• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch16: After the Storm

The year was nearing its end, and all the ponies were making ready for the new year. Winter was still in full, but the patterns formed for working around the weather made it seem like it was hardly there at all. After the early blizzard, the rest of the season would be a little easier.

Time for old troubles and problems to be forgotten, and for Equestria to start anew.

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 16: After the Storm

Twilight made her way through the snow covered streets, on her way to the library. These last few days, she has cleaned nearly the whole place and reduced the lost book count from the dozens to a mere hoof full. The Owner loved having her, and wondered what they would do when she returned to her studies.

Her relationship with Applejack has grown stronger with each passing day, and she could not for see it ever weakening. Most their friends found it surprising, in it not happened sooner.

In the back of her mind, she wondered about Rainbow Dash. The fight they had still hurt her to think of, though it was not the Pegasus she fought, but Gilda. Dash had sided with the Gryphon, and even after hearing everything, still took her side. She learned that Rainbow Dash tried to find her, but when she crossed paths with Applejack, she found herself in another situation of “one or the other” She picked the other.

She did not see much of either since, both being flyers, it was not too hard to miss. Twilight still wondered if Dash was keeping up in her studies, or if she and Gilda had given up all together. It seemed most logical; neither seemed very keen on school, or fit into the collage mentality.

In the end, it did not matter now. Rainbow Dash, for some reason, felt she owed Gilda a great debt and was enough to cost her a few friendships.

With a sigh, she shook her head and continued on. Twilight forced the thoughts out, replacing it with ones of Applejack. For one who not even a year ago yet had any friends, now had a love.

Twilight was almost to her work, though she rarely felt it was a fitting description for it. She spotted something standings on the archway. When she was nearer, the Unicorn could make out the figure of Gilda. The gryphon stood cross armed, wearing a white heavy coat, and heavy winter pants. She was looking down with her sharp eyes, focused right at Twilight.

"What does she want?" The mare thought to herself, returning the strong gaze.


Applejack was in her shop early, after the incident in Everfree, she was a bit easier around her cousins. She and Candy Apple had the easiest time getting along, but she was still a bit unsure around Adams Apple. Applejack was making an attempt, but was not easy for her.

She relieved them from their night shift, and started getting ready for the day. This early, they did not serve much of anything. It was when they were cleaning things that needed to down for a good time.

The door was open, as it always was, but rarely did they see any pony come in. So when the little bell chimed, Applejack was a bit surprised. She assumed it was one of the two who just left, forgetting something. She came out front any ways, to make sure.

"Y'all forget..." She started, than stopped herself. Her brow came down heavy, and her ears flung back in anger.

Rainbow Dash stood there. She was in her bomber jacket, but added a scarf to her wardrobe, and thicker pants than her sportier ones. She did not look like she wanted a fight, but Applejack on the other hoof was ready too. It was one thing; when she and Twilight were friends, but now they were together. The memories of the hurt she endured because of this pony before her, was rekindled and hotter than ever.

"Get out!" She shouted, taking the other a little by surprise, for Applejack never told any pony to leave the diner. Was Apple Family code to never do such.

"AJ, we need to talk" She started; looking wounded, and spoke uneasily. "This can't go on"

"Then y'all broke it off with that snake?"

She did not give an answer, only looked away.

"I ain't no mind reader, did y'all or not? Cause if'n y'all are still with that beast"

"She's not a beast!" Rainbow Dash shot back, then calmed. "She's my friend... she's done a lot for me..."

Applejack turned away. "Get out, I won't talk to y'all. Time has passed, but y'all are still haven't changed"

"Please Applejack, give me a chance, I can tell you why... I miss what we had..."

"Not enough to give up the bird"

"Just let me-"

"No! I ain't listening to a word" She stomped off into the kitchen.

"I won't leave till you talk to me!" Dash shouted after her. "I'll stay outside. All day. All week!" She turned and went outside, standing by the door way. She pressed her back up to the wall, and waited.


Gilda had landed, and was standing before Twilight now. "We have some unsettled issues"

The pony did not back down, only stared back into her eyes. She was not going to be pushed around by her. "I figured, when Rainbow Dash trampled my heart, we were all done"

Gilda scuffed. "You are so sensitive. Look that is why I'm here... She's been a wreck since then, she has tried to talk to you, but you won't listen. She's tried talking to that hayseed pony, but she won't listen either"

"What do you expect? You attacked me, got me in trouble, and took one of my friends away! Isn't some little mare's tail, where everything magickally is happy after the day it through! I only was trying to help... both of you..."

The gryphon looked away. "I know... I don't need help, Dash does. She has for most her life... I was always the one to do it" She paused a moment, obviously not use to talking like this. "I've had her back for as long as I can remember, and she's had mine. I can't say too much, but understand... she is all I have" When she looked back, the fire was gone, doused by the tears forming in the edges of her eyes.

This sight knocked Twilight back, she did not know much of the gryphon, but knew she never let her guard down. She did not even know she could have a weak side, but she exposed it here, for her friend. "I..." She stuttered. "I do not know what to say..."

