• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Forsaken Flock of Saros

"This is truly a major concern of yours, Rainbow?" Princess Luna inquired.

"Well... yeah." Rainbow nodded fervently. "Why wouldn't it be, Your Highness? I mean... Queen Chrysalis made it pretty clear that there'd be three badflank factions that I'd have to contend with while making my way to the Midnight Armory." She gulped. "And one of those three armies of the Trinary War belong to you. Or—at least, in their heads—they probably think they do."

"You speak about the Dark Vigil."

"Well, that's what Matriarch Xarchellus evidently calls them." Rainbow leaned against the hull of the Stardust. "You know your dream flock more than anyone, Your Majesty. Tell me... what would they call themselves?"

"They've been sadly disconnected from my sphere of influence for over a thousand years, Rainbow Dash. I'm afraid that I cannot pretend to guess what they would refer to themselves as by this point."

"Okay then. Uhm..." Rainbow fidgeted where she stood. "What... uh... did they call themselves back in the day?"

"You mean back when I commanded them as Nightmare Moon?"


"Well, as regrettable as it is to recollect, they would very much have identified themselves as the 'Dark Wing of the Lunar Empire.' The same can be said of Xarchellus' group in Bleak's Plummet. Both the Vigil and the Dark Vigil are descendants of the very same sarosian exodus that fled east from Equestria following the end of the Solar Civil War."

"They were all warriors, then?"

"Indeed. There was a sorcery division of the Lunar Empire. The Diviners of Dusk—all unicorns. However, they weren't as mobile as the Dark Wing, and they were forced to remain in Equestria. Within a few generations—however—they had all repented of their ways, and many of their descendants remain in modern Winnipeg and Trottingham. As for the agricultural division—"

"Uhm... s-sorry, Your Highness." Rainbow waved a hoof. "I wasn't... uh... trying to get you to tragically reminisce on the entire Lunar Empire." She gulped. "I'm just wondering... hoping that you can give me something to go on regarding the Dark Wing... Dark Vigil... whoever they are..."

"Rainbow Dash, it has been many... many generations," Princess Luna spoke in a melancholic tone. "I'm speaking of lifespans that most likely were short-lived, tragically curtailed by a grand, bloody war on the Dark Side that none of us have the capacity to comprehend. Any semblance of culture that the sarosians may have carried with them towards the other side will likely have been absorbed into a brand new self-identity. It would be quite miraculous if they have any recollection of me whatsoever—much less of my Nightmare Moon incarnation."

"I dunno, Princess." Rainbow smirked wryly. "You leave a pretty snazzy impression on a pony."

"Rainbow Dash..."

"Okay... okay... just..." Rainbow gestured. "...brief me on what the Dark Wing went through right before they made their exodus."

"That's information that my sister would be better equipped to give you, seeing as they spent a few decades in exile all throughout eastern Equestria before making their vast journey."

"But I don't want to know about Celestia's impact on them. I wanna know about yours."

"Hmmmm... very well." Princess Luna took a breath and spoke, "As Princess Luna, I was seen as more than just a patron ruler. I was in many ways deified as a progenitor—even a Creator."

"That's why they're always keen on calling you the 'Moon Matriarch' and stuff, right?"

"It goes far deeper than that, Rainbow Dash. Sarosians are half physical and half metaphysical. The first temporal sarosian was conjured from a dream. I mean that in the most literal of senses. Dreams were birthed into being because their energy was split from a unique, randomly occurring intelligence. It was nothing short of a miracle, and—in truth—the part I played in the conjuration was quite minimal. Nevertheless, the first generation of sarosians entered the mortal realm as a consequence of my own influence, and I instantly took it upon myself to bear responsibility for their integration into equine civilization. Above all things, it is most important to understand this—for it is the source of all sarosian philosophy, especially in regards to the 'Mother of Nightmares.'"

"Gotcha. You're super important." Rainbow gulped. "But—yowsers, Luna. They came from a dream?"

"And dreams came from them. It is confusing—I know. But even alicorns such as myself and Celestia are still coming to terms with many of the confounding revelations that you are discovering."

"Such as the prehistoric existence of the pegasus progenitors that the Heraldites call 'Angels,'" Celestia interjected.

"Quite right, sister." Princess Luna continued: "Nevertheless, thousands of years ago I fostered the first sarosians into a mortal existence. Many of them were misunderstood, and the other races of ponies held a great deal of fear and distrust. To avoid unnecessary conflict, I took it upon myself to shelter many of the sarosians inside the moon. For—you see—there was a time when the residual harmonies imparted by our elders were so strong that I could transport myself and my flock to and from the celestial body under my control. That power—of course—has dwindled with the gradual decay of time, and even in my current state I couldn't possibly perform a spell of that magnitude again."

"I'm guessing the only thing that could match that is all of the Elements of Harmony thrown together," Rainbow thought out loud.

