• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch22: Storm Before the Calm

The third day for the sign ups came, and Gilda was feeling confident if not a bit nervous at being the first non-pony in the competition. With her friends cheering her on, or pulling her along as with Dash and Firefly, she did not care. She was starting to feel like herself again, the one she was long ago when life was as happy as it was starting to be again.

Dash sought out the pony that gave them trouble last time, nearly threw the sponsorship at him. "See?!"

He looked at her with surprise, then down at the sheet skeptical. "Well I have to admit, I'm a bit stunned by this" He seemed ready to pull out some other ruling to prevent the entrance of the gryphon. The ponies were prepared for such.

Twilight had learned that dragons had a special talent of sending messages to each other and with it, had Spike’s cousin in Canterlot send over a Royal proclamation. "And, if that is not enough for you" She said stepping up placing the scroll before him, with more care than Dash had shown. "Read this"

He looked at her funny, and then opened the note. "This... cannot be real" He said, with a mix of shock and doubt.

"Look at the seal. It is official from both Queen Celestia of the Day and Queen Luna of the Night, declaring that the sister of one of Equestria's great citizens be allowed into these games"

"I can read that. But how is it that a Gryphon and some ponies of a small town, can get the Queen's backing?"

"Simple" Spike said, joining in the little trip to add his own royal weight to the argument if it became so needed. He hoped it would not be, for he did not enjoy flaunting his lineage. "She is the Student of Queen Celestia"

"And who are you? Not planning to enter too, are you?" He was starting get suspicious of them all.

"Spike Greenspine, son of Lord Dracomire Greenspine II" He held up his own royal documents.

Many were now looking at the group, over hearing the conversation going on. The stallion was nearly knocked out of his chair seeing this all. "Well... I suppose, if there was any reason to deny her, it would have been overruled... by three Rulers"

"Agreed" Another pony came up from behind the sign up one, and became their focus. She was dressed fair more formal than the other, wearing an official badge of the Comity of Iron Pony Judges. "We were told of this and it would seem that it has come to pass, the first non-pony to come to the Iron Pony games. I must say, it is an honour to see this day"

She was an older mare, though she fought the ravages of it off well. "May I be first to congratulate you on this achievement, and hopefully one that will open up these games to more races of our world" She held out her hoof, and Gilda took it firmly.

"Hey, I'm here to prove myself. Gonna show you ponies just what we Gryphons can do, in fair competition” Gilda said, showing her tough side again. She softened it by adding. “I am honoured to be a part of pony history"

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 22:
Storm before the Calm

The Preliminaries were held and when the final group was gathered for the true games, Firefly, Rainbow Dash, and Gilda made it through with ease.

Princess Celestia made an appearance, as she did each year to watch. This time however, she came to announce the history in the making.

"Citizens of Equestria and guests from our neighboring lands, this year will mark a true beginning of something and the end of another. This is the first time that a non-pony has made it not only into the competition, but also into the Games”

She took a bit of a pause, as a story was ready to unfold. “Not since the start of these games during a darker time in our history, when the Earth ponies were caught in a civil war between the Pegasus and Unicorn. When they needed these games to ease their worries and give them something to distract them. These games started the end of those wars, as the athletic Pegasus saw these games as a challenge, and the high classed Unicorn saw it as something of title and privilege to enter those simple games. The ponies then were not so ready to accept these new faces, and so they had to prove themselves but gaining favor from the Earth towns. These started the friendships that would spread to the rest of the cities and towns of Pegasus and Unicorn, and soon as the three stood against each other in friendly competitions and not conflict and they all saw that they were not separated by their differences but their own short sightedness. These early ponies learned the differences only keep apart if we allow them too”

With another pause, the Queen smiled greater at the future she saw. “I know that we who share this world together have long stopped the wars, but not all the unease. Here we are again, with a new face coming into our competition and setting a new page in our history. A Gryphon who I look forward to see compete”

Gilda was so nervous standing up by the Queen, but hid it with her pride and determination. "Gilda has been one of our own, for a number of years now. She is a true sign of how despite any disputes of the past, one can be as loved and welcomed as any other into our fair land as we had learned to accept ourselves. And this would go for any of the others who formed our United Races for Lasting Peace and Prosperity. Her home of Ponyville, nearly unanimously agreed to sponsor her. Not even in the ages ago, when the Pegasus and Unicorns needed such, had any received so near a complete town's backing"

The crowed gave their reaction to the speech, as the Queen took a brief pause. There were members of various other lands watching on, writing or recording the messages here to share back in their home lands.

