• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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37. Settling Accounts

Much to Lady Nocturna’s dismay, it seems that some ponies outside of her chosen circle were not impacted by her enchantment. The ponies in question were either immune or shielded in some way. That is less than ideal, but with magic of this nature that was always a risk. It is a miracle that it worked at all.

This minor failure may not actually be all that surprising. There does seem to be a correlation between failure and the cultists. It is unlikely that this is a coincidence. Lady Nocturna has been very close-lipped about that.

What has presented a greater challenge is that these cultists use an incredibly dangerous form of magic. Their spells seem to come from a school not yet known to our unicorns. These powers mirror those of the mighty alicorns of the night and allow their users to manipulate the dreams of others.

What is particularly chilling is that this should be impossible. Unicorns should not wield this level of power and, chances are, they do not. At least not on their own. This is, again, a result of my Lady’s decision.

High Marshal Moonglaive referred to Nocturna’s decision a lot in his journal. At least this journal. This wasn’t the only one, as it seemed to have begun late in his life and contained references to previous dates and events.

Of course, I only had the one and knowing what the decision or the enchantment entailed wasn’t available, at least not so far in as I had read. He did talk about my ancestor a lot, however.

Nimbus Knight has struggled with the task set before him. The idea of killing fellow ponies weighs heavily on his mind. He’s made great success in tracking down many of the cultists, but has yet to engage them. I can see he is strategizing. He wants to save them, but I am not optimistic that that is a realistic option.

These ponies hate Lady Nocturna. They hate Princess Azuleka. They hate in general and hate is not becoming of ponies. I will give him a few more days to make up his mind but, if he has not done so by then, it will likely fall on me and my guard to remove the threat.

I’ve been training this small group of knights at—

A pretty hoof settled right onto the page, interrupting my reading. I looked up at my wife.

“Do you want to read that book or go see Shining Armor and Cadence?”

That was a tough choice. Obviously I wanted to go see them! The plot was thickening in the journal, however, and it was almost like I was reading a work of fiction.

Begrudgingly, I chose the right answer. “I’d like to see my friends.”

“Well, then put that down. It will be here when we get back and we’re already running late. Put your uniform on or don’t, but we need to get going, sweetie.”

With an indignant tip of my nose, I set the journal aside and stood. Put my uniform on or not? How silly. Of course I’d wear my uniform. We were going to the palace. What was I, a rock farmer?

With practiced ease, I dressed myself, straightened up my medals, and was back out and ready to go in a few minutes.

Crystal was ready, too, and looked like her usual, beautiful self. She never overdid it. Just a little makeup here and an appropriate accessory there. The small treat tonight was that she was wearing her earrings from Glimmer World. It made me feel warm inside thinking about it.

The two of us waiting in line forever, Crystal falling asleep, and us ultimately buying more pairs than she thought we would. Every mare had been twitterpated to get them.

“Shall we go, wife?”

She smiled. “Yes we shall, husband.”

We trotted to the palace together, hoof in hoof. Life was actually starting to return to normal. A few months ago I was certain life could never be the same. That wasn’t the case, though. Things were getting better. Everything was!

There was the fact that both my physical and emotional therapy had been going extremely well. Dr. Kitty was going to make her recommendation to the medical board soon and I’d be cleared for duty. Rather, it was highly likely that I’d be cleared for active duty. Any duty I’d want, including protection details.

Life was going in the right direction and that made me happy. So much so that I leaned over and kissed Crystal on the cheek before we were even halfway to the palace.

Her eyes fluttered and she looked over at me. “And what was that for?”

“Life is good. I’m grateful you waited for me.”

Crystal snorted. “As if I’d do anything else. I waited on you my whole life. You were my knight in not-so-shining armor. The one I wanted. My happily ever after. I’m just adult enough now to know that the story doesn’t end when you get married—it just starts getting good. The real work begins after that, but it is a labor of love.”

“What a lovely thought. That is why you’re the writer.”

“Oh hush, you say that all the time. You’re not too bad when it comes to the speeches, you know. I’ve heard you address your ponies. You’ve got a way with words.”

I grinned slyly over at her. “Enough of a way to talk you into marrying me.”

Crystal daintily set a hoof against my face and pushed it. “You cad. Come on, be serious, Major. The gate guards will see us.”

Let them. I was the luckiest pony in Canterlot. “Yes, dear,” I said, doing my best to sound like Jet Set.

