• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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53. The Six

Princess Luna had been running through a lot of information quite quickly. Details about the memory enchantment, how to use it, how brilliant it was, and how Nocturna’s memory had taught her all about it.

I wasn’t keeping up. Magic was still one of my weak points and the intricacies didn’t make any sense to a pony that couldn’t feel it. It was important to her, however, and she was eager to share, so I listened.

“Now, Silent Knight, this is critical: Nocturna taught me other things as well. Simple details about life that I had forgotten due to the enchantment. This is keenly important when it comes to our purpose in Equestria.

“We ponies of the House of the Night are responsible for the minds of our subjects, while the House of the Day is responsible for their bodies,” the princess was going on, having now shifted subjects. That was somewhat of a relief.

I rolled over onto my back, enjoying the thick cloud that was supposed to be my bed. How was I going to protect anypony’s mind? I could barely protect mine usually. Thankfully, as best as I could figure, the afterlife was doing that now.

“With the memory enchantment broken, I remember meeting Kalinda when I was a unicorn and talking to her about her visions. It fascinated me and was a set of powers I deeply wanted to cultivate.”

Princess Luna with visions? That would be dangerous. ‘Hey, Silent Knight, guess what, you and Crystal are going to be working on my grandfoals tonight!’ I shivered. The mere idea of that made me uncomfortable.

“Did you know foresight was her gift? Oracles thrived under her reign. Magical foresight, mind you, not logical like what Nocturna exercised. Imagine that, so much planning without any advantage.”

That was impressive. Although I chose not to point out that Nocturna had been close with Kalinda.

Princess Luna continued to ramble on, “And Maristella? She was a mean pony. I remember that very well. She was so determined that we night unicorns should stay away from day unicorns and never learn their magic. My sister was a day unicorn! How horrible. We can’t let her win. We must overcome her!”

“Yes, Princess,” I muttered. Yes, overcome Maristella. We’d do that, yes. I looked up at the princess. “Am I going to be exhausted tomorrow when I try to negotiate with Ragnhild?”

“What? Oh… I am terribly sorry, Silent Knight. There is so much to share and we haven’t had the appropriate time to do so yet. I’m just so excited,” Princess Luna replied before coming over to settle beside me. Her wing looped around my form and she nestled up against me. “Would you prefer this dream to be more restful?”

“Please,” I muttered before burying my muzzle into her side. The princess was always so warm and soft. In reality and in my dreams.

Her voice dropped and she happily sighed. “Very well, my little foal.” She held me gently, her voice returning ever so quiet and in the cadence of a lullaby. “Maristella was bold, or so all ponies were told.

With an elegant mane that made her quite vain.

She was the most regal of stride but was full of great pride.

And the nightmares came whispering on.

My eyes dropped completely closed and my thoughts faded. This was comfortable. This was restful sleep. This was—

“Silent. Wake up, Silent!” came a voice that was accompanied by a hoof pushing on my face.

I brushed it away and looked up. “Huh?” I was nestled up against Sunny Day in the back of our wagon.

“You were mumbling in your sleep and then you started to get cozy with me. You’re a married stallion and I, sir, am a lady,” Sunny said.

Miley Hooves snorted but tried to make it look like a noise she’d just made in her sleep.

Sunny scowled at her. “I heard that, Sergeant!”

Dream Pop’s head poked up. “Is it morning? Can it please be morning? I’m ready to meet a dragon.”

Ferrel yawned and stood up. “I can assure you, Dream Pop, that in general, a meeting with dragons is a more trying task than you might imagine. Mark my words on that.”

Sunny set her hindhoof against my chest and started slowly pushing me back. “Yeah, it’s morning. Whatever gets Silent off me.”

Tranquil reached out and set a hoof on Sunny. “Be nice to him. I happen to know you’ve talked about how cute he is on more than one occasion. What did you say in the locker room that one time? Crystal must walk bowlegged every Monday?”

Miley burst out in laughter, curling up and holding her stomach.

“I’m not sure what that means,” Ferrel said while Sunny sputtered an incoherent response.

A pony like me would never address such a crass statement about his wife. Although… I cleared my throat. “Yes, well, let’s just pretend we never had this conversation. I’m going to get hitched up. Those of you without wings be sure to stay in the wagon. The cloud will not hold you.”