"As it marks the end of the Species barrier on our humble Iron Pony, is too marks an end to the Games" The gathering was in shock, wondering what this news meant. "After this year," She regained their attention. "The Iron Pony Games are no more. They are to be replaced, by a new competition of our World’s races. The World Games, where each time it's held will be set in a new land to help inspire more unity between all peoples and creatures. The best of each land will come together and win glory for their home lands and honour to the meaning of living harmoniously with all life"

Two figures made their way to the area that the Queen was speaking. A large Dragon who looked every bit as regal and mighty, as the fierce King of Dragons should. Spike looked on beside Twilight, in as much shock as her. She, as most ponies, had never seen a fully grown dragon. The ones in the war were young and smaller. They could easily swallow a pony in a bite, but their King could take a clawful just as easily. Fortunately, the dragons showed little interested in ponies that way even in the war.

Much smaller but no less impressive, a Gryphon flew in adorned in Warrior armour and metals, all showing his glorious victories in battle. He was aged, but no less weak. Lord Friedrich Karl Galstov, Emperor of the Gryphons. He made his move toward Gilda, and placed a heavy claw onto her shoulder. "The Empire is honoured by having you. May you bring glory to your home and homelands" He spoke in a very hard voice tempered by years of wars and might that the Gryphons lived by, and loud enough for the crowd to hear. They cheered for her. Not many knew of the Gryphon ways, but any words with such praise made by any ruler was truly a great reward worthy of cries.

She gripped the arm on her shoulder, and stared deep into his eyes. It had been a long time since she practiced the Gryphon ways, but she remembered them well. “Show only strength, and pride” She thought, and then spoke with the same dedication. "The Honour is being so blessed by our Glorious Emperor. To prove my own against worthy opponents in a field, not of war, but of Honour and Glory"

As the Emperor nodded and they released each other, they turned their attention out to the assembled creatures as Queen Celestia resumed her speech. "I hope this is only the first of many meetings of the rulers of our lands, to ring in the start of the Games and a new era of harmony for all. Doing now when what the games had before, and unite us all.

"So without any further ado; let the final Iron Pony Games begin and let it, and those competing, go down in history as it sets the stage for The World Games!"

With a nod to the Dragon King, Celestia stepped aside. In a show that once was her place, the King bellowed out flames into the large torch. This marked that the Games were on, though the true games did not start till tomorrow. Today would be mostly shows done by select participants and celebrities of the games.

A cry went out of joy and hope for the future. Peace had not been scares, but these games would ensure that it would never be threatened again.


The Games would open in another day, now was time for celebration. Rainbow Dash, Firefly, and Gilda, all joined their friends in a local pub. Minus Spike, who decided to pay a visit to his father. It had been nearly a year since he saw him last. Twilight decide to pass on meeting the King, she was a bit nervous of such a creature.

Applejack and Rarity made the trip to Olymponia, the little sisters of the two would be under Big Macintosh’s watch till they all came to see the games tomorrow. Fluttershy and Playful Paws would as be joining them then.

They spent a few hours having fun, though was not the same without Pinkie. She wanted to come, but had to finish some things back home. After a few rounds, Dash and Firefly were pretty near wasted with the older of the two far more so. She had less control than Dash, and was already having trouble standing.

Twilight was surprised when she was hugged from behind. "Twilight!" The voice of the hugger cried out, and she knew it right away.

"Harmony!" She turned and hugged him back. She had come a long way from the mare that use to avoid much contact of any kind. When they broke, she turned slightly to her friends. "Remember most of these girls I hope"

"Who could forget?" He went on calling their names and giving each a hug, but stopped at Firefly and Gilda. "Not too sure now…" He laughed nervously.

Gilda was not so wasted as the other, and held out her claw. "Name's Gilda, old friend of Dash" He took it, and shook it firm.

"Oh yeah, you're the one that made history today! That is so awesome"

"Ain't no thang" She tried to play it off.

"But a Gryphon wing?" She looked at him funny. "Nothing… Who's the one on the floor?"

They looked at Firefly, who was lying on her side poking a bottle.

