• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,224 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch11: Loving Ponies, Smitten Dragon

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 11:
Loving Ponies, Smitten Dragon

Fluttershy made her way down the halls of the college, it was between classes, and so she needed to get to her locker for the next lesson's gathering of books and such things. She liked to travel light, and despite the distance she had to go for nearly each class, she felt it was better to use the locker.

She was nearly there, when she spotted a figure outside hers. She hesitated, and came to a stop, ducking out of the way. "Oh my..." She said to herself, thinking about something that had been going on for a while now. She had been finding little notes in her locker, and now, she believed she knew who it was.

She dared a look, as the figure fiddled in their pockets. He was a young dragon, by their species standards, he was merely a child, but he was into his adulthood, if he was a pony. Tall, and thin, not very defined in his build, maybe something due to his dragon age. His body was not really grown, since many were massive creatures. His body was purple, and he had several spines from tail to head, that were green. They was small in size, until about the back of his neck, where they grew and curved up, than over, ending in a long one above his brow. Looked like a Mohawk. His face was narrow, and head a bit oval, but all like a smaller version of the dragon he would be one day. His lower jaw line, and down his neck, and chest, was a lighter green than his spines, with the reptilian ridges of softer flesh than the scaled hide. He wore an open purple vest. by all accounts, he was very attractive, and with that vest, and dark not so tight, nor loose pants, that skirted over his four toed clawed feet, he was dressed to kill, along with his looks.

If it was any other, Fluttershy would have been thrilled, but she had one problem, a fear of dragons. Though she had not been there, she had family who survived the Dragon wars, and she heard so many tales of their power, and danger.

She needed to act, because she did not want to lead him on either, but she did not want to really confront him.

He seemed to be taking his time, and was not expecting his attraction to show up. She slowly approached, and squeaked out "Excuse me?"

He nearly jumped, and turned to her. He looked panicked, but calmed when he saw her. "Thank the Shapers, thought you were some one else" His voice was smooth, and fluid. He could do well in a profession needing an alluring voice, he had a knowledgeable sound.

She was a bit confused, but decided to go on with her question. "Uh... why are you... at my locker?"

"Yours?!" This seemed to surprise him. "Oh no, I thought this was some one else's" He put his clawed hand to his face, and rubbed his forehead. "Cinders"

Fluttershy was relieved and also her heart sank a bit. All the time she was reading these messages, she was not the actual intended.

He seem to sense her troubles, or maybe just felt bad he lead her on. "I'm sorry, you seem great, for the few seconds I've been here" He laughed uneasily. "I've just had my eyes on another... does explain why she never wrote back to me"

"No... it's ok..." She looked away, rubbing her arm. "Kind of a relieve, cause I'm... I don't... I uh... Have some issues with... dragons" He voice grew lower as she went, nearly whispering the last word.

He heard it fine though, what seemed like ears, the little three point frills on the side of his head, coloured like his softer areas, able to pick up that soft voice. "Really? Well, do not have to worry, my kind is not like the ones from those... bad times. Name's Spike" He held out his claw.

She looked at it, shakily, and reached for it. His smile seem to sooth her, she was feeling less afraid of him. Was also starting to see the charm in his looks, and the sharp reptilian face. She was starting to wish she was this unknown pony, who had his attention. "I'm... Flutter...shy" She was a bit louder, but not much so.

"Nice to meet ya"

"So, who is it? That you are looking for? I won't tell them" She started to open her locker.

"Well..." Now it was his turn to look timid. "She is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, with long curling mane, and tail, a pure white coat, like angel wings, and a look that could melt a stone heart"

She opened the door, and started take some things out. "Well, sounds like somepony I know" She looked at him. "Not Rarity?"

He nodded slowly, his little frill ears, folding down. He did not look so much like the charming young heart throb, as a little boy that he probably truly way by the dragon's description.