Dream Pop’s hoof thrust towards me, a chain dangling from it. “Objection! I have a cloudwalking amulet. It’s fully charged!”

Of course she’d have an amulet, she was super prepared. Dream Pop had arrived with more adventuring gear than we’d need for a two-week expedition.

I amended my statement, “Those of you without wings or cloudwalking amulets, be sure to stay in the wagon.”

Miley groaned, “Can we at least have breakfast before we get moving?”

Sunny smirked. “What, you can’t eat while Silent does all the work pulling us?”

Miley’s eyes narrowed, “What is up with you! First you’re anti-Silent, then you’re pro-Silent. Are you losing your mind, captain?”

That was a valid point. Sunny’s mood was swinging a lot more than usual. The last time she’d been this odd was when she’d been placed in command of the whole palace. That had gone, more or less, all right.

“Now see here, you little b—”

“Pony!” Dream Pop said loudly.

“Pony!” Sunny repeated. She took a breath and then her voice came down. “I’m just feeling a lot of stress, okay? Most of you seem excited about this, but I’m not. I might thump my chest and talk a big game but when it comes to destiny and stuff, I feel small.

“I am swinging back and forth between feeling sorry for Silent for having to deal with all of this, and being angry at him for dragging me into it and, YES, I know he didn’t actually drag me into it.”

The others fell quiet. Except Dream Pop. She gave Sunny a big hug. “Good! See everypony, Sunny was angry and instead of lashing out, she expressed her feelings and fears. She let herself be vulnerable and that is super okay. Does anypony have anything to say to Sunny or in general? I think we should all be on the same page if we’re going to be a team.”

My heart went out to Sunny. I’d been in her exact place before. Finding out I’d been part of an ancient alicorn’s plan had been pretty overwhelming.

Tranquil cleared her throat. “I understand how Sunny feels.” She looked over at me. “I am really sorry, Silent Knight, but I still blame you for what happened with Alastair. I know I’m not innocent in it and ultimately made the choice to help, but I blame you. I’m trying to get past it, but it is hard. That is why I see what Sunny is saying.”

I leaned against the edge of the wagon. This was an unexpected turn of events but, if we were going to function as a team, perhaps Dream Pop was right. Maybe it was best to get this out before we wandered into a dragon’s lair.

Dream Pop’s head bobbed. “Good! Let it out. Anypony else?”

Miley raised her hoof. Everypony waited but she didn’t speak.

Finally, Dream Pop pointed at her. “Miley?”

“I don’t blame Silent Knight for anything. I just feel bad for him and for having not gone with him to war. Guilty, you know. Guilty I didn’t go and guilty I’m extremely glad I didn’t go.”

Miley squirmed a bit, rubbing her forehooves together.

“I don’t want to die. I don’t want some gryphon to stab me. I should have gone, though. Just like he and Tumble did. We were squadmates. We came up in the Guard together. When he needed me, I hid here at home. I’m not brave like he is.”

That wasn’t true. Miley was an extremely brave pony in my eyes. Some ponies had to stay home to protect Princess Luna, and Tumble and I had gained nothing but trouble in the war.

Dream Pop nodded. “That is super okay, Miley. It really is. I don’t want to be stabbed by a gryphon either. Anypony else? Ferrel?”

The ancient unicorn set her forehooves on the edge of the wagon and smiled in the direction of the rising sun. “I am grateful he came into my life, as I have not lived since Fiona passed. Yet, thrilled as I am to know him, Silent has been angry with me as Sunny is at him. That is unfortunate, and I wish we were better friends. Even still, I am grateful.”

Had I touched so many ponies in such ways? Positive, negative, and somewhere in between. “I don’t kno—”

“And I’m a bit angry at Silent Knight, too,” Dream Pop started, cutting me off.

We all turned to her. I’d never had a therapist have grievances before.

“We ran out of time working on his house because we were so busy, but did he ask me for a recommendation and referral? No! He went to somepony in the palace. I thought that was rude. I know ponies! I’d have gotten a better deal.

“I’m also mad he wouldn’t let me get him a knight kit because he doesn’t think O&O has a place in real adventures, but it does! It was based on real adventures. Plus, it is fun. What is the harm in having a little fun in such a serious time?”