"That lush is Firefly, Dash's older sister"

He nodded, laughing. "She seems fun. Hey! You mares wanna meet my friend in the Games, guess your competition Gilda" He looked around, trying to spot them. "He said he'd be around here, just look for a hot looking white Pegasus with red mane. If you get lost in his Blue eyes, I warned ya" Harmony laughed.

"A 'special' friend?" Twilight asked, knowing other royal student's history of dating and playing around. Most Unicorns pretty much kept to themselves, quiet, and bit stuck up. Came from the main cities that were home to majority of the species, but Harmony was about as far from a typical Unicorn as they came. Why most found him easy to get along with.

He took on a more serious expression, one not very suiting to him. "No, he is too special to be some one-nighter" He resumed his almost Pinkie-like silliness, when he spotted his friend. "There he is!"

He dashed off into the crowd.

"One-nighter?" Rarity asked.

"Don't ask..." Was all Twilight said slouching a bit into her seat, the effects of her drinks starting to take hold of her.

Gilda seemed to be more interested. "He only chases Stallions or he go for Mares?" The three sober enough too, looked at her. "What? It's a party, besides Pinkie was... never mind..." She looked away, taking a drink.

Before any could wonder, Harmony returned pulling a white stallion with him dressed in baggy pants and a simple shirt with a flight jacket over. He wore tags, showing his service in the Air Force. He was a little older than Harmony seemed, but not very much.

He looked very shy, nearly fighting the Unicorn. "Common Zero!"

Rarity looked him over, seeming a bit interested. She was growing fond of the white coated, red mane ponies.

He nearly tripped, as Firefly had started to crawl around and was now in the path of the two. In an attempt to save himself, his wings spread and flapped enough to right himself.

The girls all took notice of his impressive wing span one far greater than most, nearly any Pegasus. Even Dash, who was not quite at the point of crawling on the floor drunk, even took notice. She was a bit of an angry drunk, instead of getting impressed she became a bit envious.

"This is ZeroG Stormwing. Told you he was hot" Harmony said with a wink, he was as flirtatious as any mare around his age. Despite the fact he was not one, did not stop him from acting it. His friend covered himself in his wings. "He's a bit shy" The unicorn went on, going into his wings. "Come out, they won't bite" He peeked out, and looked at Gilda. "You're not a biter right?"

"Depends" She said friskily.

"Hi" Zero said, still a little nervous toward the others. He came out of his wings, and sat down next to Twilight. She seemed least threatening also reminded him a bit of Harmony, so he felt a little easier by her. He was trying not to watch the drunken pink pegasus on the floor.

Harmony took a quick seat on the other side of his Pegasus friend surrounding him by Unicorns, as Twilight turned to Zero. "So, you and Harmony do it?" She was now fully suffering from a few too much to drink, and her inhibitions had faded. Harmony flashed a look of shock at her, never seeing this side of her.

Zero paused at the outburst, blinking a couple times in shock. "er...do what?" he asked looking over to Harmony, his eyes asking "what is she talking about" Gilda could not stop herself from laughing, taking another drink after the fit calmed. She gave a quick look to Dash, seeing if she was laughing but the pegasus seemed more distant as she was looking away.

Harmony patted Zero on the back. "Eh... never mind that, and No" He directed the last at Twilight. Applejack looked over at Rarity, who seemed to still be given the new pony eyes. "Smitten, partner?"

Rarity snapped out of her trance, and looked at the earth mare and composed herself. "Oh... I was just thinking, designs and all. He would make a fine model" She looked back, repeating herself with more passion. "A fine model..." Her interest in the white and red combination made her toyed with the idea of giving herself such, but she found she enjoyed it on others more. She enjoyed a bit of window shopping, and Zero was one she liked the sight of.

Zero sensed something, and looked over catching the white unicorn’s gaze. He gave a little smile to her. He looked around seeing each of the drinks and tried to get the bar keeper's attention, and as he leaned over the counter his wings relax and open wider again. The act caused both Harmony and Rarity to giggle in unison; they both shared an interest in the view. Zero's call went unnoticed, as the pub was a bit busy with the crowds from the preliminaries today.

Gilda decided to start some kind of topic, since every other pony seemed too drunk or horny. Ironically, the latter were all Unicorns. Applejack was hard to judge, but she seemed a bit tipsy. Gilda knew that she could make “em” strong, but not sure she could take “em” strong. "So, Zero you are in the Air Force?"

