• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 52,419 Views, 11,685 Comments

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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Fame and Misfortune (Mixed, Massed, and Bashed)

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Could you leave out Rainbow Dash’s entries involving me? I don’t want to deal with my secret identity being revealed to the public. Especially after recent events in Somnambula.

Your fellow author,
Daring Do

Dear Daring Do,

I doubt they would believe you were real when they thought that this dumb diary was a story and I was a fictional character.

Though if you’re feeling stress over this whole thing we could always have a quickie in bed with some rope. I always wanted to try this position I saw in one of your Daring Do Pillows.

-Twilight Sparkle

Dear Diary,

Great. The background ponies are now an annoying laugh track. This had better be a self-contained episode because I may need a lot more marijuana to drown their voices out.

Tired of laughter,
Pinkie Pie

Dear Honorary Sister,

The Rainbow Dash Fan Club just became a whole lot bigger. They started pressuring me to get you to be their honorary sister as well.

Please help.


To Worst Pony,

Why do you keep learning the same thing over and over again! Be assertive already!

Fed Up,
Lemon Chiffon

Dear Lemon Chiffon,

Listen up! Before I do something I regret, let's settle this, you and me, once and for all!

You have a problem with me being timid? Is that your biggest problem?

I'm never aimed to be best pony. I'm not acting constantly timid because I'm a one trick pony, or because that will annoy you, or because I get some satisfaction out of you hating on me. It's not because I like staying who I am, by Celestia, it's not fun being afraid.

Yet, staying silent about what you have to say will never work, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do, because I was born this way! Because that's how I was raised!

And I'm not just timid, I'm also kind. That's my element. But now I am also more assertive! And yes, it took me a while to get there. But can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are? That's who I am now! Are you happy?

Perhaps there was no point even arguing with you at all, but it's the best I can say to you. And I will always be kind, even if you hate me. You can be hated on too someday. How would you feel? Ever thought about it? What would you do? I know what I'll do. Cause I stand before you, always kind. Willing to help anypony. Not just a timid little pony but a kind pony. Not timid, kind. Just kind.

Never Cruel or Cowardly but always Kind,

Dear Diary,

These ponies are crazy! Wanting to start being part of the Apple Family! I can’t even get a day off with all their demands! Why they even want to do a Applejack Appreciation Day and my folks have to build it? Not them!?! Really?

The one time I wished I stayed in the background!


Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I hate Twilicorn!

Yours Hatefully,
Pearly Stitch

Dear Pearly Stitch,

Then blame Hasbro. Not the character. Not the show writers and especially not Lauren Faust. This show has come a long way. There's bound to be change. Whether that's good or bad, time will tell.

-Pinkie Pie

P.S. I can't believe I just defended Twilight... What drugs am I on!?! And where can I get more....

Meanwhile in TV Show's Universe...


Since the release of the friendship journal by Princess Twilight Sparkle, the news media are buzzing a storm over the whole issue. Debates. Opinions. Views. And backlash especially. In fact, these whole sequence of events ended up with a large feuding mob on the outside of Twilight's kingdom. Witnesses proclaimed how the event was sparked off by Princess Twilight and friends answering complaints of the journal. This led to the Mane Six shutting themselves out from them inside Twilight’s castle. Which is a shame as they didn't get to see what happened to said mob afterwards.

These neighsayers were mauled by self proclaimed bronies, basically stallions that appreciate the diary entries from the princess for what it is. This new mob of ponies were said to be led by a pony by the name of Neko. Soon enough, all the feuding ponies from before were leaving the scene, in multiple cuts, bruises and fractures.

When questioning said bronies, we came across a Bulk Biceps who explained the reasoning behind their actions that day.

"We just got tired of these ponies messing up the lives of these nice ponies, forgetting the entire point of the diary’s publication. These lessons were special. Those of us that read it actually learn something! We enjoyed it for what it is. The strange world that these ponies and dragon face on a day to day basis. In turn, we made more friends over these stories, these lessons. We loved and tolerated each other even in the darkest of times. We even gained a community! Sure, there was bad stuff here and there in the entries, but we try our best to be civil about it. Suggesting ways of improvement. Instead of the constant bickering those ponies did. Where nothing constructive ever gets done and no proper change could ever be made."

When asked why they mauled the ponies if they love and tolerate so much, he replied that that was just tough love.

This, in fact, wasn't the only surprise that day. You would think critics would take the side of the injured civilians, but eyewitnesses have also mentioned a brown skin and purple maned mare; Eliyora, burning some civilians with her flamethrower. Furthermore, other eyewitnesses spotted other creatures from the analysis community aiding her. This goes to show the power of bronies.

Seven years of my attitude.

Since Seventh June Two Thousand and Twelve.

All of you earned my gratitude,

Complimenting on my sex appeal.

Love and Tolerate my presence.

You have my thanks all along.

We may hit rock bottom together,

Yet together we always stayed strong!

Thanks for stickin' around!

Much laughter we all found!

