• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch02: Twilight's Pony Tale Part 2

The night was nearing it's end, the day was needed. So the Day Queen was starting her own ritual before starting the day's.

She emerged from her bed chambers, dressed in her robe, and not at all prepared, but she was gifted with a natural grace, that even fresh from bed, she had looked presentable. She was not all that concerned to look less then her best around her trusted guards, and aids. She greeted them all, as she was nearly glowing, her white fur sparkling from the reflections of her magick imbued hair's own light.

She made her way toward the chamber she spent much of her free time, what little she had. The personal study she could read tales of history and fiction. Some of which were written by both her, and her sister. Celestia was more of the historian with tales as the accounts of her long lost Guardians of Equestria, from a time when verging dangers required such heroes. Her sister Luna was more of a writer of the fiction.

This room was also where she found great inspiration, when she had to create royal addresses, or make words with those outside the boarders of Equestria.

She took her seat near an elegant fireplace, and with a glance of her lovely pink eyes, the fire started, casting a near haunting light. She opened up her book, one that told a history from one of the neighboring countries, and began to read a few pages. She always found, learning of new things, was a great way to ready for another day.

After a chapter, she closed the book back, and looked over at her desk near the table, and reached from her Bay-B device.

Looking it over, she saw a message on it. She could tell it was from Twilight Sparkle, her student afar, and smiled. "I hope her first day in Ponyville was well" She thought, and opened the message. She first noted the time it was sent. "That pony, she needs a book on getting some sleep" She laughed.

Dear friends of Twilight,

Hi, this isn't her, hehe. No, this is her new roommate, Pinkie Pie. Hi! If I don't know you, well, I hope we can meet, cause I love making friends, and meeting new faces.

Oops, getting off the track... I'm throwing Twilight a surprise party! Celebrating her arrival to Ponyville, and our fair town's newest member.

So come on! Join us in the Grand Hall this Friday, gonna have her show up around 6 or so, so be early so we can get ready! Gonna be so much fun!

Oh, one more thing... This is important... DON'T TELL HER! Please? Cause that would ruin the surprise... hmm unsurprised party? That might be fun, maybe next time.

OK, well, see you there.
Love, Pinkie Pie <3

Celestia place the device down, and smiled. "Well, I suppose things have worked out better then I thought. My faithful student, I had hoped you woud take to this task, with your usual diligence" She laughed at the thought of her reclusive student, now faced with a social life she'd never imagined having before.

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New

Chapter 2 "Twilight's Pony Tales Part 2"

The dawn had come, and the sun was risen into the sky, as it had been made to by the Queen, for ages. All was as it had been, for the many times before. Life began, and daily activities started. The one difference, at least for one pony, was where she would find herself.

Twilight awoke, long after the morning began. She had been so wiped out by the past day, that she needed the long sleep she had. Maybe some Pegasus lag was to blame too. When she sat up, she looked around, not fully aware of herself. She began to panic, till her mind caught up with her body.

She placed a hoof on her chest, and signed. "Oh my..." She noticed something, the silky feel of her nightwear. "Wait a minute..."

She looked around, the room was cleaner, though mostly just shoved over to the right side. She also noted her luggage sitting near her bed, but mostly, that her cloths from yesterday were on top of the bags, and not on her.

Her ears went back in embarrassment, obviously Pinkie had dressed her, and though they were both mares, she had never been naked in front of another, much less, unconsciously. Most ponies did not find such things a big deal, but she was a bit self conscious, adding to her reclusive nature.

She relaxed a bit, thinking about the gesture, and smiled. Her friend thought enough to get her out of the cloths she had been in all day, and even got her into bed properly, instead of the passed out way Twilight had that night. Adding to it all, brought her bags in, and setting them near her. Mostly, that Pinkie had to have stay up pretty late to move all her things so Twilight had at least half the room. She had seemed weird at first, but she also had to have a good nature.

"Pinkie?" She called, since the bed of her room mate was covered, she was either out, or buried. "Are you here?"

