• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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64. Welcome Guests

Velour Step was quickly becoming my favorite lunch time appointment. Since receiving the title Captain of the Canterlot Guard a month back, my life had become far more predictable. That meant it was easy to schedule times for the important things in life.

Today, for example, was block time with my promise son. We were lying on the floor of Velvet’s place and building a castle. Well, Velour called it a castle, but it was more of a palace. It was far less defensible than I’d have liked. Those weren’t the lessons I was meant to teach, though, and I doubted the little pony figures he was playing with were going to assault our work.

“Fly?” Velour asked in his sweet little voice. His body had finally hit the point where he’d outgrown his wings. They hadn’t caught up yet and probably wouldn’t for a while longer.

I grinned and plucked him off the floor and set him on my back. “Anytime, buddy!” Flying, of course, meant me lazily flapping in circles around the apartment. He loved it and I loved that he was happy, so that was what we did.

Velvet came out of her room as I went by and leaned in the doorway to watch. “You know he’s working on saying Uncle Silent?”

My ear flicked at that as I went by again. “He hasn’t said it to me.”

“He won’t until he gets it right in his mind. That’s just how he is,” she explained.

“Ah, a perfectionist.”

Velvet shrugged. “Perhaps a little bit. He loves his uncle, though. He knows he is a big, important pony that isn’t too important to come see him.”

Velour pulled on my mane so I turned in to dive close to the floor and then break back up. All in slow, controlled motion, of course. “I’d never stand up a lunch appointment with my promise son.”

“Yeah, I know. You’re a good promise father. So, listen. About before?”

“Before when?” I asked.

“Faster!” Velour giggled gleefully.

“Before, before. You know, when I kicked you… and then all of the time between now and then,” Velvet said as she idly rubbed a hoof on the doorframe.

“Okay?” I replied cautiously.

“I was just looking out for Crystal. You hurt her a lot and that hurt me. I couldn’t understand you while you were doing it or her for taking it. It all made me angry. I probably could have handled those feelings better, but I’m not saying I’m wrong,” she explained.

Velour and I dive bombed the castle before pulling up and crashing into the couch at an extremely low speed. That yielded squeals of delight from my passenger. “I can understand your point of view.” I honestly could.

“Yeah… well… look, when you were under the spell with your new memories, you showed up and begged Crystal to take you back. You promised her you’d give up everything and you meant it. You put it all aside just to be with her. That is all I ever wanted, okay?”

I came to a soft landing beside the bedroom door and pointed a wing at Velvet’s chest. “All passengers please exit the Silent Knight to catch your connection at Mommy Station,” I said. Velour obediently crawled down my wing into Velvet’s hooves.

“Time for me to get back to the office,” I said as I retrieved my helmet and put it on. Before I left, I nodded at Velvet. “Okay. Start fresh?”

“Yes, please,” she said.

“Sounds good to me. See you two later! Keep practicing, little buddy!” I called before heading out and flying towards the palace.

Life was starting to fall into a normal rhythm. It was the kind of life I had when I was a House Guard. The kind of life I’d idealized and pined after during the war. A good, honest life with friends and family.

Velvet and I could work through our differences in time. Crystal and I were as close as ever. Then there was also the fact that I was a guard again. My whole life had revolved around being a guard in the past.

That was the past, though. Now I had to take Jet Set’s advice to heart. It wasn’t all about me and the guard anymore. It was about Crystal, the Guard, and me. That is why I would devote myself to training guards better than I’d been trained. To be the best but to also have a balance in their lives.

When I landed in the courtyard, every guard nearby dropped what they were doing and snapped to attention. Even after a month to get accustomed to me, the shock of seeing a new Captain hadn’t quite subsided. The title I held was a big deal, but I figured in time that things would calm down as they had for Shining Armor.

It was fair that everypony would be slightly shaken up, however, as I’d started making changes. The Captain of the Canterlot Guard had a lot of flexibility in how the job was executed here in the city.