My wife’s eyes narrowed but she was quiet as we checked in at the palace and made our way into the castle.

Sunny was standing just inside the door and snapped to attention as we approached. Her armor was immaculate, like always, but had an even greater sheen to it. “Good afternoon, Major. I’m so pleased to see you. I am to escort you and Mrs. Wishes to the party.” Her tone was very even and flat.

“O… kay. Sunny, are you all right?”

“Yes, sir. I’m tip top. Dress right dress.” She then motioned with a hoof. “If you’ll follow me?”

Crystal and I exchanged glances and then shrugged. Perhaps we were playing a new game I wasn’t aware of.

The three of us then went up to the second floor and headed over to the smaller ballroom that the princesses often used for more intimate events.

As we were coming through the door Sunny stomped a hoof, cleared her throat, and said loudly, “Presenting Mrs. Wishes and Major Knight.”

Everypony in the room stopped and turned towards us. I didn’t know a lot of them. At least not personally. They were just various important ponies from town or within the government.

That didn’t matter, though. They hardly noticed us. Most of their eyes fell on our gold-coated friend who was acting very strangely.

Governor Cadence and Shining Armor, who were surrounded by the crowd, looked directly at me, their heads popping up. The looks turned into smiles and the two started trotting our way.

“Oh, how cute,” Crystal breathed as her eyes went right through the approaching ponies to the foal bouncing on the governor’s back. He was bigger than I imagined he’d be. Perhaps a full year old?

His coat was a rich cream color that was similar to the streaks within Cadence’s mane. In contrast to that, his mane was a midnight blue, far darker than his father’s. I’d have sworn it was black or purple if not for the contrasting streaks of gold through it that made it more obvious.

“Silent, Crystal, it is so wonderful to see you,” Cadence said when they reached us. She embraced my wife and then kissed my cheek.

Shining Armor reached a hoof towards me. As I went to bump it with my own, his went past and looped around behind my neck to pull me into a half hug. “I’m so glad you’re home safe.”

Had we ever hugged before? I wasn’t sure but didn’t care. I hugged him back. “Me, too. It is great to finally see you. Both of you.”

Shining let me go and patted my shoulder. “I am truly sorry it wasn’t sooner. Our positions just kept us away longer than we would have liked.”

Cadence cleared her throat. She was grinning at us. “Shining, isn’t there something you’re forgetting?”

“Hmm? What? Oh, right!” Shining’s magic enveloped the foal and levitated him to Crystal and me. “This is our colt, Solar Light.”

Without any hesitation, Crystal settled onto her hind legs, took the foal right out of his father’s magic, and wrapped her forelegs around him. “And he is so handsome! Just like his daddy,” she cooed before nuzzling her cheek to Solar’s.

“Solar Light? Named for his great aunt?” I asked.

“Yes, his great aunt and my father,” Shining explained.

I didn’t know Shining’s father. We’d never discussed him, and I’d never thought much about it. My eyes shifted over to where Crystal was snuggling against the foal and chattering with Cadence about little hooves, little manes, little faces, and other little things.

My attention shifted back to Shining. “Where is Princess Celestia? I’m surprised we beat her here when she lives a few halls down.”

Shining shook his head. “I’m not sure. She hasn’t arrived yet, which is odd. Normally, she’s the first pony to show up and steal my son. If this kingdom hadn’t been at war, we’d have had no issue with foal care.”

He then coughed and waved a hoof. “I’m sorry, that was really tasteless.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s all right. We’ll have to move past it sooner or later. Besides, with a foal like that, I imagine only a war could keep her busy enough to stay away?”

The other stallion just shook his head and smiled. Meanwhile, Solar made some kind of squeak, as if he was tired of being snuggled, and wiggled his small hooves towards me.

“Ah, so it is that time,” Cadence said.

Crystal’s head tilted. “That time?” she asked as she finally stopped nuzzling the foal.

“Sol is becoming a big colt and he sometimes gets fatigued with all of the affection,” Cadence explained. “He wants to have a view and likes to be tall. He rides on Celestia’s back when he can and, if not her, Shining’s. Silent Knight is the tallest pony in the room, so…” She looked at me with a smile.

“I’d be honored,” I replied before turning away from them.

Crystal set Solar Light on my back and the foal wriggled with glee. He crawled to the back of my neck, stood on his hind legs, and planted his little forehooves on my head.