"Regrettably so," Princess Celestia said. "But—even now, after a thousand years—I'm not so certain that the Elements could peform such a forced teleportation spell."

"Could the Harmonic Prism change that?" Rainbow Dash remarked. She winced. "Uhm... n-not that I'm wanting to send anypony to the moon anytime soon or—"

"We understand what you mean, Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna said. "In theory, the Harmonic Prism would be able to empower my sister and I with harmonic energies the likes of which we haven't wielded in eons. But—for how long such a recharge would last is beyond our guess."

"In the plane's current state?" Remna muttered, reminding Rainbow that she was still there. "Most likely not for long." The violet mare shook her head. "Until Urohringr is restored, everything is dying. And I do mean everything."

Before Rainbow could respond—

"There is validity in Axan's words," Princess Luna said. "And it makes the current quest all the more important. But—for now—let me make swift with the information that I have to impart."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "If you say so..."

"In the moon, I built the sarosians a sanctuary where they could live and multiply and enjoy the fruits of a harmonic existence. This place had a name—which you may have heard of: Ponymonium."

"Squeee..." Twilight Sparkle cradled her lavender cheeks. She smiled helplessly. "S-sorry. I just love ancient history..."

Princess Luna went on. "Ponymonium was the pearl of sarosian civilization—an underground labyrinth of beautifully carved palaces and spacious courtyards that filled the heart of our faithful lunar body. It was there that the first generations of elders transcribed the fading memories of their once primordial dreamscape into written runes. This would become the Book of Saros—the veritable bible upon which traditional sarosian culture is centered. Inside the Book of Saros, one would find glorious poetic verses promoting peace, serenity, family togetherness, and strength through loyalty."

"How... uh..." Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "How long did Ponymonium last?"

"In a peaceful state?"

Rainbow Dash said nothing—not that she needed to.

Luna continued: "Up until approximately three hundred years prior to the Solar Civil War. You must understand that... that Nightmare Moon did not become manifest overnight. The corruption that overtook me was a slow, venomous thing... and it was fed by a continuously souring personality... one that I take full responsibility for."


"It is true, sister. Let us not deny it. Nightmare Moon fed on several insecure and unsavory emotions that I had been developing over the course of multiple lonesome, cold, brooding centuries. Feelings of envy... distrust... anger... and anxiety all served to make my heart and soul the perfect host for the nightmarish taint. What I regret most is that this poisonous mindset was not just relegated to myself, but I had infected my closest mortal confidants—the sarosians—with the same distrust and malevolence that blossomed from my darkened soul. As a result, Rainbow Dash, the hallowed halls of Ponymonium slowly turned into a totalitarian collection of army barracks and war rooms. The warrior heart inside each sarosian was blackened with a bloodthirst that was most unnatural. I stopped being a matronly figure in the eyes of my flock, and instead I had turned into an Empress... an unforgiving, unwavering Goddess of War. And as the Lunar Empire rose from the shadows, Ponymonium became its headquarters. I commanded that royal lunar gardens be turned into barren quarries as my loyal minions carved out the weapons of war. Books and scrolls were burned to make ashes for alchemic ingredients. Runic magic became the backbone of our offense, and through sheer aggressive barbarism we nearly razed the landscape of Equestria to the ground. It was thanks to Princess Celestia's harmonic steadfastness and military might that she was able to infuse the defending armies with courage and hold off my attack—just long enough to acquire the Elements of Harmony, confront me, and banish my essence to the moon... where I would be surrounded by the desecrated glories of the past for a thousand years... enveloped in regret and shame for every waking day of my life."

Fluttershy sniffled. Rainbow looked over to see Rarity gently consoling her. "It's just... all so tragic," Fluttershy whimpered.

Luna was far from finished: "Up until my banishment, the Solar Civil War was going in our favor. My forces and I were so blindly confident in a victory that we took several of our artifacts down to the surface of Equestria with us—preparing to establish a new Ponymonium in place of the Palace of the Royal Sisters. However, when I—Nightmare Moon—had been removed from the scene in one fell swoop, the remaining sarosians were completely caught off guard. Several of them panicked and immediately fled into hiding. Those who were still loyal to my cause fought... violently with the defending forces of Equestria—despite Princess Celestia's multiple calls for peace and cease fire. From what I've learned... the ensuing conflicts went on for more than half-a-century. Only after much bloodshed from both sides did the Dark Wing finally decide to make their exodus to the Dark Side—for their reigning Matriarch had decided that the only way to bring back Nightmare Moon would be to employ a device more powerful than the Elements of Harmony."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "The Harmonic Prism."