My first act had been to move my office into the palace itself. With the permission of the crowns, of course. They’d been eager for me to do so. That put me close to both House Guard commanders, the Palace Guard commanders, and, of course, the alicorns.

That had kicked off another round of renovations but, despite my rank and title, I kept my offices to a reasonable size. One open work area, a private office for me, a private office for a deputy, a break room, and a conference room. Anything more than that would have been showing off.

Because of that decision, I had not requested a large support staff. Shining Armor had gotten by with very few ponies and I wanted to follow his example. The more hooves-on I was, the better gains our new guards would make.

As I neared the door to my offices, Miley Hooves came trotting out of the double doors. “Captain! Messages!” she cheerfully called right before her tail got caught on the door handle, yanked her back, and caused her to fall flat on her face. She’d gotten clumsy again, but I’d always found it endearing and it no longer seemed to hurt her morale.

I trotted over, helped her up, and dusted her off. “Messages?”

Miley bounced right up and snapped to attention. “Yes, sir! Princess Luna wants to see you at your earliest possible convenience. Raven needs to see you at your earliest possible convenience. Major Brock needs to see you at your earliest possible convenience. Oh! And Brigadier Armor—”

“Needs to see me at my earliest possible convenience,” I filled in for her as we started to trot into the open work area together.

“Yes, sir!” she chimed happily.

I went over to her desk, the big one that sat right outside of my personal office, and started to dig through the messages. “You’re missing some paperwork, Sergeant,” I said.

Miley gasped and started looking through the paperwork, too, her brown hooves scrambling over it all. “What! Where?”

“I noticed that your application for warrant officer school still hasn’t found my desk nor does it seem to be on yours. Do you know how embarrassing it is for the Captain of the Canterlot Guard’s aide to be a sergeant?” I asked, keeping my voice even. It honestly didn’t embarrass me one bit, but it was a good way to help further Miley’s career.

“I’m sorry, sir! It was done, I swear it was! But… but…”

I raised one brow. “But?”

“But it caught on fire and I have to start over,” Miley explained sheepishly.

“Caught on fire?” I asked in surprise.

She nodded emphatically. “I was finishing it up last night and I had a candle there…” She pointed to a scorch mark on her desk. “… and when I picked the papers up, woosh! They burst right into flames. I’ll finish them again today, I promise.”

I idly rubbed the bridge of my nose and nodded. “Okay. See that you do. Where is everypony else? Why is this office empty?”

Miley looked around and then beamed. “I sent them all to lunch! I told them I could handle it all myself.”

“How kind of you. Did you get something to eat?”

“Yes, sir! Millicent dropped by and we shared a whole bunch of lettuce wraps. I left some in the ice box in case you wanted to nibble.”

“Thank you, I might just do that. I’ll be in my office for now, though,” I replied before walking inside and settling behind my desk. A lesson I’d quickly learned in my first month was that the captain could never respond to everypony immediately or they would grow to expect a fast turnaround on everything.

Prioritizing was key. First the princess, then Shining Armor, then Raven, then anypony else. Once I had that group sorted, I then had to balance those meetings with my other work. And did I have a lot of work!

From where I had been, I simply didn’t realize how many ponies had been pulled out of the Royal Guard to be sent to the war. All told, eighty percent of all royal guards had spent at least some time in Nordanver. Most only did a single rotation and spent their time guarding a town or city, but they saw the impacts firsthoof.

Of that eighty percent, roughly half had seen some kind of combat. Not that kind I’d seen, of course. Just little skirmishes and such. Enough to have most of them seriously considering their reenlistments. The Royal Guard had seen a twenty percent decline in retention.

That meant we needed to find new ponies and convince retired ones to return. Unfortunately, the war had had a similar impact on recruitment. It was down sixty percent in some areas. Canterlot was down thirty percent alone. It was a mess.

