• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Righteous, Rhetorical, and In Between

"It's one thing to bully small innocent towns such as Braum in Ivory Prefecture," Commander Seraphimus said. "But to maliciously and willfully fund terrorist activities throughout the heart of Rohbredden?" Her beak muscles clenched. "That is an entire new level of malevolence. And just what would you hope to achieve out of it? Some sort of... hero status in the eyes of the Court of Verlaxion once you've swooped in to provide a temporary solution to the matter? To work the Six Tribes against one another from the inside and the outside is something beyond evil... beyond traitorous."

Chandler merely stared at her.

She slapped the ledge shut and allowed the book to fall limply across his cluttered desk. With icy talons, the head guardian marched towards the Consortium leader.

"You are a cancer to this continent... a tumorous abomination that seeks to leech every citizen in the absence of our glorious Goddess. Since it is my station as the Right Talon of Verlaxion to protect all of the Queen's foals, I am obligated to uproot any and all enemies to the supreme government righteously ordained within Frostknife. You, Mister Chandler, are going to confess the crimes you've committed in Ivory Prefecture and abroad, along with your meddling connections to the Syndicate, the slavers of Mudtop, and all of the other godless gangsters of the Seven Seas and beyond."

At last, she came to a stop, glaring the stallion down.

"It will be in the best interest of your soul—and the feeble flesh attached to it—if you complied fully."


Brye Chandler took a deep breath. At last, he trotted forward...

...and shuffled straight past Commander Seraphimus.

The griffon blinked. With rattling armor, she pivoted to follow him, charcoal eyes narrowing.

Chandler shoved a few piles of refuse away, brushed clean a liquor cabinet, and reached inside for a bottle and a glass.

Seraphimus' beak slowly opened. "What... are you doing?"

"Grfff... getting a drink," Chandler muttered.

"Getting a drink...?"

"Yes. I'm quite thirsty, you see." He poured himself a glass, placed the bottle down. Then—after delicately sniffing the contents of the container—he took a long, dainty sip.

Seraphimus blinked several times. With an inner snarl, she shuffled towards him. "Do you not understand the gravity of—?!"

"How much do you think this coat of mine cost?" Chandler asked without looking at her.

Seraphimus scuffled to a stop. She frowned. "You are doing a heinous job of changing the topic."

"Oh, I do believe this is very relevant." Chandler took another sip. "This coat is well over five thousand bits worth of emeralds and fur. That might seem vain... opulent, even, until you take into account the way that I've earned it... through years and years of hard work conducting an honest-to-Verlaxion business... or... at least as honest as you can be to a Goddess who never shows herself."

"You are a criminal and a seditionist," Seraphimus said.

"No, I am a successful entrepreneur." Chandler turned around with a frown. "And for my legitimate efforts, I've been paid more handsomely than meat-punching egotists like you and your Talon. You speak of bullies and terrorists? Look no further than your own damned claws."

"Silence." Seraphimus growled, leaning forward. "I have mountains of evidence against you and your organization—"

"You have nothing." Chandler's nostrils flared. Angry eyes locked with hers while he took a final sip of his glass. Exhaling, he slapped the container down. "Circumstantial evidence and frayed testimony at best. If that wasn't the case, I'd be in irons by now and you know it. There'd be no need for this inane attempt at brutish intimidation."

Seraphimus glared at him. She was silent.

"Did you think I would be so feeble as to cowardly cooperate with whatever banal conspiracy theory you've concocted? Just because you barge in here... vandalize my workplace... and bear your fangs like an enraged manticore?" Chandler huffed. "I've dealt with them all, my dear. Lawyers, Magistrates, Union Committees... every single bit-jingling blowhard that draws breath has taken a swung at me and missed. And you know why? Because everypony's jealous of whoever's on top, but very few of them have the mettle to tear the establishment down without stooping to venomous tactics. And you... dearest guardian..." He pointed while squinting. "You are stooping... stooping low."

"You wish to speak of venom?" Seraphimus hissed. "I've followed a poisonous trail of exploitation and criminal intrigue, and every tributary has taken me straight to this spot... straight to you."

"Spoken in such delightful ambiguity!" Chandler waved a hoof. "I'm certain that will impress the Council even half as much as it's frightening me!"

"Your very own secretary, Longaze, has confessed to committing arson and murder to accomplish your demands!"

"And under what circumstances did she state such claims, hmmm? I wonder!" Chandler spat. "Do tell, high and mighty Supreme Commander of the Right Talon of Verlaxion!" He performed a mock salute. "Just what kind of barbaric duress did you have to put a member of my own clientele under in order to extract such hyperbolic information to substantiate your wild accusations?!"

Seraphimus opened her beak, but no words came out. For the first time in days, beads of sweat kissed the edges of her armor.

"Well?!" Chandler barked, staring daggers. "What exactly did you do? Would you care to tell me? A law-abiding citizen of Rohbredden?" He waved his hoof towards the slatted windows. "And just how do you think that will go over with the Council?! To think of it! Their very own Talon! At her wit's end! Attacking and butchering ponies at random!"