I started to open my mouth again.

“And then, when I saw his miniatures collection, there wasn’t a me. There was a Luna, a Miley, a Sunny, a Ferrel, a Tranquil, and even a Runic! Was there a Dream Pop? Nope! Not super okay, Silent. Not super okay.”

I waited a moment before speaking. I looked at Dream Pop for guidance and was met with a nod.

“I’m honestly touched that you all feel these things, even if they’re negative. I’m also really sorry about them, too. Truly. I was so busy feeling trapped in my own destiny I neglected to realize how most other ponies felt.”

These mares were some of the best friends a pony could ask for, even if they weren’t the largest part of my life. We’d all been together at different times for different durations. They were so important.

“My head is clear now and I can hear these complaints without feeling harshly judged. Please know that I really do like you all. Even you, Ferrel; I did blame you, but I don’t now and I won’t ever again.”

I shifted to Sunny and reached out a hoof to bump her chest. “Sunny, I do appreciate that you want to protect me and I’m sorry you’re caught up in this. I’m honestly glad you are though. You’re my partner and Guards need good partners. You know that.”

“And Miley, you’re not a coward. You are brave! Not wanting to go to war doesn’t speak to who a pony is. You’d never hesitate to do what needs to be done. You’ll work until the job is complete.”

Those were the relatively easy ones. I sighed and turned to Tranquil. “Now, Tranquil, as far as before goes, you have every right to be angry. I was a poor mentor. I put my own feelings first and it led to you and Crimson being hurt. Regardless of it being your choice, it was still my influence. That was my failing.”

That only left Dream Pop and a relatively strange set of gripes from her. Perhaps she wanted to set an example for the others. Perhaps she really was angry. Either way, I’d come to rely on her a lot.

“Dream Pop, I’m really sorry about those things. They were careless, but I meant no ill will. I just haven’t had time to paint a figure for you yet. In my defense, I was dead for a little while.”

Miley looked over at Dream Pop. “That is a pretty good excuse.”

Dream Pop giggled and then clapped her hooves. “Yes, yes it is! Okay everypony, this is a great start. As a team we’re getting our issues out there.”

The pigtailed maned mare threw her hooves out. “Now, everypony hug and we’ll meet again on these topics later. For now, there be dragons to meet! Bring it in, girls.”

Everypony stood there a moment, blinking. I didn’t want to leave Dream Pop hanging with her forehooves open, so I hugged her.

“Aww…” Miley squeaked before hugging us too.

Sunny leaned in and joined us.

A few seconds later, Tranquil and Ferrel hugged us, too. Dream Pop squealed in delight. “Yay! There we go. Alright, let’s get moving!”

I extracted myself from the group and headed back off the wagon to hitch myself up. In my current state of fitness, hauling five mares and their gear across the sky was an excellent workout.

It felt amazing to have the wind whipping along my body after so long without being able to truly cut loose. The burden behind me was just an extra benefit, as the effort made me feel alive once again.

I’d used Tranquil’s recent flight from Haven as an excuse to spend more time in the harness during our trip. She could rest. Let me feel my muscles work, my heart beating, and the wind in my mane.

My companions were chatting in the wagon behind me, casually talking about what we were about to experience.

“Silent Knight, go over the rules again!” Tranquil shouted my way from the wagon.

Yes, the rules of dealing with dragons. I’d become an expert in that field and had given the others a quick overview of them. That wasn’t sufficient, so covering it again was a good idea.

My powerful wing pumps slowed as I allowed momentum to carry us forwards. “Alright, listen up, everypony. Rule one, if you’re going to speak, choose your words incredibly carefully. Dragons hold you accountable to them regardless of how farfetched or potentially sarcastic they are.

“Let me be clear on that. Smart remarks and sarcasm will be taken literally. If you tell a dragon to bite you, they might… Sunny.”

“I’m not going to be rude to or snippy with the dragons!” Sunny called.

We’d see about that.

“Second rule, in this instance, you represent the princesses. You are no longer an individual. As far as the dragons are concerned anything you say will be looked at as binding. Be certain that you understand what you’re offering.”

