• Published 29th Feb 2016
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Trials of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.

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59. Trapped

Alone. I was sitting on the floor of the living room in my parent’s house, all alone. My hooves and wings were tiny; all of me was small. This was my foalhood. At least, that is the construct I was led to imagine. In actuality, this was a prison.

The front door did not open no matter how hard I tried. Unsurprisingly, the swinging door into the kitchen would likewise not budge. And the steps to the upstairs? Somehow, they were far too tall for a foal. Even one that could clumsily fly.

There was nothing but an obscure night sky outside of the big bay window that dominated the front of the house. A blue crescent moon hung in it, casting a pale light amoung innumerable stars.

No, this was nothing more than a prison. I knew that now. After the darkness had eaten away at me on the inside, I’d somehow ended up with more clarity than I’d had lately. Everything was clear now without the pain, anger, and loss.

Idly, I rolled a green ball back and forth between my tiny hooves. It was the only comfort in the room. What was I supposed to do next? How was I going to get out of this?

As I contemplated that, the front door opened and a pony in dragoon armor walked in. Not just any pony… Dread Knight. His visor-covered face looked down at me.

“The battle is over, then?” I asked.

“That is one way of looking at it. It is time for you to rest. This is what you wanted, after all. You can’t be held responsible for what happens next.” He shut the door and trotted over to the mantel to admire some of Stratus Knight’s prized medals.

My ears flicked and I stood. With all of the dignity a colt could muster, I trotted over to the large form and glared up at it. “This isn’t what I wanted.”

“Isn’t it, though? You never took ownership for what you’ve done. You never wanted to accept it.” He turned, stepped completely over me as if I was nothing, and went to a shelf that was lined with pictures of Winterspear and me in our armor.

With a lash of my tail I replied, “What does that mean? We did many things! I owned up to them. Now you’ve won. In a moment of weakness, I gave in and you took over. I should have fought on. Now that I see that, it is too late. Why is that? Why is my mind clear now?”

“In the simplest of explanations, it finally fractured,” he replied before picking up a photo of me. It was the first official one done when I’d joined Princess Luna’s House Guard.

Once more I chased after the pony and poked the large, black-armored forehoof with my own. It was a pathetic act of defiance. “Fractured? Hardly! My mind is strong. I am a Knight of the Moon.”

“A failure of one, yes. Your training was not complete. There was one thing that the books never addressed… never mentioned… never acknowledged. A truth that was hidden by Moonglaive and his lieutenants.”

“What would that be? Educate me, please. Gloat in my defeat.”

“A Knight of the Moon does not fear Disharmony. They understand it. They acknowledge that there must be some of it in all of us. You refused that fact. You tried to bury it, bury me—or so you thought. What you didn’t realize, Silent Knight, is that you were digging your own grave.” He casually tossed the picture back onto the shelf.

A shiver ran along my spine and I fell back onto my rump. It was hard to hear. Mostly because, for whatever reason, it felt true. It felt like fact.

Slowly and with purpose, Dread Knight pushed the visor up, revealing my face. He looked down at me with pity. Nothing but pity!

“So that’s it, then? You win. I lose. Now I live in here?”

“No, it isn’t that simple. I can’t win and you can’t lose. Nor the opposite. What you still fail to understand is that there was never a ‘we’ or ‘us.’ It was always just you.” He sighed and returned to looking around. “What you perceive as me was the part of you that you could never accept. The shadow where light does not fall. The darkness in every pony. You were just unfortunate enough to have far more than others due to the life you led.”

My head shook empathically. “No. Never! I was a good soldier! A good pony. If there is no ‘we’, then how are we speaking now? You’re a liar!” The words were sharp but without conviction.

“How? Simple.” He stared down at me. “You built a wall so high and thick between the two halves of yourself that you somehow achieved separation. Disharmony took advantage of that and created me.” A smirk crossed his lips. It was weird to see myself smirking. I don’t smirk. “Congratulations, you’re a father. I am born from your own desperate attempt to escape what you did and the will of Disharmony herself.”

The room started to grow intensely cold and seemed to constrict. It was either getting smaller, or I was growing. I wrapped my hooves around myself and held tightly. “I could never be evil like Disharmony,” I whispered.

Dread Knight tutted like a disapproving father. “Disharmony is not evil. She is a force of nature like the winds or tides. To live, we must have a balance between her and her sister. Much like you, the alicorns tried to do away with the shadows and, in turn, Disharmony has fought to restore equality. Under Maristella’s manipulation, that force has grown out of control, bent to her will.”