Of the ponies that did respond, most of them were not able to make the cut and Command had refused to lower standards. A decision I wholeheartedly agreed with. Putting ponies that weren’t fit for duty on duty was a bigger risk than spreading the ones we already had thin.

My musing on how to fix these issues was interrupted by the sounds of giggling outside my door. That meant my staff had returned from lunch. They were all mares save one, all on the young side, and all the giggling type. That wasn’t a problem for me. They got their work done and were extremely efficient about it.

I’d learned that you don’t always want the most Royal Guard looking pony to fill a position. Results mattered more. Azurite was a prime example of that, so when I built my staff I’d taken advantage of her skills to help find ponies to fill the roles I needed.

The giggling subsided and I turned back to the documents I’d been reading. The City Guard was in the worst shape. City guards were, for the most part, entry level positions. Many a fine pony spent their whole career there, but royal guards everywhere hoped to become a palace or house guard.

Those outfits were doing just fine. Even with me pulling Miley out of Princess Luna’s House Guard, they had no issue attracting the best and brightest. No, I needed to start at the lowest level and work my way up.

Outside in the main area, I heard a knock followed by somepony getting up to answer it. There was some hushed whispers, the sound of hurried hooves coming towards my door, and finally some quick knocking.

“Come in.”

Miley Hooves poked her head in eyes wide. “Captain… I… we… your attention is required immediately!”

Another senior officer with an issue perhaps? I stood up and stretched. “Alright, what is the crisis now?” I asked.

Miley was pointing back behind herself. “The Temple Guard is here,” she stammered.

I shook my head. “Which one?”

The little brown mare was quaking in her hoofguards. “All of them. They are all at the gate demanding an audience with the crowns right now.”

“What? What in Equestria do you mean?” I asked, hurrying around my desk and out of my office. The Palace Guard lieutenant responsible for the gate was standing there looking nervous.

“Captain, Exarch Glory requests an immediate audience with the princesses,” he said, as if Miley hadn’t told me the same thing.

Exarch Glory was here with all of the temple guards? What would bring them out of their grounds? I wasn’t even aware the exarch was in the city. She rarely was. An occasion as odd as this definitely required immediate action.

“Lieutenant, gallop back down to the gate and inform the exarch I will attend her directly,” I ordered.

“Yes, sir!” he replied before saluting and galloping away as instructed.

While I puzzled over what was going on, I went through the motions of command. “Sergeant Hooves, go find Major Day and Lieutenant Snow and instruct them to get the crowns ready for an unexpected visit from the exarch. Have the Palace Guard clear the throne room completely.”

“Yes, sir!” Miley replied before she started ordering various members of my staff to go to specific ponies.

I took a moment to make sure my armor was in order before making my way down to the courtyard. The second lesson I’d learned was that the Captain of the Canterlot Guard does not gallop anywhere. No, I had to be calm, cool, and collected to build confidence in my ponies.

When I reached the courtyard, I strode across it as if today was like any other day. In truth, however, I was shocked. Miley Hooves had not been exaggerating. There were as many as a hundred temple guards standing outside the gate. All of them were armed and armored.

There was no chance that they’d all come from Canterlot. I’d been on those temple grounds enough to know that. Many of these ponies had come from somewhere else. Nearby temples, most likely.

At the head of the group was Exarch Glory looking very much as powerful and radiant as the day I’d seen her on the battlefield. She’d never taken a wound but that was largely due to the fact Exemplar Ferrel had been there to protect her.

Our eyes met as I approached, and she bowed her head briefly. “I believe we have met. You are Silent Knight, commander of the Black Dragoons, correct?”

I bowed in return, going a bit lower to show my respect for her office. After all, she was like the general of the Temple Guard. “We have, briefly, Exarch. I am indeed Silent Knight, but the Black Dragoons are no more. Today, you address the Captain of the Canterlot Guard, servant of the crowns.

