• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,561 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Double Agent

Chapter 115

Double Agent

The shuttle carrying the group of four came to a halt at the trade center where Liara was supposedly heading towards. There was plentiful foot traffic made their way into and about the large building as the group marched towards the office.

“The Baria Frontiers office is located on the third floor. I don’t hear police chatter so we might have gotten here on t-”


The entire third floor was engulfed in a massive fireball, blowing out every window on the building and neighboring ones while the shockwave threw the entire group to the ground.

“NO!” Fluttershy yelled as fires raged through the building’s floors, debris having fallen down and hit and killed some of the commuters.

“Damnit! I’ll grab the shuttle and seal the building off from the top to make sure no-one gets out!” Tela said rushing back to the vehicle.

“We’ll work from here, see you half-way!” Garrus called back to her before looking at Fluttershy and Dash as the shuttle took off and flew overhead to the roof. “Shy, wing it to the third floor, Find Liara. Dash, take her six, I’ll work from the ground floor.”

“Got it!”

Fluttershy opened her wings and shot off to the blown-out glass of the third floor, Rainbow hot on her tail as they zoomed into the billowing smoke.

“Whoa!” Dash flared to a halt as they exited the smoke right int the middle of a group of heavily armed mercs. Fluttershy, on the other hand, activated the omni-blades on her wings and tore trough two of them before sliding to a halt.

“Contact! Mercs in the building!” Fluttershy called out over the radio as she engaged the group.

The remaining merks weren’t going to give up that easy either and raised their assault rifles, opening fire at point-blank. Dash yelped as she saw her energy shielding rapidly failing, reflexively bringing up the shotgun and firing a blast at the closest merk that had a go at her. Fluttershy was in a better position as she had flown past the group at first, making use of a pillar to shield herself while taking snapshots around it and nailing the mercs in the head one by one.

Rainbow let out a shriek as her shield failed and a slug punched against the armor itself, stars clouding her vision from the pain. In a panic, she lit her wings up in a biotic aura while simultaneously flapping them in an attempt to fly away… Though that didn’t happen as the aura completely surrounded her and flung her forward at ludicrous speed into the merc, flinging the man back and cracking his neck against the pilar Shy was using as cover.

“You okay Dash?” Fluttershy called out as all the mercenaries were downed. The blue pegasus trembled in place as she looked around.

“Y-Yeah, I’m good,” Rainbow replied, shaking her head as she wasn’t sure what had just happened.

“Good, the Baria Frontiers’ office is right up there. We need to move fast before we get swamped.” Fluttershy took the lead, even though she had the sniper as she noticed Dash being a bit rattled. Fires dotted the ground as more corpses were thrown around, some ripped apart from the previous explosions.

“Found some seriously heavy undetonated explosives down here,” Garrus called in over the radio. “The kind of stuff you use to crack bunkers.”

“Must have been a rushed job then. They were desperate and needed to get this done quick.” Tela replied to the turian.

“That might mean they were sloppy, we could still find Liara in this,” Fluttershy replied as she and Dash moved into the main baria frontiers office, a salarian being held up against the wall by the mercs and having the shit pummled out of him.

“Oh no you don’t,” Fluttershy growled as the rapport of her sniper started the second gunfight she’d had in minutes. Dash once again lit her wings, deliberatrely this time, and gave them an almighty flap, hoping to simulate the move she’d pulled a few minutes before… It worked as she shot forward at top speed and crashed into a merc at the back of the room and sent him flying.

“Dash! Get him into cover!” Fluttershy shouted as the salarian had mad himself small and was crawling away. Rainbow didn’t aknowledge Fluttershy’s order but had within a split second positioned herself between the salarian and the remaining mercs that were rapidly dropping.

“I cleared the mercs on the bottom floors. I just passed your entry point, Shy,” Garrus called out as Fluttershy charged the last merc and cut him down with omni-blades.

“Copy that, we’ve got the salarian alive.”

“You did?” Tela immediately replied, sounding surprised. “I’m there too.”

The Specter came walking down from a stairway that lead further up the building, marching straight towards where Dash was covering the salarian and kneeling down in front of him. “Liara T’Soni, you were meeting her. Where is she, is she alive, and what were you going to give her?”

“S-She asked me to track some coördinates down, told me it was nothing to worry about. I don’t know where she is, she was about to meet me when everything went down!” The salarian held out a data drive of the same type as the one they’d found containing the messsage to this office in the firstplace. Tela immediately snatched the drive up and put it into a pocket. “T-That’s all I know.”

“Shit. Did you two find your friend’s body in the hallways?”

“You mean this body?” Liara strode out of the darkness with a SMG raised at the Specter.

“Liara! What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked, gripping her rifle tight to be able to make a quick snapshot if need be there.

“This is the woman who tried to kill me. After the shooting at my appartment I doubled back in the hopes of finding the perpetrator, I found her breaking in.”

Garrus took that moment to run in, taking in the current standoff and raising his rifle towards Tela as well.

“Seems like I’ve been caught, but you’ll never see what’s on this disk you pureblood bitch!” A biotic aura surrounded the glass behind the asari and within the blink of an eye razor sharp shards were flying towards every person in the room.

Fluttershy’s world slowed down as she saw Garrus diving back into the doorway to be safe, Liara put up a biotic shield around her and Rainbow, but the salarian would have no such cover… on the other hand she might be able to stop the rogue Specter right there… or she could tell Dash to charge the asari but that’d put her in danger as well...

1. Just shield the salarian, no point in putting Rainbow in danger.

2. Shield the salarian and tell Dash to charge

3. The Salarian served his purpose regardless, that data is too important.

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Author's Note:

My room is a pressure cooker... It's so stupidly hot.

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 80]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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