She saw some movement, and turned to look over easier. "That's a yes, I hope..." Was either the pink mare, or something was living in the mess.

She heard the ring of the Bay-B, and so she reached over, and picked up the device. A message read "Yep" and Twilight sighed, and got up. Making her way to the pile, digging into it.

After a few things, she found the smiling face of the crazy pony. "Hiya"

"I see... you cleaned up..." Twilight said, looking around the mound.

"A bit, but I kinda got sleepy, and well, I think it musta fell over" She made a face in thought. "Maybe my stuff was tired too?"

Twilight and Pinkie spent a bit cleaning up the mess, and when it was done, Twilight decided to make her way to Apple Cider's. It was well into the afternoon, and she had not much energy after all she did this morning-ish.

On the way, she was met up with one of her new friends. More accurately, she was ran into by her.

With a thud, and shared sounds of pain. Twilight and Rainbow Dash laid on the ground.

"Oops, sorry Sparks" Rainbow said, getting up first, only as an after thought, did she offered to help the other up.

Twilight dusted off, once she was again vertical. "No, it's ok. I am sure I was not paying much attention either, I am not that awake right now"

"I should save my new moves for outside town, it's too cramped here"

The Unicorn studied the Pegasus. "Moves?"

"Yeah, duh, I'm training to be a Wonder Bolt. I did mention that, I think I did... what ever. I am and while I was taking care of some stray clouds, figured I'd get in some new tricks"

Twilight looked up, seeing the clear sky. "Looks fine now," She looked back down at the Pegasus "But you take care of clouds? Do not the unicorns do that? Canterlot, the unicorns control the weather"

Rainbow scoffed. "Well this is Ponyville, we are more traditional. We don't have many magick users here anyways"

Rainbow dash jumped into the air, and floated a bit. "Well, I have to bolt. More to do, fun, and work wise. Later Sparks" She shot off into the sky.

"Sparks?" She shrugged, and kept on toward Apple Cider's, but she didn't get far. She was pulled into a shop. "What the?"

"Twilight, darling" Rarity said, and she could swear the fellow unicorn was sparkling. Maybe she was, using her own magick to do so. "I just had to show you" She disappeared.

"What?" Twilight tried to follow, but lost her when she slipped out of sight. "Rarity?"

The other reappeared, holding something. "Isn't it absolutely beautiful? Oh I just had to make it, though it needs some work" She paused.

Twilight looked over, as she was lost in though. "Well, it does look rather niiieek!" She was abruptly pulled behind a dressing curtain. "Rarity, wait... ahh!" Before she knew what happened, she was in front of a mirror looking at herself. It was a nice looking dress, but not that much in Twilight's taste.

"Oh it is a thing of beauty... Hmmm... no no no" She started to summon some of her tools, and started to work on parts of the dress. "Oh now that I have your figure, I see" She was lost into her own little world, and Twilight stood there in a daze, slowly loosing her focus without her much needed caffeine.

"So you made this?" She came too, and began to wonder. The longer she looked, the more impressed she was.

"Oh yes, this is one of my originals. I was so inspired by our encounter yesterday, I rushed home and drew out the designs, and made an early start today" She never stopped working, she seemed to be a master of multitasking, as she never slowed in anything she did. "I was hoping to find you today, so I could do these little adjustments"

Twilight lifted her arm, and looked at the detail. "You have a real talent"

"Thank you dear, I've always had the horn for fashion, as it would happen" She sighed happily. "One day, I'll be a top designer, and all will know the name of Rarity"

She looked over at a Pegasus who was putting something out. Twilight looked over at him. He was an older pony, but still brimming with life, and beauty of his own. He was a faded blue, with a blonde mane.

Rarity looked back at her work, but Twilight's sight lingered. "He taught me much, once a great designer, but found the life took demanding. He likes to move at his own pace. Me, I can keep up. I've never had trouble with that"

"So what is his name?"

"Swanheart" She said with such respect, Twilight knew she really looked up to him. A personal hero, a true idol for her.

Twilight was still in thought, when she felt a pulling on the dress. "Ahh! Rarity?!"