"Talk to her. I always thought she'd need only me... I hoped for it, but she needs you and that other pony too. She doesn't need me..." She turned a bit; it was too hard for her to be like this in front of any one.

Twilight moved closer, and put a hand on her shoulder. "She needs you, just as much as any pony else, not less. It is clear that she does, she let go of two friends to keep you" Gilda nodded weakly.

"I need her... I have no one else, I lost them... I don't want to loose Dash too"

"Just because she has friends, does not mean she will leave you. I bet even if you tried, you would find friendship too"

She shook her head at the last part. "Ponies hate Gryphons, since the wars... I can't say it's not justified, but still. The Dragons did worse things, and they are welcomed"

"To be fair, compared to a dragon, a gryphon seems like a small threat"

Gilda laughed weakly. "True..."

"Give us a chance. I was wiling to help you out. I was ready to tutor you, and wanted to make friends with you"

"I don't really need tutoring, Dash does... did..."

Twilight cocked her head. "Did? Did she drop out?"

Gilda laughed again, with a bit more enthusiasm. "That crazy pony, she's actually passing her classes, with ease. Did a good job on her"

"Then why not let me help you too?"

"One, kicked out. Two, I don't need it. I'm a lot more read, than I let on. I know all this crap. I just choose to slack till the last. I've pulled Dash through to make sure she passes too. Maybe not fair on her, but she has a dream, and I won't let it die because of technicalities like education"

Twilight was shocked from all she was learning from her. "Do you have a dream, or are you just in it for her?"

Gilda looked at her, not with any emotions, but as if she could find the answer in her. She had it but needed to allow it time to come out, for her to share. She looked away again, before she started. "Not really, I'm in school... for another reason. I'm just helping Dash get through, as well"

"Can you tell me? I have so many mysteries; I am starting to feel like a detective, trying to piece together some huge plot"

She shook her head. "Maybe someday. Not now, but maybe someday. It's not just mine to tell. Dash has, as you might say, 'a Hoof' in this. Her past, is hers to talk about"

She stretched her back out and her wings at the same time. "This is too early for me to be up, especially with no school. I'm glad we talked Twillit"

"Twilight..." She mumbled.

"Oh right, sorry. We... cool?"

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Though I am not really sure what that means though... Assuming good?"

Gilda laughed, fully, with nothing holding her back. "It's good. Hopefully Dash and uh... what's her name, can make up too"

"Applejack? I do not know... She's a bit stubborn"

The other nodded. "As I've heard over the years, but if I know Dash, she's not one to give up on something she wants"


The day went on long, customers came and went, and everything in Apple Cider's was fine. Outside, Rainbow Dash kept to her word and waited. It started to snow again, and she had to shake off the gathering powder. She was freezing, but would not move, not till Applejack spoke to her.

She knew that Gilda went to see Twilight, and was hoping that they would patch things up. She would be next after Applejack, maybe Twilight would pass the word on. Given the time, she was getting doubtful. Either Gilda failed and as she feared, got into a worse fight with Twilight, or Twilight would not forgive her. Maybe she just did not have her Bay-B, or... She had to stop worrying over it.

"She's still out there" Apple Bloom mentioned to Big Macintosh.

"Eeyep..." He said softly. He knew better than any about the two mares at odds right now, and how Applejack and Rainbow Dash grew so close before.

When the blue Pegasus first came here, she was accompanied by the gryphon, and looked almost soulless. Both looked vary worn out, something he never learned of. They started into the school with his sister, and eventually, Applejack and Rainbow Dash started to become friends. Till one day they got into a fight over something stupid, as they often did.

It was around this time, that Rainbow Dash flew away into the cold winter. Applejack followed after, and despite the blizzard coming, she would not listen. She and Dash had some bet going, or something. Again, he did not know much on the details of it, but all he knew was that they were thought lost.

A day later, Applejack came crawling back, carrying her friend. Making it to Fluttershy’s home, and both looked like they would die any moment. Applejack was much worse off. She was cold, worn out, and running on nothing but will alone.

She was nearly lost, but Rainbow Dash stayed by her side, and maybe just that saved the little filly. She awoke to the sight of her friend's worried, but smiling face. From that day on, they were inseparable

Gilda always seemed to be a problem between them. It was the only thing between them, that could ever break up such a friendship, and it seems to done nearly that.

Big Mac looked out, seeing the shivering mare and frowned. "This has ta stop, they are being foals"

He rarely stuck his muzzle into his sister's business. She was very smart and knew just what she was doing... most the time. Sometimes, she was just too stubborn.

He went outside, and held out his coat. "Here, if'n y'all wait till Hell freezes over, y'all might not want ta yer self"

Rainbow looked at him, and gave a soft smile. "No, I'm fine"

He sighed. "Not many in this here world, who know Applejack so well. She is beyond stubborn, especially when she thinks she is right"

She looked out ahead. "That's just it, she is right... to a point" Her words were a bit shaky from the cold she was trying to ignore. "I'm not giving up Gilda, and once she hears me out, she'll understand that"

He lowered the coat, seeing it was hopeless, she was nearly as stubborn as the other mare she was waiting on. It was a battle of wills now. Would Dash give up, or AJ?"