“Your visit is most welcome, but I must ask why you’ve marched on this gate without notice or warning, and with so many armed soldiers. For what cause would the Temple Guard rise in arms?”

The gate lieutenant and several of his guards all blinked in shock, their expressions straying far from what was appropriate for a guard. They had not expected such a response from me, but I understood how these games were played now.

Exarch Glory stood to her full height. “You have my apologies for appearing as such, but I give you my word that it was necessary. I bring tidings of magnificent importance that must be shared immediately with the alicorns.”

Tidings of magnificent importance? That was an interesting prospect. “By all means, share with me these tidings and I shall call upon them to grant an audience.”

The exarch shook her head. “I cannot. What I must say, I must say to them first, and they may do with that knowledge as they please. Though you are a loyal servant to these princesses, some matters must go to them directly.”

That is how it was to be, then. It would have been within my rights to refuse such a thing, but I had no reason to believe the exarch was anything but genuine. “I understand. Then allow me to personally escort you to them.

“I cannot allow your guards inside the palace, however. It is not my habit to admit so many armed ponies into the direct presence of the crowns. They are welcome to remain in the courtyard until your return. I personally guarantee your safety.”

The exarch nodded. “That is acceptable. My safety is not my concern. I beg one indulgence, however.” She directed my attention over her shoulder and motioned to two priestesses that were carrying a large basket.

“Part of my tidings include a gift for the alicorns alone. A gift I dare not leave here. I give you my word that it is of no threat to them or anypony. Please allow these priestesses and it to accompany me.”

That set off a lot more warning alarms in my mind. Almost anypony else asking to bring a sealed gift into the palace would have been searched and scrutinized. This was a delicate situation, however, as Exarch Glory was an important dignitary.

Of course, her kind had also murdered the alicorns of old, so that made things all the more difficult to decide. Maristella was gone, however, and it was unlikely her influence was poisoning the minds of these ponies.

Exarch Glory was powerful, but I doubted very much she’d overpower both House Guards and myself. “Very well, if you three would follow me, please,” I replied before taking the lead and heading back into the palace, towards the throne room.

When we arrived, everypony was still getting ready. There were two palace guards, two of Princess Luna’s guards, and two of Princess Celestia’s guards all waiting outside the main door to the throne room.

I motioned vaguely in their direction. “Doors, please.”

They stumbled over themselves trying to figure out who would do the honor. Finally, it was agreed that the palace guards, who normally did the task, would do so.

“This way, Exarch,” I said, motioning into the long hall of the Equestrian throne room.

Princess Luna sat in the center throne at the top of the dais. Her sister was at her right hoof in what we’d teasingly dubbed the ‘little sister’ chair.

At the foot of the dais was Sunny Day and Midnight Snow, holding the positions that were normally filled by two palace guards.

To the left of the long carpet that led up to the thrones was every on-duty member of Princess Luna’s House Guard. Princess Celestia’s made up the right. As the Exarch walked in, they all snapped to attention.

I waited until the doors closed behind us before clearing my throat. With a stomp of my hoof, I announced, “May I present Exarch Glory of the Unicorn Temple.”

Exarch Glory approached the base of the dais and bowed low. “Great alicorns, forgive me for coming to your home in such a way. It was necessary, however, as something has happened that has not happened in thousands of years.”

The priestesses approached as well but remained several paces back behind the exarch. That was where I lingered, keeping an eye on the basket.

Princess Luna sat tall on the throne, her mane waving as if it were being blown by an evening breeze. “Such a statement is most curious and bold. You are welcome in this palace and, I hope, so too shall be your news.”

“It shall, of that I have no question,” the exarch replied before turning and motioning to the ponies with the basket.

The pair knelt down, letting it gently rest on the floor. The top was then illuminated in the exarch’s magic as she pulled it free and set it aside before she approached it. As delicately as she could she reached inside and pulled a blanket-wrapped bundle out.