“He is so cute!” Crystal squealed, her eyes glued to the foal on my back.

Cadence softly nudged her. “And Silent looks great with a foal.”

I cleared my throat and looked over at Shining Armor who merely shrugged and smiled before he mouthed, “Good luck.”

Crystal flushed. “Well, yes. I agree. We’ve been thi—“

The sound of a hoof stomping grabbed everypony’s attention, cutting her off. Sunny called, her voice raised again, “Presenting: Princess Luna.”

We all looked to the door as Princess Luna trotted through and nodded curiously at Sunny.

All of the ponies in the room bowed politely. I did the same, but extremely carefully as I didn’t want Solar Light to topple off me.

Despite the crowd and their clear interest in the princess, she came directly to us. The hugs for Shining, Cadence, and Crystal came swift and lovingly.

Mine was delayed as Princess Luna dropped her head to be at my eye level before nosing my cheek affectionately. “Silent Knight. You look good with a foal on your back. It is a shame I know better. With that shock of blue mane and cream coat, I’d almost imagine this one belonged to you and Crystal.”

“Thank you, Princess,” I stammered.

“And how are you, little stallion?” she asked.

“I am well. Actually, better than well. My medical review is coming soon and I anticipate returning to full duty. We’ve been helping a lot of ponies and that is rewarding.”

Princess Luna grinned brightly. Her hoof reached out and I presented my cheek for petting. To my slight embarrassment, it went right by to stroke Solar Light. Lucky colt.

“You are sleeping better? Your dreams are peaceful?”

Peaceful was a fact. I couldn’t even remember my last nightmare. Eagerly, I nodded. “Oh yes! Without a doubt.” Then my mind wandered briefly to what I’d read earlier. “Along those lines, I’d like to have a chat with you and the matron later though. Regarding dreams.” If Luna could view Hammer’s dreams, I could rest easy. If not… well, an investigation was in order.

Princess Luna softly brushed her hoof along my short-cropped, tall mane, admiring it. “Yes, of course. Come by anytime.”

She then turned to Shining Armor and Cadence. “And hello, you two. I see you’ve loaned out your foal to somepony other than my sister.”

Cadence giggled and shrugged. “First come, first served. Where is Celestia, anyway?”

“I’m afraid I don’t have the foggiest of ideas. I haven’t seen her since breakfast this morning. She’d said something about settling an account.”

As if on cue, Sunny stomped her hoof, cleared her throat, and said loudly, “Ladies and gentleponies, fillies and colts, it is my esteemed pleasure to present Princess Celestia and her date, Miss Azurite.”

All eyes turned to the door once again as the princess trotted in proudly. Confusion played on the faces of everypony there, mine included. Azurite was riding on Princess Celestia’s back, carefully holding onto her mane.

To say that Azurite’s face was lit with more joy than the sun is bright on the longest day of summer would have been an understatement. Her apparent glee bordered on the insane.

With a confidence that only Princess Celestia could muster she strode into the room as if she didn’t have an adult mare on her back. Her head tilted down towards Sunny. “Thank you, Captain.”

As we all bowed, Sunny did so far lower. She threw her right forehoof out while tucking the left back in a formal genuflection.

Celestia smiled. “Crystal Wishes, Silent Knight, Cadence, and Shining Armor all back together again. This couldn’t be any nicer. Oh wait, I was wrong, it could! Hello, little Sol.”

The foal lit up and squeaked happily as he clapped his forelegs against my head. Any enjoyment of my back was far inferior to the attention of Princess Celestia.

As the pure white alicorn reached us, Azurite peered down at me from her perch. She tipped her nose, looked down it, and said, “Major Knight, the tables have turned. Who is the tallest pony now?”

Princess Celestia looked back at her apparent date and said, "Be nice, Azu, with great height comes great responsibility.”

The tiny blue mare flatted against the princess’s back, as if bowing and whispered, “Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry!”

Had everypony gone crazy? None of this was making any sense. At least until something fired in my brain that put it all together. It was all lining up. This was the result of the bet! I looked over at Sunny and grinned. She was being me. Well, at least an exaggerated approximation of me.

Around that time, the weight on my back, however small it was, disappeared as the foal was wrapped in alicorn magic and floated away.

“And who is my great-nephew? Who is?”