It was starting to get late, the snow stopped but with the sun dropping, it was getting colder. Rainbow Dash found it hard to keep her eyes open, standing around so long was one thing wearing her down, but the cold sucked her energy.

She sneezed, snapping awake. "Uuuh"

"Y'all gonna just stand there all night, huh?"

She turned her head, and saw Applejack. "D-damn... r-right-t" She tried to smile, but it was too hard to form.

Applejack set up a small part of the diner for the two to talk, with no interruptions and ease dropping. Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom would make sure no pony sat too close.

When Rainbow Dash stopped shivering, after a few gulps of something hot, Applejack sat across from her and studied her. "So, y'all gonna convince me not to buck yer sorry flank outta here again?" She did not want to give away that she missed the other pony, and took up her usual defense.

"You want the whole story? Why Gilda is so important? Or you want a basic idea?" The other was not speaking as brash as she usually did.

"I don't know how long I can hold out, so better make it quick"

Rainbow Dash sighed. Part of her wanted to finally give out the details, but both she and her once closest friend were alike in many things, and being right to the point was one. "Without going too far, she saved me. I never really told you why I came to Ponyville, but before I did, before I met you, she was all I had left. I was all she had too. You saved me once, around this time. It nearly killed you. We were friends for-, nearly forever after that. Gilda and I both suffered something great. It should have killed us too, or at least, destroy who we were. It did destroy me, but somehow, she stayed strong and pulled us through"

The other mare thought about what she said. "So, y'all are saying, she isn't a full on snake"

"She's not one at all!" Dash snapped. "You heard what I said, she lost everything but me, and given the fact ponies don't take too kindly to Gryphons, she had little to be happy about. She brought me back to life, and did it on her own. No pony would help her, and most just ignored her. So you can hopefully see why she doesn't treat any very well"

Applejack took it in, but did not respond.

"I know. It's not right. I've tried to get her to ease up, but she's just as stubborn as us. What happened with Twilight, was horrible. Gilda was wrong, and I even got her to finally see that. I wish it didn't happen, but given what all she has done for me, even if she was in the wrong, I couldn't turn my back on her. I'm all she has! If I took Twilight's side, I don't know what she would have done..." She was a bit teary eyed as she near the end. "I really don't want to think about it... losing her, after everything..."

With a soft sound of thought, Applejack looked down, the words sinking in. She was seeing more about the Gryphon, and was seeing what she meant to Rainbow Dash. "I can... understand. Y'all weren't around when it happened, but I almost lost Apple Bloom. It was my fault, and it was stupid. I see in her, the last bits of my mama. I want so much to protect her, and all, but I'm too protective, and harsh... Maybe that's what Gilda and I share"

Dash looked at her, hopeful she was starting to open up to the star of this conversation.

"I can understand, I really can Dash... So maybe... I was wrong to be so quick to judge the situation, like I was when Bloom ran away. Y'all understand how I felt though, right? Y'all were the only one that knew my feelings about Twilight, and seeing her so hurt, in so much pain, I was so furious... I wanted to attack Gilda, I wanted to find her and beat the daylights outta her"

Rainbow Dash ran her fingers in her mane. "I'm glad you didn't... Though, you don't usually hold back. Why did you?"

"Because... Twilight said not too. She didn't want it to be worse, and she was hoping that maybe Gilda would come to her and try to fix things. Mare is a goodhearted pony, and wants all to get along and be happy. She's a bit out in the field though, thinkin' all plants can grow together"

Dash looked down with her eyes. "A sad fact, that not every pony can just be happy..."

"I wish I could live in Twi's world, where there is no pain or hurt"

"Be easier than Pinkie's world, where it's all candies and giggles" Dash smiled, getting one out of Applejack. "You know?" She started again, thinking about what the other said not too long ago. "Gilda did kinda want to try and patch things up. She came to me not too long ago, and said she wanted to undo what happened and confessed to all she did to Twilight"

"Did she now? Well, I guess she really ain't so bad, if'n she did that"

"She probably already talked to Twilight too. I haven't heard anything, but I'm hoping they patched things up too... We are patched up right?" She looked a bit worried.

Applejack smiled, and shook her head. "Y'all have to ask?"

She laughed nervously. "Well, never know"

They spent a good amount of time going over things since they stopped talking, that moment of their brake up; it seemed longer and longer ago.


The problems between Gilda and Twilight were fine now, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were friends again. Dash still needed to fix things with her and Twilight. So she sought out the Unicorn, and found her leaving her work. When she started to say something, Twilight just clung to her tears in her eyes, as she was happy to have her back. After Applejack, she had expected some trouble, but was welcome to find Twilight was so willing to forgive her. She started to cry herself, thinking about how she could have ever said anything bad about her or think she was at fault in any way.

They clung together for some time, both missing each other more than they thought. For such a short friendship, they were tighter than some who have known each other their whole lives.