She smiled a bit, thinking about it all. How cute he was, and wondering what Rarity would think, given her personality. She loved attention, when she found it good. "Well, you were close, hers is right there" She pointed at a locker not far away. Enough so, the numbers were similar to Fluttershy's. "Oh, you may want these back then" She pulled out a few little notes, most folded up like diamonds, others in little squares with animal paw prints on them.

He took them, then looked at the square ones. "Thanks, but..." He pocketed them, and pulled out a couple square ones. He read one, and then looked at her. "These ones I didn't do" He gave her the ones he had out, then when through the others taking out all them. "I think that you do have an admirer"

She folder her ears back, and receded into her hair a bit. "Oh my... really?" She looked at them, and smiled a bit.

Spike put an arm around her, and smiled, returning to that charming dragon she first saw. "By that one I read, looks like they have quiet the crush on you. If not for Rarity, I might have to fight this one off"

She made an eek, and receded more.

He looked over, and yelped. "Oh cinders!" He backed up. "I'll see you around... bye!" He dashed off, leaving a confused Fluttershy to come out of her hair hole, and look toward his panic. She knew why he was so quick to run, the mare of his heart, was trotting her way toward her locker. She was looking every bit of a beauty, most saw of her.

"Oh, Fluttershy, how are you today dear?" Despite her very being, the aura she gave off, and the way she seemed, and the reputation she had. Rarity was a kindhearted pony, who cared for all. She was a bit into herself, and enjoyed the finer things, but she was not cruel, or conceded like most of her class.

"Hello Rarity, I am well. How are you?"

"Lovely, but that is a given" She snickered. "Oh, don't you have class soon? It's very near the start of the next courses"

Fluttershy gave a little "eep" and looked at the time. "Oh no no, I'm going to be late... oh my..." She jumped up, and started to fly down the hall.

Rarity smiled, and continued on.


The next day, Fluttershy came down the hall, and spotted Spike, this time at Rarity's locker, and was putting his notes in. He spotted her, and stopped. "Hi again"

"Hello Spike, you are trying again I see" She kidded him she did not feel so afraid of dragons, least not him, not any more. she ran into him a couple times yesterday, and he seemed to be a great dragon.

"Yeah, I got it right this time" She went her own, and opened it, finding a new note. "Oh" she muttered. It was square, so see knew it was from her own admirer. She read it, and smiled. These little things seem to bring her a bit of joy, just thinking some pony took a liking to her. She paused, and wondered. "Spike is a dragon... I wonder" She started getting images of potential suitors, but then they went from charming ones like Spike, to scarier ones. She nearly jumped, and Spike poked her arm.

"Oh sorry, seemed a bit troubled. Your pen pal didn't break up with you, did they?" He looked genuinely concerned.

"No, just something else..." She looked over. "You might want to hide"

He turned and saw Rarity. "Cinders!" He tried to run, but crashed into Fluttershy. They fell, and in the time it took for them to get back up, it was too late. She was nearly upon them, so he hid behind his new pony friend.

"Hello dear, who is that?" She cocked her head, to look around the other.

"Oh, this is Spike" She said, grinning to herself. She did not play tricks, but this seemed like a good idea to be playful with her new friend. "He's almost as shy as I am"

"Oh, well, he should not be. He looks rather cute, what I saw" She winked, when he peered around. She then turned to her locker, and opened it. She did not see the fear in Spike's face. "Oh my my, so many little notes. Is it Ponitines Day?" she giggled, holding up a big one, shaped like a long ruby. "How cute, they are all like little gems"

Spike sucked in his lower lip, and frills folded tight in embarrassment. Fluttershy kept him hidden. "What does it say?"

"Very much, but mostly, that these others, were in the wrong locker, and so might be a bit dated. I believe I have an admirer" She snickered. "It has been some time since I've had notes in my locker, seems kind of foalish for college" her tone was un-telling of her feelings.

