally ascribed with the task of overseeing her meditation. She proved her humility and worthiness—or so we thought. When she finally came within touching distance of the Reed... she... she proceeded to desecrate it. And...”

Sonikah bit her lip, trembling harder. After a few shuddering seconds, she summoned the strength to continue, albeit with a wavering tone in her voice.

“We stopped her at first. Kyron, despite his gracious convictions, could no longer tolerate Rainbow Dash's atrocious acts. For the safety of the sanctuary, he requested that she leave. She and her friends proceeded to exit the Quade—but it was a deception. Within hours, she returned. I watched as she entered the Holiest of Holies... assaulting the protectors who swore their lives to defend us... and burning the Reed with her unholy magics.”

Sonikah sniffled, tears welling up in her eyes.

“The only way to stop her would have been through violence... and physical acts of malevolence is against our ways! She knew this... and she took advantage of this... and I-I watched... helpless... as she melted the Reed with the ruby energy from her pendant. The entire structure collapsed after that... and several of us had to flee to the waters of the Quade to avoid being crushed to death. And... and she took off... along with her friends...” Sonikah's eyes clenched as she stifled a sob. “She infected the Reed... willfully and deliberately destroyed it... and all in the name of some heathen religion of 'Harmony.' She... she called herself the 'Austraeoh' and claimed she had no choice and... and...” She whimpered. “It's my fault. I... I sinned. I sinned and I brought this upon the Quade. The Shadow of Luminar's Plight has doubled and it has consumed Verlaxion's glory... every singed bit...” She buried her face in her hoof, weeping.

Theanim blinked several times, his head hanging in confusion.

Seraphimus stared silently.

Shuffling over to the sobbing monk, Brye Chandler gently patted her shoulder. “I think you've suffered for this world's sins enough, dear pilgrim.” He stripped his coat off and wrapped it around her shivering figure. “You'll find that the other monks corroborate with her account, dear Council.” He strolled forward, frowning at the ampitheatrical seats. “And so I ask you... is this enough?! Shall we allow the suffering to spread further east?” He pointed at Sonikah. “You heard this pilgrim's horrific account! What if that same wickedness was to reach our shores?! Or beyond?! Verlaxion's glory is powerful... but sins that are allowed to deliberately exist within Her Shadow have far-reaching consequences. I very much doubt that the Quade is the first and only place to fall if we allow this malevolence to continue!” He spat. “And right as we speak, this Rainbow Dash can only be traversing through the Prefecture of the Western Shoreline! My Prefecture!” He bowed low. “I ask... what is this Council willing to do?” He peered up through a squinting eye. “What is the Right Talon of Verlaxion willing to do?”

Keris tapped his beak in deep thought.

Seraphimus turned to face Theanim Mane. She strolled forward on calm talons. “Professor Mane...”

Theanim snapped out of it. He lifted his numb muzzle.

Seraphimus' charcoal eyes narrowed. “This... pendant of foul magic that hangs around Rainbow Dash's neck... the source of the ruby light that evidently destroyed Verlaxion's holy reed...” She cocked her feathery head aside. “...do you recall seeing it around her neck yourself? Have you witnessed this magic in action?”

Dreadful silence filled the snowy alcove while the crowd awaited the Professor's response. Sonikah looked over, shivering.

Theanim saw her emaciated face. With a shudder, he said: “As a scientist of the Order... I am dedicated whole-heartedly to the truth.” He gulped hard. “And... I would be lying if I said that I didn't observe the pendant or its magic.”

The crowd broke into gasps and murmurs.

Theanim gnashed his teeth. “But only ever have I seen it used for beneficial purposes in dismantling the Synd—”

You heard it yourself!” Brye Chandler's voice boomed as he brushed past Theanim, gawking up at the crowd. “This Rainbow Rogue—who was present in both Rust and Shoggoth—possessed the same magical torch around her neck that brought down the Reed!” He spun to point at Theanim. “Now, whatever her motivations were in ridding the seven seas of Syndicate scum are negligible...” He turned to face the Council with a frown. “The fact of the matter is that something possessed this powerful miscreant to turn heel and assault the Quade. You've heard an eye-witness account first hoof! And I reiterate—this threat is heading towards the western shores of Rohbredden as we speak! Now this Court—in its infinite wisdom—elected to summon the Right Talon of Verlaxion to address the situation. And so I ask them...” He turned towards Seraphimus with a pale expression of concern. “...how do you wish to handle this new and damning threat?”

Seraphimus took a deep breath. She turned towards Grand Magistrate Hymmnos. “I need to discuss this with my elite wingmates.”

Hymmnos nodded. “We await news of your deliberation,” she said.