The Unicorn paused, mid way of undressing her. "What?"

"Can I undress myself, and in privet?" She looked over, she was in plain view of the shop. She had issues with being exposed, growing up in the capitol city, she had some of the etiquette. "It maybe ok for most, but I really do not want to be naked in public..."

Rarity stood up, and stepped back. "Oh, yes, of course" She laughed a bit nervously. "Well, I get carried away. I was in the zone, as it t'wer" She paused. "Oh, but I do need to see your mark. I like to add that personal touch"

They disappeared into the dressing stall, and when they came back out, Twilight was back in her cloths, and Rarity was carrying the dress.

"Thank you dear, I shale incorporate the cutie mark" She thought a bit. "Maybe there?"

"Oh, but I don't know if I could afford such a lovely dress"

Rarity looked at her funny. "Afford? Oh dear, this isn't a commission. I did this as a gift, partly for the inspiration, and partly because of our friendship, the sisterhood we formed in that otherwise terrible line"

She found herself a bit take aback, surprised by such kindness only after a day's time. "Oh you-" Rarity cut her off "No argument. Now you can come back in a few hours, I should have it ready"

"I just wish I knew what I could wear this for, I've never been to a party, or anything like that to need such things"

Rarity giggled, something that Twilight found strange. "I am sure you'll find something. We have a pony around here who has parties as often as a week ends" She moved over to a table, and set down the dress. "She is due for one, it's been a little bit since the last one" She stopped, obviously recalling something. "but again... maybe not" She shrugged. "Never know with her" Had she been more aware, she might have caught the odd behavior.

Twilight moved toward her, and was noticeably slow in her motions. "Who is this party pony?" She gave a yawn.

"Oh dear, you need some of that, what was it now? Apple mocha?" She shook her head, and started to move Twilight toward the door. "Oh what ever, you look worn out, and the day is hardly been. Now go, get some more of that liquid energy"

"Ok ok, gee, I yawn and you get all worried" She smiled a bit. "I'll see you later, thank you so much"

"Any time dear" Twilight left, and Rarity sighed. "Oh mare, that was close..."

Twilight made her way to Apple Ciders, and headed in. The spot she had yesterday was open, and took the seat there. When she sat, she felt herself loose the little bit of steam she had, and she nearly slumped over in the booth. "Oh mare..."

"Looks like that Rarity wasn't lying, when she said y'all was tired" The familiar voice of the country pony said, as she sat down a cup before the worn out Unicorn.

She could smell the perfect brew of apples, creams and coffee. "You, are my favorite pony right now" Twilight said, taking the drink and having some to get her back up to talking. She made sure not to drink it too fast, no matter how bad she wanted too.

Applejack sat across from her in the booth, and studied her friend. "Y'all didn't sleep well?"

She was back up to speed, and sat up a bit more composed. "I did, but I just not use to doing so much activity, especially without some juice" She sipped some more. "This is the best magick any pony could produce" She smiled, getting one in return from the orange mare.

She went on, relaxing a bit. "My room mate had a bit of a mess on her hooves, and so I helped her out, then ran into Rainbow Dash, well, was crashed into, then Rarity had me sized up for a dress"

Applejack's smile went from gratitude, to knowing. "Seems y'all made a heep of friends, all in a day" She shifted out of the seat, and got up. "Well, enjoy that 'juice' I'll get y'all some eats"

"Bu-" She tried to protest, but the others finger came up and waggled before Twilight "A body needs more then just some mud, gotta have something solid in y'all. With me, I'll make sure y'all are well taken care of" She moved on, without giving a chance for the other to say anything.

Twilight smiled to herself, and pulled out her Bay-B's manual. "Well, looks like this will be as good as any time to study this thing"

Some time had pasts as Twilight learned the device, and enjoyed a great meal. She doubted she could ever enjoy food outside this place again.

She made ready to leave, and before she got far out of her seat, the orange pony returned. "Well, how'd y'all like it?"

