• Published 7th Jun 2012
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Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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Baby Cakes

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06

Baby Cakes

Dear Princess Celestia,

Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold the quill. Princess, would you please get me the number of the Equestrian Child Protective Services? I don't believe Carrot Cake and Cup Cake are fit to be parents.

I mean, sure, I was too busy doing my summary report to you to babysit, but if I had any idea that they would resort to Pinkie, than I would have dropped everything. Again, they want PINKIE to BABYSIT. I think it'd be safer to leave them alone in a bath with a dozen toasters on the rim.

By the way, I completely loved how he explained the wings and horn away. His great great great great great grandfather was a unicorn? Great aunt second cousin twice removed was a Pegasus? I've got a much more likely scenario, bakery boy: you haven't been satisfying your wife, so she's been sleeping around.

Anyway, when I showed up to see who they found to cover for them, I found Pinkie, indulging in her adult baby fetish instead of taking care of the babies like she should be. After doing some quick organizing and checking the bottles for LSD, I found myself kicked to the curb because Pinkie wanted to prove she was responsible. Well, I tried. My conscience would be clear if Pinkie accidentally committed double infanticide.

Or she'll keep them alive and help raise twin drug addicts. I hear she has stashes of cocaine disguised as bags of flour all over that bakery. I mean, their chances of survival are admittedly pretty decent if they survived her stand-up comedy routine. And if she did that Oink Oink song...oh stars...I wouldn't wish that on my enemies. Might wish it on you, though.

Oh, and if Scootaloo ever saw those shenanigans, I'm pretty sure she would cut her wings off. A month-old Pegasus can not only fly, but drag Pinkie around the house like she's nothing. Even the unicorn used a levitation spell to fly herself. See? Master race, baby.

But I digress. Pinkie finally got the foals under control when they covered themselves in some of her coke. That put them into a coma, and she began cleaning. Buying the ruse, Mr. and Mrs. Cake offered her the position of go-to babysitter.

Hey, it's their babies' funerals.

Your totally drug-free former student,
Twilight Sparkle

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am never having sex. Ever.

Your loyal subject,
Pinkie Diane Pie

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