At last, Seraphimus swallowed and said, "The Council trusts me. I've been granted the wisdom and strength of Verlaxion. By the merit of our own righteousness, the Talon shall perservere—"

"You are not righteous!" Chandler shouted. "You're angry!"

Seraphimus' claws tightened.

"And you know what?! We're all angry! I'm angry! The Council is angry!" He pointed once more out the window. "The Tribes are at each other's throats with fury and discontent! But unlike you and your meandering griffon friends, we've been hard at work trying to do something about it! My company—the Shoreline Trade Consortium—can revolutionize Rohbredden industry! We can bring warmth to the confused and anxious citizens of this land! And you? Pffft... you represent ancient prehistory... fossils chasing ghosts in the name of an idea—and a very fractured one at that."

"How dare you..." Seraphimus marched towards him, hissing. "It is by Verlaxion's mercy that we even breathe! If she didn't unify the tribes... if she didn't thaw our forebears' provinces, then none of us would be alive today! We owe her our gratitude with each second that we live."

"And yet the greatest threats to our kingdom continue to permeate this great continent! Who's going to do something about this? You?" Chandler blew out the side of his muzzle. "You can't even catch the Rainbow Rogue! Some Right Talon of Verlaxion you are!"

"Rrrggh!" Seraphimus swung her gauntlets.

For the first time since meeting, Chandler flinched.


The desk beside the stallion exploded.

The pony's eyes blinked open. Catching his breath, he looked aside.

Seraphimus was slumped in a pile of rattling armor and pale feathers. She raked the floor, inhaling and exhaling through angry, fuming breaths. At last—as she felt his nervous eyes upon her—she swallowed and stammered: "I should have been chasing you from the very beginning. You... you disgust me."

"You'd better get used to that nausea, Commander," Chandler said. "We're living in a new age... a godless age. For better or for worse, the mythical queen of our past refuses to show. Ponies in Frostknife have wasted time and tax dollars waiting for a sign to legitimize her absence. Me?" He shook his head. "I'm not willing to wait any longer. I'm making efforts to change and improve this world while the rest of the magistrates wallow in anger and misery."

He waved a hoof at her.

"And you, my dear? You must be the angriest of them all."

Seraphimus pivoted her head to glare up at him through her helmet.

"Oh yes... not only a servant to your goddess, but a slave... with your own family as ransom."

The Commander blinked.

"Don't think that I don't know about what you have at stake." Chandler cocked his head to the side as he spoke: "Your so called Unifier has you on a leash. How many years have you deceived yourself, confusing righteous fury with desperate sorrow? This whole... debacle with the Rainbow Rogue is only the first of many failures, I assure you. At least I have a solid foundation to fall back on. But you? What do you have waiting in Frostknife save for apathy and regret?"

"The Council still holds faith in the Talon."

"You say that, Commander," Chandler remarked. "And yet, where are your wingmates now?"

Seraphimus avoided his gaze.

"Perhaps you knew that you could not rely on their support... because there is simply nothing to support. You've chased me down on a nebulous crusade of vengeance. And for what?" Chandler took a breath. "I'm sorry that you could not catch your Rainbow prey. Trust me, I understand that pain and frustration." His teeth showed. "But do not take it out on me with your insipid excuses of 'righteous duty' You want a confession? Neither of us are strangers to violence and intimidation, Commander. But at least I know... and soon you will know... that what I'm doing will matter in the long course of a new and more functional Rohbredden."

He leaned back, folding his forelimbs.

"Now," Chandler exhaled. "I do believe it's high time for a confession of your own... that the hour has come to hang the helmet and sword and allow civilization to take is proper course without the worn-out protectors of yesteryear. Are you waiting to make that bold step, Commander? Heaven knows I am."

Seraphimus slowly stood up. She leaned her head back, taking a deep breath.

Chandler squinted at her curiously.

At last, the Commander glared down at the pony. "By the power invested in me by the Court of Verlaxion, you—Brye Chandler of the Shoreline Trade Consortium—are under arrest." She pivoted, facing him full-on. "I shall hereby escort you to Frostknife, where you will be tried for crimes committed and funded in the name of treason... and heresy."

"Hrmmmfff..." Chandler snorted. "I am telling you, Commander... you have absolutely nothing to go on."

"That will be up to the Court of Verlaxion to determine," Seraphimus said.

"And if they rule that this is a huge waste of our time?" Chandler squinted. "Which it is?" He clenched his jaw. "You will lose your rank... your position... your entire career."

"Well, then that will be the chance that I take." Seraphimus stepped towards him. "A pity that a stallion in your position doesn't know what true risk is." She produced a series of manacles and slapped them around his front fetlocks. "Here... stay still so I do not soil your honestly-paid-for cloak."

Chandler muttered, "You're a puppet... dancing to an ancient lie."

"And you're lucky I didn't rip your spleen out upon first eye contact." Seraphimus forced him around and shoved the shivering stallion towards the door. "Let us hope that the magistrates in Frostknife are just as merciful."

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