Zero sat down in the seat, waiting to try for the keeper's attention later. He looked over to Gilda "Yeah I am, been in the AF for 5 years now" he replied.

"Early start huh? Don't seem that old to me"

Twilight burped. "Oh my... I see stars...Aries?”

Zero glanced over, but ignored the burping unicorn. "Got in through the school, after graduation" he said, trying to recall.

The wasted Unicorn started grasping at dots before her eyes that were not there, magick and alcohol causing an odd effect.

Zero leaned over the counter again trying to get the barkeeper's attention again, as he leaned his jacket and t-shirt lifted up exposing his coat and a black marking not part of his cutie mark. Rarity noticed it, taking a long look. Harmony spotted her looking and almost looking protective, maybe jealous. As a Mare came over at Zero's call. "Yeah?"

"Can I get a large soda please, and whatever they want" he said pointing to the rest of the group. Gilda gestured for the same she had been having all night, Harmony called for a mojito. Applejack stopped Twilight from raising her hoof, and declined herself. They were nearly ready to go. Rarity decided on something lighter, she was not so into the effects of too much drinks.

After the others made their own requests Gilda looked at Twilight saying, "Sad thing, she's had only two" As she started to lie onto the table. "I bet this would be a good place too-" Applejack shot up, and grabbed the pony cutting her off. "Ok there Sugar Cube, think that is last call fer y'all" She helped her up, and moved her out. "Night all"

"Oh you naughty pony" Twilight said, leaning into Applejack. “All for yourself?” The other folded her ears back hiding her embarrassment, a rare sight on the Earth pony.

Zero looked over to Twilight, as she was stumbling all over "She really is a light weight huh?" he said "Good night" Said to Applejack as they moved passed him. He sipped his drink, after the keeper returned with the orders.

Harmony watched them leave, bidding his fair well as did Rarity and Gilda. Rainbow Dash was still keeping to herself. "Didn't even know she drank" the lighter blue unicorn remarked.

"Not too well it seems" Gilda said, moving closer. "So, it tough, being a flyer in the force?" She resumed the conversation she had started.

Zero sipped again "Oh it is tough, the training is the hardest but once you get your scroll and your wings it’s all worth it" he said with a smile, trying to be friendly.

No one had realized, but Gilda was keeping the topic of interest to the Pegasus so he would feel more at ease. She had picked up a few psychology tricks from Pinkie, and could tell the pony needed it.

"I think," Rarity started, coming closer. "It has given you a fine shape, maybe someday you could allow me the use of it" She giggled, clearly codes in her words. "For some sportier designs” She tried to cover them. “Swanheart has been wishing a new summer line for the fashionable and active" She leaned closer, whispering in his ear. "I'd like to see what that mark was under your shirt"

Zero's ear twitched as she whispered to him, feeling a flush in them never having this kind of attention before. His wings perked up, as did his tail.

Harmony hid his feelings at Zero's attention from Rarity, by smiling. The smile was real, since he enjoyed the fact his friend was finding more friends, but he was also interested in him. Fighting himself, for he knew he had a couple others he could court and it would be selfish. He did not wish to steal any chances from his friend, since his shyness seemed to make it hard for him to get close to many.

Rarity straightened, and finished her last drink in a long, slow, and seductive drain. Keeping her eyes on Zero "I shale call it a night myself. One need's her beauty sleep" she put her hand onto Zero's shoulder. "Hope to see more of you around" She winked. "Was nice to see you again Harmony"

Zero smiled to Rarity again "I am sure you will. Sleep well Ms" He could sense she was hinting to him to join her and as her eyes were on his, he moved them slightly to indicate he was going to stick around here.

With a nod, she showed she understood, and turned and trotted out.

"Night" Harmony said simply, watching her depart.

"Later Rarity" Gilda said. Rainbow Dash gave a brief wave. As Rarity headed out, she was looking back at Zero.

Zero waves to her while giving her a little nod, before turning back to Gilda "So Gilda is it? How long have you known the others?"

"A Good question, don't remember you around when I last visited" Harmony added.

"I've been around, as long as the moody one over there" she pointed at Dash. "But I wasn't the best citizen of Ponyville"

Zero gave a look over to the blue pegasus "Is she always this sociable?" he asked then looked back to Gilda "Oh what happened?"