Solar Light just wiggled all the more and reached out for the princess.

“That’s right! You are. Come, sit next to Azurite. She likes foals, too!”

As the foal landed on Princess Celestia’s back I couldn’t help but feel warm inside. This is how things used to be. A bit crazy, but that was normal for the palace.

Shining Armor put a hoof around me and said, “Well, now that you’re no longer a beast of burden, why don’t we take a walk and catch up a little bit?”

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

We trotted away from the mares and out into the hallway. Shining Armor just chuckled softly. “Yes, sir?” he repeated in a crude imitation of my voice.

“Yes? Sir?”

“Silent, I realize you’re in uniform, but I’m not and this isn’t an official function. Surely you’ve gotten past this in all of these years. Work is work and home is home. This is home.”

I shrugged. “Consider it a reminder of my extreme respect for you. And you’re still a Brigadier, even off duty.”

He patted me on the shoulder again. “You’re going technical on me again, but fair enough. I’ll take it in the spirit by which it is meant. Now tell me, how’re you doing? You look great. To be honest I was worried you wouldn’t. No offense. I’ve just seen what a lot of the ponies that came back look like.”

“None taken. If you’d seen me right when I arrived, your opinion might be different. Thankfully, I have good friends and family to take care of me. As well as a few nutty helpers. Things have been going well.

“Almost too well, I guess? We have a house now. That is neat. I am starting to feel even more like an adult, and that is odd. Crystal is doing her own thing above and beyond what she used to. She runs the foundation and all that other stuff. Still, she finds time for me every day and is spending a lot of effort getting our house just right.”

Shining Armor chuckled. “So she’s nesting. It won’t be long before you have a foal of your own riding on your back.”

“I’m not so sure. Crystal has so much going on.” Idly, I mentioned all of her roles a second time.

“Keep lying to yourself, Silent.” Shining said with a grin. He waved a hoof. “Anyway, I know you’ve been busy with this light duty you’ve got going on… if you could call it that. With the medical review coming up and your likely passing it, I want to know: what is the next move for your career?”

My ears shot up. He brought me out here to catch up, teased me about my mare, and now we’re suddenly talking about work? “I haven’t thought much about it. For now, it has all been about getting our ponies home and reintegrated.”

“Sure, sure. That is an extremely important role but it is terminal. In a month or two, there won’t be any more ponies coming home. So you need to be thinking about that.”

That was the same thing Minister Sombra had told me. It was a decision I’d been putting off. I was happy doing what I was doing and focusing on the future was not ideal.

When I didn’t respond immediately Shining pushed on, “I take it there isn’t much hope in you returning to the Crystal Empire? Especially with a nest… I’m sorry, house, right here?”

I shook my head. “No, sir. I’ve built up a lot of sweat equity in the place and Crystal has her heart set on it.” I teasingly countered, “Any chance of you moving back to Canterlot?”

There wasn’t, of course. Cadence was the governor and Shining Armor was the provincial guard commander. There was no way they’d—

“Yes, actually. Now that things have calmed down, Cadence isn’t going to run for reelection. She wants to spend more time with Sol while he is still young. There are quite a few brigadier positions open right now as well.

“One caught my eye in particular. Central Command is looking for a new commander of the readiness, training, and recruitment command.”

“Oh. That would be amazing. You’d make an excellent RTR commander.”

He smiled. “Thank you. With that in mind, this is quite a different command than I’m used to and not all of my staff will be transitioning with me. Many are going to remain with the Crystal Empire City Guard.

“You see, I’m going to need ponies local to Canterlot and familiar with Cent Com. I could use you on my team when this all happens. I think you, of all ponies, would be excellent for, say, my chief of staff?”

Chief of staff? The chief of his staff? The chief of staff for the commander of Cent Com RTR? “That… is extremely generous? I’m not sure what I’ve done to earn that offer.”

“Why am I not shocked you still have this attitude? Your service for the whole time you were under my command was excellent. Yes, I understand that things went a bit off course with Princess Luna’s black operation, but it doesn’t surprise me you went along with it.

“That was also years ago and your service in the war was exemplary. You showed yourself to be a compassionate commander and tactical expert. You could get letters of recommendation from General Ironhoof, Brigadier Hammer, and a host of colonels. You don’t think you deserve the job based on that?”

My nose wrinkled. There it was. Right in the middle. My greatest shame. My head shook. “I couldn’t accept. Not based on those things.”