“Then fight her! We’ll fight her together!” I urged.

He practically snarled, “There is no we! There is only you, and you have given in.” Taking a step away from me, his voice became calm again. “You are a creature of Disharmony now and will be bent to the will of the Forgotten Winter. Rest assured though, Silent Knight, nopony will blame you. They will only blame Nightmare Knight.”

Before I could respond, the visage of Dread Knight disappeared and the window slid open. I was overwhelmed as sensation returned to me. I could feel the cold in the room, the thick wood under my hooves, and the breeze carried through all the gaps in the stone work.

My sight had returned, too, but I lacked any control of my body. Even with a clear mind and a greater understanding, I was nothing more than a spectator. Meant to watch the horrors I’d wrought unfold.

Equestria was spread out in front of me, illuminated by what I’d thought was a harvest moon. In reality, it was a far rarer occurrence: a blood moon. Time had not progressed more than a second or so.

Without warning, a dark cackling filled the room and rang in my ears. I wanted to throw my hooves up to cover them, but they were not mine to command. My body merely continued to look beyond the ruins to where Canterlot sat on Alicorn Spire. A jeweled prize to be taken.

Now that we have an agreement, it is time to begin. We have an usurper that must be dealt with, and my rule to restore.

“So we do. As long as you live up to your side of the bargain, I shall do as you bid. Princess Luna will be unable to fight back against her beloved foal,” I heard a mockery of my voice say.

Then some sort of small rock impacted against the side of my helmet. It wasn’t an attack so much as just something to grab my attention. It certainly did.

“Hey! Hey, uh… big fella. Can you look over here and stop talking to yourself like you’re holding a conversation with somepony? It’s really creeping me out,” came a familiar voice.

I turned to find Sunny Day looking up at us. Whatever had confused me about who she was before was gone. This was my friend, my partner. There she was, beneath us and afraid. She’d never admit it, but I could see it in her eyes.

“Hi, yes. Hi.” She gave a little wave of one hoof. “So… uh… whatcha doing?”

I lowered my head so I could glower in her face. “I’m going to fly to Canterlot and challenge Princess Luna to a duel to the death. She will fail and I will kill her.”

“Oh, I see. Well, that is certainly an option. May I make an alternate suggestion?”

Yes, Sunny, please do. Please make any suggestion as an alternative to that. The last thing I wanted to do was kill Princess Luna… well, second to last.

I snorted and flicked my heavy wings. “Be quick, little mare. Do not imagine for an instant that I am unaware that you are trying to trick me and delay the inevitable. I listen only because I call you friend and you amuse me.”

“Quick? Right, okay! So, instead of going and slaying Princess Luna, you and I could stay right here and… uh…” Her eyes flicked around the room before they returned to me. “Play Airship Armada. You’d like that, right?”

That did sound lovely. It wasn’t much of a distraction, though. She’d know that wouldn’t actually stop me, right? And, more importantly, we didn’t have any models to play with. Plus, she’d never taken an interest in anything but the Azurite figure.

“Foolish mare.” I extended my wings in preparation to fly from the ruins and towards Canterlot. When I crouched to leap off the spire, I was interrupted by a tug at my tail.

“WAIT!” she shouted.

Once again, I turned to Sunny. She looked desperate. My eyes narrowed as I said, “You are not my enemy, but if you continue to delay my mission, you will soon find yourself out of my good graces.”

At least this evil me seemed to understand who our friends were. I could perhaps use that to my advantage.

Sunny trotted in place. “Right, and I totally wouldn’t want that. So, look. I want to show you a thing. If you watch the thing and still want to go do the killing, I’ll totally let you go and not stop you. That seems pretty fair, right? Deal?”

Yes, yes, it was a fair deal! I want to see the thing. I started to pull away to leap from a large gap in the spire but then paused. My hooves felt like mine for a moment. A battle of wills? I pushed them to turn to her. Let’s take the deal!

“Be quick,” I growled.

“Great, thank you. So, watch this,” Sunny said before she flipped open her bag. From inside of it, a glimmering object levitated out. The moment I saw it, emotions flooded past whatever barrier that separated me from the world. This was Crystal’s ring. A ring Sunny had no business possessing.

Anger flared the loudest in the sea of emotions. Not just within my prison, but all around me. Fiery, passionate, anger that was mixed with pain and regret. Longing and loathing. My attention was fully on the golden mare now.

“Crystal gave this to me. So… I thought… you know…” she trailed as the ring floated up towards the tip of her horn.

Sunny… no. Not like this. Don’t do this.