Spike's heart sank, reading into it as a bad thing. "But," His hope raised. "It is very charming, and cute. I hope to meet this one some day, he writes divinely" She had read a few in a short time. "Words alone, I believe I'm in love" She grabbed her things, and a few more notes, and closed the locker, smiling. "Really makes my day" She was genuine, as she spoke.

"I know how you feel" She said, forgetting herself. "Oh my, I mean..."

"Oh? Some pony else getting little missives?" She neared her, and winked. "Looks like we have some investigating to do. Let me know if you see any pony leaving these, and I'll tell you if I see who's doing the same for you" She grinned, and trotted along, reading another. Fluttershy heard a little giggle from her as she was down the hall.

She turned to Spike, who was on the floor, sitting. "She... liked them... and she wants to meet me..." He said, looking a bit troubled.

"You ok?"

"Yeah... I just... never thought she would actually be interested... I hoped! but... wow" He really seemed to be like herself, very timid, at least when it came to Rarity.

"You want me to lie, and say I have not seen who is putting them in her locker?"

He looked up at her, again looked much younger. "Please, at least... for now"

She smiled, and helped him up. "Ok, I promise to keep it between us"


The week was nearly over, and Fluttershy still had no idea to her own admirer, but she had become close with Spike in the time. He was a very goodhearted dragon, with varying interests. He like to have that smooth, cool guy bravado, but he was a very deep thinker, and was pretty well read. He was becoming a master of the language of Equetria, a future as a writer, seemed his path.

The quiet mare decided to introduce him to Twilight, since they two had much in common, and maybe by the time he was ready to talk to Rarity, he would have some courage from her own friends.

The halls were clearing out, as the day was over, and Fluttershy found Spike by her locker. She greeted him, and received one in kind. She quickly deposited her things, taking only what was needed for home studies, and the two headed toward where she believed to find Twilight still lingering.

Sure enough, the unicorn was in the Library, cleaning up a mess of books she had gathered. "Hello Twilight," As ever, Fluttershy spoke softly. "Busy day of learning?"

"As always, and would not trade it. Though was more for Rainbow Dash, than myself today" She laughed, and noticed the dragon in tow. "Oh, who is this?"

She turned, and introduced them, with a bit of back story. She left out the details of Rarity, by his request. Twilight seemed more curious. "Well, Spike, if Fluttershy likes you, then I should too" She smiled and studied his looks, and style, and wondered more what drew these two together. After the Applejack and Rarity incident, she long learned not to judge friendships.

"So," Spike began, looking at some of the books. "You are interested in literary works?" She nodded. "Read any of the imported works? Like Gryphiam Sharpsbeak? It's from the Gryphon's era of creative works, and a bit hard to properly translate into Ponish, but they are worth a look" he laughed, at a thought in his head. He decided to share it. "They make less sense in Draconian"

"Oh, so you enjoy writing? I admit, I have not seen much outside the domestic works" Fluttershy was already happy how fast they seem to get along, like they had always known one another.

"Though Celestia had a good collection of works from all over" Twilight paused, and realized she mentioned the Queen. She tried not to speak much of her relationship with her in budding friendships. A few knew, because of both the party, and the celebration of the Day of Remembrance, but she still did not want to use it like an ice breaker.

"You know the Queen? Well well, maybe you've seen my cousin. He is a Royal ambassador, actually one reason I know Ponish, and am here." He paused a moments, a bit hesitant to say what was coming next. "I'm actually the Third son of the Dragon King"

Both Fluttershy and Twilight froze, such a revelation, and shock to learn. "Y... you're a Prince?" Twilight asked.

He looked a bit embraced, and scratched the side of his scaled face. "Yeah... well.. it's not such a big deal. Third son, means if I was to ever be King, it would be ages away. Dad has many to go, and my oldest brother isn't even an ancient like my Sister"

"Wow, Spike, that is something still. I'm Queen Celestia student, but not an heir to the thrown"

"Please, don't make a big deal of it, I don't want it to be something to define me. Another reason I'm so far from home. I wanted to live a life free of being treated like a Prince"

She nodded, thinking about how a couple ponies acted when she was found out in her own Royal connections. "I understand"

Spike and Fluttershy helped clean up with Twilight, and they all headed to Apple Cider's. Twilight and Spike continued to act like they have know each other for years, something to their similar interests. Fluttershy was sure of that, but she was glad that they did get along so well.