Seraphimus whistled shrilly into the air. With flapping feathers, all five members of the Talon took wing. They hovered above the cherry blossom trees and statues overlooking the court. There, christened in snow and frosty air, they faced one another.

“A single pony...?!” Raptr sputtered. “Destroying the entire Reed?!”

“What kind of magic can do that?!” Starstorm wheezed.

“Stay calm,” Windburst droned. “Stay professional.” He turned towards Seraphimus. “Boss? What do you say? Gizzard-ripping time?”

“Just because Verlaxion's granted the Council Her wisdom does not mean She's granted them Her eyes,” the Commander said, shaking her head. “There is simply too much here that's vague and up to conjecture. We're juggling with enough trouble here in the central prefectures as it is.”

“Maybe this 'Rainbow Rogue' is in league with the Dredge Coal hijackers!” Raptr remarked. He blinked widely at the others. “It could be some wild attempt at misdirection! To distract us!”

“You call the destruction of the Reed a 'distraction,' Rookie?” Windburst growled. “No single criminal has the balls to do that. Desecrating a holy relic means instant disembowelment once the Right Talon gets ahold of them.”

“And since when exactly did we become the executioners for the Council?” Starstorm frowned. “If a pony of the Order like Professor Mane made friends with this 'Rainbow Dash,' then she is obviously a living, breathing, thinking creature... not some 'monster' that the citizens of the seven seas have been wildly proclaiming.”

“Are you suggesting that we go find her and give her a hoof bump?!” Raptr grimaced. “She's got crazy magics from beyond the Blight! That's a threat we have to neutralize at all costs!”

“Then sign me up,” Windburst grunted. “I've been itching for a challenge.”

“No.” Seraphimus pointed a sharp talon. “We are purveyors of justice. Not murderers. Do not confuse bloodlust for righteous fury. Is that understood?”

Windburst exhaled out his beak nostrils. “Yes, Commander.”

Folding her arms, Seraphimus took a deep breath. “... … ...” Her hawkeyes darted over to Keris. “Lieutenant. What is your assessment of the situation?”

The other three blinked.

“Hmmmm...” Keris rubbed the bottom half of his beak. “I am—of course—mortified by the account personally delivered by the Luminards here and now. However, Professor Mane's claims intrigue me. The scientists of the Order are among the most dedicated foals of Verlaxion. I cannot imagine a stallion like him being easily swayed by the charisma of a foreigner, no matter how conniving or deceptive.”

“So you're saying this 'Rainbow Dash' may actually not have had anything to do with the Reed?” Raptr remarked. “You heard what that Luminard said!”

“It's just... not clear enough,” Keris said with a sigh. He folded his arms. “We need to learn more, and yet we cannot afford to divide our forces here in Rohbredden.”

“It would be nice if we could actually go to the Quade,” Starstorm suggested. “Look for clues. See the destruction for ourselves. It might even clue us in on where the 'Rainbow Rogue' went.”

“Not possible,” Seraphimus said. “It'll give the Dredge Coal terrorists the opportunity they've needed.”

“Then what if one of us went?” Windburst remarked. “If nothing else, it'll get the Council off our backs.”

Keris' magenta eyes jerked up. “I'll go,” he blurted.

Seraphimus looked fixedly at him.

“I'll fly west, alone,” he said. “Conduct an investigation in the Quade. If I find enough clues to pursue the 'Rainbow Rogue,' then I'll track the pegasus down myself. If she turns out to be as dangerous as the Council believes, I'll request the rest of the Talon to intervene. We'll take her down ourselves. Otherwise...”

“It'll be over and done with in a blink if it's all a wilde goose chase,” Windburst said. He looked at Seraphimus. “It's a sound plan, boss. We can still get lots accomplished here without the Lieutenant. At least for a short while.”

Seraphimus smoothed her silver-blue headcrest back, exhaling. “Sounds like the only viable solution...”

“But if the 'Rainbow Rogue' has crazy foreign magics...” Raptr blinked wide. “Maybe the Commander should go instead! She can take her on!”

“I... cannot,” Seraphimus muttered. “My job is to oversee the Right Talon of Verlaxionin totality. Besides, now that we are in Frostknife, I have...” She fidgeted in mid-air, her voice taking on a shaky tone. “...business to attend to presently.”

“Huh?” Raptr's headfeathers arched. “But what could be so important that—”

“Let it rest, Raptr,” Starstorm said.

“If the Commander says she has business,” Windburst growled, “Then she has business.”

“Okay... okay...” Raptr flew backwards a bit, beak rattling. “I... I apologize if I spoke out of place.”

“And you are forgiven, Sergeant.” Seraphimus then looked at Keris. “You are willing to take on this task?”

“Absolutely, Commander,” Keris replied.