In an agonizingly slow fashion, it crested the top of her horn and slid down. It was ill fit and looked completely wrong.

It was wrong! She had no business doing this! That token was never meant for her and never meant to be given away.

I howled and leapt towards the mare, knocking her to the ground with the swipe of an angry hoof. Once she’d fallen, I drove her against the ground with the weight of an armored hoof. “How dare you!”

From under my large, heavy grasp, Sunny looked up at me. Her small hooves fought against mine and with a strangled gasp, she replied, “She gave it to me! It’s mine now!”

“Remove it! Remove it now, or I shall remove your head!”

Sunny squirmed about under my hold. “Are you sure? Are you sure you don’t want me to keep it? If not, maybe we should go give it to Crystal before you go to kill Princess Luna?”

My hoof lifted suddenly as if it had been burnt. Crystal could never see me like this! Never. The fear in her eyes would be devastating.

Sunny rolled out from under the path of where I’d stomp should I choose to and, for an instant, I thought I might do just that. Stomp her for suggesting such a horrible thing. I didn’t, though.

Instead, I used the tip of my wing and pulled the ring from Sunny’s horn. Once it was mine again I cradled it to my chest. I would return it once Princess Luna was dead and Maristella had set me free for completing my portion of the agreement.

“Okay… any time now!” Sunny yelled.

My attention shifted back to reality as I heard her raised voice. She’d retreated from me, taking up position behind a small bit of rubble. It wasn’t much and certainly wouldn’t save her from me.

“What are you up to, you scheming mare?”

I felt warmth. Heat… no, passion? Or was it love? It reached me for an instant before being shut out. I wheeled around to find seven ponies standing in the arch of the double doors.

“She was calling for us,” the purple pony in the lead said with conviction. This was Twilight Sparkle in rare form. A way I’d never seen her before.

Despite being a unicorn mare of no great stature, she stood tall and confident with her friends behind her. Her forelegs were spread in defiance and her horn was already flickering with the light of a spell being prepared.

She was joined by her friends Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. The six of them were standing beneath a silver dome that flashed with the image of small shields.

It had sprung forth from the horn of the last pony: an elegant mare with a golden mane and tail. Another friend of mine. Exemplar Ferrel hoped to stand against me with these ponies? It would not be my intent to hurt her. These others, though, were mere acquaintances.

My endless confidence wavered briefly. I could sense the strength of the magic exuding off the Elements of Harmony that they wore. It was just a momentary lapse, however, as I’d been granted power from Maristella directly.

“Silent Knight, we know that you would never bring harm to good ponies or Princess Luna,” Twilight Sparkle said, her voice convincing and warm. “If you try, however, we’ll have to stop you. Please, remember who you were and give up. We can help you.”

That could work, we could go with them.

Never! My chest reverberated with a deep, unnerving chuckle and started to approach them. “The mistress said you would come. This is unfolding exactly how it has been whispered to me. I would play my part and now you shall play yours… to your end.”

What whispers? I hadn’t heard any whispers.

The group paused, their confidence taking a hit. Glances were exchanged between them and they started to spread out in grim acknowledgment they might have to fight. As they moved, so did the shield that was being supported by Ferrel’s magic.

“What are you talking about?” the blue pegasus, Rainbow Dash, asked with her raspy voice. She was wearing her navy uniform. A representation of the military, perhaps.

Whatever warmth I’d been feeling was long gone, but if I’d thought I’d felt the worst of the frost, I was wrong. Winter’s chill filled the room, causing the temperature to plummet. A haze of black energy flowed in through the windows, cracks, and holes in the walls.

It swirled towards the middle of the room, swelling about the old pillar at its heart before starting to coalesce in front of it.

Twilight Sparkle, where my agents trod you are quick to follow. I have moved my piece, and now here you are. I move, she counters. I move again, she counters. Always does she counter, and that is why she shall ultimately lose.

Slowly, the miasma took on the more recognizable form of a pony. It was small at first but began to grow, two long wings stretching out from its sides, filling the center of the room.

As its head became more clearly defined, a horn extended towards the ceiling. The form was tall, lithe, and feminine. It gave a mighty shake, the sort that one might give after leaving a bath.

Miasma was hurled everywhere, hitting the shield that Ferrel was holding with her magic before running off to the floor and oozing through the cracks between the planks.

In place of where the energy had swirled now stood an alicorn the color of bleached bone. From the back of her neck, blue fire crackled and burned as if her mane was alive.

Her eyes were vacant pools of blackness that seemed to absorb all light and as she turned them on the ponies at the door, they could only stare back in horror.