They arrived, and instead of Twilight's booth, they sat at one of the tables. The booth could hold at least four, but Spike's tail would have been an issue. So an open chair was needed. This spot was under Apple Bloom's care, and she made her way over to them.

"Well, y'all try'n something new" She said, standing near Twilight. "And bringing friends" She looked at Fluttershy and then Spike, where she froze up a bit, an odd look in her eyes.

Twilight looked at her, then at Spike, returning to her, when she spoke. "You ok?"

She blinked a couple times, and resumed herself. "Yeah, yeah, just thinking about something. So what y'all have? I don't make that stuff my sister does, so don't be ask'n" She looked away, but kept Spike in the edge of her sight.

Twilight helped them decide on some food, and Apple Bloom was off. Spike was pretty hard to figure out, he was not too into pony food. He had a taste for gems, and so it was not easy finding anything suitable. Twilight could not help notice, the little mare was keeping an eye on the dragon during the whole order. The Unicorn could not figure out what was in her mind.


A couple days went, and was nearing the end of the week. The two ponies, and dragon, were becoming very close friends, but Spike was still not ready to confront Rarity. So he went on slipping notes in her locker.

Fluttershy own interest, was taking a new turn. She actually wanted to set up a meeting with them, and she felt very nervous in doing so. After some thought, and pestering by Spike, she did decide too, only if he'd talk to Rarity. So the two set their dates, and prepared to meet them.

Spike would be first, though it was not his choice. He was at the locker, about to put the note in, when Rarity came up on him. She came from a different path than normal, so caught him unaware.

"Well, it is you" She said, causing him to jump. She giggled at him, but not meanly, only humored that he is so afraid of her and the feelings. "So you are the one giving me those lovely little letters?"

He pressed up to the lockers, looking at her. His heart was rushing, and breath was hard. He was not ready, but he had no choice now. He nodded, weakly, but enough to make the unicorn go on.

"Well, I must say, having a dragon's attraction, is very flattering. I know many seem to take a liking to me, but I just never would imagine, it would span species" She spoke thoughtful, she was not trying to sound pompous, but the sentence was not easy to make any other way. "You should not be so afraid of your feelings dear"

She put her hand to his cheek, he was uneasy, but then started to relax. Her soft touch was soothing. "We should sit and talk some time" She smiled.


The weekend came, and Fluttershy hid in a bush outside the Ponyville Gardens. She was to meet her admirer here, but she was so afraid of who it was. She knew from the notes, they was a very sweet and caring... what ever they could be. She was surprised she got the answer back. Leaving a little piece if paper in the locker, so if anyone was looking, they would see it. She was hoping it was not some pony being mean, when the answer to this meeting, was "yes" she was feeling like a little filly, with all this note passing, and secret meetings.

Every pony, and creature that came by, she was hopeful, but also afraid it was them. She wanted to leave, but she could not be so mean. This one wanted to meet her, and had been leaving notes for some time now, that she would feel horrible if she stood them up. She actually started to cry, at the thought of some poor soul looking, but not finding who they were hoping to.

Wiping her eyes, she stood up, and felt the courage to wait openly for them. Maybe they were hiding, equally afraid, and so, it could happen she would seem to have done that. No matter what, she would not hurt anything.

Some courage drained away after a couple moments, she was thinking of hiding again when she saw a dark gray pony coming. His hair was a strong blue, and his eyes, behind glasses intended to aid the brown orbs see better. He wore a green hoodie, and blue jeans. He was bundled up for the cold. She knew it was him, because he was looking nervous, and darting his eyes around. He did not see her yet, she was angled behind a tree from his point of view.