"It was wonderful, I think Canterlot needs to take some notes"

"Shoot, that's mighty kind. Really all should go to Granny, she sure can make some scraps. Suppose something should be said about farm fresh too, don't think Canterlot gets too much in the right from the fields" She started to gather up the dishes, as Twilight started to pull out a wallet. "Hold there, won't have that"

Twilight blinked, and was surprised. "What? Paying? but do I not owe you something, for the food at least?"

Applejack gave her a wink. "I said, I'd always take care of y'all"

She had all the dishes up, and stood face to face with Twilight. "How can you keep in business, if you give things away?"

Applejack laughed softly. "Here in Ponyville, we do things for one another. We sell things, but we trade more than anything. Food for supplies, and that sort of thing. Sure places like Dressing Diamonds, where that Rarity works, sells their stuff, but services like ours works fine on trade"

"But why have money here? Seems trade would be just fine"

"Normally, sure, but when we get outsiders, we needed to adapt, or we'd start taking big hits in our supplies. Win loose kinda thing. We became a bit dependent on money, but we also now can get things from places like Canterlot" She held up her Bay-B "Win some, loose some" She gave a soft laugh.

Twilight thought about it. "Really not a bad system. Local trade, with outside incomes. I feel bad though, I ca not offer anything to trade"

Applejack put back her device, and took Twilight's hand in hers "Twi, having your friendship is a great return, keeping company with y'all, is a great payment worth some mud and victuals"

Twilight could feel her ears flush, and she put them back embraced. "That is probably the nicest thing I have been told"

"Tis nothing but the honest truth sugar cube"


Twilight made her way back to the dorm, it was getting close to night, and wanted to get more settled into her room. Hoping Pinkie had not done anything to it.

She was in really good spirits, with all that had gone on, so she was humming a bit to herself. She did not know the words, but recalled it was a song that Queen Luna's student use to sing when they studied. She use to find it annoying, but now she felt it was a great song.

"Oh, uh.... excuse me?" She slowed to a stop, and looked over seeing the yellow Pegasus who called to her.

"Oh, hi Fluttershy. How can I help you?" She snickered. "Guess it is funny, you are my student aid"

The other smiled a bit, enjoying the joke, then she turned serious again. "Um, can you help me with something?"

Twilight moved closer, and followed her around. "I'm a bit overwhelmed today, with my duties. I take care of animals around Ponyville, animal sitting, and so on. I just need some help to get finished before night comes" Twilight was happy to help.

They were gathering some of the animals around a little care center, and Twilight picked up a little skunk. "This is safe, right?" She held it out.

"Oh don't worry, animals are very nice, if you are kind to them. Respect them, and don't be afraid, and they'll react in kind"

"Sure do love animals" Twilight said, as Fluttershy closed up a couple more crates.

"Oh yes, they are great company, and I just love spending time with them" Fluttershy took the skunk, and placed it down. "He was getting antsy"

"Oh... good thing you caught that, hate to been sprayed"

The Pegasus watched the little critter walk off. "That's actually not so common as ponies think. It takes a lot out of them so it's a last resort. They'll usually give warning signs"

"Warning huh? sounds good, so what are they? I rather get a rock thrown at me, then sprayed"

Fluttershy giggled, and looked at her. "Well, I don't know about rocks, but they usually will hiss, or pat the ground" She got down on her fours, and started to pat the ground with her fore hooves. The sight made Twilight giggle, this in turn caused the other stop and look a bit confused.

"I'm sorry, but that was so cute"

"Oh my" She stood up, and hid a bit into her hair embraced.

Twilight tried to find her face. "Oh, don't be offended. I was not trying to be mean, I just thought it looked cute"

She squeaked. "Just not use to being... called cute..."

"Aw, but I guess I can share with that. I never had friends till I came here"

"Really?" She popped out of her hair, and looked at her. "Oh!" She looked at the dark sky, then pulled out her Bay-B. "Oh no, um... can you help me with one last thing?"

She blinked, the sudden change in her, but just added to the cuteness of her personality. "I guess, I am a bit sleepy, but I think I can"

"Oh, ok"

They walked on toward the auditorium. They neared the door, and Twilight was a bit confused. "This animal related?"

