• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,562 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Collector Base - Releasing Control

Chapter 155

Collector base - Releasing Control

Fluttershy sprinted up to the cockpit, sliding up next to Joker. “Where are the others?!” she demanded.

“Shit, you got back to walking fast,” he said amazed while inputting controls into the Normandy. "We're heading in a bit deeper, I'm opening the hangar doors up for them to use."

"Understood, I'm heading down to give them a bit extra fire support." Fluttershy sprinted back down the ship, flapping her wings to soar over the holographic station and command console, and coming to a sliding halt in the elevator. Shy rapidly tapped the button to take her down to the hangar and checked her ammo, loading a fresh thermal clip into it before taking a deep breath to calm down.

They'll be alright, calm down Fluttershy.

She set up her rifle on its bipod and waited for the ramp to lower itself. She didn't have to wait long. The area Joker had set down the Normandy was nearly perfect place for a sniper if it wasn't so terribly lit, a wide-open chamber in which she could nail collectors the moment they appeared from the hallways. At the far end of the hall, she could see the large team of the crew making a fighting retreat, shooting and running back in sections so they could keep continuous fire.

Lowering her rate of breathing, Fluttershy took aim at one of the shapes in the darkness only for a sudden flash of pink light to make everything clearer. Though slightly confused, Fluttershy was way too focussed on her targets to give it more thought. Depressing the trigger she sent a round flying straight through the skull of one of the collectors, swiftly followed by more as she took out the few collectors that managed to brave the wall of fire from the main force and had gotten into cover. The rifle rapports sounded particularly loud to her for some reason but she chalked it up to medication still lingering in her system.

"Nice Shooting Shy!" Garrus called out from the distance, more as a cheer than anything else but Fluttershy heard it as if she was standing next to her. A few of the collectors that had gotten into flanking positions were dropped quickly, some of their covers partially exploded as Fluttershy's Black Widow rifle punched straight through them. "On my mark, Turn and retreat into the Normandy... Mark!"

As one, the entire team turned and made a beeline for the open ramp, cover popping up in the hangar for them to hide behind. Grunt was the first one in, carrying Jack under his arm who was heavily bloodied yet kicking and cursing up a storm. Who followed were Miranda, Samara, and Vortash, Zaheed meanwhile nearly dragged along Thane into the hangar bay. Garrus and Rainbow were the last to enter, Dash's left wing looked pretty busted up but for the rest she looked fine... apart from the scowl on her face that was.

Wait... where are Tali, Legion, and Shepard.

A cold shiver of dread made its way over her spine as the door slammed shut. She stood up and clamped the sniper rifle to her side and walked over to Garrus. "Where are the Commander, Legion, and Tali?"

"They split off from us to- Whoa," Garrus' eyes widened, stopping right in his tracks as he stared. Rainbow also glanced over to her, only she felt less shocked and more surprised.

I really need to figure out how to stop this reading emotions thing, it feels like I'm violating them for some reason...

"Hey since when did you turn into Flutterbat?"

"What?" Fluttershy looked back at her wings and found the feathers replaced with a set of leathery wings. "Oh... Well..."

I did get bitten by a changeling which grew something inside of me... what if...

Fluttershy hoped for the best and imagined herself as a pegasus again, pink fire engulfing her briefly as the changes applied themselves. The hangar noticeably became darker and the amount of sound she was hearing decreased as well.

"That's new..." Garrus muttered, staring down at her.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes and pushed her nose against Shy's. "How do we know you're not just a changeling who's disguised like Fluttershy?"


"I have analysed her medical scans and can assure you her behaviour matches that of Fluttershy's, miss Dash. This is your friend." EDI cut in, helping Fluttershy out.

"If you need more proof, Garrus remember that night when Weaver entered our room-"

"It's her!" the turian barked, sounding extremely flustered. Fluttershy snickered for a moment before turning serious again.

"So can you turn into anyone now? Just like the changelings?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy shrugged and looked at Rainbow, trying to imagine herself as her friend like she'd done when changing back to her pegasus form. She might have had more luck turning into the brick wall she was running into as she tried.

"I don't think so, at least not right now. Remember that it's new to me too, I'll fill you all in later." Fluttershy told Dash who felt disappointed. "I still haven't gotten my answer on my first question though," she asked again as the rest of the strike team were busy getting Jack and Thane to the medbay.

"They went deeper in towards the core while we held the way there shut, he ordered us to get out of there asap after priming the reactor," Garrus filled her in. The three waited for the elevator to come down again after the others had taken it up and used it to get to the CIC, running up to the cockpit. "Joker, status!"

"I lost contact with them! Commander do you copy?! Come on Shepard, don't leave me hanging! Do you copy?!" Joker called out over the radio.

"I'm here Joker, did the ground team make it?" the radio crackled.

"Busted up badly but accounted for," Garrus told him. Fluttershy at that moment felt herself connecting to something the same way she had done to Amethyst, distorted words flowing into her mind.

'Human, you've changed nothing. Your species has the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction.'

'Fluttershy! W-What's going on?!'

'Shh, calm down Amethyst. Everything is going to be fine.'

"Shit, I can't land properly around here, they're going to have to jump!" Joker opened the airlock, allowing Fluttershy, Garrus and Dash to get into it. The three of them laid down a hail of cover fire for Shepard, Tali, and Legion as they sprinted for the airlock. Tali and Legion got in just fine but Shepard had gotten behind.

The base shook terribly as its core was meting down, making parts of it rain down from above which smashed into the walkway, the gap Shepard now had to jump becoming very significant.

Not that that stopped the Commander.

That crazy fool!

Lighting their wings, Fluttershy and Rainbow both got the same idea and used their biotics to boost Shepard far enough up to fly into the airlock itself. "We're good! GO!" he immediately barked.

"Detonation in 10, 9, 8..."

"Yeah, I get it EDI!" Joker shouted, punching the Normandy's engines to maximum.

'You have failed. We will find another way.'

'And we shall be waiting.' Fluttershy mentally replied, the link staying silent as the stealth ship soared towards its exit jump point.

'Releasing control.'

Author's Note:

And that was the end to ME2. Dear lord this took me a long time but we're getting there. A small interim and then ME3 is going to kick off, which is gonna be awesome!

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

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