She pressed up to the tree, she felt her heart beat picking up. She was not sure what of this all, was causing it too. He trotted past, and stopped by the bush she was hiding in earlier, and she had confirmation now. He was just where she said to be, and he was looking around.

She nearly jumped, when he slowly turned his head, and looked right at her. Both seem to freeze in their places. After a few moments past, he spoke. "H....hi. I'm glad you came. It's.... um.... great to finally meet you."

She hid a bit into her hair, starting to wonder if she could handle this after all. "Oh uh... I... oh dear me..." She started to look very nervous.

He flicked his ears back in a blush and kicks at the ground a little. "I'm uh.... I'm nervous too, this is my first time doing something.... like this."

"Really?!" She said a bit surprised. "Oh.. I mean... just seems a pony like you would...." Ears go back in embarrassment. "have no trouble" The more she stood there, the more she was entranced by him.

He slowly looks up at her and smiles. "Heh, it took enough courage to even start putting letters in your locker. I'm generally pretty shy by nature."

She looked at his smile, and could feel herself melt. "I...I... I can't be so special... to need much courage" She looked away a bit, feeling a bit unworthy to have anypony in love with her, especially this one she found so charming.

He blushed more and looked away in the other direction. "I think you are...you're so gentle and caring.....you're quite amazing." The heat in his ears rose as he spoke, could not believe he said all that.

She played with her hair a bit "Really?.. I mean... I just enjoy animals, and want to keep them well"

He tried to look at her again, and would nod "Well, I really admire that."

Fluttershy looked at him "So... you like animals too?"

"Oh yes, maybe you could teach me some things" He nods more and smiles again as he speaks, starting to get more relaxed as they talked.

Her passion for animals over took her timid nature. "Oh yes, I'd love to show you what I can do! Just really takes a gentle hoof, and lots of love"

His smile grows as he sees her more clearly now that she's perked up. "Well I do have lots of love."

She blinked a couple times, seeing that smile again, returning her to her timid nature. "Oh dear..."

His heart sinks a little from seeing her reaction "Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable...."

"Oh no... you didn't... I'm just not...so... use to... being around s-somepony... so... cute" she hid a bit in her hair, and her words trailed a bit getting softer, nearly whispering the last word.

Getting nervous again and his ears burning in a blush. The insides of them, a deep red, and he kicks at the ground more "I've never been called cute before..."

"Really?.. I'm... a bit surprised by that" She blinked a bit, she truly could not believe it.

She noticed the time, seeing the shadows casting on some of the things on the ground. "Oh dear... Gardens are going close soon" She looks over at the entrance.

He looks over to where she is and notices "Oh yeah, guess we'll have to leave soon."

"It is too bad, the Garden is so lovely" She turns back to him, and smiles a bit, still very timid, but she was feeling less so as she spent time with him.

He looks around at the Garden and nods, then smiles warmly back at her "Yes it is."

"But getting to meet you after so long... was worth it" She paused, something crossing her mind.

He looks toward the ground "I've been nervous about this all day, but I'm glad we finally got to meet."

"Oh dear me... I never asked your name... I'm sorry" She looked a bit teary eyed, feeling so ashamed at herself for not being polite to one who actually wanted to be with her.

He thinks too, realizing he did not know hers as well. "Heh, that's alright." Holding out a hoof "I'm Playful Paws....um...what's yours?"

She looks at it, and slowly puts her in his. "I'm uh... Flut...ter... s...shy..."

Starts in a slow shaking motion "Fluttershy is it? That's a cute name, suits you very nicely."

Her ears went tightly back, hiding her embarrassment. It only made it more apparent. "Oh dear... it's not... so special..."

His tails sway back and forth "I think it fits you perfectly"

"Eep" She notices the tails. "Oh, you have two? That is so cute"

He turns around to show her, the split in it to show two tails "Been that way since birth"

Fluttershy became fascinated. "Really? Never seen anything like it" She pauses, noticing how she was looking at his rear a bit more then the tails. She quickly stood back up, and hid into her hair, near completely. "Oh dear me..."