She turned back to the dais. “Three days prior, as the new exemplar of the Canterlot Unicorn Temple attended her duties, she found a guest hidden within her barracks room. One may even say a guest both new and old.”

Exarch Glory slowly pulled the blanket back, revealing the head and face of a sweet, sleeping foal. A unicorn foal, whose horn was barely starting to crest through her white coat and golden mane.

I’d been the closest pony to the basket and I couldn’t help but approach. It couldn’t be. Could it?

Exarch Glory offered the bundled foal to me specifically. I settled onto my hind end and held out my forehooves for her. When she set the foal in my hooves, I knew immediately who it was. “Ferrel?” I whispered.

“It would appear so, Captain Knight. A foal so similar that it is hard to imagine anything else. There is more. Please remove the blankets,” Exarch Glory said.

Without hesitation, I carefully unwrapped the foal, trying not to wake her. As the blanket finally came free I was shocked. She had tiny wings and a cutie mark. Not just any cutie mark, either: an hourglass. The top had a sunrise on it but the lower portion was unmistakably the same.

“An alicorn,” I blurted out in surprise.

“Yes,” the exarch replied before bowing her head and backing away.

All of the guards around me gasped in surprise. I held her up and many of them approached to peer at her. That is when she woke up, blinking her bright blue eyes and wiggling in my grasp.

“Silent Knight, bring her to me,” Princess Celestia ordered in a clear, calm voice.

I cradled her to my chest and looked at the huddle of ponies around me. They were all staring in shock. “Make way,” I said softly and they did so.

Carefully, I walked along the red carpet to the base of the dais. Sunny and Midnight both poked their heads close to look at her.

“I can’t believe it…” Sunny whispered.

“It’s a miracle,” Midnight said in reply.

Using my wings to keep balance, I took the foal up the dais and offered her to Princess Celestia. She took her immediately and cradled her in her forelegs, holding her close to her heart.

Princess Luna had been shocked to silence. She sat, just staring down at the bright-eyed foal.

“Princess…” I whispered.

“What? Oh, yes,” she replied before turning her attention to the rest of the room. A room that was in disarray now. Sunny and Midnight were halfway up the dais and everypony else was huddled around the base, peering up.

Princess Luna spoke firmly and calmly, “Exarch Glory, you have spoken true. You have brought the greatest gift this kingdom has known in over a thousand years. In doing so, you are securing the future of everypony and protecting harmony itself. You have my deepest gratitude.”

The exarch bowed low. “It was my privilege, Great Alicorn. I thank you for your hospitality, but I and my kind must now take our leave. We must keep our distance, as you well know. Without question, she is now where she belongs.”

“Yes… yes, of course. You have my leave. Be well, Exarch, and express our gratitude to your ponies,” Princess Luna said.

Exarch Glory and her priestesses backed out of the throne room, leaving us to figure out what would happen next. Nopony dared make a sound.

Princess Celestia was softly rocking Ferrel and cooing. If she was aware of anything else, I’d have been surprised.

Princess Luna cleared her throat. “We have much to consider now, haven’t we?”

That is when I realized I was still on the dais, sitting right between the thrones and staring down at Ferrel.

“She’s back,” I said with a smile.

Princess Celestia finally spoke. “No… no, Silent Knight. You must understand, the pony you knew and loved is gone. This beautiful filly will not be her as you knew her. Do not set yourself up for hurt. This pony is best described as inspired by her and what an inspiration to have.”

That thought would normally have saddened me, but not in this case. I was too happy to care. Having some part of Ferrel was better than no part, even if I did know that ponies who came back as alicorns lost much of who they were. Both princesses had told me that.

Princess Luna peered down at the foal. “What are we to do, Sister?”

“We raise her. We teach her right from wrong. We share with her everything we know and, one day, she will rule in my place beside you,” Princess Celestia whispered.

“Rule beside me?” Princess Luna asked in confusion.

