• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Family That Decays Together...

Hours later...

A sunken patch of earth shifted... then shifted some more. Rocks and pebbles rolled from side to side. At last, bursts of manalight seeped outward from underneath... followed by a warm patch of air.


A hole collapsed, opening wide. Flynn was the first to step out, followed by Kelly. The two unicorns stood at the exit, slowly waving their horns left and right, illuminating the nearby farmland. While Kelly grimaced, Flynn whistled down the hole.

Kepler and Ariel emerged, both holding flares. As soon as they got a look at the land, their muzzles dropped in shock. The group remained frozen in place as Bard, Nicole, Echo, and Marie trotted out. Soon the rest of the Herald emerged, along with Rainbow Dash and her ghostly friends.

"Oh..." Twilight Sparkle's ears drooped. "...wow."

"Holy moley!" Pinkie Pie squeaked.

"Goodness..." Rarity clasped her hooves together. "...it is just as I feared."

Rainbow's eyes squinted. Her ruby pupils reflected a wintry wasteland of collapsed barns, frozen windmills, and snow-blasted silos. Every standing structure was bathed in white frost with dagger-like icicles stretching in the direction that the windigoes had stampeded overhead. Local lakes and ponds had frozen over—their ice reflecting the cosmic starlight with an eerie sheen.

Ponies whimpered, their eyes tearing up. Farmers hugged one another as they gaped at the destruction.

Tim limped out with Blue's meager support. Marie let out an audible sob as the two stallions looked on in shock.

Snow fell in drifting currents, christening the desolation.

"The supply sheds look absolutely wrecked," Applejack muttered. "See how the grass is frozen stiff? Can't imagine what carnage this cold has wrought on the dang irrigation system they've got here."

"I'm not even sure their mushroomy crops could survive!" Pinkie squeaked.

"Oh gosh..." Fluttershy whimpered.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy hung her head. "The livestock. All of those cattle with the beautiful, glowing horns."

Twilight gulped. "Dead?"

Fluttershy somberly nodded.

"What..." Rarity glanced aside. "What about the ponies on the nearby farms? The sharecroppers?"

"I... sense a few life signs to the north and east," Fluttershy said. "Huddled together about half-a-mile in either direction. I'm... not sure if they account for even a fraction of the ponies who once lived here."

Rainbow Dash looked aside. She spotted Bard standing next to Nicole and Wildcard. With a lump in her throat, Rainbow trotted over to the hatted Desperado and summoned a shuddering breath.

"Bard... I..." She sighed. "I'm so... so sorry. This... it just sucks so hard..."

Bard stared across the frozen farmland. His eyes spotted a lone gravestone in the distance. He opened his muzzle as if to say something—

"Hey!" Ariel suddenly called out from above. "Some buildings made it!" She pointed northwest from where she hovered up high. "I see two barns... and most of a farmhouse!"

"That's gotta be Mike's ranch!" Ray exclaimed, flapping his wings so that he hovered alongside her. "A standing structure is a place to start... That means we still have something to cling to!"

"We can rebuild..." Kelly gulped, then glanced aside at the others. "Can't we?"

Most of the other ponies simply stood in place, numb.

"Of course we can," Blue muttered. He pivoted about, trying to spot a part of the farm that wasn't frozen solid—but failing. "Our hard work has gotten us this far, hasn't it?"

"I would not be too fearrless, my frriend," Kepler spoke up. "This that you see beforre you is the worrk of only a tiny herrd of windigoes. Theirr trrue, unbrridled wrrath can scrrape civilization off Frrostknife's verry foundations. Rrohbrredden's capital may surrvive because of all theirr underrgrround facilities... but I doubt this farrm will endurre anotherr stampede like the last one..."

"We're all still standing, aren't we?" Blue rasped.

"Yeah, only because Rainbow Dash and her friends were able to warn us in time!" Ariel exclaimed. "And just how are you going to grow back enough of that fungal lubricant to warrant staying here another fivelight—"

"Ariel, darlin'," Bard quietly chided.

Ariel looked like she was going to protest, but one solid look from Wildcard silenced her. She hung her head with a sigh.

