• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Reunions of the Sweetest Kind

The estate of Reeds and Sweet was far more opulent than Rainbow Dash had anticipated. It rested on the west end of Kunmane, surrounded by likewise wealthy properties. The siblings directed Rainbow Dash past a park district full of prancing, playing, laughing foals and their families and towards a three-story building with staved rooftops and rippled shingles. The structure was built like a large letter “C,” with a large wooden gate on the east side opening to a square courtyard. Ancient stone blocks formed the floor in between a sparse assortment of planted trees and ferns. Banners, flags, and paper lanterns were strung up between the north and south wings of the structure, and servants were still sweeping the floor clean of lotus blossoms in order to set up for the night's festivities.

“Yeesh...” Rainbow Dash murmured. “I had no idea you guys had it so big.”

Reeds blushed slightly. “Yes, well, my sister and I chose a life of fishing these past few years to build character and experience.”

“Are all Continentalists so humble?” Rainbow asked.

“Nope!” Sweet stuck her tongue out. “Only the filthy rich ones!” She hollered to the edges of the courtyard. “Fwoofy mane and fuzzy pelt! Guess who's come to see the ice melt!

The servants looked up, chuckling and bowing at the two returning siblings. Reeds and Sweet dashed over to greet them, shaking hooves and nuzzling. Within seconds, a gaggle of foals galloped down the stairs from the south wing's second story. “Reeds! Sweet!”

“Bouncies!” Sweet hollered. She giggled her head off as the children practically plowed her over. “Gaaah! Eeeh hee hee!” The mare struggled to hug and cradle as many of the kids as she could. “Why. Can't. I. Hold. All. These. Cousins?!”

A series of adults shuffled down the steps, some of them in intense conversation about business and party preparations. Two of them—a blue coated stallion with a gray-streaked mane and a slightly wrinkled mare with a rosy smile—shuffled down and smiled collectively at the two arrivals.

“Well well well... it looks like Verlaxion's good will comes ahead of the thawing,” said the mother.

“Heh...” The stallion winked. “I knew I smelled haddock!”

Reeds took a deep breath and trotted towards them. “Mother. Father.” He hugged himself, shook, then brushed his right hoof along his left forelimb and towards them.

“Oh, for goddess' sake!” The mother rolled her eyes and leaned forward, scooping her son up in a deep hug. “Being here is enough to be thankful for, son.”

“I see you survived traveling with your sister,” the father said.

“Heheheh... yeah...” Reeds nuzzled his mom and smiled over her shoulder at him. “This year, I set apart a special 'snack savings' just for her. So we didn't arrive home bitless this time.”

“You know it wouldn't matter if you did or not.”

“Still, father, just trying to prepare.” Reeds gulped. “Like you taught me.”

“Experience is the better teacher, son.” He patted the young stallion's shoulder and trotted past him. “Don't let any Rohbreddenite tell you otherwise.” He smiled down at the mare buried in giggling young foals. “How's my bag of sugar lumps?!”

“Lumpier than ever!” Sweet hopped up and nuzzle-nuzzle-nuzzled him. “Heeeee! This is the best time of year ever! 'Cuz I get to see you again!”

“Heheheh...” He nuzzled her back. “You know... it could stand to be the best time more often.”

“Yeah, but...” Sweet gazed at him, pouting. “...Fish!

“Go on, now...” The mother patted the little foals' heads and ushered them away. “Go play out in the park. Your mommies and daddies will be joining you shortly.” As the kids scampered off—a few of them pausing to gawk at Rainbow Dash—the old mare shuffled towards Sweet and her husband. “Your aunts and uncles just finished filling us in on the business in Frostknife.”

“Oh yeah?” Reeds smiled. “How's money flowing in the Heart of Rohbredden?”

“Well, the shipping industry has experienced a major boom,” she said. “What—with the Syndicate falling and all. Free trade is at an all-time high. However, with all of the terrorist incidents taking place up in the north, it's had a major impact on the market. Things have been a bit stilted lately.”

“Oh noes...” Sweet frowned, turning towards her. “I hope our aunties and unkies aren't hurting!”

“Well, as I said, the seven seas are now open to everypony. And—by Verlaxion's glory—there hasn't been a terrorist incident in nearly a week. So things are bound to pick up.” She exhaled through a smile. “By the frost, it's good to have you back.”

“Mmmmmmmmm...” Sweet leaned in, enfolded by a deep hug. She rested her smiling cheek against her mother's chest, tickling her chin with her blue mane. “It's so good to have you having us bacccck...”

“Heheheheh...” The mother kissed Sweet on the top of her head. “I heard about the bandits in the Petrispines. I'm so glad that you're safe.”

“Yes, well, we had a good luck charm during this trip!” Reeds said.

“You don't say?” The father turned to look over at Rainbow Dash. He nodded his head. “Who's the farmer? Someone you picked up at Seed Prefecture?”

“Totally!” Sweet said. “Her name's Scootabelle!” She suddenly squinted, her muzzle mouthing: “She's a colonialist.”

“Dear me...” The mother blinked. “I think I have a cream for that!”

Hah hah hah hah hah hah!” The family all laughed.

Rainbow blinked at the group. Her marefriends twitched uncomfortably. After a gulp, the mare wheezed forth a chuckle: “Hah hah hah hah hah...”

The father strolled over and stood before her, bowing slightly. “Any friend of my children is a friend of mine. They're a good judge of character, after all. Just like their great grandmother.”

“It runs in the familyyyyy!” Sweet said.

Rainbow Dash nodded, adjusting her conical hat. “It's an honor to be here, sir. Your kids are pretty snazzy.”

“Heh...” He smiled. “Best description I've heard of them yet.”