"Eh, she is toasted. She gets moody when she’s had too much" She looked around. "Huh?" She asked, noticing the lack of the oldest of the group. "Where did Firefly go?” She shrugged, not very concerned. “Any ways, I was a jerk. To put is simply. Took some time but I finally came around, and well, now I'm one of the girls" Last part, she seemed to grow a stronger smile finally believing it herself.

Zero nods as he sipped his soft drink "Glade all things worked out for ya" He too looks around "Where did the other one go?"

Something fell onto Harmony, and he looks at it seeing a coat. Soon some shouts went out, cheering and whooping. Zero looked around for the noises "What was that?" he asked.

Dash's ears perk and she stood up, grabbing the coat then disappeared in the crowd. "Hmm" Gilda sounds, taking a drink. "Ok....she’s had a little too much" She said sipping again. "Firefly has not changed"

"Who is that any ways?" Harmony asked, turning from watching Dash trot off.

"Firefly? A loooong story. In short, Dash's older sister"

"I see" He looked back toward the rest.

"Who is this FireFly?" Zero asked with keen interest

"That one you tripped over. She is like Dash, but older and wilder"

"Interesting, man Harm you sure know a lot of interesting ponies" he looks a Gilda "and gryphons"

"Well, first time I've met her or Firefly. But you are definitely in that category too Zero"

"Thank you Harm" Zero says with a bit of a blush forming, his ears start to pull back to hide it.

"Interesting?" Gilda asked.

"Oh yeah! He's like the fastest flyer I've seen. Tell her" Harmony nudged Zero.

Zero blushes more, ears tightly back as he was nudged "Well..." he started think "Apparently a fast flyer" He says sipping his drink nervously.

"Go on Zero!" Harmony was getting more insistent.

"Yeah, come on" Gilda smirked.

"It’s...it’s not something I like to talk about..." Zero sips his drink again looking down at the counter.

"Well? Shouldn't leave gryphons waiting" Gilda laughed

Zero looks at her "Ok… I had to rescue somepony, went so fast I couldn’t believe it....I saved them....but that’s when the problems started"

Dash started on her way back, after taking Firefly to their room. She stopped, picking up the conversation going on and waited just out of sight.

"Not only did I save the pony... but I hurt them going too fast... I don’t know why I was cursed with these things, nothing but trouble." he sighs "I could of done nothing... but that would of been far worse if I didn’t"

Gilda nodded. "Sounds serious, but not doing anything is way worse when you know you could at least try"

"The problem with saving that pony was not for lack of trying, I was moving too fast to slow down in time. I hit them; hurting them badly, perhaps permanently" Taking a sip of his drink "Since then I’ve tried to avoid the lime light. I don’t want the attention, and it’s bad enough I was hailed a hero. I just wanted out. I found a program to get me from the school to the Air Force. For a time it was nice. Treated like one of the others, but that was until somepony noticed me..."

"Yeah, but hey earned you attention of the Wonder Bolts" Harmony pointed out. Unseen, Dash's ears perked.

"That’s one of the problems... I don’t like the attention... they have asked me to join so many times... I... have to find a way to turn them down"

Gilda seemed amused by the fact. "Thought it was the dream of all Pegasus, to be a Bolt"

"Maybe, but it’s not mine"

"Why?!" A voice shouted behind them. Gilda was first to spot the source, muttering an "Oh boy"

Dash stood not far from them. "You think you are so much better than the rest of us, with those freak wings?!"

"Dash, you're wasted, don-" Gilda got up to try to stop her, but the Pegasus pushed her back.

"It’s ok I can hoof this" Zero said, turning to Dash "No I don’t think I’m much better than anypony else, and yes your right they are freak wings. But do you think for one second I asked for this? No. I can’t help the way I was born. These wings make me special, just like your rainbow mane dose. I never asked to be a hero it was being in the right place at the right time. I’m sorry if that upsets you" He paused, hoping to find some way to cool her fire. "But I have heard a lot about the famous Rainbow Dash, you are a lot of young fliers inspiration to be the best" He finished, than sat back down.

"Feh, no Pegasus in their right mind would turn down the Bolts," His attempt seemed to fall on deaf ears. "Unless they think they are better. Don't try to foal me! I'm going to show you, and when I buck your ass in the games, than the Bolts will beg me to join them!"

