• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,561 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 5


[Join doctor Chakwas in the Medbay] 48%

...If I join doctor Chakwas I'll be able to help the others when they get hurt... just like with the animals at home.

"Doctor?" Fluttershy asked looking over at Chakwas who gently smiled back at her.

"I'd be honored, we could start when you've finished eating?" The doctor proposed, Fluttershy nodded furiously and started eating faster to the Commander's and Doctor's amusement. "So Commander, would you like to see the results of the full body scan I made of miss Fluttershy here, the results should be about done."

Shepard shook his head, "We've got a lead on Matriarch Benezia's daughter, they need me upstairs to help with tracking her down." He told the Doctor, "Though if you find something remarkable I'd like to hear about it."

"Will do, Shepard." The doctor said as the Commander left the mess for the command center. Fluttershy had finished eating her food in the meantime and was looking at Chakwas, "Are you ready to get back to the medbay?"

Fluttershy nodded and the two went back to the med-bay, the doctor starting up a holographic projector after they arrived a hologram of Fluttershy appearing. Chakwas tapped a command on her console which changed the projection to include Fluttershy's cardiovascular system. "Twilight would do anything to have something like this." Fluttershy gasped as she studied the hologram of her own body in amazement.

"Is she the local doctor where you are from?" Chakwas asked while putting on a set of latex gloves, "please hold out your foreleg, I'd like to get a blood sample."

Fluttershy lifted her leg allowing the doctor to draw blood from it, "No, Twilight is a bit of an egghead as Rainbow would say, if there's something to learn Twilight wants to know about it."

"So she's a bit of a mad scientist?" Chakwas chuckled as she put the blood she had collected into one of the machines.

"Some ponies have described her like that," Fluttershy said with a small laugh, Chakwas moving back over to the console.

"Now I wanted to ask you how you were able to lift that fork with your hooves, that should have been impossible by all account," Chakwas asked, Fluttershy glancing down at her hooves.

"I think I once heard Twilight tell me that our hooves generate telekinetic fields that allow us to manipulate objects just as well as creatures with hands or claws can," The shy pegasus answered, "Ponies usually don't really think about it."

The doctor looked at Fluttershy in awe, "Every pony can do this?!" She asked, Fluttershy nodding. Chakwas tapped a couple more commands into her tablet, the hologram changing again. Instead of showing Fluttershy's circulatory system it now showed, what seemed to be, Fluttershy's nervous system. The doctor gasped as she stared at the hologram, her tablet clattering to the ground.

"Doctor? Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked, her ears had fallen flat against her head. The doctor didn't respond but started moving around the hologram with her hands, zooming in on places like her wings, hooves brain and eyes, the concentrations of whatever the scan had detected being much higher in those regions.

"This is amazing." Chakwas whispered as she zoomed out again, "I already suspected your species had some biotic abilities when you flew onto the bed but this..." The doctor struggled to find words for a moment, "...Your species might be the most powerful biotics in the galaxy!"

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side in confusion of what the doctor was talking about, "Doctor could you please explain?"

"Oh, yes I'm sorry. What you see here is an overview of the concentration of Eezo or element zero throughout your body," Chakwas said as she tapped a couple of buttons and the hologram of an asari appeared next to Fluttershy's hologram, "The element is responsible for biotic abilities and the only other known species currently in the galaxy which has natural biotic abilities are the asari but as you can see, the amount of element zero they carry within their bodies is vastly inferior to the amount in yours."

Fluttershy looked back at the two holograms in wonder, "So you think what I call magic is what you call biotics?" She surmised.

"Exactly! Biotics can use the element zero in their bodies to create dark energy fields which in turn can be used to create mass effect fields but there's still a lot we don't know about the workings of the dark energy." Chakwas explained, the machine that held Fluttershy's blood beeped, drawing the doctor's attention for a moment to set it working on a different task before turning back to Fluttershy. "So, do your friends have any special abilities? Just describe anything from simple things like levitation to what you would consider advanced."

"Well all unicorns can use levitation and earthponies can make plants grow faster while pegasi can fly and walk on clouds..." Fluttershy told the doctor thinking for a moment about what she would tell her next, "...Twilight can also teleport and transmutate things, Rainbow can do a sonic rainboom..."

"...Wait, a sonic rainboom? What is that?" Chakwas asked as she looked up from the notes she was taking.

"It's when Rainbow Dash flies so fast she creates a sonic boom that is colored like a rainbow." Fluttershy answered.

"Did you just say that she can break the sound barrier?!" The human looking at the pegasus with wide eyes.

"Yes?" Fluttershy responded, becoming all the more aware that what she might consider normal or unremarkable was, in fact, an incredible feat to the rest of the galaxy.

"Wow that's... incredible! Do you have any ability like this?" The doctor asked as she turned to the hologram again, "Since the pockets of Eezo in your wings, hooves, and brains make sense but the ones in your eyes don't."

Fluttershy bit on her lower lip and gulped as she thought up a response to the doctor,

I don't want to lie to her but what if they think of me as a monster when they discover what I can do with my eyes?

1. I might be able to force my will on other creatures

2. I've got no idea what you mean

3. [Demonstrate the stare]

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

So this chapter is a bit shorter than the others, there's a bit of lore combined with some headcannon in there so I hope it makes sence. :twilightsheepish:

I've also been replaying ME1 for this which i fun and giving me a load of new ideas I'm exited to intruduce in future chapters. Next to that I've already made up my mind on what I'm going to with ME2 when I reach it :yay:

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]


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