"Indeed," Luna said. "The exodus was no easy feat. Several sarosian night bloods had to keep the armies of Celestia at bay while the rest collected the artifacts of Ponymonium and made a swift exit. While the details have been lost due to the fog of war and the stretch of time, it is believed that the forces of the Dark Wing procured the Book of Saros, several thousand tons of lunar rock, the armor of Nightmare Moon, secrets to alchemic rune magic—"

"Wait wait wait a second..." Rainbow Dash raised a hoof, her eyes narrowing. "...the 'armor of Nightmare Moon?'"


"But... like..." Rainbow glanced aside at Twilight, Applejack, and the others. "We saw you in armor. Nightmare Moon—that is—when we confronted her in the Palace of the Royal Sisters."

"That was pure conjuration, Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna said. "An extension of the powerful essence of Nightmare Moon herself. When the stars aided in my escape, I had become imbued with an extra degree of power. Perhaps now you can see why it was so important—and fortuitous—that the Elements of Harmony had manifested themselves in something far more dynamic than mere harmonic batteries."

"So... like... you had actual armor?"

"Forged from the core of the moon, infused with the most powerful of runes, and enchanted with the blood of the ancient sarosian elders." Princess Luna could be heard sighing. "It was the product of the darkest of crafting, and yet its power on the battlefield could scarcely be matched. Only a direct blast from the Elements of Harmony was capable of disarming me."

"But your 'flock' was able to scoop it all up."

"Affirmative. And considering the fact that Xarchellus and her subordinates made no mention of it—or the Book of Saros—then it stands to reason that they do not possess such artifacts."

Rainbow took a deep breath. "It's in the hooves of the Dark Vigil."

"So I would suspect. Or—at least—it initially was. There's no telling if such ancient treasures still dwell within the presence of the sarosians who are fighting on the Dark Side."

"The Book of Saros? I dunno. But your armor? I'm willing to bet my life on it." Rainbow's brow furrowed. "I imagine they're keeping it all in a special place for when they can... y'know... 'bring you back from the moon.'"

"Such is a task that is both pointless and redundant. But I suspect that you will find yourself hard-pressed to convince them that the Trinary War is no longer worth fighting. It would seem unrealistic to expect them to have any grasp of time—or at least time as we see it here on the Light Side."

"Yeah... but... Your Highness..." Rainbow Dash cradled the ruby lightning bolt of her pendant. The silver light in the air glittered all the brighter. "You've totally... like... super-zapped my Element with your essence and stuff." She gulped. "Couldn't they sense your presence? Y'know... like Xarchellus and the other sarosians of Bleak's Plummet did?"

"Don't forget the guard!" Twilight Sparkle said.

"Eh?" Rainbow glanced aside. "Guard?"

Applejack pointed. "None of them batponies can touch ya while you've got that thang on."

As Rainbow contemplated that, Luna spoke: "It is quite possible, Rainbow Dash, that the sarosians of the Dark Vigil will feel something when you come into close proximity with them."

"Would... uh... my pendant also repel them? Cuz of how strong your enchantment is and stuff?"

"Also a realistic likelihood. Nevertheless, Rainbow Dash, I would strongly issue caution before you even consider approaching the sarosians."

"Why's that?"

"Quite simply... they are bound to be even more savage and unforgiving than the sarosians of Bleak's Plummet were when you first encountered them."

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie both shuddered.

"That's... uh..." Rainbow brushed back her short-short bangs. "...pretty sobering, to say the least."

"We are not speaking of a gang of feisty sea pirates, Rainbow Dash. The Dark Vigil—for all intents and purposes—are bound to be a battle-hardened group of merciless bloodmongerers, tempered by eons of war with two other merciless factions over a nebulous trophy forever eluding their grasp. Assuming they have any recollection of the history of their ancestors, it is likely a very dark account that has blurred into the shadows of their current strife. For them—the Solar Civil War never ended, for they are still fighting it today in an endless, bloody campaign for mastery of the Midnight Armory. If you are no use to them in accomplishing their vanglorious goal, then you will likely be nothing more than an obstacle that they will gladly eradicate with the same heartless malice that so empowered my loyal minions a thousand years ago—and the same can be said of your dear friends. They will be even more vulnerable than you, seeing as none of them are gifted with my enchantment."

"Then what are you suggesting, Luna?" Rainbow shrugged heavily. "I just... avoid the sarosians on the Dark Side altogether?"

"A very sound piece of advice," Remna droned, forcing Rainbow to glance at her. "The same can be said of Tchern's Hive and the so-called Night Shard." Her green eyes narrowed. "There is absolutely no need for you to make contact with these purveyors of death. When we reach the Dark Side, we must simply make our way to the Midnight Armory and be done with that portion of the Plane altogether."

"If you ask me, that sounds easier said than done!" Pinkie Pie blinked. "What with three groups of nasty-nasties all fighting for the same thing!"