“Very well. It is agreed.” Seraphimus nodded. “I shall inform the Council.”

All five dropped back to the floor.

Upon landing, the commotion within the Council ended. Seraphimus approached Hymmnos' podium, speaking boldly: “It is decided. This 'Rainbow Rogue' deserves a thorough investigation. We desire to intervene and bring her to justice before she makes it to Rohbredden proper. However, the issues at hand here in the continent are far too dire for my company to abandon completely. To that end, I have elected to stay here in the central prefectures with my wingmates...” She looked over. “...while I send my most trusted Lieutenant, Keris, to personally investigate the Quade and the surrounding sea.”

Keris bowed, then spoke loudly: “It will be my pride and honor to see that this threat to Rohbredden remains a threat no longer.” He looked over at the ponies huddled behind Chandler. “And that justice will be served for the penitent monks of Luminar.”

Sonikah and the others stood in melancholic slumps.

“But...” Vilcheez spoke out. “What of her pendant?! The source of strange, dangerous magics?!”

“What of the western shorelines?!” Timplan added.

Hymmnos slapped the ice shard against her podium. “The Right Talon of Verlaxion have spoken! We summoned them to deal with this cause, and they have righteously chosen to do so with the wisdom and courage granted them by Verlaxion.” The Grand Magistrate stood up straight. “Let us pray for the safety and well-being of the Commander's wingmate—that he may perform his duties swiftly and with great diligence.”

“Jee...” Windburst muttered aside. “No pressure there.” Keris said nothing.

Smiling, Brye Chandler approached the podium. “Thank you, Grand Magistrate, for this most wise and mature action on behalf of the—”

Hymmnos' nostrils flared. “Meeting Adjourned!” She slapped the ice shard and descended from the podium.

Theanim let loose a nervous sigh while the magistrates wandered from their seats to converse with one another all around him. He ran a hoof over his mane and glanced aside—only to do a double-take.

Chandler had trotted off, stealthily yanking his jade-studded cloak off of Sonikah's body. Alone and decrepit, the monk shivered once again.

Theanim watched—eyes narrow and studios—as Chandler approached the yellow stallion with green dreadlocks. The two conversed closely, and the strange stallion nodded, his pale red eyes narrow. With the monks in tow, the Consortium executive and his companion trotted back down the steep steps leading back into Frostknife.

Theanim tapped his chin in quiet thought.

Meanwhile, Seraphimus shuffled over to Keris. “Lieutenant...”

Keris spun from talking with the other wingmates to stare at his superior. “Yes, Commander?”

“I want you sending a journal of your progress to us daily,” she said. “Utilize pegasus messengers if you have to. The moment we don't hear back from you—”

“It won't come to that,” Keris said.

“I am not criticizing your ability to look after yourself,” Seraphimus said with a slight smirk. “But keep in mind you are flying into the unknown.”

“With all due respect, Seraphimus, the Colonies are not the 'unknown,'” he said. “I've ventured into heathen territories before. I can protect myself, but I shall endeavor to protect our citizens even harder.”

“Which is precisely my point,” Seraphimus said. “If there is any truth whatsoever to this 'Rainbow Rogue,' then you are throwing yourself at questionably powerful forces.”

“I am well aware of that, and I shall conduct my investigations with great caution.”

“You are a priceless asset to the Right Talon, Keris,” Seraphimus said in a soft tone. “I need you here in Rohbredden if I have any hope of squelching these terrorists.”

“And I shall return swiftly, Commander,” Keris said with a nod. “You have my word.” He turned to address Windburst—


Keris turned back to face her. “Commander...?”

Seraphimus glared. “This is a mission to assess what happened in the Quade... and round up the Rainbow Rogue. You will undoubtedly be traveling across seas belonging to the Shoreline Trade Consortium.” She slowly shook her head. “Do not allow yourself to get unnecessarily distracted. Keep your eyes on the mission and the mission alone.”

“That is my full intention, ma'am.”

“I know you, Keris,” she said. “And I know the frailties of your noble ambition. Keep your eyes forward at all times. Is that clear?”

Keris opened his beak... hesitated... then nodded. “Crystal clear, Commander.”

She held her talon out. “I am the Right Talon of Verlaxion.”

He bowed low, kissed his beak to it, and murmured: “And I am your Claw.”

She nodded, backing up. “Very well then. Verlaxion's blessings to you.” She turned to make a quiet exit.

“And Commander?”

She paused, looking over her shoulder.

He smiled. “To you as well... and to your family.”

Her hawkeyes blinked. “Thank you, Keris,” she said softly, and was gone.

Keris stood alone. He glanced across the way, spotting the sad, confused face of a lonesome scientist, and then the Lieutenant flew towards the nearest armory to gather some much-needed equipment.

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