Bard turned to face his extended family. In a grave voice, he spoke: "Ain't no future for this place. All thangs considered... there was never much of a past. All you've ever been usin' as fertilizer here was lies... his lies. Now, I've given you the truth." He gestured. "Y'all could make like good farmers and search for some better soil... or you could keep tryin' to make water bleed from a stone. But trust me... even if you make that kind of a miracle work... the water will only poison ya." Bard took a deep breath. "Now, y'all are my brothers and sisters and I lurve ya... but I can't stay here anymore than I could decades ago. From the look of things, neither can any of you. So... I'm askin' ya... are y'all ready to do the right thing and move on? Or will this place someday earn unmarked graves for the whole lotta ya as well?"


Bard's brow furrowed. "...Well?"

James, Mike, and Kelly avoided his gaze. Nevertheless, they squirmed and fidgeted where they stood.

Bard turned and looked up. "Ray?"

The griffon winced. "Johnny, it's..." He sighed. "...this place is our home. We've spent all our lives trying to make this into something to be proud of. And if we just turn our back on what's left of it now...?"

"We'll dig a deeper cellar," Marie said. "We survived one stampede. What makes us think we can survive another?"

"There... is... nothing... here," Bard said. "The only thang you'll be raisin' here is filth! And you trust him or Tim to somehow make it all work?!"

"Old Blue has... made mistakes," Kelly muttered, still avoiding Bard's gaze. "We all have. But... let's face it." She glanced at Mike, James, and the others. "...how much better will we do without each other?"

"I'm not sayin' y'all should go it alone!" Bard exclaimed. "Just not do it here! Dammit! Why won't you open yer eyes?"

"Our eyes are open, Bard," James said. "And all I see is a home... needing to be rebuilt." He looked sadly at the Desperado. "Home is everything. I... wish you understood that."

Bard's muzzle hung open incredulously. With a frustrated breath, he folded his forelimbs and looked away.

Nicole glanced between the Desperado and her other siblings. Finally—with a fanged frown—she slapped Echo on the shoulder. "Come on, Echo. Follow me." She stomped angrily back down into the hole.

"Uhhhh... okay." Echo gulped, fumbling after her. "Whatever you say, Babe."

Tim, Blue, and Marie watched in curious silence.

Over the next few minutes, Marie and Echo reemerged, carrying thick crates full of supplies.

Blue gently helped Tim down into a sitting position. Hobbling, the old stallion stumbled over to the pair of sarosians. "What in the Hell do ya think yer doin', girl?"

"What does it look like?" Nicole huffed, slapping more crates on top of one another. "I'm giving the Herald their supplies."

"You're what?"

"Don't worry," Nicole muttered, making a second trip and coming back. "I'll leave more than enough for the rest of the family. If you all are smart, you'll take what you need and head west—out of the Twilight Lands—and into a place that has better shelter against the stampedes."

"You c-can't do this, girl!" Blue spat, shaking from bony head to bony tail. "We need all of those to rebuild!"

"You can't rebuild something that never stood in the first place," Nicole grumbled.

"They're a lyin' bunch of murderers!" Blue sneered. "They'll just take them supplies and waste 'em in a night!"

"No they won't. Besides, I'll make sure they put the stuff to good use." She turned to glare at Blue. "Because I'm going with them."

Bard blinked.

Applejack and Twilight glanced at one another.

"Hmmm..." Remna folded her forelimbs, watching from a distance.

"You're... you're... what?" Blue exhaled.

"Johnny's done all he can for this family. He deserves a lot more for opening my eyes," Nicole said. "Helping him and his friends on this journey is the least I can do."

"But... but..." At last, Blue clenched his teeth and grabbed Nicole by the shoulder. "You can't do this! I forbid it!"

"Grnnngh!" Nicole shook and yelped, "Let me go!"

"After all I did to save ya from the sins of yer own filthy kind!" Blue hollered. "This is how you repay me?! Yer alive and in one piece thanks to me!" A velvety hoof tapped him on his shoulder. The elder turned around.

"Hey there." Echo smiled, eyelashes batting. "I never did thank you for the supper you gave us the other day." WHAM! And he punched Blue straight in his wrinkly face.

"Ooomf!" Blue fell hard.

"Blue!" Marie shouted, rushing over.

Echo brushed his hooves off. "And, between you and me, it tasted like shit." His slitted eyes narrowed as he helped Nicole away. "So... sorry if that was overly generous of me just now..."

Marie panted, examining Blue's bloody chin. She gawked at Tim. "Tim! What are ya sittin' around for?! Do somethin'!"