"Axan speaks wisdom, Rainbow," Princess Luna said. "These factions had hundreds of years to make peace with one another. And—before the exodus made its way to the Dark Side—the forces of Tchern and Chrysalis presumably had even more eons to find a serene solution along with the Night Shard. The tragedy of this situation was set in stone a long... long time ago."

"I must state my own agreement on the matter," Princess Celestia said. "Harmony is practically nonexistent on the Dark Side—save for one spot, and it has become antithetical to itself. The Midnight Armory was never meant to be an impetus for war, and yet that's what it has unwittingly served as for thousands of years. Suffice it to say, you will not be dealing with salvageable mortals akin to the populaces of Ledomare, Xona, or Val Roa. I doubt that any faction on the other side of this plane could be anything close to redeemable, Rainbow Dash."

Rarity bit her lip.

"But... but they're ponies, Your Majesties!" Rainbow Dash's voice cracked. "At least... some of them are!" She gestured with a limp fetlock. "After all, Princess Luna, the sarosians over there are your flock—"

"And they have been lost for far... far too long, Rainbow Dash."

"But... I've done impossible things for screwed-up civilizations before! Darkstine! Windthrow!" She glanced slightly at Remna. "Silvadel!" The pegasus gulped. "I just can't believe you'd write them all off that easily—"

"Nopony is 'written off,' Rainbow Dash. Of that, I can most emphatically assure you," Princess Luna said. "Not a day goes by that I do not think about the lives that have been foaled and slaughtered in a blink... the enormity of blood-filled generations devoured by the merciless tide of chaos... all on account of the actions that I have c-committed..." Princess Luna's voice cut off.

Rainbow and her ghostly friends listened in tense silence.

At last, it was Celestia who spoke: "It would fill our hearts with... immeasurable joy, Rainbow Dash, to have the Dark Vigil cleansed of their hatred and malice... to have Tchern restored to her former alicorn glory... and even to have the gift of harmony spread to the hearts of every member of the Night Shard. But you must understand... the fate of the Dark Side—and those who dwell there—was made manifest epochs ago... when the arriving alicorns first made the unfathomably grave decision of which portion of the plane to illuminate with their harmonic resources. It was not a decision made lightly, and the sheer remorse resulting from that—throughout all these years—is partly to blame for what brought about the eventual demise of the immortality dwelling within the likes of Onyxxus and others like him. I do not pride myself in saying this, Rainbow Dash, but you must remove all concern for the sarosians from your mind... at least if you plan—in any faculty—to actually make it to the foundations of the Midnight Armory in one piece. Let your focus be on the salvation of the entire plane... which is something that the greater majority of the world's population—those who dwell on the Light Side—stand to benefit entirely from."

"Not to mention those who dwell within the rest of Urohringr," Remna added. She glared in Rainbow's direction. "Your path of salvation and harmony is a noble thing—for a mortal—but do not let it stop at the Dark Side... simply because you made a foolish decision."

"There is nothing foolish about wanting to save lost souls, Axan!" Celestia spoke with more than an ounce of anger. She calmed slightly, then said, "But the forces of the Trinary War have already made their mark in stone. Unfortunately, that stone was a grave long before they threw the first spear or fired the first runic charge. If you truly wish to return to Ponyville with the Harmonic Prism... to restore harmony to all of Equestria and the rest of the plane... then you must make the Midnight Armory your sole focus. The sarosians who are fighting on the Dark Side? They are not to be trifled with, and my sister and I will not be present to assist you in eluding them. Do you understand this, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash took a deep, fuming breath. "Yes, Your Majesty." Her teeth clenched. "I understand."

Remna glanced at her.

More silence...


"My dear sister needs... a moment to compose herself," Princess Celestia said. "Perhaps we should move onto another important briefing."

"Cool. Cuz I've got a thing I've been dying to ask about for a while now," Rainbow Dash said.

"Please," Celestia said. "By all means."

"When I spoke to Mortuana..." Rainbow gulped. "...when she was still alive... she told me a thing or two about the spirits of all living things."

Twilight and the others looked over, their interests piqued.

"I assume by that you mean she spoke to you about the Harmonic Plains."


"Such was her specialty... as it was her father's, Onyxxus," Celestia said. "Among other facets."

"Yeah, but... like..." Rainbow squinted into the air. "She told me some not-so-snazzy things about the spirits of the dead."

"In what way?"

"Mortuana said that she sensed they weren't 'migrating' in a normal fashion," Rainbow Dash murmured. "That—instead—it was as if they were all sinking through the earth."

"'Sinking through the earth?'"

"Almost... almost as if something was absorbing them all... unnaturally." Rainbow took a deep breath. "Something inside the heart of this plane... or—perhaps—something on the Dark Side."

Fluttershy and Rarity shuddered.

The air was silent—save for the persistent thunder.

Then Celestia spoke in an off-key tone: "I hope you don't mind if you would repeat yourself, Rainbow Dash..."

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