“Third rule, you must not offend the dragons. Do not suggest they are weak or need anything from you. Your offer must be humble and mutually agreeable.”

“Silent Knight, I cannot help but notice that you keep saying ‘you’ and not ‘we’,” Ferrel shouted into the wind.

She was a clever mare. I’d expected Dream Pop to catch on, but she seemed too excited about the dragons.

This was something that I hadn’t mentioned before. The timing hadn’t been right. I cleared my throat. “Yes, I will not be negotiating on behalf of Equestria. I’d also like to note that, should things go sidewise, I’ll be fighting on behalf of the obsidian dragons against you.”

“You what!” Sunny practically screamed at me.

“We have an arrangement, Sunny. I gave my word that I would protect them from pony aggression. I’ll be there to mediate, but I cannot take our side. I’d lose all credibility and that would make the negotiations harder. By honoring my agreement, the obsidian dragons will immediately see that ponies do have credibility.”

I could practically feel Sunny’s anger flare. “I feel like this is something you should have mentioned before now!”

I looked back over my shoulder and grinned. “I didn’t want to have the princesses second-guess this trip or delay it. Plus, I know you thrive under pressure… Co-Commander.”

“We’re doomed,” I distinctly heard Miley say before Tranquil covered her mouth with a wing.

“You jerk! I have to negotiate this? You’re the expert!” Sunny yelled.

“No, you all will negotiate it with your individual talents. I’ll mediate. You have the skills. We’ll be fine, or dead. Either way, we’ll get a result and I’m pretty sure dead isn’t that bad.”

I truly felt that way. The part about being fine, not the part about being dead. If I didn’t have faith in these ponies, I wouldn’t have suggested the plan. The idea to keep it a secret was also part of my strategy. I didn’t want Sunny to overthink this. She was a dynamic mare, not a planner.

Sunny’s anger fell into panic. “I need to prepare! Give me time!”

I looked back ahead and saw that Midnight’s Peak was looming right in front of us. “You have about ten minutes! We’re almost there.”

“You giant jerky jerk!” Sunny wailed as I pumped my wings all the harder. I could see the entrance in the distance and I intended to get us there in record time. I had to because time was a resource we were running out of.

The warning had been clear. We had a lot to do if we were going to defeat Maristella, and eventually I’d be more of a liability than an asset. That is why I had to come up with a strategy to draw her out. Ideas were swirling within my mind, but nothing felt right even though I had the feeling I was close.

I brought the wagon down right outside the grand entrance to Midnight’s Peak. There were a few adolescent obsidian dragons lingering there. A few watched with indifference while one or two shot inside.

Dream Pop hopped off the wagon and looked around in wonder. “Dragons! Hello, dragons! We come in peace.” They did not respond.

“Alright, ladies, it is time to dress the part,” I said before going to one of the long boxes affixed to the outside of the wagon to pull my armor out. Today I would be Silent Knight, for the most part.

I donned my chainmail and the breastplate from my dragoon armor. That would be sufficient to clarify who I was representing. That and the Knights of the Moon amulet I’d had Runic throw together for me at the last minute. I stood with the matron.

Sunny trotted down the wagon ramp in gleaming golden armor. If there was one thing she was good at, it was how clean and polished she kept her kit. This was a custom suit made by whoever it was she’d been going to all of the time I’d known her. Perfectly fit, suited to her form, and expensive.

If she was scared, and I’m sure she was, she didn’t show it. Underneath her helmet, she looked cool, calm, and collected. Every bit the officer I knew she was.

Despite Dream Pop having brought costumes that matched O&O professions, everypony else wore something more suitable for the occasion. Miley was in her House Guard armor and Ferrel had brought an ancient suit of armor the likes of which probably hadn’t been seen outside of a textbook in half a century.

In contrast, Tranquil had chosen not to wear anything and Dream Pop was dressed like Star Swirl the Bearded, for whatever reason. That included a costume beard. I’d have been upset but her instincts were usually fairly accurate.

The six of us marched into the long hallway that descended into the city. There were a few dragons about, but they kept to themselves. The smallest ones seemed curious. The largest ones were reserved.

A few I recognized as some of the warriors I’d gone to Nordanver with. They looked on with respect. A respect I returned.