Gilda grabbed her, and started to drag her off. "Time for little ponies to sleep it off" Gilda turned to the two stallions. "Sorry guys. She is a mean drunk. Don't take it to heart Zero. Laters"

"Wow... I had a crush on her for a long time. She is gonna have a mega hang over in the morning” He paused, looking at the bar top. “If she wants my place in the Bolts she is welcome to it"

“I don't know,” Harmony started, think about the times he has talked to her. Not as often as Applejack, or some of Twilight’s other new friends. “She seemed easier to talk to when I saw her before. Must be the booze, why I like Mojitos. Light, and limy" Harmony said, finishing it off.

Zero looks at his cola soft drink "I don’t drink alcohol, never liked it"

"Me either, but this is so light. I just like the Lime"

The other snickered a bit. “You are just too cute for words" He said, as he checked the time "It is getting late maybe we too should call it a night, seems all the fun has died down"

"Yeah, big day coming" He hugged to the other.

"Harm, I’m thinking of pulling out of the contest tomorrow."

"You can't!” He panicked. “I think you'll enjoy it. What better way to work those wings out, than against some of the best in Equestria?" His motives were more than that, he knew the pegasus was shy, and needed more than other Air Force officers to hang out with. Zero showed what he had, could open some doors for him. Harmony loved attention and friendship, so it seemed perfect for him.

The white pegasus was not so much the same in that attitude of "more the merrier" and wanted more to just have a few good friends, than too much attention. "That’s just it...if I do compete and win.....it would be something I don’t want"

"What about the mares? Like Rarity?"

Zero pauses, and thinking about her watching him after the little moment they had earlier. "Well... not sure" He tried to hide his smile.

Harmony Winks. "You should do it, if not for me, for her. I bet she would love to do some special designs with the winner"

Zero looked over to Harmony looking at him with a raised brow "The games are a big competition, how do you know I’m any good?"

Harmony patted his friend on the back. "You got in today, out of countless others. I think you can do just as good as any other, if you try"

He looks down sighing "They are all gonna expect the big hero to win....I just don’t want to upset everypony there...."

"It's all for fun, after today's big announcement. All the players are gonna put their very best into this game, The Last Iron Pony Competition. Besides, been some time since that rescue. Can't pass up being in the last games, if not now, you will regret it later. If not being Luna's student, and cause of my trouble with my magick, I'd enter"

"You think they would have forgotten about me, it would be nice to just walk into a room and not have anypony care who I was again" Zero was not so convinced.

Harmony sighs, looking a bit beaten. "I can't make you, but I think it would be nice for you. Can stretch your wings and not have to worry, cause it's a competition. Push yourself against the best in Equestria"

Zero looked at himself in the mirror behind the bar. He smiled and nodded "Ok I will do it, you will be there right?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss seeing you in action"

He blushed at the comment "I will do my best"

Harmony smiles and hugs to him, getting one back. After a couple moments letting the topic fall away, Harmony brought up one from a bit earlier.

"I still think you have a good shot at Rarity" Despite his earlier self, he now seemed willing to set his friend up on a date. "She is a very goodhearted pony, might come off a bit into herself, but more to her than that" He giggled, and Nudged the other pony. "You'd be cute together"

Zero looked at Harmony "How many of those have you had?" He pointed at the nearly empty glass.

"Only one. Why?

"Oh just wondering, you seem to keep wanting to hook me up with somepony" He laughed, causing the other to join him.


Later on after talking to Applejack, whom of the girls, Harmony was closest to besides Twilight. Harmony knew just what spurred the anger in the blue Pegasus. Given the facts; of how she had pushed so hard to be in the Wonder Bolts, finding an easy way in. It was no wonder, given the chances Zero had, and passed it up.

He shared the fact Zero was planning to back out, but Applejack stressed that it might do more harm than good. She knew Dash pretty well and when she had a challenge, she would not leave it be. He assured her that Zero would stay in, but he shared all this with the male pegasus any ways. Zero questioned himself, if he should give it his best or allow Dash to beat him.

The morning of the Games, had the Wonder Bolts putting on the opening ceremonies. The contestants all stood in their groups, and Zero happened to be near Rainbow Dash. Close enough to see her reactions.

When the Bolts first flew out, she looked almost like a filly. Getting excited, watching with foal eyes. She glanced over feeling the others gaze, and her expression turned neutral. She did not seem as mad as she was last night, but not very happy either.