"Oh, uh... not really" She pushed open the door, it was dark inside, but Twilight walked in before Fluttershy.

The lights went on, and Pinkie popped seemingly from no where. "Surprise!" She and all the others shouted Causing Twilight to jump back. "It's a party for you, with all your friends, and some new ones too be!" She pranced around, as Twilight took in all the ponies there.

She was a bit teary eyed when it started to come together. "This... is for me...?" She looked at Pinkie, then spotted other faces she knew.

"Of course" Rarity said, coming up holding the dress. "I think this is a fitting place to debut" She smiled.

After a moment in the bathroom, she came out in the dress. It looked much nicer then before, it's shades of blues and starry patterns, really seem to match her. She found the cutie mark across her chest, seeming to control the other stars and designs.

The party was well on, and many ponies came to introduce themselves. Thankfully, they did so with the help of one of the girls Twilight had already known. All in all, she met Pinkie's bosses at the Sweet shop, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and some of her friends like Ditzy Doo, the mail mare. Rarity introduced her to her boss and friend, Swanheart, since they had not really met when she saw him earlier. Rainbow Dash showed her to Gilda, though the latter did not stick around long after that. She seemed a bit antisocial, but Twilight did not care. Gryphons were that way, it seemed.

She was feeling a bit tired, and a bit over overwhelmed by all the new faces, but with some Apple Java from Applejack, and so long as she stayed near her first friends here, it was doable to manage. A couple hours in, the party was slowing a bit any ways, so Twilight knew she could hold out till it was over.

Pinkie was bouncing around, and noticed the door opening. She made her way over. "Hello?" She startled the pony outside a bit, at the sudden appearance. He seemed to have been knocking for a little bit. "I swore everpony was here...." She looked at him, he was dressed a bit fancy, even for the party, and whats more, he did not look familiar to her. "Say, who are you? I know all of Ponyville... Are you a new pony too?! You can come join-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just a messenger, here to deliver one to Miss Twilight Sparkle. Is she here?"

"Yes yes, oh, uh...." She bounced off, leaving the stranger confused.

She returned with Twilight, and pointed him out. "He said he has a message for you"

"What?" Another voice came, over flew the blonde Pegasus. "Messages? That's my job!"

Twilight looked at the Pegasus, then at the other. "Wait, I know you... you proceed...." She rushed past them, surprising them all. Ditzy glared at the other messenger, her eyes starting to go in different directions. The poor messenger felt uneasy.

Outside, Pinkie followed after, and for once stopped dead, with all her energy fading. "Oh my mare..."

Applejack looked around, and saw the door opened. Twilight and Pinkie were missing, and by the door was Ditzy Doo, and some stranger. "Hmm, that's odd" Couple others took notice of the sudden absence of both the guest of honor, and the host.

They moved toward the door, and opened both so more could get out. All stopped in shock at what they saw. Pinkie was still a bit frozen in place, and Twilight was clinging onto a taller mare than any there. One everypony in Equestria knew.

"Ho shit!" Rainbow Dash slipped out. "She does know Queen Celestia!"

They all looked at the White royal, who even in the darkness of her Sister's doing, she shined like the sun she wielded. Her dress not that of her usual style, but more formal, and more suited for a party. She did not loose any regality, maybe gained more with such an attempt to fit in with her subjects.

"Oh my Dearest Celestia, I can not believe you have come here" Twilight said, still hugging to her, and being hugged back. The two looking like mother and child. "But why did you come tonight?"

She gave a soft and short laugh, knowing, and caring all at once. "My most faithful student, I was invited. How could I miss your party"

All eyes, but Celestia and Twilight looked upon Pinkie. "I... uh..." She was rarely out of words. "Invited all her friends on the Bay-B" She laughed nervously.

"I thank you for doing so, Pinkie Pie" The Queen said. She and Twilight broke the hug, and moved closer to the crowd. She studied the faces, taking notice of a couple, she gave a smile to Swanheart, to that he nodded. "I am pleased to see that Ponyville is still the lovely community it was when I made my stay here so long ago" She could feel her age with those words, thinking how long it was when she was like Twilight, still growing and learning.