To my relief, the mares I’d come with were being quiet and collected. When we reached the end of the tunnel and the city opened up before us there were gasps of excitement and wonder.

Despite not needing light, the obsidian dragons had adorned many of the buildings with unicorn lanterns or, rather, their equivalent. Pale blue light shown everywhere, catching in the glass of windows and glimmering rocks. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

Beautiful and bright. So much so that our enchantments of night sight were unnecessary. Why had they chosen to do this, I didn’t know. This was different from their lair in Alicorn’s Spire.

Our trek took us to the very center of the city, to the square outside of Nocturna’s keep. That is where we found Matron Ragnhild sitting with two of her largest warriors and one of the small obsidian dragons that had taken flight upon our arrival.

The ancient dragon reared up, her wings flickering. “You tread upon the home of the Obsidian. What business do ponies have here?” Her voice boomed throughout the cavern, echoing with a deep rumble.

And so the dance had begun. I lifted a hoof to halt the others and then crossed to the matron. I stopped directly in front of her and turned to face the others. It was my show of bravado, giving her my back. It was also making clear where I stood. “Great Matron, it is I, Silent Knight. I have brought with me ponies that wish to negotiate with you on behalf of the Princesses of Equestria.”

“Negotiate? What is it that these ponies seek? Surely not to claim ownership of this land, I hope. That would be a great folly.”

“No, Matron. They, as I, recognize your claim and ownership of it. These ponies are here for information that I believe you possess.”

Ragnhild shifted, her amber eyes focusing on me. “And I am to understand by your words and actions that you, Silent Knight, do not come to negotiate for the princesses or yourself, as you have in the past?”

“By the agreement between you and I, I cannot. I gave my word and my word is my bond. Should this negotiation be a farce or trick I, High Marshal of the Knights of the Moon, chosen by Nocturna, will fight at your side and put these very ponies to the sword.”

Miley Hooves squeaked but quickly covered her mouth with a hoof.

The dragon’s large head bobbed. She shifted forwards, placing me at her side, and clearly accepting me as her agent. “High Marshal of the Knights of the Moon, I am satisfied that this is so and welcome you.”

Her attention turned towards the other five ponies. For the most part, they were keeping their emotions in check. Sunny looked brave. Ferrel and Tranquil, emotionless. Dream Pop was swelling with excitement. Miley was shaking a little.

“Who speaks for this group of disparate ponies?” the matron asked, her voice coming down to a more moderate level.

Sunny took a step forwards and looked up at the dragon. If there was any fear in her, I couldn’t see it. She was confident and even had a swagger in her pace. “I do. I am Captain Sunny Day, commander of Princess Celestia’s House Guard and representative of all Equestria. It is an honor to meet you, Great Matron. I have brought with me these wise ponies to aid in our negotiation.”

Ragnhild leaned in to examine Sunny more closely. She showed no fear, placing herself within striking range. The dragon then shifted her attention to each of the others, examining them.

“Your presence is not welcome here, Captain Day, but I recognize you as an emissary of the Princesses of Equestria. As such, should you honor their wishes and negotiate in good faith, I swear to ensure your safety.

“I have looked at your wise ponies. You have brought an oracle of Kalinda. An advantage to be sure. You also appear with a nox pony, a wizard, and a…” She paused when she came to Miley. “What are you?”

Miley’s teeth were chattering as she responded, “Miley Hooves.”

“And a Miley Hooves, of which I am unfamiliar. Tell me, Captain Day, now that we are acquainted, what is it you seek from I, Great Matron of the Obsidian?”

Sunny set a forehoof on her breastplate. “You are an ancient and powerful dragon, Matron. You have lived through numerous ponies’ lifetimes. I have been told by Silent Knight that you, more than any living pony, knew Nocturna best.”

Ragnhild lifted her head and struck a regal pose. “Yes, this is so. I was a friend to Nocturna and she was a friend to me.”

“It is knowledge of who Nocturna was and where she might hide something that we seek,” Sunny started. She then paused a moment and looked at me. Then she looked back up at the matron. “For you see, Silent Knight has most recently met with her in the here-after and returned.”

Author's Note:

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, Q&B AU wiki, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon. We also have lovely art! Drop in sometime.

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