Shining Armor’s head tilted. “What do you mean? That is quite a resume, Silent. It rivals my own.”

It did, but he’d never run his own black operation and then let somepony else take the blame for it. No, if he was going to offer me any job ever again, he’d know the truth.

I took a deep breath. Lying to my mentor was not acceptable. Lying to a friend was the lowest thing imaginable. It was time to just get past this, regardless of the consequences. “Sir… Shining Armor, off the record. Just you to me… can you set aside the rank for a minute? I don’t have a helmet to take off.”

His ear quirked after I used his name. “Sure. Of course.”

“The black operation was me. Just me… me under the influence of some bad factors and being encouraged by a pony that had an agenda. It was still me, though. The princesses chose to cover for me and Princess Luna took responsibility since it would be believable that I’d do anything and everything she asked… but she never ordered it. She didn’t even know about it.

“I gave the order and you need to know that. I can’t allow you to make decisions based on false information. Misleading everypony once haunts me. I worked hard every day to make that right. I’d rather tell you the truth, lose your respect and possibly my job, than lie again.”

Shining Armor blinked a few times and just stared at me. There it was. I’d finally told him. I should have been afraid, perhaps even a bit worried. When it came to my job, I wasn’t. I just didn’t want to lose a friend.

Finally, he smiled and lightly rapped me on the side of the head with a hoof. “I know.”

“What?” What he’d said was far more shocking than the mock blow.

“Come on, do you really think Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and my own wife could keep a secret like that from me? Or that I’d even believe that one of the princesses would order that kind of mission?

“Cadence folded like a house of cards under the minimal scrutiny. The princesses begged me to keep it to myself. Luna even ordered it. Sheepishly.”

My blood ran cold. He’d known for so long and I’d never said anything. I’d been avoiding him and the subject for a while, too. The war made that convenient.

Really, why was I surprised? Crystal told me everything. Absolutely everything. And the story was unbelievable if you truly knew the princesses. I just shook my head no. No, I didn’t think they could keep that secret.

“I just wanted to make sure you were still the same honorable pony you used to be. I’m sorry for tricking you, but I’m glad you passed the test. The Silent Knight I’d want to hire would never be able to accept the job if he knew I’d offered it based on a lie.

“Sir, I… Why didn’t you update my file?”

He snorted. “And waste a good guard because he didn’t get the appropriate help? No. You ran a black operation and killed an enemy of the kingdom. You put other ponies at risk, you put yourself in danger, but even in a compromised state, without the support of the Guard, you pulled it off.

“Don’t get me wrong, I was deeply upset when Cadence told me. I couldn’t understand how you’d do something like that, but after a lot of ranting and raving, I decided to calm down and think it over before doing anything.

“After that, and—as I mentioned, with great urging from the mares in my life, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and kept my mouth shut. Then the war went hot and it didn’t matter anymore. You were there doing what you had to, so what good would it be to disgrace you?

“That wasn’t it, though. No, it was when the first combat-wounded ponies started coming back. They had similar problems, and it clicked for me. You weren’t exactly you.”

He settled back, set both forehooves on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. “You seem to be you again. That is the pony I want when all of this happens, assuming you choose to accept my offer this time.

“So get through the medical review board, do what you’re supposed to do, and we’ll talk again. All right?”

“All right.” It was all I could say. He knew. He’d known. For a while. Years.

Shining stretched a bit and stood back up. “Now enough about that. I have something critical to ask you as a friend. My son is extremely important to me. He has a lot of wonderful mares in his life, but not many stallions.

“Should something happen to me, I want him to have a stallion around that can teach him stallion things. I’m not asking you to be his promise father. Should something happen to Cadence and I, he goes to my sister, then my parents, then Princess Celestia, then Princess Luna.

“Regardless of that, if something does happen to me… even if it is only me, I expect you to teach him to be a good stallion like you. Honest, honorable, and fair. Teach him to be a soldier if he wants to be one. Finish what I start. Please.”

“All right,” I repeated, blinking. Shock was setting in.

“Good. You need to start thinking all of this over. Cadence only has about a year left on her term. I want an answer sooner than that, Major.” Shining Armor then patted me on the head and trotted back into the party, leaving me to my thoughts.

So many thoughts.

Author's Note:

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, an Ask Us form to submit questions, responses to said questions, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon.

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