After the opening, and another speech by the Queen of the Day, the contests began. The first round of games as tradition had it, was the hurtle jumps. A game matched by the Pegasus with the Ring Track, and the Unicorns with the Target Maze.

Since the pegasus rounds were not yet up, Zero made his way to the locker rooms to get ready. On his way, he was bumped by a fast talking white Earth stallion with a short mane, nearly as red as his own. "I must watch my trots, yes watch my trots. If I do not, I will get in an accident and my father would not like me getting in an accident, he would not AH!" He paused, and gave a bow. "Iappologiesandoffermybesttoyouinthegames"

"Uh... Thank you. Good luck as well" Zero was a bit confused by the speed of his words, almost as if he was so rushed he could not even slow down to take normal breaths. He noticed the marking on the back of his uniform of his town Marefune, and the Cutie Mark on his arm; A yellow sharp looking number 5, with a red equally sharp looking M behind. He recalled that before, an Earth pony said to be the greatest racer and able to get out of even the tightest jams. "Mach 5" His name came after a moment.

Not long after the other passed, another Earth pony came by and nodded at Zero. His face was covered in a dark mask, with goggles and an “X” above them. He wore a tight white suit for the games, but unlike all the others it only had an “M” Almost like Mach 5’s on the chest. He was a mysterious looking one, but Zero remembered hearing rumors about a “Shooting Star” who seemed to always show up around Mach 5, just when things seemed their worst.

After the two strange encounters, Zero moved on and went to the locker to get into his own suit for the games. He decided to wear the colours of his Unit in the Air Force.

He trotted his way to his locker opening up the door, finding inside a photo of his unit of pegasus with the words written "Good luck ZeroG!" He grew a little smile, as he started getting his cloths in order.

Most the ponies used community locker rooms, Zero was a bit shy but he did not feel he was so special to need a private one. Though he nearly wished he had chosen one, when he was half way into dressing and spotted Rainbow Dash making her way toward him.

He attempted to hide in his wings quickly getting into his suit, but the act failed. Dash grabbed his wing, and pulled it away to expose him. He yelped in surprise, and looked a bit shy.

"Oh, that is studdly" She sarcastically said. "Look, I ain't here to fight or nothing. I'm..." she paused. "Sorry about the Pub last night"

He looked at her oddly, not sure if she was being honest. A few rumors have gone around about her, and one was her unshakable mind. Once she was set on something, she did not take it back.

"I get to be mean, as G told you. So yeah, best of luck and junk. No hard feelings?" She held out her fore hoof. Zero looked at it, and took a moment before gripping it in his. Once he did, she held tight, and leaned in. "I want a good run in these games, I remember you, the Pegasus with the large wings. Don't disappoint me. You think I'm a mean when drunk, you ain't seen me when I feel cheated"

He wanted to fight her hold, but decided against it. "Don't hold nothing back either, cause I won't. When I win, and show the Wonder Bolts that I am better than you, I will be that much closer to my dream"

"I would give you the offer if I could, I don't like attention and all-" She cut him off. "I really don't care. You will be my ticket in. I've started to like history and am doing better in collage, but if I can get out of school now and still have a shot at the Bolts, I'm gonna take it"

She let him go, and stood back. She looked him over and smirked, than trotted off. He was not sure what her smile meant but it seemed to get to him a bit, with everything that had just happened and everything over the course of his life. "Ever pony wants to prove how good they are, or think beating me will make them some super star" He started to think. "It's either picking on me for my wings, or challenging me" A bit of him started to boil, having finally neared the end of a long fuse. "I will show her, and them all. Want to see what these freak wings can do?"

He quickly put on his Iron Pony uniform, and headed out of the lockers, to do some warm up. He was a very cool headed stallion, and did not let much get to him or get mad easily, but now he was done sitting back being picked on.

Comments ( 5 )

A few mistakes, nothing major, but all in all very well written. Must say the idea of humanoid ponies was off putting at first, but I managed to wrap my head around it by about chapter 4.

Great job! I will have to watch you for further works.

good chap hope to read more

1748 this looks right to me is that wrong:rainbowhuh:

i must have more please make more, you and ChinchillaKingXam are the only two with good school fics that I have seen

MOAR! I must have MOAAAR!!:flutterrage:

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