Too many reference jokes,

Yet it is fun to spot with folks.

Yeah! Waiting. What a bore!

So updates galore!

Still you stuck with us through and through,

So I say I'm a fan of you too.

Came here from fanfiction.net,

To increase more viewership

Never expected such a big crowd!

From this story's ridiculous quips.

Sure, Twilight is a bitchy queen

A bit stuck up it's true

But that's what you kept coming to see,

Thus I still write this just for you, so

Thanks for stickin' around!

Much laughter we all found!

Too many reference jokes,

Yet it is fun to spot with folks.

Yeah! Waiting. What a bore!

So updates galore!

Still you stuck with us through and through,

So I say I'm a fan of you too.

You laughed at my hiatus chapters

Through the rage and cheers

May have pushed the bar a little too much.

But I'm happy you are still here.

It took us a long while to all get here,

Threading on this very long path.

We came so far my little ponies

Liking this crazy psychopath! And, yeah

Thanks for stickin' around!

Much laughter we all found!

Too many reference jokes,

Yet it is fun to spot with folks.

Yeah! Waiting. What a bore!

So updates galore!

Still you stuck with us through and through,

So I say I'm a fan of you too.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'd like a non-Ponyville point of view here.

I just really don't understand why ponies don't like me or my entries.


Dear Rarity,

Well, when you write things like 'It's okay to be white.' in a nationally published friendship journal, some ponies tend to get pissed.

Shocking, I know.

Princess Celestia

P.S. No worries. It IS okay to be white.

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

This episode is a mixed bag, to say the least. Which is perfect for Letters to poke fun at in hindsight. But there’s something I need to get off my chest.

I’ve seen both sides of the argument and they are right in their own way. I’m not saying I’m on the middle ground but I’ve understood both sides of the argument. Though, I will say I like this meta-episode.

Stranger Than Fanfiction teaches a great moral that it’s okay to have differing opinions. Slice of Life is a fan letter to the fandom. This episode is kind of using both. Has a good moral to teach, but the context is what sours it.

The episode shows the “worst parts” of the fandom in a sort of satire, or hyperbole, that could get on some fans nerves. However, for others, that can get a laugh like “ohhh I used to complain that a lot, but that has changed overtime.” It’s the writers “on the nose” way of saying we know the good and bad of you as a fan. This episode context is paved parallel to Slice of Life. It’s a reminder that not to be too fanatic in the fandom.

And that is funny. At least for me. I joined the fandom after the fallout of Twilicorn during Season four. I faced the absolute worst of the fandom that made me question what I like from the show and why criticism is a good thing. Outside of the fandom, at the time, a political issue occurred in Singapore about a certain person, who recently moved to the USA to avoid being enlisted to the army, whom I shall not name, that made me question critiquing in general as he lambasted on someone well liked by everyone in Singapore who recently died at the time. Saying critical things but nothing constructive. Overall, it made me wonder if being a brony was worth it if this was the type of negativity I come across. Yeah…. I was too impressionable back then.

Since then, I learned that the good can sometimes outweigh the bad from entertaining MLP critics like Silverquill who, despite disliking an episode, can show he still enjoys the show overall. This episode reminds me of that incident, and I can laugh at it in hindsight.
It’s kind of like Letters of A Disgruntled Friendship Student, in a way. Which was another reason for me staying in the fandom.

The moral of accepting your flaws is great if not for the fact of it being mixed with the context. They don’t blend together. Perhaps they also should have added to the moral of how we should also try changing our flaws as well, instead of staying constantly the same character as that isn’t a good thing.

As for Fluttershy’s retort to her critique's,  I loved that as that was the view Silverquill mentioned in his Filli Vanilli Review where real life people may be learning the same thing, but in baby steps. Kind of like how I joined the fandom. Slowly but surely.

This episode also reminded me of my own flaws as a writer. Or rather, being a co-author. Remember Saddle Row Review? The problem I had was that I usually write a lot of ideas for Letters, but I was blind to my editing mistakes as I was over excited still at being a contributing author to one of my favorite stories. That episode, and the repercussion of my editing mistakes, reminded me to be more careful instead of looking through rose-tinted glasses.

I’ve since learned to be more careful of my mistakes and also got a wonderful editor you may know as Neko Majin C. And I’ve come a long way, smiling at people commenting on my snippets that had a laugh out of, but still remembering the sins of the past. And to quote the episode’s song, “We’re not flawless. We’re a work in progress.”

And that should be the moral to learn as a fan of the show. The writers try the best they can to please, and even they can make mistakes. Perhaps this episode was a mistake? I can’t say for certain. Though, M A Larson said he hated the episode idea, I believe. Nonetheless, let’s carry on forward. Whether this episode is good or bad, let’s hope there are still more good episodes to come with the next season. Maybe even during Gen 5!

I won’t be able to see that, though, as I’m enlisted in the army on February twentieth and may not have enough time contributing as much as I like. Hope it’s great, though.

With Love,

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