“By the way, father.” Reeds blinked. “Just how is Nana Pearl doing?”

The old stallion glanced up at a third-story screened window overlooking the courtyard. “She's feeling much better, my boy. After last year's scare with the stomach flu, she's recovered incredibly. She's even gone on walks with the neighbors' children.”

“Oh, goodie!” Sweet clapped her hooves together. “Does that mean...?”

“Heheh... yes, dear.” The mother patted Sweet's shoulder, winking. “She'll be telling the children the Tale of Thawing before midnight.”

“Woohoo! Best Tale-Teller everrrr! Heeheehee!”

“Well that's fantastic,” Reeds said with a smile. “Looks like we arrived just in time.”

“It's going to be a fantastic month,” the father said, nodding. “The village elders have certainly outdone themselves this year. We should be able to last the entire Month of Thawing on the bounty traded to us.”

“Well, Kunmane deserves it. Especially after all that nasty business up north.” Reeds smirked, pacing across the courtyard with his father. “And on top of that, the Blight's fallen to the west... the seas are cleaning up its own muck... it's almost as if Verlaxion has something very special in store for us this year!”

“Perhaps. But remember, son. Rohbredden flourishes on what its children sow. After all, it's been a long... long time since our Goddess has appeared before the council.”

“Yeah! Let's not squander the squees!” Sweet chirped. “... ... ...Squee!

“Walk this way,” the mother said, gently ushering the two siblings towards the edge of the courtyard. “The servants must finish their preparations for tonight.”

“But of course,” Reeds said. “So, I see our aunts, uncles, and cousins are here. Any news on the neighbors' families?”

“Heh... you saw the crowd outside the town gates, didn't you?”

“Yes, but I figured... y'know...”

“Lots of ponies are wanting to avoid the northern prefectures for celebration this year. It's... sort of an unspoken truth, but it's evident in all of the bodies gathered here this evening...”

Rainbow followed the family and their conversation from a slight distance. All of the sudden, Fluttershy made a squeaking sound. Rainbow spun to look, eyes narrow.

“What's the matter, darling?” Rarity asked.

“You... sense something?” Twilight asked. “Is it griffons?”

“No...” Fluttershy rubbed her head. “And... strangely enough... this is kind of soothing.”


“Yes.” Fluttershy nodded. “It almost makes the crowd around us bearable.” She smiled gently. “It's... it's like someone very strong... very warm just gave me a hug through the walls.”

“Walls?” Twilight's muzzle scrunched. “What walls?”

“Hey girls!” Pinkie pointed straight up. “Look!”

Rainbow tilted her nose up.

A shadow lingered before the screened window of the estate's third story overlooking the courtyard. Within seconds of the pegasus glancing, the shadow limped... hobbled... and shuffled away.

“... ... ...” Rainbow Dash slowly... pensively followed after the chatting family.

On glinting wings, Windburst rocketed up out of the Petrispines and ascended to a lofty position in the air where the Commander of the Right Talon of Verlaxion hovered. He flew up and hovered before Seraphimus, catching his breath.

“Ma'am.” A salute. “Nothing to report from the path itself. Might I suggest I join Starstorm in the east or Raptr in the west? I doubt the Rogue will be hiding in open sight, and the other Sergeants could use all the help they can get.”

“No.” Seraphimus shook her helmeted head. “You may have the best eye out of all of us, Windburst, but don't discredit the skills of your partners.” Her charcoal eyes narrowed. “If they do find the Rogue, they'll undoubtedly flush her out—leading her straight to you. Keep sweeping.”

Windburst bowed in mid-air. “As you wish, Commander.” FWOOOSH! He dove back towards the sea of stalagmites, scouring the lengths of the path winding through it.

Seraphimus took a deep breath, scanning the mountains towards the north.

“Commander...” Keris spoke, hovering behind her.

Seraphimus sighed. “Yes, Lieutenant...”

“You are conducting a very thorough search here, given the geography of the region,” Keris said. He shifted his talon in his sling. “However, I feel that I must reiterate my concern.”

“But of course...”

His feathered brow furrowed. “It would not be like Rainbow Dash to hide in a place like this.”

“It would certainly serve to her advantage.”

“Maybe so. But this isn't a pegasus who necessarily favors... intelligent choices.”

“Do tell.”

“She would much rather take the daring course.” He nodded his head north. “I'm almost certain she will have proceeded onwards to Kunmane by now... or even further.”

“...in order to complete her arduous, obsessive journey eastward.”


“Your wisdom is keen, Lieutenant,” Seraphimus said. “However, imagine if we followed through with that assumption and it turns out we missed the opportunity to sufficiently locate her with a thorough sweep of the surrounding region?”

Keris exhaled. “Your skill in efficiency is unparalleled, most certainly, Commander.”

“We are the Talon,” she remarked. “It is our duty to accomplish everything with utmost tenacity and professionalism.” She shook her head. “I shall not leave any stone unturned. Especially in the pursuit of this threat.”

“And if it turns out she isn't here, and we make our way to the crowded city of Kunmane...” Keris arched an eyecrest. “...do you truly expect that to be any simpler a task than sweeping the Petrispines?”

Seraphimus fumbled for a response to that.

Soon enough, she wouldn't have to formulate one. Raptr suddenly came flying up from the west end of the stone forest. “Commander! Lieutenant!” The rookie hovered beneath them, breathless. “I found something!”

Seraphimus' armor rattled as she descended towards him. “Is it the Rainbow Rogue?”

Raptr shook his head. “No. But believe me! You'll be very interested to see this!”

Seraphimus and Keris exchanged glances, then looked at him. “Very well. Lead the way.”

The three dove westward in three silver streaks of metal.

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