He wiggles a little, swaying the tails more to show, giggling at her reaction "Hehe" Looking around again "We should really go, they're closing"

She came out of her hair, and looked at the entrance, than looked back to him. "Yes, we should go"

He starts to lead, walking next to her, letting his hoof take a gentle hold of one of hers.

She did not resist, and held back to his. Looking a bit shy, but more so, lovingly at him.

Turns his head to her, giving her a warm smile, happy with the outcome of their meeting.

The Pegasus smiled back, turnings her head a bit, still feeling overwhelmed by the feelings she had. For the first time, being so close to another.

And so the newborn lovers trotted off into the distance, ending another perfect day in Equestria. Even if it was just for them.

She would later realize, the pony by her side, left paw prints, instead of hoof prints, as he trotted. He was practically born for her, in all he was.


Spike trotted into Apple Cider's, he looked a bit down. He did not see the Blue Pegasus storming her way out, looking very mad. She pushed him aside, and he wondered what her problem was, but did not really care too much either. He was hoping to find Twilight, but she was not around. So he sat at a table, and just waited.

Apple Bloom came up, she seemed to move a bit slow, but she did not avoid him. He did not really notice, he was lost in thought.

"Hello... again" She said, a bit shaky.

He looked over to her, and tried to compose himself. "Hi" He simply said.

"Y'all ok?" Her unease faded for a moment.

"Just... it's nothing. You don't want to listen to a stranger complain..."

"Well, if'n it's about the food, or service here" She tried to make a joke, it did cause a small snort of laughter.

"No, just my own problems"

She seemed so much like her sister, as she hopped into the seat across from him. Seemed an Apple trait to take on others burdens. "Y'all can go on, I'll listen. Not much to do around here right now, least for the moment. Some air needs to clear, so I got the ears, if y'all got the time" She smiled, and received one back.

"Ok, well, I'll skip the long winded stuff, and go right too it. I had a crush on somepony. After all the waiting, turns out, we just do not match up too well" She nodded, as he went on. "I fell for her, because of looks, and not because of her personality. Nothing wrong with her, but just isn't so much my type, as I thought she'd be" He sighed. "I wasn't much the type she was looking for either"

"Well," Bloom started. "I can't say I know too much for all the love stuff, but I can figure how you feel" She paused a moment, thinking. "I've had my share of crushes, but nothin' ever truly went any where. Sucks being so young, and far more mature then those about y'all"

Spike laughed a bit. "I can relate to that. I'm roughly your age, if you convert the dragon to pony age difference. So I feel a bit like that in college. I'm not really that old or mature for my pony age"

With both of them sharing a common problem, it broke the ice, and had both of them talking. They sat and talked for a little bit, about feeling out of place, growing up, and doing things for themselves, not what every one else wants them too do. Apple Bloom got up, to go take care of some customers, and then came back with a bowl.

"What's this?" Spike looked at it. Full of little stones.

She flicked her ears back, and spoke a bit timidly. "Well... I heard y'all last time, about liking stones and all. So I went out and found some... in case you came back"

He recognized that look, he had it so many times over Rarity, and now here was this pony, more alike him than the other could ever be. He smiled, and picked up one of the rocks. They were not rarer ones, like he preferred, but the fact she did this for him, made them far more precious than any other could be. "Thanks Apple Bloom, means a lot"

She looked away, making her look adorable in her shyness. He did not know how rare it was, she acted this way. She always showed strength, and pride. "J...just Apple Family hospitality" She tried to cover it up.

"Y... y'all like em? I got what I could find..." She did not look at him, but he smiled more any ways.

"Better than sapphire"

Maybe his dreams had fallen with Rarity, but here he found something else, in the real world that he felt was going to turn out better.

It was almost a mirror, of her older sister and Twilight, when she came in. Apple Bloom gave the main of her attention toward Spike, as they sat and talked. In a short time, they started to build a relationship.