“Welcome, pawns. I thank you for coming and bringing your Elements of Harmony with you. Shall I relieve you of them by force, or do you surrender?”

“Maybe you haven’t heard, but we never surrender!” Rainbow Dash snarked.

Applejack tipped her hat back and grinned. “She’s right! If’n you want these baubles, you’re gonna have to come and get them yourself!”

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy whispered.

“As you wish,” the alicorn replied before her horn burst into flames. A lance of light erupted from it and smashed against the shield bubble protecting the ponies.

Ferrel yelped in surprise as she was thrown against the wall, the shield shattering with ease. Fluttershy hurried to her side to tend her while the others scattered and began to surround the alicorn, using their natural talents to their advantage.

Twilight Sparkle’s horn lit with magic of her own, sending several bursts of energy at her foe while Rainbow Dash buzzed around as a distraction.

Pinkie Pie moved faster than any earth pony had business doing as she bounced about, doing her best to distract her foe.

“Such pests! Nightmare Knight, remember your agreement.”

Technically the agreement was just to kill Princess Luna. Although the spirit of the agreement was different. Maybe we should—

The rest of me seemed inclined to go with the spirit of the agreement. First, I’d stomp Twilight Sparkle and her friends and then go kill Princess Luna. I trotted towards Applejack. She couldn’t fly or use magic, so it was good sense to take care of her.

“Whoa there, big fella. Easy! I don’t want to hurt’cha,” she said as she started to back up.

When her rump found a wall, I closed on her and lifted a hoof to grab her. Just before I could, I was momentarily blinded by flashes of light exploding all around my head. It was disorienting.

I held a hoof up to try to shield my eyes and see where it was coming from. When I turned, Sunny Day was close, shooting little bursts from her horn. She’d not managed to hit me once, but it was really annoying.

“Uh, Twilight! Would you hurry up and do the thing!” Sunny shouted.

“Kind of busy, Sunny!” Twilight shouted back as she galloped past me, her horn firing off magic in another direction.

With an annoyed grunt, I turned my attention to the unicorn mare trying to blind me. Friend or not, she was attacking. So, new plan, squish her first and then Appl—

My hindlegs came out from under me with a sudden, powerful buck from behind. I tumbled down and glanced back just long enough to see the earth pony wink. She then threw a lasso around my neck.

As Applejack pulled on the rope, Pinkie Pie and Rarity joined her, trying to hold me down. That was a fool’s errand as I easily rose to my hooves again, dragging all three of them with me as I charged at Sunny.

She galloped away from me but tripped over some rubble, fell flat on her face, and slid to a stop. When I reached her, I reared up, ready to crush her.

No! Wait!

My hooves slammed down on a silver shield. Exemplar Ferrel was under it, standing over Sunny and doing her best to keep the spell from shattering. Sunny wiggled out of the way and started blasting at my face again.

“Enough with these games! You are delaying the inevitable.”

As the three mares tugged on the lasso, I turned my head to see Maristella’s horn light again. A tendril of darkness lashed out and caught Rainbow Dash right on the chest, latching onto the necklace that hung there. Then it started tugging both the Element and the mare.

“What!” Rainbow Dash yelped in surprise as her momentum came to a sudden stop. “Uh, guys. Guys! Little help!”

“Don’t you see? This was never hers, it was always mine. What will you do without it? How will you stop us? I shall take it and then the others. After all, Celestia has revealed to the world that a single alicorn can control them all. Who needs friends?”

Rainbow Dash was visibly struggling, her forehooves clinging to the necklace.

“Twilight, do the thing! Do the thing!” Sunny shouted as she turned her attention to Maristella and started blasting her directly with heat lances. The heavy kind that I knew would burn a pony.

Ferrel’s attention also shifted. A gleaming hammer flipped end over end as it went sailing across the room and crashed into the tendril, disrupting it and causing Rainbow Dash to fall from its grasp.

They’d given me their backs in an attempt to save Rainbow Dash. This was the opportunity I’d waited for. I tugged at the mares holding the lasso and prepared my attack.

Maristella cackled, seemingly enjoying the fight. “What fun! Come now, Twilight. Do the thing! Show them how useless your rainbow blast will be against me. The Element of Loyalty will never turn on its mistress.”

Twilight slid to a stop before her attention shifted towards me. “That’s fine! We never intended to use them on you. Just him! Now, girls!”

Author's Note:

Mr. Peepers reminds you to please be mindful of those who haven't read and use the spoiler tag!

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