“Yes, of course. My time has passed, Luna. I’m tired. Now, I have two ponies to mentor. So I shall mentor, you shall rule, and she shall learn…” Princess Celestia said before looking up to me. “And the captain shall protect her as he has protected my sister.”

I nodded. “Yes, Princess,” I whispered.

“I will rule?” Princess Luna asked with a bit of fear in her voice.

Princess Celestia smiled softly. “Yes, you will rule. I will be right here for you every day, but my time is over. It is your turn now. Your turn to be loved, adored, and renowned across the kingdom. You are ready, Luna. You’ve been ready but don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

The two embraced, holding each other tightly while cradling the foal together. It was a beautiful sight. It also started to get me thinking about what had to be done. Now I was needed more than ever.

I turned around to find Sunny almost all the way up the dais, trying to sneak a peek. “Major Day,” I said, putting my officer’s tone back into my voice.

“Yes, sir!” Sunny called, snapping back to reality.

“The task of protecting Fe— this foal, falls to you directly. We cannot entrust such an important pony with a new House Guard, so we will expand yours instead.

“It is time that you form a second section. You’ll need a lieutenant for both, but don’t think that means you can sit back and relax while they do all of your work. I expect you to train them both. You’ll be responsible for two alicorns; do you think you can handle that?” I asked.

“Yes, sir! You know I can! I’ll get started right away. We’ll protect Fer— her… foal… uh what do we call her?” Sunny asked.

“Asvoria,” Princess Celestia said softly.

“Asvoria?” Princess Luna blinked.

“Yes, that is her name,” Princess Celestia simply replied.

I motioned at Sunny with a wing. “Lady Asvoria. That is a fine name. I expect to start seeing applications on my desk by tomorrow.”

“You’ve got it!” Sunny said before she started to back her way down the dais. “Sir! You’ve got it, sir!”

Midnight Snow had crept halfway up the dais to peer at the alicorn too. Our eyes met and she looked like a foal that had just been caught with her hoof in a cookie jar. “Lieutenant,” I said.


“While Major Day is busy recruiting a new section, you’ll look after both House Guards in her stead.”

She nodded. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

My eyes fell to all of the house guards huddled at the base of the dais. “And the rest of you, I know this is a once-in-a-thousand-years occurrence, but please remember that you’re on protection duty at this exact moment. Get back to your posts!” I ordered.

All of the guards started to scramble back to where they were supposed to be, a bit of embarrassment on their faces. I didn’t blame them, though. Deep inside, I was elated. A new alicorn! Ferrel as an alicorn! What would she be like?

“Princess, in the meantime, I assume you can look after Lady Asvoria?” I asked.

Princess Celestia had coaxed the foal back to sleep and smiled. “I’ll not leave her side. In fact, I don’t think this throne room is appropriate for my little student. There are too many sharp edges.

“I’m going to go find Raven and have a nursery set up in my chambers. Luna, can handle my schedule for the rest of the day. She’s going to be taking over, after all. Right, Luna?”

“Of course, go and tend the foal,” Princess Luna said softly.

Princess Celestia and all of her house guards then left us alone. Once the door was closed behind them, Princess Luna let out a long breath. “Well…”

I settled on the ground beside her throne. “I guess you’re in charge now.”

“So it would appear.”

“Are you ready?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, Silent Knight. No, I am not. I am scared, but do you know what?”

“What is that?”

She smiled. “I’m not terrified. It is good to be afraid but not terrified, yes?”

It was a speech I’d given her a long time ago. I smiled and reached out to set my hoof on hers. “Yes, and you’re going to do great as the lead princess. And I’ll be here for you every step of the way.”

Princess Luna squeezed my hoof and nodded. “Just like old times.”

“Just like it.”

The princess then cleared her throat. “Send for Willowy Tempest. She and I must craft a news release. The kingdom must know of Lady Asvoria.”

“Yes, Princess, right away,” I replied before letting her go and trotting down the dais to do her bidding. It was how things should be, and that made me happy.