She turned toward the four ponies gathered nearest Twilight, the fifth of the core friends still a bit stuck in place. "I can tell of you four” she looked over at Pinkie “Five,” She corrected herself. “Are particularly important to my student”

She turned toward the distant one of the five. "I had heard of the welcoming comity, but does not seem you've lived up to that" She smiled. "No energy tonight?"

Pinkie blinked, then regained herself. "Oh, so sorry!" She started to bounce around, heading back inside, then quickly coming out again, with some balloons, and cake. "Here" She tied the balloons onto the bits of Royal armor, and hoofed over the cake slice. "Had I known, I'd have something for you done up. I don't want to steal Twilight's thunder, but if you like to stick around I can pull something together"

"No no, that is ok, I cannot stay long" she looked at the cake. "This is a bit more like what I've heard of Ponyville's Party Pony" She paused, as Pinkie put a party hat over her horn, and a noise maker in her mouth. "Well... a lot more like it" She laughed, causing the noise maker to sound off with ever laugh, causing the Queen to laugh more, getting the others to start laughing along.

The Queen did stick around a bit longer, no one wanted to bug her too much, and treated her more like one of the other ponies, than the Queen of their land. The party moved outside, as they watched the night sky glimmer. Soon they were joined by the other Queen of Equestria’s night.

The younger dark coloured pony appeared just past the gathering, wearing her royal armor, not so formal as her sister. She was on duty, and had to keep her appearance. She was slow to approach the group, till another pony poofed into the group.

All looked at the pair, they recognized Queen Luna, but not the lighter blue unicorn, with purple mane, and red glasses.

"Oh, Sister" Celestia moved toward her. "What brings you here? And Harmony Spirit?" The unicorn greeted the Day Queen, and then moved over toward Twilight.

"It's a bit late, for the Sun to be out... do you not think so?" She looked around, a bit timid to be out here.

"Hiya Twilight!" The unicorn hugged her. "Having fun I see"

"Hello Spirit" She hugged back "Yeah, it has been a crazy couple days"

He let go, and stepped back. "So, sticking around long?" She looked at him. "Luna said you might be coming back soon, now that you've made friends like Celestia wanted" A couple heard the conversation, and turned toward it. "Not... that I'm trying to steal you back" He laughed nervously.

The Queens came up to the group, and stood just behind the blue Unicorn. "I was going to let you know" Celestia began, then looked down at Harmony Spirit a bit sternly. "In my own way, but" She looked back up at Twilight. "If you wish, you can come back to Canterlot. I think you have learned a lot already"

The crowd was quiet, Twilight's closer friends stepping closer, looking a bit afraid that she might go.

"I..." She began, looking around. "I would love to come home..." She paused, looking at Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. "But I am not ready, I have much to learn here, and well" She turned back to her mentor. "New friends I would miss too much"

Queen Celestia smiled knowingly. "I thought so, I actually hoped you would say that" She looked out at the ponies. "Friendship is a magickal thing, and it can be created in moments, but the more you get to experience it, the more you can enjoy it's wonder" She looked back at Twilight. "You have many friends here, and much to look forward too. Learn from them, and they will learn from you, and you will all grow as ponies"

She stepped back, as Luna and Harmony moved away. "I must be off, to ready for the next day. Take care of my student" It went out to all of them, but five heard it most. They nodded, and Twilight ran up to the Queen. They embraced for a moment, and then parted.

"I will miss you, but I will make sure to always send you messages" Twilight said.

"I know you well enough, to know that" She smiled, standing with the other two. "Take care my Twilight Sparkle, you are in good hooves"

The little blue unicorn's horn was glowing pink, and the three of them disappeared.

Her closest friends came up to her, Applejack and Rarity hugging her, Pinkie jumped onto the three, and the Pegasus stood close by. Twilight had a tear in her eye, she found happiness she didn't know she was seeking. she felt more whole as a pony, then she ever did.