Tim did nothing. He sat, frowning... staring off into space.

Nicole stacked up one more crate and looked at Logan and Flynn. "I... I hope this will be enough."

The stallions exchanged glances... then nodded at the sarosian with a smirk.

"It's more than enough," Flynn exclaimed.

"Screw the supplies, girl," Logan belched. "Can you be our new Ariel?"

"Hey!" pouted a voice from up above.

"Hah HAH!" Kepler laughed.

Rainbow Dash sensed something strange in her perspective. She looked aside at Remna. "...?"

Remna cleared her throat and looked at the mare. "Yes, Austraeoh?"

"Axan... I felt a seismic disturbance in the visual spectrum..." Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "Is it just my imagination... but were you smiling?"

"You must still be suffering the effects of your chaotic half," the violet mare droned. She marched off to search the wintry wasteland for the remnants of the Herald's wagon. "Your hallucinations are returning."

"Hallucinations and dizzy spells are two different things!" Rainbow Dash frowned after her. "... ... ...friggin' snapdragon!"

"Wait, are we actually leaving?" Twilight Sparkle remarked.

"With these ponies having to deal with..." Fluttershy reluctantly gestured at the destruction. "... all of this?"

Rainbow sighed. "I don't think that's up to me, girls." She looked in Bard's direction.

Wildcard must have been thinking the same thing. He stepped up to the other Desperado, gesturing.

"Yeah... yeah, you friggin' chatterbox, I'm sure of it," Bard muttered. Tipping his hat towards the frozen mess, he turned around... facing east. "Now let's get the Hell out of here."

Wildcard nodded... faithfully joining his side.

As the Desperadoes marched off, Remna whistled loudly and spoke from a distance: "Let's move out, Herald! The moment we have a wagon, let's load it up with the supplies and venture forth to find Flynn's vessel!"

"Rright away, drragon one!"

"Gawd..." Logan muttered. "...I hope he doesn't keep calling her that."

"Hush up, fatty," Flynn said, levitating the first of many crates. "The less chatter now, the better."


Rainbow watched as Echo and Nicole helped the two Heraldites with the materials. Across the way, Blue stood up, leaning painfully against a icicle-covered fencepost.

"Thieves... th-thieves...!" He gulped. "They can't get away with this too! Tim... be useful, will ya? Make them stop!"

Tim continued staring off in fuming silence.

Blue looked over. "Are you deaf, boy?! I said I need yer help!"

At last—after a grumbling sigh—Tim looked up to glare at Blue. "You shoulda told me, ya old fart..."

"Huh? Told you what?!"

"You always made it sound like Johnny's wife had no hope," Tim grumbled. "That she brought all them bad thangs upon herself."

"Well, of c-course she did!" Blue spat. "She was as filthy as all the other cheaters and whores who come from the sunlit mountains! If you ask me, it was fate that diseased her! But Johnny?" Blue shook his head. "He didn't deserve to go crooked. I only wanted to bring him back. I'm awful sorry for what happened to his young'n, but if he had never strayed away from the farm to begin with—"

Tim stood up. With a pained groan, he began trotting away.

Blue squinted. "Where in the Hell do ya thank yer goin'?"

"To do some thinkin'..." Tim shuffled, hobbled. "...'bout time I did some of that around here. Never thought I had to before... but... startin' to think I need to now..."

"Will ya stop mullin' over nothin' and help me out here?!" Blue frowned. "Just because yer older brother whallops ya, ya think he's right about the damned world?!" The old stallion shook in place. "Rnnnngh... fine! I see yer just as diseased as the rest of 'em! Have it yer way! But I'm gonna save this here farm, ya hear me?!" He fell down on his knees and started scraping and scratching at the snow, clawing his way to the dead grass and frozen soil underneath. "Rnnngh... somepony's gotta do it! This here's my land! Ain't no windigoes or murderers gonna take it from me!"

Marie sat on the sidelines, bowing her head as she quietly sobbed.

Meanwhile, Blue kept tearing and clawing away, panting through aged lungs. "Buried... buried enough d-damned souls in th-this here earth... I'm n-not gonna leave it for nothin'! Nothin' in this whole stinkin'... rotten world... do ya hear me?!" He stammered and hyperventilated. "Well?! Do ya?!"

As the minutes wore on into hours—cold and numb under the starlight—Blue found less and less ponies around him to provide an answer.

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