It had been a far longer day than I’d planned. By the time I landed outside of our house, the sun was long down and I’m sure Crystal had already had dinner.

I trotted through the door to find her seated on our large couch, peering over the back at me. She was grinning wide. “Sweetie! You’re late, but I forgive you, because the most amazing thing happened today!”

Oh, I’m sure she thought that! A new book deal? A new author? I trotted over and gave her a soft smooch. “Actually, before you go, can I? Truly, the most amazing thing happened today at the palace.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know! I doubt i—”

I’d set my hoof gently on her lips. “Trust me, this is the biggest news you could imagine.”

Crystal grinned, her head cocked. She swatted my hoof. “Alright, Silent. Wow me.”

Oh, I’d wow her! I took her hooves in mine. “The Exarch of the Unicorn Temple showed up at the palace today, out of the blue, with a hundred temple guards. Armed to the teeth.”

My wife’s ear flicked. “What! Why?”

“She had a gift for the princesses,” I explained, drawing this out.

“That’s your big news? A gift from the exarch?”

I grinned. “It was Ferrel… returned as an alicorn! There is an alicorn foal in the palace at this exact moment!”

Crystal gasped. “What! Seriously?”

“Yes! The crowns are going to announce her tomorrow. Lady Asvoria!”

Crystal pouted. “A new alicorn! In our lifetime? Well, now my news isn’t going to seem all that important. Maybe I should just save it for tomorrow.”

Eagerly, I squeezed her hooves and pressed my cheek to hers. “Oh, come on, honey, I’m sorry I stole your thunder. What happened today?”

My wife’s nose wiggled and she fluttered her eyelashes as our gazes met. “Well, it isn’t as big a deal as an alicorn foal… but, since you’re talking about foals, let’s just say that it won’t be long before little Asvoria is going to have a cousin to play with.”

“A cousin?” I asked in confusion. Crystal was grinning at me. A cou— “Wait… really?”

“Yes!” she squealed before throwing her hooves around me.

I wrapped her up in mine and held on tight. “Your news is way bigger!”

She laughed and started pressing kisses all over my face. “Only for us, Daddy.”

My nose wrinkled and I poked her with a wing. “Don’t ever call me that. Only the foal gets to call me that!”

“Fine, fine! Come on, come sit with me and I’ll tell you everything the doctor said.”

I hurried to remove my armor and then swooped over onto the couch so I could pull Crystal up against me. Gently, I stroked through her mane and thought about how lucky I really was.

“So, I was feeling off lately and I just happened to be by the clinic today on my way to a meeting, so I ducked in. I explained my symptoms to the nurse and she just started grinning.”

She giggled. “A couple of tests later and the doctor sat me down and said I was going to be a mom in about eight months.”

I gasped. “Eight months, that isn’t a lot of time to prepare!”

“Oh, hush! You know we’ll be ready,” she teased, setting a hoof on my cheek. Then we shared a soft kiss.

It was a kiss so soft and sweet that I knew she was right. We’d be ready. Ready for a foal, ready for this normal life, ready to just be together.

My life had been one of hardship and struggles. I’d endured trial after trial, but I’d made it through. In my darkest hours, I was worried that it would all be for nothing, but I’d been wrong.

Most of the stories my wife wrote all had endings where the ponies lived happily ever after. I never imagined I’d be one of them but here I was. Me, my wife, and, soon, a foal. What ending could be happier than that?

Author's Note:

Please remember to use the spoiler tags! There is a huge amount of reveal here in the finale.

I want to thank everyone that has stayed with me along the way as I've written this serial for the last few years. It has been an absolute thrill and pleasure. I've gone through good and bad times while doing it and in many ways, it is a reflection on my life and experiences.

Stay tuned as I'll be doing a wrap-up blog post in the new couple of weeks where I'll answer any lingering questions you may have.

Thank you for being a fan!

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